[logaling-commit] logaling/logalimacs [master] Use the with statement instead of let*

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null+****@clear***** null+****@clear*****
Thu Jun 7 22:37:38 JST 2012

yuta yamada	2012-06-07 22:37:38 +0900 (Thu, 07 Jun 2012)

  New Revision: 9719733af69ffc2528d8407beed032136838acde

    Use the with statement instead of let*

  Modified files:

  Modified: logalimacs.el (+12 -12)
--- logalimacs.el    2012-06-07 22:31:57 +0900 (854fe18)
+++ logalimacs.el    2012-06-07 22:37:38 +0900 (c32894a)
@@ -282,18 +282,18 @@
 (defun loga-compute-max-length (words)
-  (let* ((max-source-length 0)
-         (max-target-length 0))
-    (loop for (source target) in words
-          for source-length = (loga-compute-length source)
-          for target-length = (loga-compute-length target)
-          if (and (or (< max-source-length source-length)
-                      (< max-target-length target-length))
-                  (< source-length loga-width-limit-source)
-                  (loga-less-than-half-p source-length target-length))
-          do (setq max-source-length (max max-source-length source-length)
-                   max-target-length (max max-target-length target-length))
-          finally return (cons max-source-length max-target-length))))
+  (loop with max-source-length = 0
+        with max-target-length = 0
+        for (source target) in words
+        for source-length = (loga-compute-length source)
+        for target-length = (loga-compute-length target)
+        if (and (or (< max-source-length source-length)
+                    (< max-target-length target-length))
+                (< source-length loga-width-limit-source)
+                (loga-less-than-half-p source-length target-length))
+        do (setq max-source-length (max max-source-length source-length)
+                 max-target-length (max max-target-length target-length))
+        finally return (cons max-source-length max-target-length)))
 (defun loga-less-than-half-p (source-length target-length)
   (let* ((half (- (/ (window-width) 2) 2)))

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