Fuzzball Muck is a networked multi-user MUD chat server. It is user-extensible, and newer versions support advanced features such as GUI dialogs, through close client-server cooperation with Trebuchet or other clients that support MCP-GUI.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Diese Veröffentlichung fügt einige neue MUF Primitiven, und enthält eine Reihe von anderen Änderungen und Bugfixes, darunter eine Reihe von Fixes für schwerwiegende Fehler.
FB6, Major bugfixes
This release adds some new MUF primitives, and
contains a number of other changes and bugfixes,
including a number of fixes for fatal errors.