

Sphirewall is a user-centric analytical network firewall/router. Out-of-the box, it provides user authentication coupled with powerful analytics which provide you with complete control over your network and users. With Sphirewall, you can manage and understand what is happening on your network with features such as qos, bandwidth quotas, user authentication, and much more. Not built on iptables, it is able to do things which other Open Source firewalls can't. Its very flexible, and with its open JSON API, can easily be plugged into any existing environment.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-01-28 02:46

Diese Version bringt dramatische Verbesserungen der Leistung und Stabilität in den Kern Schicht 7 HTTP Paketinspektion für Web-reporting und vielem mehr. Diese Version geht es hauptsächlich um die Optimierung der Sphirewall für hohe Belastung-Netzwerke, und in dieser Hinsicht ist es gelungen.
This release brings with it dramatic performance and stability improvements in the core, layer 7 HTTP packet inspection for Web reporting, and many more features. This release is mostly about optimising Sphirewall for high load networks, and in this respect it has succeeded.

Project Resources