

Linux Virtual Server Statistics Grapher

lvs_stats is program which generate graph for Linux Virtual Server by utilizing rrdtool.
Program is written by Ruby.
lvs_stats consists of following three component.

  • GUI frontend(cgi).
  • Program which parse lvs statistics and store rrd database.
  • Program which generate graph from rrd.



Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert

Veröffentlicht: 2008-11-25 10:52
lvs-stats 0.2 (1 files Verstecken)


# About LVS Statistics Grapher
############### READ THIS STATEMENT FIRST ##############
Of course I publish this program hoping this program is
useful for other people.
But, you have to use this program at your own risk.
I'm not responsible for your usage of this program.


Generate graph about ip_vs kernel module information.
This scripts generate following type of graph

All Virtual Server Aggregated graph
* Connection per sconds(CPS)
* Throughput(BPS)
* Active/Inactive Concurrent Connections

Per Virtual Server View
* Connection per sconds(CPS)
* Throughput(BPS)
* Active/Inactive Concurrent Connections
* Packets per seconds(PPS) and Average packet size
* Bit/connection and Packet/connection

You can see sample screen shot from my BLOG

################# IMPORTANT #############################

This scripts expect following commands to work properly.

/sbin/ipvsadm -L -n --stats --exact

And I strongly recomend to manage /etc/hosts file for
VIP entry which enable rrd_stats scripts use service name
as graph title.


* required software
ruby >= 1.8
ruby-rrdtool >= 1.2
rrdtool >= 1.2

# Files
=> library used to generate several type of graph.
=> GUI frontand which enable you to view graph via browser
=> generate graph from rrd database
=> parse /sbin/ipvsadm output and store to rrd database
=> shell scripts executed from cron

# Install example
* install
cd /usr/local/src
tar xzf lvs_stats.tgz
mv lvs_stats /usr/local
cd /usr/local/lvs_stats

mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats
mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/graph
mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/graph/{w,m,y}
mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/rrd
mv index.cgi /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats
ln -s /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/graph
ln -s /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/rrd

* check
ls -l rrd
ls -l graph

access following URL via browser

* register to cron
mv lvs_stats.cron /etc/cron.d/lvs_stats


# About LVS Statistics Grapher
############### READ THIS STATEMENT FIRST ##############
Of course I publish this program hoping this program is
useful for other people.
But, you have to use this program at your own risk.
I'm not responsible for your usage of this program.


Generate graph about ip_vs kernel module information.
This scripts generate following type of graph

All Virtual Server Aggregated graph
* Connection per sconds(CPS)
* Throughput(BPS)
* Active/Inactive Concurrent Connections

Per Virtual Server View
* Connection per sconds(CPS)
* Throughput(BPS)
* Active/Inactive Concurrent Connections
* Packets per seconds(PPS) and Average packet size
* Bit/connection and Packet/connection

You can see sample screen shot from my BLOG

################# IMPORTANT #############################

This scripts expect following commands to work properly.

/sbin/ipvsadm -L -n --stats --exact

And I strongly recomend to manage /etc/hosts file for
VIP entry which enable rrd_stats scripts use service name
as graph title.


* required software
ruby >= 1.8
ruby-rrdtool >= 1.2
rrdtool >= 1.2

# Files
=> library used to generate several type of graph.
=> GUI frontand which enable you to view graph via browser
=> generate graph from rrd database
=> parse /sbin/ipvsadm output and store to rrd database
=> shell scripts executed from cron

# Install example
* install
cd /usr/local/src
tar xzf lvs_stats.tgz
mv lvs_stats /usr/local
cd /usr/local/lvs_stats

mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats
mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/graph
mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/graph/{w,m,y}
mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/rrd
mv index.cgi /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats
ln -s /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/graph
ln -s /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lvs_stats/rrd

* check
ls -l rrd
ls -l graph

access following URL via browser

* register to cron
mv lvs_stats.cron /etc/cron.d/lvs_stats



2008-11-25 t9md
* cange initial RRD DataSource type for from COUNTER to DERIVE with minimal
value of '0'.

2008-11-24 t9md
* initial version released.

2008-11-25 t9md
* cange initial RRD DataSource type for from COUNTER to DERIVE with minimal
value of '0'.

2008-11-24 t9md
* initial version released.