

Obol is a specialized high-level programming
language for security protocols. The idea is to
program closer to the abstractions used to
describe and analyze security protocols, and leave
all the nasty details to the language's runtime.
The runtime will then handle "mundane" issues
such as message representation, communication,
cryptographic transformations and so on. The
language is interpreted, and the runtime written
in Java.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-03-29 06:33

Eine robustere REPL Top-Level-Schnittstelle implementiert. Der Quellcode wurde veröffentlicht.
A more robust REPL top-level interface was implemented. The source code was released.

2007-01-19 15:43

Diese Version behebt Probleme Jar-Datei, Robustheit Fragen, und das Symbol Eigentum Dereferenzierung.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes Jar file trouble, robustness
issues, and symbol
property dereferencing.

2007-01-05 19:16

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources