

Adaptive Website Framework (AWF) is a modern content management system and development framework. Most of its code is object-oriented and very easy to extend. It features support for multiple Web sites and languages, content versioning, caching, community portal functions (online list, forums, instant messages, newsletters, weblogs, wiki, etc.), image upload and galleries, a lexicon, a modular full-text search engine, an auto repair function for database tables, XML and PDF export, and RSS and LDAP support. Changes can be made on a preview site and published at a later time on the live site. Fully flexible URLs allow the replacement of existing static Web sites.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-07-02 21:13

Diese Pressemitteilung Rendering-Funktionen von LaTeX-Code, ein neues Plugin-System für Content-Objekte, verbesserte Multi-Language-Support, bessere SEO, ein Web-Shop (Alpha-Version), und neue Vorlagen. Die Spaw WYSIWYG-Editor wurde aus Sicherheitsgründen entfernt.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
This release features rendering of LaTeX code, a new plugin system for content objects, improved multi-language support, better SEO, a Web shop (alpha version), and new templates. The Spaw WYSIWYG editor was removed for security reasons.

2006-05-08 03:14

Diese Version bietet viele kleine Bugfixes und eine neue Anti-Spam-Funktion.
Tags: Stable, Code cleanup
This release features many small bugfixes and a new anti-spam function.

2006-02-06 22:43

Diese Version bietet Verbesserungen und Bugfixes zu Trackbacks, Kommentare, Weblogs und Vorlagen. Die Versionierung Regelung muss geändert PHP-Standard.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
This release features enhancements and bugfixes for trackbacks, comments, Weblogs, and templates. The versioning scheme has changed to PHP-standard.

2006-02-02 18:18

Diese Veröffentlichung fügt bessere Templates, die Unterstützung von Trackbacks, und einige kleinere Bugfixes.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
This release adds improved templates, support for trackbacks, and some
minor bugfixes.

2006-01-28 07:26

Diese Version verfügt über einige kleinere Bugfixes in die Datenbank automatisch Reparatur-Funktion, Stylesheets, Dokumentation und Link-Management.
Tags: Stable, Minor bugfixes
This release features some minor bugfixes to the database auto repair function, stylesheets, documentation, and link management.

Project Resources