[Groonga-mysql-commit] mroonga/mroonga.github.com at 13d8fad [master] blog en: add 6.08 entry

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Kentaro Hayashi null+****@clear*****
Fri Aug 26 17:39:30 JST 2016

Kentaro Hayashi	2016-08-26 17:39:30 +0900 (Fri, 26 Aug 2016)

  New Revision: 13d8fad365b8366dc2c61e18b0ac0b944015d939

    blog en: add 6.08 entry

  Added files:

  Added: en/_posts/2016-08-29-mroonga-6.08.md (+56 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ en/_posts/2016-08-29-mroonga-6.08.md    2016-08-26 17:39:30 +0900 (c1da502)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+layout: post.en
+title: Mroonga 6.08 has been released!
+description: Mroonga 6.08 has been released!
+published: false
+## Mroonga 6.08 has been released!
+Mroonga is a MySQL storage engine that supports fast fulltext search
+and geolocation search. It is CJK ready. It uses Groonga as a storage
+and fulltext search engine.
+[Mroonga 6.08](/docs/news.html#release-6-07) has been released!
+  * How to install: [Install](/docs/install.html)
+  * How to upgrade: [Upgrade guide](/docs/upgrade.html)
+### Changes
+There are two topics in this release.
+  * Limitation about the maximum number record is relaxed
+  * Fixed compile error with GCC 6
+#### Limitation about the maximum number record is relaxed
+A table had the following limitations. This limitation is derived from Groonga.
+* The maximum one key size: 4KiB
+* The maximum total size of keys: 4GiB
+* The maximum number of records: 268,435,455 (more than 268 million)
+In the past, the maximum number of records is announced as 268 million.
+With recent research, it turns out that there is a capability to store more records than ever.
+Here is the updated limitation about the maximum number of records:
+  * No primary key table: 1,073,741,815 (2^30 - 9)
+  * ``PRIMARY KEY`` or ``PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE`` table: 1,073,741,823 (2^30 - 1)
+  * ``PRIMARY KEY USING HASH`` table: 536,870,912 (2^29)
+Keep in mind that these limitations may vary depending on conditions.
+#### Fixed compile error with GCC 6
+In this release, compile error with GCC 6.1.1 was fixed.
+If you failed to compile Mroonga from source archive, please confirm whether the version of GCC is matched to GCC 6.1.1.
+### Conclusion
+Please refer to [Release 6.08 - 2016-08-29](/docs/news.html#release-6-08-2016-08-29) about detailed changes since 6.07.
+Let's go all out to search by Mroonga!
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