Ticket #42337

civ2civ3: helptext of Tech Communism is wrong

Eröffnet am: 2021-05-21 05:04 Letztes Update: 2021-05-30 10:53

5 - Mittel
5 - Mittel


civ2civ3: helptext of Tech Communism was wrong. In this ruleset, the effect of Cathedrals is reduced by the Communism government, not by the tech.

Fixed typo error in helptext of Anarchy government. Added missing "*", and joined the 2 lines related to luxury.

Ticket-Verlauf (3/18 Historien)

2021-05-21 05:04 Aktualisiert von: bard
  • New Ticket "civ2civ3: helptext of Tech Communism is wrong" created
2021-05-21 05:19 Aktualisiert von: bard
  • File m-civ2civ3-helptext-of-Tech-Communism-was-wrong.patch (File ID: 6882) is attached
2021-05-21 05:23 Aktualisiert von: bard

I forgot to include sandbox... incoming new patch

2021-05-21 05:47 Aktualisiert von: bard
  • File m-civ2civ3-helptext-of-Tech-Communism-was-wrong.patch (File ID: 6882) is deleted
2021-05-21 10:38 Aktualisiert von: cazfi

Are all branches affected?

2021-05-24 02:08 Aktualisiert von: bard

Yes, all branches are affected. The patch works for 3.1 and 3.0 too. I just tested it. Altough the patch adds a text line that I'm not sure if it might be improved:

* Cancels the bonus from Mysticism and Theology (to Temples and Cathedrals).

2021-05-24 02:15 Aktualisiert von: cazfi

Reply To bard

Yes, all branches are affected. The patch works for 3.1 and 3.0 too. I just tested it.

That leaves only S2_6.
2021-05-24 02:25 Aktualisiert von: chippo

Reply To bard

Altough the patch adds a text line that I'm not sure if it might be improved: * Cancels the bonus from Mysticism and Theology (to Temples and Cathedrals).

Seems unambiguous to me.

One thing related, that I never understood properly or tested: In a non-communist government, does Michael Angelo's, Theology and a cathedral give 7 or 8 content? Clearly (now) under communism it is 6.

2021-05-24 03:51 Aktualisiert von: bard

Reply To chippo

One thing related, that I never understood properly or tested: In a non-communist government, does Michael Angelo's, Theology and a cathedral give 7 or 8 content? Clearly (now) under communism it is 6.

In civ2civ3 it's 7: 3 from cathedral + 1 from Theology + 3 from Michael Angelo's

in classic it's 6 most of the time, 8 with Theology, and 6 again after discovery of Communism.

2021-05-24 04:04 Aktualisiert von: chippo

Reply To bard

In civ2civ3 it's 7: 3 from cathedral + 1 from Theology + 3 from Michael Angelo's in classic it's 6 most of the time, 8 with Theology, and 6 again after discovery of Communism.

Sweet. And now I know why I was confused between 7 & 8. I was testing/experimenting in both classic and civ2civ3 and not taking notes (relying on my terrible memory).

But I think some help-text somewhere (not sure where), should clarify this so that our users can work this out for themselves.

2021-05-24 10:27 Aktualisiert von: None

Reply To cazfi

That leaves only S2_6.

I forgot about S2_6. The patch won't apply there, I'll do one asap.

Reply To chippo

But I think some help-text somewhere (not sure where), should clarify this so that our users can work this out for themselves.

I thought it'd be simpler to explain/understand if Michael Angelo's does not duplicate theology effect. I understand it might be confusing when coming from classic. But current helptext tries to clarify it:

Doubles the base effect of Cathedrals. This makes 3 additional unhappy citizens content in each city with a Cathedral; however, it does not affect citizens made unhappy by aggression.

2021-05-27 06:52 Aktualisiert von: cazfi

Reply To (Anonymous)

Reply To cazfi

That leaves only S2_6.

I forgot about S2_6. The patch won't apply there, I'll do one asap.

I'll be pushing string changes to S2_6 with relatively high priority now, so that translators have more time to do their thing before 2.6.5 release.

2021-05-27 08:51 Aktualisiert von: bard

Uploaded patch for S2_6. The patch for Master works for S3_0 and S3_1 too.

I'm still learning to handle different branches with git, but it seems better than it was with svn. The first patch is the hardest one to get right, for next ones I'll repeat the same procedure.

cazfi, where can I find the current state of each branch: format freeze, string freeze, only bug fixes, etc?

2021-05-27 10:23 Aktualisiert von: cazfi

Reply To bard

cazfi, where can I find the current state of each branch: format freeze, string freeze, only bug fixes, etc?

Only by following announcements to freeciv-dev mailing list, I guess.

2021-05-27 10:23 Aktualisiert von: cazfi
  • Lösung Update from Keine to Accepted
  • Meilenstein Update from (Keine) to 2.6.5 (closed)
  • Komponente Update from (Keine) to Rulesets
2021-05-30 10:53 Aktualisiert von: cazfi
  • Status Update from Offen to Geschlossen
  • Verantwortlicher Update from (Keine) to cazfi
  • Lösung Update from Accepted to Gefixt



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