[dl-x86solaris-devel 90] CVS update: dlkit2/sv

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SAWADA Keiji card_capto****@users*****
2006年 3月 12日 (日) 14:18:57 JST

Index: dlkit2/sv/add-client.sub
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/add-client.sub:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/add-client.sub	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+# -*- shell-script -*-
+# add-client.sub - register client to this kit; generate work space
+# for this client and (re)start servers.
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 SAWADA Keiji <card_capto****@users*****>
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 teelime <teeli****@users*****>
+# This program is free software and has two license options; GNU
+# General Public License, or Common Development and Distribution
+# License.  You can and must select one when you redistribute and/or
+# modify this program.  Whatever you choose, this software comes with
+# absolutely no warranty.
+set -e
+asserta='== << Assertion >> =================================================='
+# common subroutines
+echon() {
+    printf "%s" "$@"
+typep() {
+    cmd=$1 ; TMP=$IFS ; IFS=: ; set $PATH
+    for dir
+      do
+      if [ -x "$dir/$cmd" ]; then
+	  echo "$dir/$cmd"; IFS=$TMP; return 0
+      fi
+    done
+    IFS=$TMP; return 1
+perror() {
+    echo "ERROR: " "$@"
+    exit 1
+apply_m4() {
+    # apply_m4 -Dmacro=value input.m4 > output
+    (echo ". $trandir/config.in"
+	echo "m4 \\"
+        sed -n 's/^\([^#=]*\)=.*$/\1/p' < $config_in | sort -u | sed 's/\(.*\)/-D\1="$\1" \\/'
+	echo "$@"
+    ) | sh
+# basic preparations
+sanity_check() {
+    x=${SV_INSTROOT:?"SV_INSTROOT is not set"}
+    x=${CL_CONFIG:?"CL_CONFIG is not set"}
+check_install_type() {
+    echon "Checking installation type... "
+    case "$INSTALL_TYPE" in
+	type1|disklessify)
+	    use_dvddir=false		# already installed
+	    use_fin_root=true		# rootdir on NFS (post-install)
+	    ;;
+	type2|netinstall)
+	    use_dvddir=true		# going to install
+	    use_fin_root=false		# rootdir on hard drive (post-install)
+	    ;;
+	type3|diskless|type4|offline)
+	    use_dvddir=true		# going to install
+	    use_fin_root=true		# rootdir on NFS (post-install)
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    perror "choose INTALL_TYPE value from: " \
+		"disklessify, netinstall, diskless, offline"
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    echo "$INSTALL_TYPE"
+    case "$BOOT_TYPE" in
+	newboot)
+	    use_instroot=true		# rootdir on NFS at install-time
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    perror "BOOT_TYPE should be newboot"
+	    ;;
+    esac
+prepare_pool_dir() {
+    if [ ! -d $cl_pool ]; then
+	mkdir $cl_pool
+    fi
+    rm -rf $trandir; mkdir $trandir
+    rm -rf $cachedir; mkdir $cachedir
+    (   echo "##################################### begin config/server00.conf"
+	cat config/server00.conf
+	echo "##################################### end config/server00.conf"
+	echo "##################################### begin $client_config"
+	cat $client_config
+	echo "##################################### end $client_config"
+	echo "##################################### begin config/server99.conf"
+	cat config/server99.conf
+	echo "##################################### end config/server99.conf"
+    ) > $config_in
+check_dir_existence() {
+    # subroutine for directory existence checking
+    var=${1:?}
+    dir=${2:?}
+    if [ -z "$dir" ]; then
+	perror "$var: is not set"
+    elif [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
+	perror "$var: $dir: does not exist"
+    fi
+check_base_dirs() {
+    echo "Checking base directory existence..."
+    if $use_dvddir; then
+	check_dir_existence "SV_DVDDIR" "$SV_DVDDIR"
+	check_dir_existence "SV_PKGDIR" "$SV_PKGDIR"
+    fi
+    if $use_instroot; then
+	mkdir -p $SV_INSTROOT
+	check_dir_existence "SV_INSTROOT" "$SV_INSTROOT"
+    fi
+    if $use_fin_root; then
+	mkdir -p $SV_FIN_ROOT
+	check_dir_existence "SV_FIN_ROOT" "$SV_FIN_ROOT"
+    fi
+# packages
+enumerate_packages() {
+    echo "Enumerating packages to install..."
