[Joypy-announce] joypy/Joypy: 12 new changesets

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Sat Nov 9 01:09:29 JST 2019

changeset eac58af6f029 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=eac58af6f029
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Aug 22 15:45:24 2019 -0700
description: Using partial deduction to inline literals, functions, and combinators.
changeset 388498a92ec2 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=388498a92ec2
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 07:43:21 2019 -0800
description: Call for_serial/2
changeset 35adeef789b5 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=35adeef789b5
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 07:53:21 2019 -0800
description: Definition of ii combinator.

    ii == [dip] dupdip i

         a [F] ii
          F a F
changeset 279af86ad1c7 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=279af86ad1c7
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 07:54:04 2019 -0800
description: Modify error reporting a lil; words word.
changeset c6855764e56c in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=c6855764e56c
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 07:55:01 2019 -0800
description: Minor cleanup.
changeset 9e81f11a3d9b in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=9e81f11a3d9b
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 14:57:41 2019 -0800
description: Take two on the compiler.
changeset acb9fe43416f in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=acb9fe43416f
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 15:53:07 2019 -0800
description: A start on converting the mainloop.
changeset b2193326aa4b in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=b2193326aa4b
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 16:15:41 2019 -0800
description: if_literal
changeset 5f06141751b4 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=5f06141751b4
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 16:28:28 2019 -0800
description: lookup
changeset b3c77a3888a0 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=b3c77a3888a0
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 17:25:04 2019 -0800
description: WIth push2 finished that's the mainloop converted.
changeset 0efb54e09cea in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=0efb54e09cea
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Thu Nov 07 20:21:26 2019 -0800
description: hmm...
changeset fa99e0be2382 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=fa99e0be2382
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Fri Nov 08 08:08:53 2019 -0800
description: Just do it in asm.


 joy/library.py                 |    1 +
 thun/TLA.pl                    |    4 -
 thun/compiler.markII.pl        |  421 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 thun/compiler.pl               |    3 +-
 thun/gnu-prolog/junk/partev.pl |  167 ++++++++++++++++
 thun/markII.rst                |  200 +++++++++++++++++++
 thun/thun.pl                   |   12 +-
 7 files changed, 802 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 895 to 300 lines):

