[Groonga-commit] ranguba/rroonga at e085d6b [master] Add 6.0.5 entry

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Fri Jul 15 19:48:53 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2016-07-15 19:48:53 +0900 (Fri, 15 Jul 2016)

  New Revision: e085d6b733f293784e776c89870bcf05b569e0bc

    Add 6.0.5 entry

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/text/news.md (+39 -0)
--- doc/text/news.md    2016-07-15 19:40:07 +0900 (0cd4f13)
+++ doc/text/news.md    2016-07-15 19:48:53 +0900 (1bacf3f)
@@ -1,5 +1,44 @@
+## 6.0.5: 2016-07-15 {#version-6-0-5}
+### Improvements
+  * Supported Groonga 6.0.5. Groonga 6.0.4 or older aren't supported.
+  * {Groonga::ID}: Added a module that provided object ID related
+    features.
+  * {Groonga::ID.builtin?}: Added a new predicate method that checks
+    whether the given ID is ID for builtin object or not.
+  * {Groonga::ID::NIL}: Added a new constant that represents invalid ID.
+  * {Groonga::ID::MAX}: Added a new constant that represents the maximum ID.
+  * {Groonga::Name}: Added a new module that provides object name
+    related features.
+  * {Groonga::Name.column?}: Added a new predicate method that checks
+    whether the given name is column object name or not.
+  * {Groonga::Object#column?}: Added a new predicate for column.
+  * {Groonga::Object#reference_column?}: Added a new predicate for
+    column that uses table as value type.
+  * {Groonga::Object#index_column?}: Added a new predicate for
+    index column.
+  * {Groonga::Object#touch}: Added a new method that updates the last
+    modified time of the object.
+  * {Groonga::Object#last_modified}: Added a new method that returns
+    the last modified time of the object.
+  * {Groonga::Object#dirty?}: Added a new method that checks whether
+    the object is changed after the last flush.
 ## 6.0.4: 2016-06-14 {#version-6-0-4}
 ### Improvements
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