+    args="-h $SV_DVDDIR"
+    test ! -z "$TOC_LOCALE" && args="$args -L $TOC_LOCALE"
+    for x in $PKG_CLUSTER; do args="$args -c $x"; done
+    for x in $PKG_CATEGORY; do args="$args -y $x"; done
+    for x in $PKG_LOCALE; do args="$args -l $x"; done
+    args="$args $PKG_EXTRA"
+    sv/enum-pkgs.pl $args > $trandir/pkglist
+    echo "Enumerating packages to install... done"
+# NFS server stuff
+add_dfstab() {
+    # subroutine for adding entries of NFS export file
+    # (=/etc/dfs/dfstab or /etc/exports)
+    if [ ! -f $cachedir/instdir_exported ]; then
+	echo "$fmt" | m4 -DNM="$nm" -DDIR="$SV_DVDDIR" >> $cachedir/dfstab
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $cachedir/fin_root_exported ]; then
+	echo "$fmt" | m4 -DNM="$nm" -DDIR="$SV_FIN_ROOT" >> $cachedir/dfstab
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $cachedir/swapfile_exported ]; then
+	echo "$fmt" | m4 -DNM="$nm" -DDIR="$SV_SWAPFILE" >> $cachedir/dfstab
+    fi
+    echo $asserta
+    echo "NFS server seems not to export required shares."
+    echo "This script adds missing one, go on attempt."
+    echo "WARNING: $file will be modified."
+    echo $assertz
+    backup_distfile $file
+    cat $cachedir/dfstab >> $file
+warn_no_export() {
+    # subroutine for warning to add NFS export entries
+    echo $asserta
+    cat <<EOF
+NFS server seems not to export required shares. This script go on
+attempt, but it is unlikely to complete.  If NFS doesn't export them
+realy, export following directories and run this script again.
+Client needs to be suid-enabled, readable and writable as root. See
+man exports (on most Unix systems) or man dfstab (on Solaris family)
+for more detail.
+    echon "Directories to be exported:"
+    test ! -f $cachedir/instdir_exported && echon " $SV_DVDDIR"
+    test ! -f $cachedir/fin_root_exported && echon " $SV_FIN_ROOT"
+    test ! -f $cachedir/swapfile_exported && echon " $SV_SWAPFILE"
+    echo ''
+    echo "Hosts to be exported: $SV_NAME $CL_NAME"
+    echo $assertz
+check_nfs_export() {
+    echon "Checking NFS server status... "
+    showmount=`typep showmount`
+    #showmount=/zzzz # debug dummy
+    if [ ! -x "$showmount" ]; then
+	echo "unknown ('showmount' command is not found)"
+	echo "WARNING: probed NFS export list will be inaccurate"
+	showmount=true
+    elif $showmount -e $SV_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+	echo "seems working, good"
+    else
+	echo "seems stopped, bad situation"
+	echo "WARNING: going on anyway, but you probably need to (re)start NFS server"
+    fi
+    echon "Checking NFS export list... "
+    #SV_DVDDIR=/zzzz # debug dummy
+    #SV_INSTROOT=/zzzz # debug dummy
+    #SV_FIN_ROOT=/zzzz # debug dummy
+    #SV_SWAPFILE=/zzzz # debug dummy
+    set +e
+    $showmount -e $SV_NAME | tail +2 | while read line; do
+	set -- $line
+	echon " $1"
+	expr "$SV_DVDDIR" : "$1" > /dev/null && echo "$2" > $cachedir/instdir_exported
+	expr "$SV_INSTROOT" : "$1" > /dev/null && echo "$2" > $cachedir/instroot_exported
+	expr "$SV_FIN_ROOT" : "$1" > /dev/null && echo "$2" > $cachedir/fin_root_exported
+	expr "$SV_SWAPFILE" : "$1" > /dev/null && echo "$2" > $cachedir/swapfile_exported
+    done
+    set -e
+    # if we don't use it, treat it as exported
+    $use_dvddir || touch $cachedir/instdir_exported
+    $use_instroot || touch $cachedir/instroot_exported
+    $use_fin_root || touch $cachedir/fin_root_exported
+    $use_fin_root || touch $cachedir/swapfile_exported
+    echo ""
+    warn_export=false
+    if [ ! -f $cachedir/instdir_exported ]; then
+	echo "WARNING: $SV_NAME does not export $SV_DVDDIR"
+	warn_export=true
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $cachedir/instroot_exported ]; then
+	echo "WARNING: $SV_NAME does not export $SV_INSTROOT"
+	warn_export=true
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $cachedir/fin_root_exported ]; then
+	echo "WARNING: $SV_NAME does not export $SV_FIN_ROOT"
+	warn_export=true
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $cachedir/swapfile_exported ]; then
+	echo "WARNING: $SV_NAME does not export $SV_SWAPFILE"
+	warn_export=true
+    fi
+    if $warn_export; then
+	set +e
+	case "$SV_NFSD_PREF" in
+	    solaris)
+		fmt="share -F nfs -o rw=NM,root=NM DIR"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME:$CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		shareall
