[Groonga-commit] pgroonga/pgroonga.github.io at 30ebe95 [master] Document &@ for varchar[]

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Mon May 29 23:09:57 JST 2017

Kouhei Sutou	2017-05-29 23:09:57 +0900 (Mon, 29 May 2017)

  New Revision: 30ebe95b1d0e2162d7516c0ed434f4dd05a271da

    Document &@ for varchar[]

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: reference/index.md (+7 -5)
--- reference/index.md    2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (f9b7045)
+++ reference/index.md    2017-05-29 23:09:57 +0900 (e71212a)
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ PGroonga defines functions, operators, operator classes and so on into `pgroonga
 #### `pgroonga.varchar_array_ops` operator class (default) {#varchar-array-ops}
-  * [`&@` operator](operators/match-term-v2.html): Exact match by a keyword
+  * [`&@` operator][contain-term-v2]: Check whether a term is included in an array of terms
-  * [`%%` operator](operators/match-term.html): Exact match by a keyword
+  * [`%%` operator][contain-term]: Check whether a term is included in an array of terms
-    * Deprecated since 1.2.1. Use [`&@` operator](operators/match-term-v2.html) instead.
+    * Deprecated since 1.2.1. Use [`&@` operator][contain-term-v2] instead.
 ### For boolean, numbers and timestamps
@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ If you use them, you need to use [incompatible case steps](../upgrade/#incompati
 #### `pgroonga.varchar_array_term_search_ops_v2` operator class {#varchar-array-term-search-ops-v2}
-  * [`&@` operator](operators/match-term-v2.html): Exact match by a keyword
+  * [`&@` operator][contain-term-v2]: Check whether a term is included in an array of terms
-  * [`%%` operator](operators/match-term.html): Exact match by a keyword
+  * [`%%` operator][contain-term]: Check whether a term is included in an array of terms
     * Don't use this operator class for newly written code. It's just for backward compatibility.
@@ -360,6 +360,8 @@ But you need to tune PGroonga in some cases such as a case that you need to hand

  Added: reference/operators/contain-term-v2.md (+54 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ reference/operators/contain-term-v2.md    2017-05-29 23:09:57 +0900 (4d086fd)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+title: "&@ operator for varchar[]"
+upper_level: ../
+# `&@` operator for `varchar[]`
+## Summary
+This operator uses v2 operator class. It doesn't provide backward compatibility until PGroonga 2.0.0. Use it carefully.
+`&@` operator checks whether a term is included in an array of terms.
+## Syntax
+column &@ term
+`column` is `varchar[]` type column to be searched.
+`term` is a term to be found. It's `varchar` type.
+## Usage
+Here are sample schema and data for examples:
+  id integer,
+  tags varchar(255)[]
+CREATE INDEX pgroonga_tags_index ON memos USING pgroonga (tags);
+INSERT INTO memos VALUES (1, ARRAY['PostgreSQ']);
+INSERT INTO memos VALUES (2, ARRAY['Groonga']);
+INSERT INTO memos VALUES (3, ARRAY['PGroonga', 'PostgreSQL', 'Groonga']);
+INSERT INTO memos VALUES (4, ARRAY['Groonga']);
+You can find records that contain `'Groonga'` term in an array of terms by `&@` operator:
+SELECT * FROM memos WHERE tags &@ 'Groonga';
+--  id |             tags              
+-- ----+-------------------------------
+--   2 | {Groonga}
+--   3 | {PGroonga,PostgreSQL,Groonga}
+--   4 | {Groonga}
+-- (3 rows)

  Modified: reference/operators/match-v2.md (+2 -2)
--- reference/operators/match-v2.md    2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (b1dea6a)
+++ reference/operators/match-v2.md    2017-05-29 23:09:57 +0900 (cdec1a8)
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ SELECT * FROM memos WHERE content &@ 'engine';
 If you want to perform full text search with multiple keywords or AND/OR search, use [`&?` operator](query-v2.html).
-If you want to perform full text search with multiple keywords OR search, use [`&@>` operator](match-contain-v2.html).
+If you want to perform full text search with multiple keywords OR search, use [`&@>` operator](match-in-v2.html).
 ## See also
   * [`&?` operator](query-v2.html)
-  * [`&@>` operator](match-contain-v2.html)
+  * [`&@>` operator](match-in-v2.html)

  Modified: reference/operators/query-in-v2.md (+1 -1)
--- reference/operators/query-in-v2.md    2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (67d5ed7)
+++ reference/operators/query-in-v2.md    2017-05-29 23:09:57 +0900 (d2f42ab)
@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ SELECT * FROM memos WHERE content &?> ARRAY['Groonga engine', 'PostgreSQL -PGroo
   * [Groonga's query syntax](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/grn_expr/query_syntax.html)
-  * [`&@>` operator](match-contain-v2.html)
+  * [`&@>` operator](match-in-v2.html)
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