[Gauche-devel-jp] Gauche/Cygwin(Dos)での問題

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HIRAUCHI Hideyuki hira****@verys*****
2004年 2月 14日 (土) 00:28:02 JST




    OS        :Windows2000 on VMWare4
    Cygwin DLL:1.5.7-1
    Gauche    :
    binutils  :20030901-1

1. CygwinのファイルタイプをDOSにしてインストールしてGaucheをビルドすると、make testでこんなエラーがでる。

    Testing io ...                                                   failed.
    discrepancies found.  Errors are:
    test read-line (CR): expects "" => got #<eof>
    test read-line (CR, ungotten): expects "" => got #<eof>
    test read-line (CR, CRLF): expects ("" "" #t) => got ("" #<eof> #t)
    Testing system ...                                               failed.
    discrepancies found.  Errors are:
    test normalize: expects "/cygdrive/d/home/abc" => got "/cygdrive/d/home/win/abc"
    test sigalrm1: expects 14 => got 0
    Testing gauche.process ...                                       failed.
    discrepancies found.  Errors are:
    test run-process (output pipe): expects (0 #t) => got (0 #f)
    test non-blocking wait: expects (#f #t #f) => got #<error "kill failed: Permission denied">
    test process-list: expects () => got (#<process 1816 "cat" active>)
    test open-input-process-port (redirect): expects #t => got #f
    test call-with-input-process (redirect): expects #t => got #f
    test with-input-from-process: expects #t => got #f
    test with-input-from-process: expects #t => got #f
    test with-input-from-process (redirect): expects #t => got #f

2. 次に、CygwinのファイルタイプをUnixにしてCygwinを再インストールし、make testすると以下のようになる。

    Testing system ...                                               failed.
    discrepancies found.  Errors are:
    test normalize: expects "/cygdrive/d/home/abc" => got "/cygdrive/d/home/win/abc"
    test sigalrm1: expects 14 => got 0
    Testing gauche.process ...                                       failed.
    discrepancies found.  Errors are:
    test process-kill: expects 9 => got #<error "kill failed: Permission denied">
    test non-blocking wait: expects (#f #t #f) => got #<error "kill failed: Permission denied">
    test process-list: expects () => got (#<process 916 "cat" #0=active> #<process 1764 "cat" #0#>)
    Testing net ...                                                  failed.
    discrepancies found.  Errors are:
    test unix server socket: expects #f => got #t
    test unix client socket: expects ("ABC" "XYZ") => got #<error "connect failed to #<sockaddr unix \"sock.o\">: Bad file descriptor">
    test unix client socket: expects #t => got #<error "connect failed to #<sockaddr unix \"sock.o\">: Bad file descriptor">
    test unix client socket: expects #t => got #<error "connect failed to #<sockaddr unix \"sock.o\">: Bad file descriptor">
    test unix client socket: expects 33 => got #<error "connect failed to #<sockaddr unix \"sock.o\">: Bad file descriptor">

3. さらに、Gaucheをmake clean, ./configure, make, make uninstall, make install、make testするとこうなる。

    Testing system ...                                               failed.
    discrepancies found.  Errors are:
    test normalize: expects "/cygdrive/d/home/abc" => got "/cygdrive/d/home/win/abc"
    test sigalrm1: expects 14 => got 0
    Testing gauche.process ...                                       failed.
    discrepancies found.  Errors are:
    test non-blocking wait: expects (#f #t #f) => got #<error "kill failed: Permission denied">
    test process-list: expects () => got (#<process 1616 "cat" active>)


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