[Joypy-announce] joypy/Joypy: 4 new changesets

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scmno****@osdn***** scmno****@osdn*****
Wed May 20 07:35:12 JST 2020

changeset d9cc9c6acc57 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=d9cc9c6acc57
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Tue May 19 14:27:18 2020 -0700
description: Yes, tabs.
changeset 7e25e2e7ae17 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=7e25e2e7ae17
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Tue May 19 14:50:10 2020 -0700
description: Minor cleanup.
changeset 3b453f3f1a53 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=3b453f3f1a53
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Tue May 19 15:13:38 2020 -0700
description: Make the GUI its own thing.
changeset 239cf1409d4f in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=239cf1409d4f
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Tue May 19 15:34:20 2020 -0700
description: Remove the Joy code.

It's now a dependency that you have to get from e.g. PyPI.


 .hgignore                                                   |      1 +
 MANIFEST                                                    |     41 -
 Makefile                                                    |     20 +-
 README                                                      |    201 +-
 archive/Joy-Programming.zip                                 |    Bin 
 archive/README                                              |      4 -
 docs/VUI-docs/Makefile                                      |     19 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/core.doctree                   |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/display.doctree                |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/environment.pickle             |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/index.doctree                  |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/main.doctree                   |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/persist_task.doctree           |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/stack_viewer.doctree           |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/text_viewer.doctree            |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/doctrees/viewer.doctree                 |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/.buildinfo                         |      4 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_images/Joy-VUI-screenshot.PNG     |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_images/packages_Vui.png           |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_modules/index.html                |    105 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_modules/joy/vui/core.html         |    380 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_modules/joy/vui/display.html      |    604 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_modules/joy/vui/main.html         |    274 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_modules/joy/vui/persist_task.html |    372 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_modules/joy/vui/stack_viewer.html |    175 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_modules/joy/vui/text_viewer.html  |    799 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_modules/joy/vui/viewer.html       |    345 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_sources/core.rst.txt              |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_sources/display.rst.txt           |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_sources/index.rst.txt             |    175 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_sources/main.rst.txt              |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_sources/persist_task.rst.txt      |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_sources/stack_viewer.rst.txt      |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_sources/text_viewer.rst.txt       |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_sources/viewer.rst.txt            |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/Joy-VUI-screenshot.PNG     |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/ajax-loader.gif            |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/alabaster.css              |    693 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/basic.css                  |    676 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/comment-bright.png         |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/comment-close.png          |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/comment.png                |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/custom.css                 |      1 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/doctools.js                |    315 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/documentation_options.js   |     10 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/down-pressed.png           |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/down.png                   |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/file.png                   |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/jquery-3.2.1.js            |  10253 ++++++++++
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/jquery.js                  |      4 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/language_data.js           |    297 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/minus.png                  |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/packages_Vui.png           |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/plus.png                   |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/pygments.css               |     65 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/searchtools.js             |    481 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/underscore-1.3.1.js        |    999 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/underscore.js              |     31 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/up-pressed.png             |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/up.png                     |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/_static/websupport.js              |    808 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/core.html                          |    234 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/display.html                       |    286 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/genindex.html                      |    463 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/index.html                         |    242 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/main.html                          |    180 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/objects.inv                        |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/persist_task.html                  |    222 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/py-modindex.html                   |    153 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/search.html                        |    116 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/searchindex.js                     |      1 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/stack_viewer.html                  |    114 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/text_viewer.html                   |    124 +
 docs/VUI-docs/build/html/viewer.html                        |    150 +
 docs/VUI-docs/make.bat                                      |     35 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/_static/Joy-VUI-screenshot.PNG         |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/source/_static/packages_Vui.png               |    Bin 
 docs/VUI-docs/source/conf.py                                |    179 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/core.rst                               |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/display.rst                            |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/index.rst                              |    175 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/main.rst                               |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/persist_task.rst                       |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/stack_viewer.rst                       |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/text_viewer.rst                        |      3 +
 docs/VUI-docs/source/viewer.rst                             |      3 +
 docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/_modules/joy/library.html      |    394 +-
 docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/_modules/joy/parser.html       |      2 +-
 docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/genindex.html                  |    107 +-
 docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/library.html                   |     78 +-
 docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/objects.inv                    |    Bin 
 docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/py-modindex.html               |      5 +
 docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/searchindex.js                 |      2 +-
 docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/types.html                     |    208 +
 docs/sphinx_docs/types.rst                                  |     10 +-
 i3.json                                                     |     88 +
 joy/__main__.py                                             |     34 -
 joy/joy.py                                                  |    111 -
 joy/library.py                                              |   1423 -
 joy/parser.py                                               |    124 -
 joy/utils/generated_library.py                              |    389 -
 joy/utils/pretty_print.py                                   |    128 -
 joy/utils/stack.py                                          |    197 -
 setup.py                                                    |     30 +-
 start-with-i3.sh                                            |      1 +
 start.bat                                                   |      1 +
 startREPL.bat                                               |      1 -
 startVUI.bat                                                |      1 +
 xerblin/gui/__main__.py                                     |     24 +
 xerblin/gui/controllerlistbox.py                            |    156 +
 xerblin/gui/default_joy_home/definitions.txt                |     49 +
 xerblin/gui/default_joy_home/log.txt                        |      4 +
 xerblin/gui/default_joy_home/scratch.txt                    |     59 +
 xerblin/gui/default_joy_home/stack.pickle                   |      1 +
 xerblin/gui/default_joy_home/thun.config                    |     15 +
 xerblin/gui/init_joy_home.py                                |    106 +
 xerblin/gui/main.py                                         |    198 +
 xerblin/gui/mousebindings.py                                |    211 +
 xerblin/gui/textwidget.py                                   |    474 +
 xerblin/gui/utils.py                                        |     98 +
 xerblin/gui/world.py                                        |    173 +
 xerblin/vui/Iosevka12.BMP                                   |    Bin 
 xerblin/vui/README.txt                                      |    163 +
 xerblin/vui/__main__.py                                     |     24 +
 xerblin/vui/core.py                                         |    282 +
 xerblin/vui/debug_main.py                                   |     19 +
 xerblin/vui/default_joy_home/definitions.txt                |     17 +
 xerblin/vui/default_joy_home/library.py                     |    206 +
 xerblin/vui/default_joy_home/log.txt                        |      1 +
 xerblin/vui/default_joy_home/menu.txt                       |     51 +
 xerblin/vui/default_joy_home/scratch.txt                    |     85 +
 xerblin/vui/default_joy_home/stack.pickle                   |      1 +
 xerblin/vui/display.py                                      |    510 +
 xerblin/vui/font_data.py                                    |    189 +
 xerblin/vui/init_joy_home.py                                |    278 +
 xerblin/vui/main.py                                         |    179 +
 xerblin/vui/persist_task.py                                 |    274 +
 xerblin/vui/stack_viewer.py                                 |     75 +
 xerblin/vui/text_viewer.py                                  |    704 +
 xerblin/vui/viewer.py                                       |    249 +
 140 files changed, 26304 insertions(+), 2773 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 30334 to 300 lines):

