[Joypy-announce] joypy/Joypy: 2 new changesets

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scmno****@osdn***** scmno****@osdn*****
Sun Jul 21 08:46:03 JST 2019

changeset ff351c72293f in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=ff351c72293f
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Sat Jul 20 16:38:48 2019 -0700
description: Handle exceptions in comparison ops.

You can't compare logic vars, so just bunt.
changeset dc6666877cd1 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=dc6666877cd1
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Sat Jul 20 16:45:28 2019 -0700
description: Try to handle expressions in branch combinator.

If the expression isn't 'true' or 'false' atoms then we assume it's a comparison expression and try to check its truth value.

If this fails then it will try both branches, to allow for e.g. compilation.  THis almost works, but there's a choice point or something that gets hit before it tries the false path,

?- joy(` [32 >] [++] [--] ifte`, Si, So).
Si = [_2076|_2078],
So = [_2076+1|_2078] ;
wtf? +
Si = [_2076|_2078],
So = [[+], 1, _2076|_2078] ;
Si = [_2076|_2078],
So = [_2076-1|_2078] ;
wtf? -
Si = [_2076|_2078],
So = [[-], 1, _2076|_2078] ;
wtf? branch
Si = [_2076|_2078],
So = [[branch], [++], [--], _2076>32, _2076|_2078] ;
wtf? swap
Si = [_2076|_2078],
So = [[swap, branch], [--], [++], _2076>32, _2076|_2078] ;
wtf? first
Si = [_2076|_2078],
So = [[first, [++], [--], swap, branch], [_2076>32|_2078], _2076|_2078]



 thun/thun.pl |  57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diffs (88 lines):

diff -r 74a2447c4fe8 -r dc6666877cd1 thun/thun.pl
--- a/thun/thun.pl	Tue Jul 16 09:53:48 2019 -0700
+++ b/thun/thun.pl	Sat Jul 20 16:45:28 2019 -0700
@@ -22,6 +22,30 @@
 :- dynamic func/3.
 :- dynamic '≡'/2.
+To handle comparision operators the possibility of exceptions due to insufficiently instantiated
+arguments must be handled.  First try to make the comparison and set the result to a Boolean atom.
+If an exception happens just leave the comparison expression as the result and some other function
+or combinator will deal with it.  Example:
+    func(>,  [A, B|S], [C|S]) :- catch(
+            (B > A -> C=true ; C=false),
+            _,
+            C=(B>A)  % in case of error.
+            ).
+To save on conceptual overhead I've defined a term_expansion/2 that sets up the func/3 for each op.
+term_expansion(comparison_operator(X), (func(X, [A, B|S], [C|S]) :-
+    F =.. [X, B, A], catch((F -> C=true ; C=false), _, C=F))).
+% I don't use Prolog-compatible op symbols in all cases.
+term_expansion(comparison_operator(X, Y), (func(X, [A, B|S], [C|S]) :-
+    F =.. [Y, B, A], catch((F -> C=true ; C=false), _, C=F))).
 An entry point.
@@ -128,18 +152,12 @@
 func(bool, [_|S], [true|S]).
-func(>,  [A, B|S], [ true|S]) :-    B > A.
-func(>,  [A, B|S], [false|S]) :- \+ B > A.
-func(<,  [A, B|S], [ true|S]) :-    B < A.
-func(<,  [A, B|S], [false|S]) :- \+ B < A.
-func(>=, [A, B|S], [ true|S]) :-    B >= A.
-func(>=, [A, B|S], [false|S]) :- \+ B >= A.
-func(<=, [A, B|S], [ true|S]) :-    B =< A.
-func(<=, [A, B|S], [false|S]) :- \+ B =< A.
-func(=,  [A, B|S], [ true|S]) :- B =:= A.
-func(=,  [A, B|S], [false|S]) :- B =\= A.
-func(<>, [A, B|S], [ true|S]) :- B =\= A.
-func(<>, [A, B|S], [false|S]) :- B =:= A.
+comparison_operator(<=, =<).
+comparison_operator(=, =:=).
+comparison_operator(<>, =\=).
@@ -174,8 +192,15 @@
 combo(dupdip, [P, X|S], [X|S], Ei, Eo) :- append(P, [X|Ei], Eo).
-combo(branch, [T, _,  true|S], S, Ei, Eo) :- append(T, Ei, Eo).
-combo(branch, [_, F, false|S], S, Ei, Eo) :- append(F, Ei, Eo).
+combo(branch, [T, _,  true|S], S, Ei, Eo) :- !, append(T, Ei, Eo).
+combo(branch, [_, F, false|S], S, Ei, Eo) :- !, append(F, Ei, Eo).
+combo(branch, [T, F,  Expr|S], S, Ei, Eo) :-
+    catch(
+        (Expr -> append(T, Ei, Eo) ; append(F, Ei, Eo)),
+        _,
+        try_both_branches(T, F, Ei, Eo)  % in case of error.
+        ).
 combo(loop, [_, false|S], S, E,  E ).
 combo(loop, [B,  true|S], S, Ei, Eo) :- append(B, [B, loop|Ei], Eo).
@@ -195,6 +220,10 @@
     append(R0, [Quoted|R1], Else).
+try_both_branches(T, _, Ei, Eo) :- append(T, Ei, Eo).
+try_both_branches(_, F, Ei, Eo) :- append(F, Ei, Eo).

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