[Groonga-commit] droonga/droonga.org at 46ef336 [gh-pages] Move descriptions for manual installation to a separate page

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Fri Sep 19 13:21:02 JST 2014

YUKI Hiroshi	2014-09-19 13:21:02 +0900 (Fri, 19 Sep 2014)

  New Revision: 46ef3360f8bad662718fd7bfaedc9e8ca75329e9

    Move descriptions for manual installation to a separate page

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: tutorial/1.0.6/groonga/index.md (+3 -95)
--- tutorial/1.0.6/groonga/index.md    2014-09-18 20:59:13 +0900 (8a67fdf)
+++ tutorial/1.0.6/groonga/index.md    2014-09-19 13:21:02 +0900 (761a531)
@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ So you have to set up multiple Droonga nodes for your Droonga cluster.
 Assume that you have two computers: `` and ``.
-### How to install services by the installation script
 If you use a Ubuntu, Debian, or a CentOS 7 (and later) server, there is a useful installation script.
 Download the installation script and run it on the bash, as the root user, like:
@@ -111,88 +109,7 @@ $ su
 OK, now your Droonga cluster is correctly prepared.
 Let's continue to [the next step, "how to use the cluster"](#use).
-### How to install services manually
-If the installation script doesn't work on your platform, you need to setup services manually by following steps:
- 1. Install required platform packages, *on each computer*.
-    On a platform that `apt` is available:
-        # apt-get update
-        # apt-get -y upgrade
-        # apt-get install -y ruby ruby-dev build-essential nodejs nodejs-legacy npm
-    On a platform that `yum` is available:
-        # yum -y groupinstall development
-        # curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
-        # source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
-        # rvm reload
-        # rvm install 2.1.2
-        # yum -y install npm
-    Yes, in short, you have to activate `gem` and `npm` commands, and install some packages to build native extensions.
- 2. Install a gem package `droonga-engine`, *on each computer*.
-    It is the core component provides most features of Droonga system.
-        # gem install droonga-engine
- 3. Install an npm package `droonga-http-server`, *on each computer*.
-    It is the frontend component required to translate HTTP requests to Droonga's native one.
-        # npm install -g droonga-http-server
- 4. Prepare a configuration directory for a Droonga node, *on each computer*.
-    All physical databases are placed under this directory.
-        # mkdir ~/droonga
-        # cd ~/droonga
-    And, define an environment variable `DROONGA_BASE_DIR` for the path to the directory like:
-        # export DROONGA_BASE_DIR=~/droonga
-    The environment variable is used by Droonga.
-    For convenience, you should define and export it globally.
- 5. Create a `droonga-engine.yaml` in the directory, *on each computer*.
-    It includes information to work droonga-engine well.
-    Currently you only have to put correct host name or IP address of the computer itself, with the key `host`, like:
-        (on
-        # echo "host:" > ~/droonga/droonga-engine.yaml
-        (on
-        # echo "host:" > ~/droonga/droonga-engine.yaml
- 6. Create a `catalog.json` in the directory, *on one of Droonga nodes*.
-    The file defines the structure of your Droonga cluster.
-    You'll specify the name of the dataset via the `--dataset` option and the list of your Droonga node's IP addresses via the `--hosts` option, like:
-        # droonga-engine-catalog-generate --hosts=, \
-                                          --output=~/droonga/catalog.json
-    If you have only one computer and trying to set up it just for testing, then you'll do:
-        # droonga-engine-catalog-generate --hosts= \
-                                          --output=~/droonga/catalog.json
- 6. Share the generated `catalog.json` *to your all Droonga nodes*.
-        # scp ~/droonga/catalog.json
-    (Or, of course, you can generate same `catalog.json` on each computer, instead of copying.)
- 7. Create a `droonga-http-server.yaml` in the directory, *on each computer*.
-    It includes information to work droonga-http-server well.
-        # echo "port:        10041"      >  ~/droonga/droonga-http-server.yaml
-        # echo "environment: production" >> ~/droonga/droonga-http-server.yaml
-All Droonga nodes for your Droonga cluster are prepared by steps described above.
-Let's continue to the next step.
+If the installation script doesn't work on your platform, see [the tutorial to install services without installation script](../manual-install/).
 ## Use the Droonga cluster, via HTTP {#use}
@@ -210,13 +127,7 @@ To start them, run commands like following on each Droonga node:
     # service droonga-engine start
     # service droonga-http-server start
-If you installed services manually, you have to start services by raw commands like:
-    # droonga-engine
-    # droonga-http-server --cache-size=-1
-The option `--cache-size=-1` for `droonga-http-server` is just for avoiding that you see cached result unexpectedly, after you modify some data in the cluster.
-On an actual production environment, you should not specify it.
+If you installed services manually, see [the manual installation tutorial](../manual-install/#start-services).
 By the command two nodes construct a cluster and they monitor each other.
 If one of nodes dies and there is any still alive node, survivor(s) will work as the Droonga cluster.
@@ -261,10 +172,7 @@ To stop services, run commands like following on each Droonga node:
     # service droonga-engine stop
     # service droonga-http-server stop
-If you installed services manually without the installation script, you have to stop services by raw commands like:
-    # droonga-engine-stop
-    # droonga-http-server-stop
+If you installed services manually, see [the manual installation tutorial](../manual-install/#stop-services).
 After verification, start services again, on each Droonga node.

