[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.org at 52c67d9 [gh-pages] PGroogna 1.0.9 has been released!!!

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Thu Jun 2 11:35:49 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2016-06-02 11:35:49 +0900 (Thu, 02 Jun 2016)

  New Revision: 52c67d90ae7b7bc3864d64129a11545d0f482890

    PGroogna 1.0.9 has been released!!!

  Added files:

  Added: en/_posts/2016-06-02-pgroonga-1.0.9.md (+115 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ en/_posts/2016-06-02-pgroonga-1.0.9.md    2016-06-02 11:35:49 +0900 (3a13e34)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+layout: post.en
+title: PGroonga 1.0.9 has been released
+description: PGroonga 1.0.9 has been released!
+## PGroonga 1.0.9 has been released
+[PGroonga](http://pgroonga.github.io/) (píːzí:lúnɡά) 1.0.9 has been released!
+See [PGroonga 1.0.0 release announce]({% post_url 2015-10-29-pgroonga-1.0.0 %}) about PGroonga.
+## Changes
+Here are changes since 1.0.6:
+  * [[Ubuntu](http://pgroonga.github.io/install/ubuntu.html)] Supported Xenial Xerus (16.04 LTS).
+  * Added [`pgroonga.highlight_html` function](http://pgroonga.github.io/reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.html) that returns search keyword highlighted HTML.
+  * Added [`pgroonga.match_positions_byte` function](http://pgroonga.github.io/reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.html) that returns locations of keywords in text.
+  * Added [`pgroonga.query_extract_keywords` function](http://pgroonga.github.io/reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.html) that extract keywords from query.
+  * [[Windows](http://pgroonga.github.io/install/windows.html)] Upgraded bundled Groonga to 6.0.3.
+  * [[Windows](http://pgroonga.github.io/install/windows.html)] Upgraded build target PostgreSQL to 9.5.3.
+  * [`pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2` operator class] Added [`&^>` operator](http://pgroonga.github.io/reference/operators/prefix-search-contain-v2.html)  that performs prefix search against `text[]` type value. If any element is matched, the value is matched.
+  * [`pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2` operator class] Added [`&^~>` operator](http://pgroonga.github.io/reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.html) that performs [prefix RK search](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/operations/prefix_rk_search.html) against `text[]` type value. If any element is matched, the value is matched.
+### Prefix search and prefix RK search
+This release adds `pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2` operator class. You can use prefix search and prefix RK search against `text[]` type with this operator class. They are useful to implement input completion on search text box.
+The following description shows how to use prefix search and prefix RK search. The following description uses an example that implements tag name input completion.
+First, you need to insert tag names and tag readings. Tag readings should be in Katakana.
+  name text PRIMARY KEY,
+  readings text[]
+INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('PostgreSQL', ARRAY['ポストグレスキューエル', 'ポスグレ']);
+INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('Groonga',    ARRAY['グルンガ']);
+INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('PGroonga',   ARRAY['ピージールンガ']);
+INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('pglogical',  ARRAY['ピージーロジカル']);
+You need to create indexes against tag names and tag readings. It's important that `pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2` operator class is used for `tags.readings`.
+CREATE INDEX pgroonga_tags_index ON tags
+  USING pgroonga (name pgroonga.text_term_search_ops_v2,
+                  readings pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2);
+Here is a `SELECT` to use prefix search against tag names such as `PostgreSQL` and `Groonga`:
+SELECT name
+  FROM tags
+  WHERE name &^ 'pos';
+--     name    
+-- ------------
+--  PostgreSQL
+-- (1 row)
+Here is a `SELECT` to search tags by [romanization of Japanese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Japanese):
+SELECT name, readings
+  FROM tags
+  WHERE readings &^~> 'pos';
+--     name    |             readings              
+-- ------------+-----------------------------------
+--  PostgreSQL | {ポストグレスキューエル,ポスグレ}
+-- (1 row)
+You can use `OR` to get both results:
+SELECT name, readings
+  FROM tags
+  WHERE name &^ 'pos' OR
+        readings &^~> 'pos';
+--     name    |             readings              
+-- ------------+-----------------------------------
+--  PostgreSQL | {ポストグレスキューエル,ポスグレ}
+-- (1 row)
+Here is an example that searches by `pi-ji-`:
+SELECT name, readings
+  FROM tags
+  WHERE name &^ 'pi-ji-' OR
+        readings &^~> 'pi-ji-';
+--    name    |      readings      
+-- -----------+--------------------
+--  PGroonga  | {ピージールンガ}
+--  pglogical | {ピージーロジカル}
+-- (2 rows)
+If you can implement input completion by PostgreSQL, you can use PostgreSQL on more situations.
+## How to upgrade
+This version is compatible with 1.0.6, 1.0.7 and 1.0.8. Upgrade by steps in ["Compatible case" in Upgrade document](http://pgroonga.github.io/upgrade/#compatible-case).
+## Conclusion
+New PGroonga version has been released.
+Try PGroonga when you want to perform fast full text search against all languages on PostgreSQL!

