[JM:01095] Have you got a minute? There are some people looking for http://linuxjm.sourceforge.jp

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conta****@manch***** conta****@manch*****
2015年 3月 10日 (火) 02:25:38 JST

Hi there,

I have been recommended to look at
http://mailsender.co.uk/lists/lt.php?id=ZUVWCwUADQkdVwgGHVADUlhXUAc as
we've been working
with people in your industry for the past 11 years.

There's more than enough work to go round at the moment and I want to
look at getting some new business for you. 

We can give you a few examples of how we generate work for clients so
you can see how this works, you can learn more about *how we do this*
here <http://mailsender.co.uk/lists/lt.php?id=ZUVRCggDDQ0dVwgGHVADUlhXUAc>

Please only get back to us if you are OK with the following: 

* You Can Take on new clients

* Clients coming to you for the first time with no knowledge of your

* You Have internet & Telephone access to receive enquiries 

* You have a good level of standard/service at your business

The easy bit is I will do everything for you, I need a minute to go
through this with you, please respond with the best time of day for me
to try to make contact and I look forward to speaking soon. 

Manchester SEO Company



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