[Groonga-commit] groonga/express-kotoumi [master] test: Simplify tests for Socket.IO API

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Wed Feb 13 19:39:59 JST 2013

YUKI Hiroshi	2013-02-13 19:39:59 +0900 (Wed, 13 Feb 2013)

  New Revision: 4b92e1668fd8c46e887b5528cafaa6731d723c94

    test: Simplify tests for Socket.IO API

  Modified files:

  Modified: test/frontend-socket.io-adaptor.test.js (+138 -355)
--- test/frontend-socket.io-adaptor.test.js    2013-02-13 19:34:42 +0900 (b1c4359)
+++ test/frontend-socket.io-adaptor.test.js    2013-02-13 19:39:59 +0900 (17c826a)
@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ suite('Socket.IO API', function() {
   var backend;
   var testPlugin = {
-    'request-response': new model.SocketRequestResponse(),
-    'pubsub': new model.SocketPublishSubscribe(),
-    'foobar': new model.SocketPublishSubscribe(),
+    'reqrep': new model.SocketRequestResponse(),
     'reqrep-mod-event': new model.SocketRequestResponse({
       toBackend: function(event, data) { return [event + '.mod', data]; },
       toClient: function(event, data) { return [event + '.mod', data]; }
@@ -28,6 +26,7 @@ suite('Socket.IO API', function() {
       toBackend: function(event, data) { return [event, 'modified request']; },
       toClient: function(event, data) { return [event, 'modified response']; }
+    'pubsub': new model.SocketPublishSubscribe(),
     'pubsub-mod-event': new model.SocketPublishSubscribe({
       toBackend: function(event, data) { return [event + '.mod', data]; },
       toClient: function(event, data) { return [event + '.mod', data]; }
@@ -35,10 +34,6 @@ suite('Socket.IO API', function() {
     'pubsub-mod-body': new model.SocketPublishSubscribe({
       toBackend: function(event, data) { return [event, 'modified request']; },
       toClient: function(event, data) { return [event, 'modified response']; }
-    }),
-    'customevent': new model.SocketPublishSubscribe({
-      toBackend: function(event, data) { return ['custom', data] },
-      toClient: function(event, data) { return ['custom', 'custom response']; }
@@ -197,369 +192,157 @@ suite('Socket.IO API', function() {
-  test('one way, front to back', function(done) {
-    connection = utils.createMockedBackendConnection(testPlugin, 3);
-    var application = express();
-    utils.setupServer(application)
-      .next(function(newServer) {
-        server = newServer;
-        socketIoAdaptor.register(application, server, {
-          connection: connection,
-          plugins: [testPlugin]
-        });
-        return utils.createClientSockets(3);
-      })
-      .next(function(newClientSockets) {
-        clientSockets = clientSockets.concat(newClientSockets);
-        connection.assertThrows();
-        var messages = [
-          Math.random(),
-          Math.random(),
-          Math.random(),
-          Math.random(),
-          Math.random(),
-          Math.random()
-        ];
-        connection = connection
-          .mock('emitMessage')
-            .takes('pubsub.subscribe', messages[0], null, {})
-          .mock('emitMessage')
-            .takes('pubsub.subscribe', messages[1], null, {})
-          .mock('emitMessage')
-            .takes('pubsub.subscribe', messages[2], null, {})
-          .mock('emitMessage')
-            .takes('pubsub.subscribe', messages[3], null, {})
-          .mock('emitMessage')
-            .takes('pubsub.subscribe', messages[4], null, {})
-          .mock('emitMessage')
-            .takes('pubsub.subscribe', messages[5], null, {});
+  suite('request-response', function() {
+    function testReqRep(description, params) {
+      test(description, function(done) {
+        var mockedReceiver;
+        setupApplication()
+          .createClientSocket()
+          .next(function(newClientSocket) {
+            clientSockets.push(newClientSocket);
+            clientSockets[0].emit(params.clientCommand, params.clientBody);
+          })
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            assert.deepEqual(getBackendReceivedMessages().map(function(message) {
+                               return { type: message.type,
+                                        body: message.body };
+                             }),
+                             [{ type: params.expectedClientCommand,
+                                body: params.expectedClientBody }]);
+            mockedReceiver = nodemock
+              .mock('receive')
+                .takes(params.expectedBackendBody);
+            clientSockets[0].on(params.expectedBackendCommand, function(data) {
+              mockedReceiver.receive(data);
+            });
-        clientSockets[0].emit('pubsub', messages[0]);
-        clientSockets[1].emit('pubsub', messages[1]);
-        clientSockets[2].emit('pubsub', messages[2]);
-        clientSockets[0].emit('pubsub', messages[3]);
-        clientSockets[1].emit('pubsub', messages[4]);
-        clientSockets[2].emit('pubsub', messages[5]);
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        connection.assertThrows();
-        done();
-      })
-      .error(function(error) {
-        done(error);
+            var request = getBackendReceivedMessages()[0];
+            var response = utils.createReplyEnvelope(request,
+                                                     params.backendCommand,
+                                                     params.backendBody);
