

xmmstcl lets you control XMMS playback, skip, pause, change the playlist, change skins, and do everything else provided by the xmms_remote_* methods, which is almost everything from the standard user interface. It also has some things not available there, such as "XMMS onchange" which lets your Tcl/Tk application know when something happens in the player. The companion "TkPlayer" has samples for the most important functions and will keep XMMS busy by generating random playlists with songs that you haven't heard in a while.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-03-18 02:01

Diese Version behebt einige Speicherlecks und Null-Pointer. Eine wichtige neue Befehl 'onchange', das Ihr Antrag auf Änderungen bei der Wiedergabe, Lautstärke, Playlist-Einträge, etc. unterrichtet Sie umfasst TkPlayer, eine voll skriptfähig Skript und Audio-Player steuern. Es wird eine zufällige Wiedergabeliste, die nicht jeden Song haben nicht damit, dass hat auch vor kurzem gespielt zu erstellen, und verfügt über einen Rückruf, so dass Sie die Datei Bibliothek vor Playlist Generation ändern können (Änderungen der Stimmung, die Stunde passt, zum Beispiel) .
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release fixes some memory leaks and null pointers. A major new command is 'onchange', which will notify your application for changes in playback, volume, playlist entries, etc. It includes TkPlayer, a fully scripted and scriptable audio player control. It will create a random playlist that does not have any song on it that has been played too recently, and features a call back so that you can change the file library before playlist generation (to change the mood to fit the hour, for example).

2002-03-13 21:46

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources