[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-server [apply-design] APply design to top

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SUZUKI Miho null+****@clear*****
Wed Sep 26 15:40:14 JST 2012

SUZUKI Miho	2012-09-26 15:40:14 +0900 (Wed, 26 Sep 2012)

  New Revision: ad88b443e1213727178e56a6512a726f3854b2d1

    APply design to top

  Modified files:

  Modified: app/views/top/index.html.haml (+20 -12)
--- app/views/top/index.html.haml    2012-09-26 15:17:22 +0900 (1b9b4ce)
+++ app/views/top/index.html.haml    2012-09-26 15:40:14 +0900 (0b75be8)
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
-  %h1 Use logaling
-  %p and translate the world.
-  = link_to raw('Learn more »'), 'http://logaling.github.com/', :class => 'btn btn-primary btn-large'
+  .container
+    %h1
+      Use logaling and translate the world.(ここも日本語になる?)
+    %p
+      = link_to 'Learn more »', 'http://logaling.github.com/', :class => 'learnMore'
-%h2 Projects using logaling
--****@proje***** do |project|
-  .well
-    %i.icon-folder-open
-    = link_to project.full_name, project
-  = link_to 'Add new project', new_github_project_path, :class => 'btn btn-large btn-primary'
+  .row
+    %section.span4.addNewProject
+      %h1
+        GitHubプロジェクトを登録する
+      %p
+        = link_to 'プロジェクトを登録する', new_github_project_path, :class => 'addNewProjectBtn'
+    %section.span8.projectsList
+      %h1
+        =image_tag 'homeProjectsUsingLogaling.png', :alt => 'Projects using logaling'
+      %ul
+        -****@proje***** do |project|
+          %li
+            = link_to project.full_name, project
-------------- next part --------------
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