+		;;
+	    generic_linux) # untested
+		fmt="DIR	NM(rw,no_root_squash,async)"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME,$CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		exports -ra
+		;;
+	    debian) # untested
+		fmt="DIR	NM(rw,no_root_squash,async)"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME,$CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
+		;;
+	    suse) # RHEL4, CentOS4.1, SUSE9.3 # untested
+		fmt="DIR	NM(rw,no_root_squash,async)"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME,$CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		/etc/init.d/nfs restart
+		;;
+	    aix) # untested
+		fmt="DIR	NM,rw=NM"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME:$CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		exports -ra
+		;;
+	    generic_bsd) # untested
+		fmt="DIR	NM"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME $CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		exports -ra
+		;;
+	    tru64) # untested
+		fmt="DIR	NM -rw=NM"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME:$CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		exports -a
+		;;
+	    hpux|irix) # untested
+		fmt="DIR	-rw=NM"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME:$CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		exports -a
+		;;
+	    sunos4) # untested
+		fmt="DIR	-rw=NM"
+		file=/etc/dfs/dfstab; nm="$SV_NAME,$CL_NAME"; add_dfstab
+		exports -a
+		;;
+	    *)
+		warn_no_export
+		;;
+	esac
+	set -e
+    else
+	echo "Checking NFS export list... done"
+    fi
+# TFTP stuff
+menu=`echo $CL_MAC | sed -e ''`
+generate_menu_list() {
+    # subroutine for generating GRUB menu.lst file
+    apply_m4 -DINSTUPDATE1 sv/grub-menu.m4 > $cl_pool/menu-inst.lst
+    apply_m4 -DPOSTUPDATE1 sv/grub-menu.m4 > $cl_pool/menu-fin.lst
+prepare_tftpboot_newboot() {
+    echon "Preparing TFTP..."
+    echon " pxegrub"
+    mkdir -p $SV_TFTPROOT/boot
+    rm -rf $SV_TFTPROOT/boot/grub
+    cp -rp $SV_DVDDIR/boot/grub $SV_TFTPROOT/boot
+    echon " multiboot"
+    cp $SV_DVDDIR/boot/multiboot $SV_TFTPROOT/boot
+    echo " done"
+prepare_tftpboot() {
+    case "$BOOT_TYPE" in
+	newboot)
+	    generate_menu_list
+	    prepare_tftpboot_newboot
+	    ;;
+    esac
+check_tftpd_newboot() {
+    echon "Checking TFTP accessibility... "
+    set +e
+    tftp=`typep tftp`
+    set -e
+    #tftp=/bin/true # debug
+    if [ -x "$tftp" ]; then
+	echo "get /boot/grub/pxegrub $cachedir/pxegrub" | $tftp $SV_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1
+	echo "get /boot/multiboot $cachedir/multiboot" | $tftp $SV_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1
+	warn_tftp=false
+	diff $cachedir/pxegrub $SV_TFTPROOT/boot/grub/pxegrub > /dev/null 2>&1 || warn_tftp=true
+	diff $cachedir/multiboot $SV_TFTPROOT/boot/multiboot > /dev/null 2>&1 || warn_tftp=true
+	if $warn_tftp; then
+	    echo "failed"
+	    echo $asserta
+	    echo "Failed to retrieve file(s) from TFTP server."
+	    echo "Probably TFTP server is not running."
+	    echo $assertz
+	else
+	    echo "done"
+	fi
+    else
+	echo "skipped, 'tftp' command missing"
+    fi
+check_tftpd() {
+    case "$BOOT_TYPE" in
+	newboot)	check_tftpd_newboot ;;
+    esac
+# DHCP stuff
+generate_dhcpd_conf_newboot() {
+    echon "Generating DHCP configuration file... "
+    apply_m4 sv/dhcpd00.conf.m4 > pool/dhcpd00.conf
+    apply_m4 sv/dhcpd-client.conf.m4 > $cl_pool/dhcpd-client.conf
+    apply_m4 sv/dhcpd99.conf.m4 > pool/dhcpd99.conf
+    echo "done"
+generate_dhcpd_conf() {
+    case "$BOOT_TYPE" in
+	newboot)        generate_dhcpd_conf_newboot ;;
+    esac
+generate_sysidcfg() {
+    if [ "x$CL_SYSIDCFG" = xyes ]; then
+	echon "Generating sysidcfg file... "
+	mkdir -p 
+	(   echo "name_service=NONE"
+	    echo "network_interface=primary {dhcp protocol_ipv6=$CL_SYSIDCFG_IPv6}"
+	    echo "security_policy=NONE"
+	    echo "system_locale=$CL_LANG"
+	    echo "timezone=$CL_TIMEZONE"
+	    echo "timeserver=$CL_SYSIDCFG_TIMESERVER"
+	    if [ -f "$CL_SYSIDCFG_X" ]; then cat "$CL_SYSIDCFG_X"; fi
+	) > $cl_pool/sysidcfg
+	echo "done"
+    fi
+prepare_non_std_driver() {
+    for drv in $NON_STD_DRIVER; do
+	echo "Generating install script for $drv driver..."
