

Code Hosting for sample modules of XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1.


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Veröffentlicht: 2006-11-25 18:46
message message-0.03 (1 files Verstecken)


The "message" module is the advanced private message module, which makes it possible to use the sent box, the draft box and preview feature.

You will learn following things by this sample:

* How to hook kernel handlers of Legacy 2.1.
* The installation script in Legacy 2.1 with log.
* How to apply User-Control-Event.
* The virtual service as common intereface for Leagcy 2.1.
* Sample at cubson 0.52.3. (if you are a cubson user)
* And..., a part of exchangable concepts of Cube.

You need Cube Legacy 2.1 beta 4 or later to run this module.

How to install

1. Uninstall pm module, if you have installed it.
2. Install this module.
3. Existing messages are migrated automatically by the installation script of this module.


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