emelFM2 is a file manager that implements the popular two-pane design. It features a simple GTK interface, a flexible file typing scheme, and a built-in command line for executing commands without opening an xterm.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Diese enthält Updates für verschiedene Arten von Crash, eine aktualisierte Liste der Dateien erfrischenden Mechanismus, bessere Nutzbarkeit für den glob-Plugin, und Verbesserungen an der "inoffiziellen" Debian Build-Dateien.
This includes fixes for several types of crash, an updated filelist refreshing mechanism, better usability for the glob plugin, and improvements to the 'unofficial' Debian build files.
Diese Version enthält kleinere Verbesserungen, die packen und Plugins, Text-Datei zum Ausdrucken, und Informationen über Verzeichnisse. Einige Bugs wurden gefixt.
This release includes minor enhancements to the pack and unpack plugins, text-file printing, and information about directories. Several bugs were fixed.