diff -r c745734dea14 -r fa99e0be2382 joy/library.py
--- a/joy/library.py	Tue Aug 20 22:00:27 2019 -0700
+++ b/joy/library.py	Fri Nov 08 08:08:53 2019 -0800
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@
 definitions = ('''\
+ii == [dip] dupdip i
 of == swap at
 product == 1 swap [*] step
 flatten == [] swap [concat] step
diff -r c745734dea14 -r fa99e0be2382 thun/TLA.pl
--- a/thun/TLA.pl	Tue Aug 20 22:00:27 2019 -0700
+++ b/thun/TLA.pl	Fri Nov 08 08:08:53 2019 -0800
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
 type_ok(Small, Big) :- Small in 0..3, Big in 0..5.
 next_dh(Moves) :- next_dh(0, 0, Moves).
 next_dh(Small, Big, [[Move, Si, Bi]|Moves]) :-
@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@
     die_hard(Move, Small, Big, Si, Bi),
     (Bi = 4 -> Moves = [] ; next_dh(Si, Bi, Moves)).
 die_hard( fill_small, Small, Big, 3, Big) :- Small #< 3.
 die_hard(   fill_big, Small, Big, Small, 5) :- Big #< 5.
 die_hard(empty_small, Small, Big, 0, Big) :- Small #> 0.
@@ -83,7 +81,6 @@
     Small #< 3, Big #> 0,
     big_to_small(Small, Big, S, B).
 big_to_small(Small, Big, S, 0) :-
     Small + Big #=< 3,
     S #= Small + Big.
@@ -92,7 +89,6 @@
     Small + Big #> 3,
     B #= Big - (3 - Small).
 small_to_big(Small, Big, 0, B) :-
     Small + Big #=< 5,
     B #= Small + Big.
diff -r c745734dea14 -r fa99e0be2382 thun/compiler.markII.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thun/compiler.markII.pl	Fri Nov 08 08:08:53 2019 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+Copyright © 2018-2019 Simon Forman
+This file is part of Thun
+Thun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+Thun is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Thun.  If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Mark II
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
+% Just do it in assembler.
+program([  % Mainloop.
+    do_offset(Over),  % Oberon bootloader writes MemLim to RAM[12] and
+    allocate(_, 16),  % stackOrg to RAM[24], we don't need these
+    label(Over),  % but they must not be allowed to corrupt our code.
+    mov_imm(0, 0),  % zero out the root cell.
+    store_word(0, 0, 0),
+    mov_imm(SP, 0x1000),
+    mov_imm(EXPR_addr, 0x500),
+    mov_imm(TOS, 0),
+    mov_imm(TERM, 0),
+    store_word(TOS, SP, 0),  % RAM[SP] := 0
+    label(Main),
+    % if_zero(EXPR_addr, HALT),
+    sub_imm(EXPR_addr, EXPR_addr, 0),
+    eq_offset(HALT),
+    % deref(EXPR_addr, EXPR),
+    load_word(EXPR, EXPR_addr, 0),  % Load expr pair record into EXPR
+    % At this point EXPR holds the record word of the expression.
+    ror_imm(TermAddr, EXPR, -15),  % put the offset in TermAddr
+    % No need to mask off high bits as the type tag for pairs is 00
+    add(TermAddr, TermAddr, EXPR_addr), 
+    % TermAddr has the address of the term record.
+    load_word(TERM, TermAddr, 0),  % Bring the record in from RAM.
+    % Now Term has the term's record data and TermAddr has the address of the term.
+    and_imm(TEMP0, EXPR, 0x7fff),  % get the offset of the tail of the expr
+    eq_offset(Foo),  % if the offset is zero don't add the adress. it's empty list.
+    add(TEMP0, TEMP0, EXPR_addr),  % Add the address to the offset.
+    label(Foo),
+    mov(EXPR_addr, TEMP0),
+    % EXPR_addr now holds the address of the next cell of the expression list.
+    % if_literal(TERM, PUSH),
+    ror_imm(TEMP0, TERM, -30),  % get just the two tag bits.
+    sub_imm(TEMP0, TEMP0, 2),  % if this is a symbol result is zero.
+    ne_offset(PUSH),
+    % if it is a symbol the rest of it is the pointer to the machine code.
+    % lookup(TERM),  % Jump to command.
+    mov_imm_with_shift(TEMP0, 0x3fff),  % TEMP0 = 0x3fffffff
+    ior_imm(TEMP0, TEMP0, 0xffff),
+    and(TEMP0, TEMP0, TERM),
+    eq(TEMP0),  % double check that this works with pointer in reg...
+    % going into push we have the term
+    label(PUSH),
+    % push2(TOS, TEMP1, SP),  % stack = TERM, stack
+    sub_imm(SP, SP, 4),     % SP -= 1 (word, not byte)
+    % SP points to the future home of the new stack cell.
+    sub(TOS, TermAddr, SP), % TOS := &temp - sp
+    % TOS has the offset from new stack cell to term cell.
+    % Combine with the offset to the previous stack cell.
+    lsl_imm(TOS, TOS, 15),  % TOS := TOS << 15
+    ior(TOS, TOS, 4),      % TOS := TOS | 4
+    % label(DONE),
+    store_word(TOS, SP, 0),   % RAM[SP] := TOS
+    do_offset(Main),
+    label(HALT),
+    do_offset(HALT)
+]) :- [SP, EXPR_addr, TOS, TERM, EXPR, TermAddr, TEMP0]=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
+do :- program(Program),
+    compile_program(Program, Binary),
+    write_binary('joy_asmii.bin', Binary).
+compile_program(ASM, Binary) :-
+    phrase(linker(ASM), EnumeratedASM),
+    phrase(asm(EnumeratedASM), Binary).
+linker(ASM) --> enumerate_asm(ASM, 0, _).
+enumerate_asm(                [], N, N) --> !, [].
+enumerate_asm(      [Term|Terms], N, M) --> !, enumerate_asm(Term, N, O), enumerate_asm(Terms, O, M).
+enumerate_asm(   label(N)       , N, N) --> !, [].
+enumerate_asm(allocate(N, Bytes), N, M) --> !, {Bits is 8 * Bytes}, [skip(Bits)], {align(N, Bytes, M)}.
+enumerate_asm(             Instr, N, M) -->    [(Z, Instr)], {align(N, 0, Z), align(Z, 4, M)}.
+align(_, Bytes, _) :- (Bytes < 0 -> write('Align negative number? No!')), !, fail.
+align(N,     1, M) :- !, M is N + 1.
+align(N, Bytes, M) :- N mod 4 =:= 0, !, M is N + Bytes.
+align(N, Bytes, M) :- Padding is 4 - (N mod 4), M is N + Bytes + Padding.
+asm([]) --> !, [].
+asm([      skip(Bits)|Rest]) --> !, skip(Bits),          asm(Rest).
+asm([(N, Instruction)|Rest]) --> !, asm(N, Instruction), asm(Rest).
+asm(_, expr_cell(Func, NextCell)) --> !,
+    {Data is (Func << 16) \/ NextCell}, asm(_, word(Data)).
+asm(_, word(Word)) --> !, {binary_number(Bits, Word)}, collect(32, Bits).
+asm(_,  load_word(A, B, Offset)) --> !, instruction_format_F2(0, 0, A, B, Offset).
+asm(_,  load_byte(A, B, Offset)) --> !, instruction_format_F2(0, 1, A, B, Offset).
+asm(_, store_word(A, B, Offset)) --> !, instruction_format_F2(1, 0, A, B, Offset).
+asm(_, store_byte(A, B, Offset)) --> !, instruction_format_F2(1, 1, A, B, Offset).
+asm(_, mov(A, C))            --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, 0, mov, C).
+asm(_, mov_with_shift(A, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(1, A, 0, mov, C).
+asm(_, mov_imm_with_shift(A, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(1, 0, A, 0, mov, Imm).
+asm(_, mov_imm_with_shift(A, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(1, 0, A, 0, mov, Imm).
+asm(_, mov_imm_with_shift(_,   _)) --> {write('Immediate value out of bounds'), fail}.