diff -r 18c912c5352d -r 239cf1409d4f .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore	Tue May 19 14:09:00 2020 -0700
+++ b/.hgignore	Tue May 19 15:34:20 2020 -0700
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
diff -r 18c912c5352d -r 239cf1409d4f MANIFEST
--- a/MANIFEST	Tue May 19 14:09:00 2020 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# file GENERATED by distutils, do NOT edit
diff -r 18c912c5352d -r 239cf1409d4f Makefile
--- a/Makefile	Tue May 19 14:09:00 2020 -0700
+++ b/Makefile	Tue May 19 15:34:20 2020 -0700
@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
 # My make-fu style is old and tired.  I just want to have a few helper commands.
 TESTDIR = ./test00
-VERSION = 0.4.0
+VERSION = 0.1.0
 WEBSERVER = sform****@shell*****
-.PHONY: clean sdist test docs upload-docs
+.PHONY: clean sdist test
-	$(RM) -r Thun.egg-info/ dist/ build/ __pycache__/ $(TESTDIR)
+	$(RM) -r Xerblin.egg-info/ dist/ build/ __pycache__/ $(TESTDIR)
 	find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs $(RM)
 	python ./setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
-joy/utils/generated_library.py: joy/utils/types.py
-	python -c 'import joy.utils.types ; joy.utils.types.generate_library_code()' > $@
 # In order to support testing the code as installed
 # create a virtualenv and install the source dist zip there.
@@ -24,13 +21,6 @@
 	$(RM) -r $(TESTDIR)
 	virtualenv --system-site-packages --never-download $(TESTDIR)
 	. $(TESTDIR)/bin/activate && \
-		pip install --no-cache-dir --no-index ./dist/Thun-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+		pip install setuptools && \
+		pip install --no-cache-dir --no-index ./dist/Xerblin-$(VERSION).tar.gz
 	echo "Type: source $(TESTDIR)/bin/activate"
-	cd ./docs && make && make mov && cd ./sphinx_docs && make html
-upload-docs: docs
-	ssh $(WEBSERVER) /home/users/s/sf/sforman/backup-and-remove-htdocs
-	rsync -rv --progress ./docs/sphinx_docs/_build/html/ $(WEBSERVER):/home/groups/j/jo/joypy/htdocs/
diff -r 18c912c5352d -r 239cf1409d4f README
--- a/README	Tue May 19 14:09:00 2020 -0700
+++ b/README	Tue May 19 15:34:20 2020 -0700
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-                Thun
-  Dialects of Joy in Python and Prolog.
+IDE/GUI for Joy.
-               v0.3.0
-Copyright © 2014-2020 Simon Forman
+Copyright © 2020 Simon Forman
 This file is part of Thun
@@ -33,202 +33,9 @@
 §.1 Introduction
-Joy is a programming language created by Manfred von Thun that is easy to
-use and understand and has many other nice properties.  This project 
-implements Python and Prolog interpreters for dialects that attempts to
-stay very close to the spirit of Joy but does not precisely match the
-behaviour of the original version written in C.
-The best source (no pun intended) for learning about Joy is the
-information made available at the website of La Trobe University (see the
-references section below for the URL) which contains source code for the
-original C interpreter, Joy language source code for various functions,
-and a great deal of fascinating material mostly written by Von Thun on
-Joy and its deeper facets as well as how to program in it and several
-interesting aspects.  It's quite a treasure trove.
 §.2 Installation
-From PyPI in the usual way, e.g.:
-    pip install Thun
-Or if you have downloaded the source, from the top directory:
     python ./setup.py install
 Or you can run the package directly from the top directory.
-To start a crude REPL:
-    python -m joy
-§.3 Documentation
-§.3.1 Jupyter Notebooks
-The docs/ folder contains Jupyter notebooks, ... TODO
-§.3.2 Sphinx Docs
-Some of the documentation is in the form of ReST files
-§.3.3 Building the Docs
-Building the documentation is a little tricky at the moment.  It involves
