[Groonga-commit] groonga/gcs.groonga.org [master] Update release notes of gcs-console

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Thu Nov 29 11:16:27 JST 2012

YUKI Hiroshi	2012-11-29 11:16:27 +0900 (Thu, 29 Nov 2012)

  New Revision: 623ccb98636137a81ad0e519769390d0e79dde5a

    Update release notes of gcs-console

  Modified files:

  Modified: _posts/2012-11-29-1.4.0-release.md (+59 -14)
--- _posts/2012-11-29-1.4.0-release.md    2012-11-15 16:35:45 +0900 (c74541a)
+++ _posts/2012-11-29-1.4.0-release.md    2012-11-29 11:16:27 +0900 (fb1a0d5)
@@ -4,23 +4,31 @@ layout: post
 description: We've shipped Groonga CloudSearch version 1.4.0 and Groonga CloudSearch Console 1.1.0. New features come with the release!
-Today, we've shipped Groonga CloudSearch version 1.4.0 and Groonga CloudSearch Console 1.1.0.
-You can download the packages and read the tutorial on [the home page of this project site](/).
+Today, we've shipped Groonga CloudSearch version 1.4.0 and Groonga CloudSearch
+Console 1.1.0. You can download the packages and read the tutorial on
+[the home page of this project site](/).
-### What's new?
+### What's new? : Groonga CloudSearch
-This release includes following two topics.
+Groonga CloudSearch 1.4.0 includes following two topics.
-### Better compatibility to the Amazon CloudSearch
+#### Better compatibility to the Amazon CloudSearch
- * Search results are now sortable by "rank" option. Currently, only simple sort is supported. Custom rank expressions are not available yet.
- * Number of searchable documents is returned as a part of response from DescribeDomains.
- * "Arn" is now returned as part of domain statuses.
- * Error responses for CreateDomain, DeleteDomain, and DescribeDomains are now more compatible.
+ * Search results are now sortable by "rank" option. Currently, only simple
+   sort is supported. Custom rank expressions are not available yet.
+ * Number of searchable documents is returned as a part of response from
+   DescribeDomains.
+ * "Arn" is now returned as a part of domain statuses.
+ * Responses for CreateDomain, DeleteDomain, DescribeDomains, DefineIndexField,
+   DeleteIndexField, and DescribeIndexFields are now more compatible.
 #### CLI tools improvements
-Now Groonga CloudSearch CLI (Command Line Interface) tools accept "-e" (or "--endpoint") option to specify the endpoint of the configuration API. For example, if your remote Groonga CloudSearch server is accessible with the URI "http://gcs.example.com:7575/", then you'll run the gcs-describe-domain command like:
+Now Groonga CloudSearch CLI (Command Line Interface) tools accept "-e" (or
+"--endpoint") option to specify the endpoint of the configuration API.
+For example, if your remote Groonga CloudSearch server is accessible with the
+URI "http://gcs.example.com:7575/", then you'll run the gcs-describe-domain
+command like:
     $ gcs-describe-domain --endpoint=gcs.example.com:7575
@@ -28,7 +36,11 @@ or
     $ gcs-describe-domain -e gcs.example.com:7575
-The gcs-post-sdf command had an option named "--endpoint" but it has been renamed to "--document-endpoint". "--endpoint" is now works as an option to specify the endpoint of the configuration API. So, if you have a search domain named "companies" on the remote service, you'll run the gcs-post-sdf command like:
+The gcs-post-sdf command had an option named "--endpoint" but it has been
+renamed to "--document-endpoint". "--endpoint" is now works as an option to
+specify the endpoint of the configuration API. So, if you have a search domain
+named "companies" on the remote service, you'll run the gcs-post-sdf command
     $ gcs-post-sdf --document-endpoint=doc-companies-xxxxxxx.gcs.example.com:7575
@@ -36,11 +48,44 @@ or
     $ gcs-post-sdf --endpoint=gcs.example.com:7575 --domain-name=companies
-By thiese changes, now gcs-commands are incompatible to the old one.
+By these changes, now gcs-commands are incompatible to the old one.
 #### Improvements as a daemon
-Now, you can configure the Groonga CloudSearch daemon (Port number, host name, etc.) via /etc/default/gcs if you installed Groonga CloudSearch from the debian package.
+Now, you can configure the Groonga CloudSearch daemon (Port number, host name,
+etc.) via /etc/default/gcs if you installed Groonga CloudSearch from the debian
-Moreover, log files (access.log, error.log and query.log) are available at /var/log/gcs.
+Moreover, log files (access.log, error.log and query.log) are available at
+### What's new? : Groonga CloudSearch Console
+Groonga CloudSearch Console includes three major improvements.
+#### Authentication
+Simple access control feature is now available. Specifying a pair of username
+and password via a command line option "--auth" or an environment variable
+"GCS_CONSOLE_AUTH" will activate BASIC Auth. For exmple, if you wish to use
+"admin" as the username and "abcd1234", then you'll run following command line:
+    $ gcs-console --auth=admin:abcd1234
+If you are running the Groonga CloudSearch Console as a daemon (installed from
+the debian package), then configurations including authentication are
+configured via the file /etc/default/gcs-console.
+Then, you'll be able to deploy Groonga CloudSearch Console to a public space.
+#### Management of index fields
+Features to manage index fields are now available. Now you'll create, modify,
+and delete index fields via the Groonga CloudSearch Console.
+#### Posting SDF batches
+Now you can upload SDF batches to post the Groonga CloudSearch server, via the
+Groonga CloudSearch Console.
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