  Added: tutorial/1.0.6/manual-install/index.md (+116 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ tutorial/1.0.6/manual-install/index.md    2014-09-19 13:21:02 +0900 (77299c6)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+title: "Droonga tutorial: How to setup Droonga services without installation script?"
+layout: en
+* TOC
+## The goal of this tutorial
+Learning steps to setup a Droonga node manually, without installation script.
+## Why manual install?
+The installation script of `droonga-engine` and `droonga-http-server` works only on several environments, for now:
+ * Debian GNU/Linux (latest release)
+ * Ubuntu (latest release, latest LTS)
+ * CentOS 7
+Otherwise, you have to install services maually.
+(If you have knowledge to support other platforms, please send a pull request!)
+This tutorial describes how to setup `droonga-engine` and `droonga-http-server` without installation script.
+## Requirements
+ * 2GB or larger size RAM.
+   Because the gem package `rroonga` (required by `droonga-engine`) includes a native extension, you won't be able to install it successfully if you have only less RAM.
+ * Available `gem` command for the RubyGems.
+ * Available `npm` command for the npmjs.org.
+## Steps to install services
+ 1. Install platform packages required to install `gem` and `npm` packages with native extensions.
+    For example, on an Ubuntu server you'll have to install these packages via `apt`: `ruby`, `ruby-dev`, `build-essential`, `nodejs`, `nodejs-legacy`, and `npm`.
+    On a CentOS 6.x server, you can prepare required environment by these steps:
+        # yum -y groupinstall development
+        # curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
+        # source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
+        # rvm reload
+        # rvm install 2.1.2
+        # yum -y install npm
+ 2. Install a gem package `droonga-engine`.
+    It is the core component provides most features of Droonga system.
+        # gem install droonga-engine
+ 3. Install an npm package `droonga-http-server`.
+    It is the frontend component required to translate HTTP requests to Droonga's native one.
+        # npm install -g droonga-http-server
+ 4. Prepare users for each service.
+    All configuration files and physical databases are placed under their home directories.
+        # useradd -m droonga-engine
+        # useradd -m droonga-http-server
+ 5. Prepare a configuration directory `droonga` under the home directory of the `droonga-engine` user.
+        # mkdir ~droonga-engine/droonga
+        # mkdir ~droonga-http-server/droonga
+ 6. Create a `droonga-engine.yaml` and `catalog.json` for `droonga-engine`.
+    Currently you have to specify correct host name or IP address of the computer itself which is accessible from other computers.
+        # cd ~droonga-engine/droonga
+        # droonga-engine-configure --quiet --reset-config --reset-catalog \
+                                   --host=$(hostname) \
+                                   --daemon \
+                                   --pid-file=droogna-engine.pid
+        # chown -R droogna-engine:droonga-engine ~droonga-engine/droonga
+ 7. Create a `droonga-http-server.yaml` for `droonga-http-server`.
+    Currently you have to specify the host name of the droonga-engine node and correct host name or IP address of the computer itself which is accessible from other computers.
+    For example, if both services work on the computer:
+        # cd ~droonga-http-server/droonga
+        # droonga-http-server-configure --quiet --reset-config \
+                                        --droonga-engine-host-name=$(hostname) \
+                                        --receiver-host-name=$(hostname) \
+                                        --daemon \
+                                        --pid-file=droonga-http-server.pid
+        # chown -R droogna-http-server:droonga-http-server ~droonga-http-server/droonga
+## How to start services {#start-services}
+To start the `droonga-engine` service, run the `droonga-engine` command in the configuration directory, like:
+    # cd ~droonga-engine/droonga
+    # sudo -u droogna-engine -H droonga-engine
+To start the `droonga-http-server` service, run the `droonga-http-server` command in the configuration directory, like:
+    # cd ~droonga-http-server/droonga
+    # sudo -u droogna-http-server -H droonga-http-server
+Then, PID files are automatically generated and services start as daemons.
+## How to stop services {#stop-services}
+To stop the `droonga-engine` service, run the `droonga-engine-stop` command in the configuration directory, like:
+    # cd ~droonga-engine/droonga
+    # sudo -u droogna-engine -H droonga-engine-stop
+To start the `droonga-http-server-stop` service, run the `droonga-http-server` command in the configuration directory, like:
+    # cd ~droonga-http-server/droonga
+    # sudo -u droogna-http-server -H droonga-http-server-stop
+These commands automatically detect the location of PID files and stop daemon processes.
-------------- next part --------------

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