[JM:01056] PAYMENT_0023

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m.r.ehsanfar m.r.e****@zebol*****
2014年 9月 15日 (月) 07:28:46 JST


We have made the prepayment of our previous Order on friday scanned COPY
attached,Regarding the shipment we had a problem with our formal agent so
our new Agent will contact you for the shipment

Please confirm the payment slip as attached

Thanks & Best Regards,
Mrs.lucy C. Ulngaro
General Manager
International Sales and purchasing Department
Tel: +134-755-2874 9095
Mob: +134-138-2394-5309
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URL:        http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/linuxjm-discuss/attachments/20140914/ce43ab0e/attachment-0001.zip 

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