

The SQL Abstraction Layer (SAL) provides a set of classes for creating and manipulating SQL statements in PHP. This makes it easy to refer to your SQL statements by name instead of by value, increasing portability. It also means you do things like have a search form generate SQL (including arbitrary SQL joins) on the fly. SAL is part of the Enzyme open-source project.


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2001-01-30 15:13

Unterstützung für die Kombination von zwei beliebigen SQL-SELECT-Objekte, um zu simulieren, sub-wählt auf Systemen wie MySQL, die keine Unterstützung für die richtige SQL-Syntax.
Support for combining two arbitrary SQL SELECT objects, in order to simulate sub-selects on systems like MySQL that don't support the proper SQL syntax.

2001-01-30 15:13

Erste freshmeat Ankündigung.
Initial freshmeat announcement.

Project Resources