

MEEP takes a "versioned" disk to disk backup.
"Versioned" means that in each backup, unchanged
files are hardlinks to the previous backup
version, hence typically at least 90% space is
saved. Source directories can be anything accepted
by rsync, and the target must be a local
filesystem directory. The word MEEP is an
abbreviation of Mobile Enterprise Enabled
Professional backup, none of which MEEP is. For a more polished implementation of the same idea, see the rsnapshot project.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-11-13 23:12

Die - no-Modifikationen Modus wurde zur Arbeit bei der Einnahme der ersten Sicherung.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The --no-modifications mode was made to work when
taking the first backup.

2004-11-13 14:59

Diese Version behebt die rsync-Option - Ganzkörper-Datei. Als meep von einer Handvoll Menschen, seit über einem Jahr genutzt werden, und niemand hat Probleme berichtet, wurde es auf stabilen Status befördert.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release removes the rsync option --whole-file. As meep has been
used by a handful of people for over a year and no one has reported
problems, it has been promoted to stable status.

2003-10-13 04:15

Initial public release. In der Produktion den Einsatz in ein paar Seiten.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
Initial public release. In production use in a few sites.

Project Resources