

Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. It is the successor of QDBM. Tokyo Cabinet runs very fast. For example, the time required to store 1 million records is 1.5 seconds for a hash database and 2.2 seconds for a B+ tree database. Moreover, the database size is very small. For example, the overhead for a record is 16 bytes for a hash database, and 5 bytes for a B+ tree database. Furthermore, the scalability of Tokyo Cabinet is great. The database size can be up to 8EB.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-08-31 20:53

Neue Funktionen wurden hinzugefügt, mehrere potenzielle Speicherlecks wurden behoben und die Website Dokumente wurden aktualisiert.
Tags: Major, Stable
New functions were added, several potential memory leaks were resolved, and the site's documents were updated.

2009-06-22 04:57

Zwei Arten von invertierte Indizes wurden der Tabelle Datenbank-API hinzugefügt. Token invertierten Index realisiert tag suchen. Q-Gramm-invertierten Index realisiert Volltextsuche.
Two kinds of inverted indices were added to the table database API. Token inverted index realizes tag search. Q-gram inverted index realizes full-text search.

2009-05-21 16:40

Auto-Defragmentierung wurde hinzugefügt. Die Effizienz des Index-Mechanismus der Tabelle Datenbank wurde verbessert.
Auto defragmentation was added. Efficiency of the index mechanism of the table database was improved.

2009-02-15 17:30

Perl / Ruby-Schnittstellen der Tabelle Datenbank-API hinzugefügt wurden.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Perl/Ruby interfaces of the table database API were added.

2009-02-12 16:43

Bugs zu einer Race-Condition in der Hash-Datenbank im Zusammenhang API wurden behoben. Utility-Funktionen wurden für die Tabelle, Datenbank-API hinzugefügt.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Bugs related to a race condition in the hash database API were fixed. Utility functions were added for the table database API.

Project Resources