[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at f05bcb1 [master] grn_text_vprintf windows: fix a bug auto buffer expansion doesn't work

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Thu May 9 08:33:06 JST 2019

Kouhei Sutou	2019-05-09 08:33:06 +0900 (Thu, 09 May 2019)

  Revision: f05bcb1f7a8c9d3ca764cfd81ef5d3cd324b758c

    grn_text_vprintf windows: fix a bug auto buffer expansion doesn't work
    vsnprintf() with not enough buffer returns -1 not the number of
    written characters. It's not different with the document:
    > If the buffer size specified by count is not sufficiently large to
    > contain the output specified by format and argptr, the return value
    > of vsnprintf is the number of characters that would be written, not
    > counting the null character

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/str.c (+24 -29)
--- lib/str.c    2019-05-08 18:00:54 +0900 (b4fd0963d)
+++ lib/str.c    2019-05-09 08:33:06 +0900 (0c369f9f7)
@@ -2599,49 +2599,44 @@ grn_text_vprintf(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *bulk, const char *format, va_list args)
                              format, copied_args);
-    if (0 <= written_size && written_size < rest_size) {
+    if (written_size < rest_size) {
       is_written = GRN_TRUE;
   if (!is_written) {
 #ifdef WIN32
-# define N_NEW_SIZES 3
-    int i;
-    int new_sizes[N_NEW_SIZES];
+    grn_rc rc;
+    int required_size;
-    new_sizes[0] = GRN_BULK_REST(bulk) + strlen(format) * 2;
-    new_sizes[1] = new_sizes[0] + 4096;
-    new_sizes[2] = new_sizes[0] + 65536;
+    va_copy(copied_args, args);
+    required_size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, copied_args);
+    va_end(copied_args);
-    for (i = 0; i < N_NEW_SIZES; i++) {
+    if (required_size < 0) {
+    }
+    required_size++; /* for terminate '\0'. */
+    rc = grn_bulk_reserve(ctx, bulk, required_size);
+    if (rc) {
+      return rc;
+    }
+    va_copy(copied_args, args);
+    written_size = vsnprintf(GRN_BULK_CURR(bulk), required_size,
+                             format, copied_args);
+    va_end(copied_args);
+#else /* WIN32 */
+    if (written_size >= 0) {
       grn_rc rc;
-      int new_size = new_sizes[i];
-      va_list copied_args;
+      int required_size = written_size + 1; /* "+ 1" for terminate '\0'. */
-      rc = grn_bulk_reserve(ctx, bulk, GRN_BULK_VSIZE(bulk) + new_size);
+      rc = grn_bulk_reserve(ctx, bulk, required_size);
       if (rc) {
         return rc;
-      va_copy(copied_args, args);
-      written_size = vsnprintf(GRN_BULK_CURR(bulk), new_size,
-                               format, copied_args);
-      va_end(copied_args);
-      if (written_size != -1) {
-        break;
-      }
+      written_size = vsnprintf(GRN_BULK_CURR(bulk), required_size,
+                               format, args);
-# undef N_NEW_SIZES
-#else /* WIN32 */
-    grn_rc rc;
-    int required_size = written_size + 1; /* "+ 1" for terminate '\0'. */
-    rc = grn_bulk_reserve(ctx, bulk, GRN_BULK_VSIZE(bulk) + required_size);
-    if (rc) {
-      return rc;
-    }
-    written_size = vsnprintf(GRN_BULK_CURR(bulk), required_size,
-                             format, args);
 #endif /* WIN32 */
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