+            return utils.sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(response),
+                                      utils.testReceivePort)
+          })
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            mockedReceiver.assertThrows();
+            done();
+          })
+          .error(function(error) {
+            done(error);
+          });
-  });
+    }
-  test('one way, back to front', function(done) {
-    var messages = [
-      Math.random(),
-      Math.random()
-    ];
-    var clientReceiver = nodemock
-          .mock('receive').takes('0' + messages[0])
-          .mock('receive').takes('1' + messages[0])
-          .mock('receive').takes('2' + messages[0])
-          .mock('receive').takes('0' + messages[1])
-          .mock('receive').takes('1' + messages[1])
-          .mock('receive').takes('2' + messages[1]);
-    var packets = messages.map(function(message) {
-      var envelope = utils.createEnvelope('pubsub', message);
-      return utils.createPacket(envelope);
+    testReqRep('basic', {
+      clientCommand:          'reqrep',
+      clientBody:             'raw request',
+      expectedClientCommand:  'reqrep',
+      expectedClientBody:     'raw request',
+      backendCommand:         'reqrep.response',
+      backendBody:            'raw response',
+      expectedBackendCommand: 'reqrep.response',
+      expectedBackendBody:    'raw response'        
-    var application = express();
-    utils.setupServer(application)
-      .next(function(newServer) {
-        server = newServer;
-      })
-      .createBackend()
-      .next(function(newBackend) {
-        backend = newBackend;
-        connection = new Connection({
-          tag:      'test',
-          hostName: 'localhost',
-          port:     utils.testSendPort,
-          receivePort: utils.testReceivePort,
-          maxRetyrCount: 3,
-          retryDelay: 1
-        });
-        socketIoAdaptor.register(application, server, {
-          tag: 'test',
-          connection: connection,
-          plugins: [testPlugin]
-        });
-        return utils.createClientSockets(3);
-      })
-      .next(function(newClientSockets) {
-        clientSockets = clientSockets.concat(newClientSockets);
-        clientSockets[0].on('pubsub', function(data) {
-          clientReceiver.receive('0' + data);
-        });
-        clientSockets[1].on('pubsub', function(data) {
-          clientReceiver.receive('1' + data);
-        });
-        clientSockets[2].on('pubsub', function(data) {
-          clientReceiver.receive('2' + data);
-        });
-      })
-      .sendPacketTo(packets[0], utils.testReceivePort)
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .sendPacketTo(packets[1], utils.testReceivePort)
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        clientReceiver.assertThrows();
-        done();
-      })
-      .error(function(error) {
-        done(error);
-      });
-  });
-  test('request-response style message', function(done) {
-    var messages = [
-      Math.random(),
-      Math.random(),
-      Math.random(),
-      Math.random(),
-      Math.random(),
-      Math.random()
-    ];
-    var clientReceiver;
-    var application = express();
-    utils.setupServer(application)
-      .next(function(newServer) {
-        server = newServer;
-      })
-      .createBackend()
-      .next(function(newBackend) {
-        backend = newBackend;
-        connection = new Connection({
-          tag:      'test',
-          hostName: 'localhost',
-          port:     utils.testSendPort,
-          receivePort: utils.testReceivePort,
-          maxRetyrCount: 3,
-          retryDelay: 1
-        });
-        socketIoAdaptor.register(application, server, {
-          tag: 'test',
-          connection: connection,
-          plugins: [testPlugin]
-        });
-        return utils.createClientSockets(3);
-      })
-      .next(function(newClientSockets) {
-        clientSockets = clientSockets.concat(newClientSockets);
-        clientSockets[0].emit('request-response', messages[0]);
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        clientSockets[1].emit('request-response', messages[1]);
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        clientSockets[2].emit('request-response', messages[2]);
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        clientSockets[0].emit('request-response', messages[3]);
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        clientSockets[1].emit('request-response', messages[4]);
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        clientSockets[2].emit('request-response', messages[5]);
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        assert.equal(backend.received.length, 6);
-        assert.deepEqual([backend.received[0][2].body,
-                          backend.received[1][2].body,
-                          backend.received[2][2].body,
-                          backend.received[3][2].body,
-                          backend.received[4][2].body,
-                          backend.received[5][2].body],
-                         messages);
-        var responses = backend.received.map(function(receivedPacket) {
-          var original = receivedPacket[2];
-          return utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(original, 'request-response', Math.random());
-        });
-        clientReceiver = nodemock
-          .mock('receive').takes(0, responses[0].body)
