

Hammerhead is a stress testing tool for Web sites. It initiates connections from multiple IP aliases and simulates a user from each alias. It is fully configurable, and there are numerous other options for creating problems with a site. Extensive data collection is also available.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-11-20 07:42

Fixes wurden vorgenommen, um mit den aktuellen Versionen (> 4.0) von FreeBSD zu kompilieren. Fehler Warnungen für Szenarien wurden ebenfalls verbessert.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Fixes were made to compile with current versions (> 4.0) of FreeBSD. Error warnings for scenarios were also improved.

2002-04-26 11:18

Minor Laden von Bildern Probleme wurden in dieser Version behoben wurden mehr Kommandozeilen-Optionen hinzugefügt, und ein paar kleine Crash-Bugs wurden behoben.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Minor image loading problems were fixed in this release, more command line options were added, and a couple of minor crash bugs were fixed.

2001-07-11 07:52

Support für beliebige Header, POST Einrichtungen, Fixes für SSL-Konfiguration, bessere Behandlung von Cookies, und verbesserte config-Parsing.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Support for arbitrary headers, POST bodies, fixes to SSL configuration, better cookie handling, and improved config parsing.

2001-06-28 15:33

Diese Version enthält Fixes für den Aufbau / install-Prozess und die Beseitigung von einem schwerwiegenden Fehler.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release includes fixes to the build/install process and the removal of a fatal bug.

Project Resources