-a makefile that uses nbconvert to generate ReST files from some of the
-notebooks, copies those to the sphinx source dir, then builds the HTML
-output using sphinx.
-Get the dependencies for (re)building the docs:
-    pip install Thun[build-docs]
-    make docs
-§.4 Basics of Joy
-Joy is stack-based.  There is a main stack that holds data items:
-integers, floats, strings, functions, and sequences or quotes which hold
-data items themselves.
-    23 1.8 'a string' "another" dup [21 18 /] [1 [2 [3]]]
-A Joy expression is just a sequence (a.k.a. "list") of items.  Sequences
-intended as programs are called "quoted programs".  Evaluation proceeds
-by iterating through the terms in the expression, putting all literals
-onto the main stack and executing functions as they are encountered.
-Functions receive the current stack and return the next stack.
-§.4.1 Python Semantics
-In general, where otherwise unspecified, the semantics of Thun are that
-of the underlying Python. That means, for example, that integers are
-unbounded (whatever your machine can handle), strings cannot be added to
-integers but can be multiplied, Boolean True and False are effectively
-identical to ints 1 and 0, empty sequences are considered False, etc.
-Nothing is done about Python exceptions currently, although it would be
-possible to capture the stack and expression just before the exception
-and build a robust and flexible error handler.  Because they are both
-just datastructures, you could immediately retry them under a debugger,
-or edit either or both of the stack and expression.  All state is in one
-or the other.
-§.4.2 Literals and Simple Functions
-    joy? 1 2 3
-          . 1 2 3
-        1 . 2 3
-      1 2 . 3
-    1 2 3 . 
-    1 2 3 <-top
-    joy? + +
-    1 2 3 . + +
-      1 5 . +
-        6 . 
-    6 <-top
-    joy? 7 *
-      6 . 7 *
-    6 7 . *
-     42 . 
-    42 <-top
-    joy? 
-§.4.3 Combinators
-The main loop is very simple as most of the action happens through what
-are called "combinators": functions which accept quoted programs on the
-stack and run them in various ways.  These combinators factor specific
-patterns that provide the effect of control-flow in other languages (such
-as ifte which is like if..then..else..)  Combinators receive the current
-expession in addition to the stack and return the next expression.  They
-work by changing the pending expression the interpreter is about to
-execute.  The combinators could work by making recursive calls to the
-interpreter and all intermediate state would be held in the call stack of
-the implementation language, in this joy implementation they work instead
-by changing the pending expression and intermediate state is put there.
-    joy? 23 [0 >] [dup --] while
-    ...
-    -> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
-§.4.4 Definitions and More Elaborate Functions
-§.4.5 Programming and Metaprogramming
-§.4.6 Refactoring
-§.5 This Implementation
-Run with:
-    python -m joy
- |-- COPYING - license
- |-- README - this file
- |
- |-- archive - info on Joy
- |   |-- Joy-Programming.zip
- |   `-- README
- |
- |-- docs - Various Examples and Demos
- |   |-- * - Jupyter Notebooks on Thun and supporting modules
- |   `-- README - Table of Contents
- |
- |-- joy
- |   |-- joy.py - main loop, REPL
- |   |-- library.py - Functions, Combinators, Definitions
- |   |-- parser.py - convert text to Joy datastructures
- |   |
- |   `-- utils
- |       |-- pretty_print.py - convert Joy datastructures to text
- |       `-- stack.py - work with stacks
- |
- |-- thun - Experimental Prolog Code
- |   |-- compiler.pl - A start on a compiler for Prof. Wirth's RISC CPU
- |   `-- thun.pl - An interpreter in the Logical Paradigm, compiler.

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