+asm(_, mov_imm(A, Imm)           ) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, 0, mov, Imm).
+asm(_, mov_imm(A, Imm)           ) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, 0, mov, Imm).
+asm(_, mov_imm(_,   _)           ) --> {write('Immediate value out of bounds'), fail}.
+asm(_, add(A, B, C))       --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, add, C).
+asm(_, add_carry(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(1, A, B, add, C).
+asm(_, sub(A, B, C))       --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, sub, C).
+asm(_, sub_carry(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(1, A, B, sub, C).
+asm(_, add_imm(A, B, Imm))       --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, add, Imm).
+asm(_, add_imm(A, B, Imm))       --> {pos_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, add, Imm).
+asm(_, add_imm_carry(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(1, 1, A, B, add, Imm).
+asm(_, add_imm_carry(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(1, 0, A, B, add, Imm).
+asm(_, sub_imm(A, B, Imm))       --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, sub, Imm).
+asm(_, sub_imm(A, B, Imm))       --> {pos_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, sub, Imm).
+asm(_, sub_imm_carry(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(1, 1, A, B, sub, Imm).
+asm(_, sub_imm_carry(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(1, 0, A, B, sub, Imm).
+asm(_, mul(A, B, C))          --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, mul, C).
+asm(_, mul_unsigned(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(1, A, B, mul, C).
+asm(_, mul_imm(A, B, Imm, U)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(U, 1, A, B, mul, Imm).
+asm(_, mul_imm(A, B, Imm, U)) --> {pos_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(U, 0, A, B, mul, Imm).
+asm(_, and(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, and, C).
+asm(_, ann(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, ann, C).
+asm(_, asr(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, asr, C).
+asm(_, div(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, div, C).
+asm(_, ior(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, ior, C).
+asm(_, lsl(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, lsl, C).
+asm(_, ror(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, ror, C).
+asm(_, xor(A, B, C)) --> instruction_format_F0(0, A, B, xor, C).
+asm(_, and_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, and, Imm).
+asm(_, and_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, and, Imm).
+asm(_, ann_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, ann, Imm).
+asm(_, ann_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, ann, Imm).
+asm(_, asr_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, asr, Imm).
+asm(_, asr_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, asr, Imm).
+asm(_, div_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, div, Imm).
+asm(_, div_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, div, Imm).
+asm(_, ior_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, ior, Imm).
+asm(_, ior_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, ior, Imm).
+asm(_, lsl_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, lsl, Imm).
+asm(_, lsl_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, lsl, Imm).
+asm(_, ror_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, ror, Imm).
+asm(_, ror_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, ror, Imm).
+asm(_, xor_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {neg_int15(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 1, A, B, xor, Imm).
+asm(_, xor_imm(A, B, Imm)) --> {pos_int16(Imm)}, !, instruction_format_F1(0, 0, A, B, xor, Imm).
+asm(_, cc(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, cc, C).
+asm(N, cc_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, cc, Label, N).
+asm(_, cc_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, cc, C).
+asm(N, cc_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, cc, Label, N).
+asm(_, cs(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, cs, C).
+asm(N, cs_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, cs, Label, N).
+asm(_, cs_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, cs, C).
+asm(N, cs_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, cs, Label, N).
+asm(_, do(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, do, C).
+asm(N, do_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, do, Label, N).
+asm(_, do_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, do, C).
+asm(N, do_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, do, Label, N).
+asm(_, eq(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, eq, C).
+asm(N, eq_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, eq, Label, N).
+asm(_, eq_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, eq, C).
+asm(N, eq_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, eq, Label, N).
+asm(_, ge(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, ge, C).
+asm(N, ge_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, ge, Label, N).
+asm(_, ge_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, ge, C).
+asm(N, ge_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, ge, Label, N).
+asm(_, gt(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, gt, C).
+asm(N, gt_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, gt, Label, N).
+asm(_, gt_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, gt, C).
+asm(N, gt_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, gt, Label, N).
+asm(_, hi(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, hi, C).
+asm(N, hi_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, hi, Label, N).
+asm(_, hi_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, hi, C).
+asm(N, hi_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, hi, Label, N).
+asm(_, le(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, le, C).
+asm(N, le_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, le, Label, N).
+asm(_, le_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, le, C).
+asm(N, le_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, le, Label, N).
+asm(_, ls(C))                 --> instruction_format_F3a(0, ls, C).
+asm(N, ls_offset(Label))      --> instruction_format_F3b(0, ls, Label, N).
+asm(_, ls_link(C))            --> instruction_format_F3a(1, ls, C).
+asm(N, ls_link_offset(Label)) --> instruction_format_F3b(1, ls, Label, N).

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