[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga-admin at 77e9d2f [master] Fix vulnerabilities with breaking changes

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Kentaro Hayashi null+****@clear*****
Sun Feb 24 11:25:01 JST 2019

Kentaro Hayashi	2019-02-24 11:25:01 +0900 (Sun, 24 Feb 2019)

  Revision: 77e9d2f66001dfdded4488f5b277a9d3b8fcd016

  Merged 349c722: Merge pull request #15 from groonga/fix-vulnerabilities

    Fix vulnerabilities with breaking changes
    % npm audit fix --force
    Before: npm audito fix --force
      found 121 vulnerabilities (36 low, 35 moderate, 49 high, 1 critical) in 5330 scanned packages
      found 6 vulnerabilities (3 low, 3 moderate) in 4029 scanned packages

  Modified files:

  Modified: package.json (+9 -9)
--- package.json    2019-02-24 11:14:22 +0900 (15d4976)
+++ package.json    2019-02-24 11:25:01 +0900 (868917f)
@@ -21,27 +21,27 @@
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