[Groonga-commit] Errored: groonga/groonga#7647 (master - 8462dd5)

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Travis CI build****@travi*****
Fri May 13 17:37:24 JST 2016

Build Update for groonga/groonga

Build: #7647
Status: Errored

Duration: 1 hour, 26 minutes, and 19 seconds
Commit: 8462dd5 (master)
Author: Kouhei Sutou
Message: Add benchmark result for between() without index

By between() optimization, between() is faster than raw range condition
and 100x faster than the original between() with very large table.

    Groonga: e2971d9a555a90724b76964cc8c8805373500b4a
    % make --quiet -C benchmark run-bench-between-sequential
    Process 10 times in each pattern
                                           (total)    (average)  (median)
      (   500,    600] (   1000): between: (0.0528s)  (0.0053s)  (0.0043s)
      (   500,    600] (   1000):   range: (0.0120s)  (0.0012s)  (0.2500ms)
      (  5000,   5100] (  10000): between: (0.4052s)  (0.0405s)  (0.0395s)
      (  5000,   5100] (  10000):   range: (0.0197s)  (0.0020s)  (0.0010s)
      ( 50000,  50100] ( 100000): between: (3.9343s)  (0.3934s)  (0.3900s)
      ( 50000,  50100] ( 100000):   range: (0.0969s)  (0.0097s)  (0.0088s)
      (500000, 500100] (1000000): between: (38.2969s)  (3.8297s)  (3.7983s)
      (500000, 500100] (1000000):   range: (0.9158s)  (0.0916s)  (0.0900s)

    Groonga: 35e4e431bb7660b3170e98c329f7219bd6723f05
    % make --quiet -C benchmark run-bench-between-sequential
    Process 10 times in each pattern
                                           (total)    (average)  (median)
      (   500,    600] (   1000): between: (0.0130s)  (0.0013s)  (0.2590ms)
      (   500,    600] (   1000):   range: (0.0124s)  (0.0012s)  (0.2530ms)
      (  5000,   5100] (  10000): between: (0.0163s)  (0.0016s)  (0.6440ms)
      (  5000,   5100] (  10000):   range: (0.0205s)  (0.0021s)  (0.0011s)
      ( 50000,  50100] ( 100000): between: (0.0611s)  (0.0061s)  (0.0051s)
      ( 50000,  50100] ( 100000):   range: (0.1004s)  (0.0100s)  (0.0091s)
      (500000, 500100] (1000000): between: (0.4518s)  (0.0452s)  (0.0442s)
      (500000, 500100] (1000000):   range: (0.8866s)  (0.0887s)  (0.0878s)

View the changeset: https://github.com/groonga/groonga/compare/35e4e431bb76...8462dd5b7afa

View the full build log and details: https://travis-ci.org/groonga/groonga/builds/129921396


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