-          .mock('receive').takes(1, responses[1].body)
-          .mock('receive').takes(2, responses[2].body)
-          .mock('receive').takes(0, responses[3].body)
-          .mock('receive').takes(1, responses[4].body)
-          .mock('receive').takes(2, responses[5].body);
-        clientSockets[0].on('request-response', function(data) {
-          clientReceiver.receive(0, data);
-        });
-        clientSockets[1].on('request-response', function(data) {
-          clientReceiver.receive(1, data);
-        });
-        clientSockets[2].on('request-response', function(data) {
-          clientReceiver.receive(2, data);
-        });
+    testReqRep('modified event type', {
+      clientCommand:          'reqrep-mod-event',
+      clientBody:             'raw request',
+      expectedClientCommand:  'reqrep-mod-event.mod',
+      expectedClientBody:     'raw request',
+      backendCommand:         'reqrep-mod-event.response',
+      backendBody:            'raw response',
+      expectedBackendCommand: 'reqrep-mod-event.mod.response',
+      expectedBackendBody:    'raw response'        
+    });
-        return utils
-          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[0]), utils.testReceivePort)
-          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[1]), utils.testReceivePort)
-          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[2]), utils.testReceivePort)
-          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[3]), utils.testReceivePort)
-          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[4]), utils.testReceivePort)
-          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[5]), utils.testReceivePort);
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        clientReceiver.assertThrows();
-        done();
-      })
-      .error(function(error) {
-        done(error);
-      });
+    testReqRep('modified body', {
+      clientCommand:          'reqrep-mod-body',
+      clientBody:             'raw request',
+      expectedClientCommand:  'reqrep-mod-body',
+      expectedClientBody:     'modified request',
+      backendCommand:         'reqrep-mod-body.response',
+      backendBody:            'raw response',
+      expectedBackendCommand: 'reqrep-mod-body.response',
+      expectedBackendBody:    'modified response'        
+    });
-  suite('toBackend/toClient filter', function() {
-    suite('request-response', function() {
-      function testReqRep(description, params) {
-        test(description, function(done) {
-          var mockedReceiver;
-          setupApplication()
-            .createClientSocket()
-            .next(function(newClientSocket) {
-              clientSockets.push(newClientSocket);
-              clientSockets[0].emit(params.clientCommand, params.clientBody);
-            })
-            .wait(0.01)
-            .next(function() {
-              assert.deepEqual(getBackendReceivedMessages().map(function(message) {
-                                 return { type: message.type,
-                                          body: message.body };
-                               }),
-                               [{ type: params.expectedClientCommand,
-                                  body: params.expectedClientBody }]);
-              mockedReceiver = nodemock
-                .mock('receive')
-                  .takes(params.expectedBackendBody);
-              clientSockets[0].on(params.expectedBackendCommand, function(data) {
-                mockedReceiver.receive(data);
-              });
-              var request = getBackendReceivedMessages()[0];
-              var response = utils.createReplyEnvelope(request,
-                                                       params.backendCommand,
-                                                       params.backendBody);
-              return utils.sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(response),
-                                        utils.testReceivePort)
-            })
-            .wait(0.01)
-            .next(function() {
-              mockedReceiver.assertThrows();
-              done();
-            })
-            .error(function(error) {
-              done(error);
+  suite('publish-subscribe', function() {
+    function testPubSub(description, params) {
+      test(description, function(done) {
+        var mockedReceiver;
+        setupApplication()
+          .createClientSocket()
+          .next(function(newClientSocket) {
+            clientSockets.push(newClientSocket);
+            clientSockets[0].emit(params.clientCommand, params.clientBody);
+          })
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            assert.deepEqual(getBackendReceivedMessages().map(function(message) {
+                               return { type: message.type,
+                                        body: message.body };
+                             }),
+                             [{ type: params.expectedClientCommand,
+                                body: params.expectedClientBody }]);
+            mockedReceiver = nodemock
+              .mock('receive')
+                .takes(params.expectedBackendBody);
+            clientSockets[0].on(params.expectedBackendCommand, function(data) {
+              mockedReceiver.receive(data);
-        });
-      }
-      testReqRep('modified event type', {
-        clientCommand:          'reqrep-mod-event',
-        clientBody:             'raw request',
