[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at d5ba12f [master] doc ja: translate news

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Yasuhiro Horimoto null+****@clear*****
Mon May 28 19:45:28 JST 2018

Yasuhiro Horimoto	2018-05-28 19:45:28 +0900 (Mon, 28 May 2018)

  New Revision: d5ba12f9a25b3350c75c0a55a4970383cd76fae5

    doc ja: translate news

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/news.po (+120 -5)
--- doc/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/news.po    2018-05-28 19:31:01 +0900 (5879ed129)
+++ doc/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/news.po    2018-05-28 19:45:28 +0900 (1537231b1)
@@ -21,13 +21,131 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "お知らせ"
-msgid "Release 8.0.2 - 2018-04-29"
-msgstr "8.0.2リリース - 2018-04-29"
+msgid "Release 8.0.3 - 2018-05-29"
+msgstr "8.0.3リリース - 2018-05-29"
 msgid "Improvements"
 msgstr "改良"
 msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/functions/highlight_html`] Support highlight of results of "
+"the search by NormalizerNFKC100 or TokenNgram."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/functions/highlight_html`] NormalizerNFKC100 または "
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/tokenizers`] Added new option for TokenNgram that "
+"``report_source_location option`` . This option used when highlighting with "
+"``highlight_html`` use a lexicon."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/tokenizers`] TokenNgramに新しいオプション "
+"``report_source_location option`` を追加しました。このオプションは、"
+"``highlight_html`` で語彙表を使ったハイライトをする時に使用します。"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/normalizers`] Added new option for NormalizerNFKC100 that "
+"``unify_middle_dot option``. This option normalizes middle dot. You can "
+"search with or without ``・`` (middle dot) and regardless of ``・`` position."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/normalizers`] NormalizerNFKC100 に新しいオプション "
+"``unify_middle_dot option`` を追加しました。このオプションは、中点を正規化し"
+"ます。``・`` の有無や ``・`` 位置にかかわらず検索できます。"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/normalizers`] Added new option for NormalizerNFKC100 that "
+"``unify_katakana_v_sounds option``. This option normalizes ``ヴァヴィヴヴェ"
+"ヴォ`` (katakana) to ``バビブベボ`` (katakana). For example, you can search "
+"``バイオリン`` (violin) in ``ヴァイオリン`` (violin)."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/normalizers`] NormalizerNFKC100 に新しいオプション "
+"``unify_katakana_v_sounds option`` を追加しました。このオプションは、``ヴァ"
+"ヴィヴヴェヴォ`` (katakana) を ``バビブベボ`` (katakana) へ正規化します。例え"
+"ば ``バイオリン`` を ``ヴァイオリン`` で検索できます。"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/normalizers`] Added new option for NormalizerNFKC100 that "
+"``unify_katakana_bu_sound option``. This option normalizes ``ヴァヴィヴゥヴェ"
+"ヴォ`` (katakana) to ``ブ`` (katakana). For example, you can search ``セーブ"
+"ル`` (katakana) and ``セーヴル`` in ``セーヴェル`` (katakana)."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/normalizers`]NormalizerNFKC100 に新しいオプション "
+"`unify_katakana_bu_sound option` を追加しました。このオプションは、``ヴァヴィ"
+"ヴゥヴェヴォ`` を ``ブ`` に正規化します。例えば、`セーブル` や `セーヴル` を "
+"`セーヴェル` で検索できます。"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`reference/functions/sub_filter`] Supported ``sub_filter`` "
+"optimization for the too filter case."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/functions/sub_filter`] 十分にフィルターされたケースでの "
+"`sub_filter` の動作を最適化しました。"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/executables/groonga-httpd`] Made all workers context "
+"address to unique."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/executables/groonga-httpd`] 全てのワーカのコンテキストアド"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/commands/delete`] Added new options that ``limit``. You "
+"can limit the number of delete records as below example. ``delete --table "
+"Users --filter '_key @^ \"b\"' --limit 4``"
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/commands/delete`] 新しいオプション `limit` を追加しました。"
+"以下の例のように、削除するレコードの件数を制限できます。``delete --table "
+"Users --filter '_key @^ \"b\"' --limit 4``"
+msgid "[httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.14.0."
+msgstr "[httpd] バンドルしているnginxのバージョンを1.14.0に更新しました。"
+msgid "Fixes"
+msgstr "修正"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/commands/logical_select`] Fixed memory leak when an error "
+"occurs in filtered dynamic columns."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/commands/logical_select`] 動的カラムをフィルターした時にエ"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/commands/logical_count`] Fixed memory leak on initial "
+"dynamic column error."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/commands/logical_count`] 動的カラムの初期化に失敗した際にメ"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/commands/logical_range_filter`] Fixed memory leak when an "
+"error occurs in dynamic column evaluation."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/commands/logical_range_filter`] 動的カラムの評価に失敗した"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/tokenizers`] Fixed a bug that the wrong source offset for "
+"a loose case."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/tokenizers`] ``loose_symbol`` のように緩いトークナイズをす"
+"るケースで誤った ``source_offset`` を表示する不具合を修正しました。"
+msgid ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/normalizers`] Fixed a bug that FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL "
+"LETTERs such as U+FF21 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A aren't normalized to "
+"LATIN SMALL LETTERs such as U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A. If you have been "
+"used NormalizerNFKC100, you must recreate your indexes."
+msgstr ""
+"[:doc:`/reference/normalizers`] U+FF21 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A のよ"
+"うな全角ラテン大文字が、U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A のようなラテン小文字に正"
+msgid "Release 8.0.2 - 2018-04-29"
+msgstr "8.0.2リリース - 2018-04-29"
+msgid ""
 "[:doc:`/reference/executables/grndb`][:ref:`grndb-force-truncate`] Improved "
 "``grndb recover --force-truncate`` option that it can be truncated even if "
 "locks are left on the table."
@@ -182,9 +300,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Supported Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)"
 msgstr "Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)をサポートしました。"
-msgid "Fixes"
-msgstr "修正"
 msgid ""
 "Fixed a bug that unexpected record is matched with space only query. "
 "[groonga-dev,04609][Reported by satouyuzh]"
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