

Turba is the Horde contact management application. It is a production level address book, and makes heavy use of the Horde framework to provide integration with IMP and other Horde applications. It supports SQL, LDAP, Kolab, and IMSP address books.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-21 23:20
H4 (3.0.9)

Diese Veröffentlichung fügt kleine Verbesserungen und Bugfixes.
Tags: Minor bugfixes, Minor feature enhancements
This release adds small bugfixes and improvements.

2011-08-30 21:15
H4 (3.0.8)

Diese Version behoben das Attribut Name für Assistent Telefon Felder aus.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixed the attribute name for assistant phone fields.

2011-08-18 06:18
H4 (3.0.7)

Diese Version fügt einen fehlenden Migrationsskript.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release adds a missing migration script.

2011-08-03 00:04
H4 (3.0.5)

Kleine Fehler wurden behoben.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Small bugs were fixed.

2011-07-06 05:58
H4 (3.0.4)

Kleine Bugfixes. Aktualisiert Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Lettisch, Litauisch, Ukrainisch und Übersetzungen.
Tags: Minor bugfixes, Minor feature enhancements
Small bugfixes. Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian translations.

Project Resources