  Added: ja/_posts/2016-06-02-pgroonga-1.0.9.md (+129 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ ja/_posts/2016-06-02-pgroonga-1.0.9.md    2016-06-02 11:35:49 +0900 (7ef8e51)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+layout: post.ja
+title: PGroonga(ぴーじーるんが) 1.0.9リリース
+description: PGroonga(ぴーじーるんが) 1.0.9をリリースしました!
+## PGroonga(ぴーじーるんが) 1.0.9リリース
+新規ユーザーの方は、PGroonga 1.0.0のリリースアナウンスの[PGroongaについて](/ja/blog/2015/10/29/pgroonga-1.0.0.html#pgroonga)も参照してください。
+## 変更点
+  * [[Ubuntu](http://pgroonga.github.io/ja/install/ubuntu.html)] Xenial Xerus(16.04 LTS)をサポートしました。
+  * 検索キーワードをハイライトしたHTMLを返す[`pgroonga.highlight_html`関数](http://pgroonga.github.io/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.html)を追加しました。
+  * 検索キーワードが何バイト目に含まれているかを返す[`pgroonga.match_positions_byte`関数](http://pgroonga.github.io/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.html)を追加しました。通常はこの関数を使う必要はありません。アプリケーション側で検索キーワードを処理したい場合に使います。
+  * クエリーから検索キーワードを抽出する[`pgroonga.query_extract_keywords`関数](http://pgroonga.github.io/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.html)を追加しました。
+  * [[Windows](http://pgroonga.github.io/ja/install/windows.html)] バンドルするGroongaを6.0.3にアップグレードしました。
+  * [[Windows](http://pgroonga.github.io/ja/install/windows.html)] ビルド対象のPostgreSQLを9.5.3にアップグレードしました。
+  * [`pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2`オペレータークラス] `text[]`型の値に対して前方一致検索を行う演算子[`&^>`](http://pgroonga.github.io/ja/reference/operators/prefix-search-contain-v2.html)を追加しました。要素のどれか1つでもマッチすればマッチしたことになります。
+  * [`pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2`オペレータークラス] `text[]`型の値に対して[前方一致RK検索](http://groonga.org/ja/docs/reference/operations/prefix_rk_search.html)(ローマ字・ひらがな・カタカナ入力でカタカナデータを前方一致検索する検索)を行う演算子[`&^~>`](http://pgroonga.github.io/ja/reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.html)を追加しました。要素のどれか1つでもマッチすればマッチしたことになります。
+### 前方一致検索・前方一致RK検索
+  name text PRIMARY KEY,
+  readings text[]
+INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('PostgreSQL', ARRAY['ポストグレスキューエル', 'ポスグレ']);
+INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('Groonga',    ARRAY['グルンガ']);
+INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('PGroonga',   ARRAY['ピージールンガ']);
+INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('pglogical',  ARRAY['ピージーロジカル']);
+CREATE INDEX pgroonga_tags_index ON tags
+  USING pgroonga (name pgroonga.text_term_search_ops_v2,
+                  readings pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2);
+SELECT name
+  FROM tags
+  WHERE name &^ 'pos';
+--     name    
+-- ------------
+--  PostgreSQL
+-- (1 row)
+SELECT name, readings
+  FROM tags
+  WHERE readings &^~> 'pos';
+--     name    |             readings              
+-- ------------+-----------------------------------
+--  PostgreSQL | {ポストグレスキューエル,ポスグレ}
+-- (1 row)
+SELECT name, readings
+  FROM tags
+  WHERE name &^ 'pos' OR
+        readings &^~> 'pos';
+--     name    |             readings              
+-- ------------+-----------------------------------
+--  PostgreSQL | {ポストグレスキューエル,ポスグレ}
+-- (1 row)
+SELECT name, readings
+  FROM tags
+  WHERE name &^ 'pi-ji-' OR
+        readings &^~> 'pi-ji-';
+--    name    |      readings      
+-- -----------+--------------------
+--  PGroonga  | {ピージールンガ}
+--  pglogical | {ピージーロジカル}
+-- (2 rows)
+## アップグレード方法
+## おしらせ
+  * [Groongaで学ぶ全文検索 2016-06-17](https://groonga.doorkeeper.jp/events/45556)
+また、6月9日(木)の夜には[MySQLとPostgreSQLと日本語全文検索2を開催]({% post_url 2016-04-12-mysql-and-postgresql-and-japanese-full-text-search-announce %})します。PGroongaに関する情報もあるのでぜひご参加ください。[VVAULT AUDIT](http://vvault.jp/product/vvault-audit/index.html)というログ管理ソフトウェアでのPGroongaの利用事例の紹介もある予定です。
+  * [MySQLとPostgreSQLと日本語全文検索2](https://groonga.doorkeeper.jp/events/41770)
+## まとめ
-------------- next part --------------

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