-        expectedClientCommand:  'reqrep-mod-event.mod',
-        expectedClientBody:     'raw request',
-        backendCommand:         'reqrep-mod-event.response',
-        backendBody:            'raw response',
-        expectedBackendCommand: 'reqrep-mod-event.mod.response',
-        expectedBackendBody:    'raw response'        
+            var published = utils.createEnvelope(params.backendCommand,
+                                                 params.backendBody);
+            return utils.sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(published),
+                                      utils.testReceivePort)
+          })
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            mockedReceiver.assertThrows();
+            done();
+          })
+          .error(function(error) {
+            done(error);
+          });
+    }
-      testReqRep('modified body', {
-        clientCommand:          'reqrep-mod-body',
-        clientBody:             'raw request',
-        expectedClientCommand:  'reqrep-mod-body',
-        expectedClientBody:     'modified request',
-        backendCommand:         'reqrep-mod-body.response',
-        backendBody:            'raw response',
-        expectedBackendCommand: 'reqrep-mod-body.response',
-        expectedBackendBody:    'modified response'        
-      });
+    testPubSub('basic', {
+      clientCommand:          'pubsub',
+      clientBody:             'raw request',
+      expectedClientCommand:  'pubsub',
+      expectedClientBody:     'raw request',
+      backendCommand:         'pubsub.response',
+      backendBody:            'raw response',
+      expectedBackendCommand: 'pubsub.response',
+      expectedBackendBody:    'raw response'        
-    suite('publish-subscribe', function() {
-      function testPubSub(description, params) {
-        test(description, function(done) {
-          var mockedReceiver;
-          setupApplication()
-            .createClientSocket()
-            .next(function(newClientSocket) {
-              clientSockets.push(newClientSocket);
-              clientSockets[0].emit(params.clientCommand, params.clientBody);
-            })
-            .wait(0.01)
-            .next(function() {
-              assert.deepEqual(getBackendReceivedMessages().map(function(message) {
-                                 return { type: message.type,
-                                          body: message.body };
-                               }),
-                               [{ type: params.expectedClientCommand,
-                                  body: params.expectedClientBody }]);
-              mockedReceiver = nodemock
-                .mock('receive')
-                  .takes(params.expectedBackendBody);
-              clientSockets[0].on(params.expectedBackendCommand, function(data) {
-                mockedReceiver.receive(data);
-              });
-              var published = utils.createEnvelope(params.backendCommand,
-                                                   params.backendBody);
-              return utils.sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(published),
-                                        utils.testReceivePort)
-            })
-            .wait(0.01)
-            .next(function() {
-              mockedReceiver.assertThrows();
-              done();
-            })
-            .error(function(error) {
-              done(error);
-            });
-        });
-      }
-      testPubSub('modified event type', {
-        clientCommand:          'pubsub-mod-event.subscribe',
-        clientBody:             'raw request',
-        expectedClientCommand:  'pubsub-mod-event.mod.subscribe',
-        expectedClientBody:     'raw request',
-        backendCommand:         'pubsub-mod-event',
-        backendBody:            'raw response',
-        expectedBackendCommand: 'pubsub-mod-event.mod',
-        expectedBackendBody:    'raw response'        
-      });
+    testPubSub('modified event type', {
+      clientCommand:          'pubsub-mod-event.subscribe',
+      clientBody:             'raw request',
+      expectedClientCommand:  'pubsub-mod-event.mod.subscribe',
+      expectedClientBody:     'raw request',
+      backendCommand:         'pubsub-mod-event',
+      backendBody:            'raw response',
+      expectedBackendCommand: 'pubsub-mod-event.mod',
+      expectedBackendBody:    'raw response'        
+    });
-      testPubSub('modified body', {
-        clientCommand:          'pubsub-mod-body.subscribe',
-        clientBody:             'raw request',
-        expectedClientCommand:  'pubsub-mod-body.subscribe',
-        expectedClientBody:     'modified request',
-        backendCommand:         'pubsub-mod-body',
-        backendBody:            'raw response',
-        expectedBackendCommand: 'pubsub-mod-body',
-        expectedBackendBody:    'modified response'        
-      });
+    testPubSub('modified body', {
+      clientCommand:          'pubsub-mod-body.subscribe',
+      clientBody:             'raw request',
+      expectedClientCommand:  'pubsub-mod-body.subscribe',
+      expectedClientBody:     'modified request',
+      backendCommand:         'pubsub-mod-body',
+      backendBody:            'raw response',
+      expectedBackendCommand: 'pubsub-mod-body',
+      expectedBackendBody:    'modified response'        
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