

IIIMF-SKK is a language engine module for IIIMF(Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework).
IIIMF-SKK provides a SKK(Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program, an input method of Japanese) like input method.


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Veröffentlicht: 2002-04-06 10:35
iiimf-skk 0.1.19 (1 files Verstecken)


anyway, released an old one.


* 0.1.19
- If change mode from SKK_J_MODE to other, and have preedit string,
commit it before changing mode.
- Fix typo.
- Add SkkConf *conf to SkkBuffer
- Fix a bug when in SKK_NONE or SKK_HENKAN mode, and do
skk_buffer_delete_backward, sometime commit a wrong string.
- Add Event Listener to lib/skkbuffer.c and lib/skkmode.c
- rewrite src/skk.c to use Event Listener
- move list_free func from lib/skkbuffer.c to lib/skkutils.c
and now to be a public function (skk_utils_list_free) .
- Fix a bug when in SKK_OKURI mode and have 2 or more in_buf,
skk_buffer_delete_backward doesn't work correctly.
- Add skkquery.c skkquery.h and use skk_query_do_query instead of
- Add skk_buffer_add_dict to lib/skkbuffer.c
- Add SkkQuery *query to SkkBuffer
- Add skk_ldict_query_string to lib/skkldict.c. it have the same
interface with skk_dict_query_string.
- separate local dict db to ldict and ldict_okuri
- change interface from skk_buffer_commit (SkkBuffer*) to
skk_buffer_commit (SkkBuffer*, gboolean)
- modify skk_ldict_get_completion. now return GList* instead of
- add GList* completion_list and gint completion_count to SkkBuffer.
- add function to lib/skkbuffer.c for completion.
void skk_buffer_get_completion (SkkBuffer* buf);
void skk_buffer_set_next_completion (SkkBuffer *buf);
void skk_buffer_set_prev_completion (SkkBuffer *buf);
- add function to lib/skkbuffer.c for dictionary.
void skk_buffer_add_dict (SkkBuffer *buf);
void skk_buffer_add_dict_with_value (SkkBuffer *buf, gchar *value);
- add function to lib/skkutils.c for list operation
GList *skk_utils_list_merge_string (GList *list1, GList *list2);
gchar *skk_utils_list_get_string_all (GList *list, gchar *delim);
- completion supoort is added.
- and more and more. but I forgot it :-)