+	sh ./sv/non-std-driver-setup.sh "$drv" $trandir
+    done
+# main
+$use_dvddir && enumerate_packages
+echo ""
+echo "Done adding client \"$CL_CONFIG\""
Index: dlkit2/sv/copy-latest-boot_archive-to-tftpboot.sh
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/copy-latest-boot_archive-to-tftpboot.sh:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/copy-latest-boot_archive-to-tftpboot.sh	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# sv.mk-copy-latest-boot_archive-to-tftpboot.sh - copy the latest boot_archive file
+# to the tftpboot directory.
+# Copyright (c) 2006 teelime <teeli****@users*****>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License AND Common
+# Development and Distribution License.
+. ./config.in
Index: dlkit2/sv/dhcpd-client.conf.m4
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/dhcpd-client.conf.m4:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/dhcpd-client.conf.m4	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+	host CL_NAME {
+		next-server SV_IPADDR;
+		option host-name "CL_NAME";
+		hardware ethernet CL_MAC;
+		fixed-address CL_IPADDR;
+		filename "boot/grub/pxegrub";
+	}
Index: dlkit2/sv/dhcpd00.conf.m4
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/dhcpd00.conf.m4:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/dhcpd00.conf.m4	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ddns-update-style interim;
+default-lease-time 3600;
+max-lease-time 86400;
+option space grub;
+option grub.configfile code 150 = text;
+subnet SUBNET_ADDR netmask SUBNET_MASK {
+	range LEASE_RANGE;
+	option subnet-mask SUBNET_MASK;
+	option broadcast-address BROADCAST;
+	option routers ROUTER;
Index: dlkit2/sv/dhcpd99.conf.m4
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/dhcpd99.conf.m4:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/dhcpd99.conf.m4	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: dlkit2/sv/enum-pkgs.pl
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/enum-pkgs.pl:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/enum-pkgs.pl	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# enum-pkgs.pl - enumerate packages for Solaris installation
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 SAWADA Keiji <card_capto****@users*****>
+# This program is free software and has two license options; GNU
+# General Public License, or Common Development and Distribution
+# License.  You can and must select one when you redistribute and/or
+# modify this program.  Whatever you choose, this software comes with
+# absolutely no warranty.
+sub read_pkg_toc {
+    @_ = glob($pkgtoc_pat);
+    die ".packagetoc should be one and only under $topdir" if($#_ != 0);
+    my $pkgtoc = $_[0];
+    open(FD, $pkgtoc) || die;
+    while($_ = <FD>) {
+	chomp(); split('=');
+	if($_[0] eq 'PKG') {
+	    $pkg = $_[1];
+	} elsif($_[0] eq 'NAME') {
+	    $pkg_name{$pkg} = $_[1];
+	} elsif($_[0] eq 'PKGDIR') {
+	    $pkg_dir{$pkg} = $_[1];
+	} elsif($_[0] eq 'CATEGORY') {
+	    $pkg_category{$pkg} = $_[1];
+	} elsif($_[0] eq 'SUNW_LOC') {
+	    $pkg_locale{$pkg} = $_[1];
+	}
+    }
+    close(FD);
+    printf STDERR "loaded %d entries from %s\n", int(keys(%pkg_name)), $pkgtoc;
+    1;
+sub read_clst_toc {
+    @_ = glob($clsttoc_pat);
+    die ".clustertoc should be one and only under $topdir" if($#_ != 0);
+    my $clsttoc = $_[0];
+    my $memb_list = [];
+    open(FD, $clsttoc) || die;
+    while($_ = <FD>) {
+	chomp(); split('=');
+	if($_[0] eq 'CLUSTER' or $_[0] eq 'METACLUSTER') {
+	    $clst_type{$pkg = $_[1]} = $_[0];
+	} elsif($_[0] eq 'DESC') {
+	    $clst_desc{$pkg} = $_[1];
+	} elsif($_[0] eq 'NAME') {
+	    $clst_name{$pkg} = $_[1];
+	} elsif($_[0] eq 'SUNW_CSRMEMBER') {
+	    push @$memb_list, $_[1];
+	    #print join(',', @$memb_list);
+	} elsif($_[0] eq 'END') {
+	    $clst_memb{$pkg} = $memb_list;
+	    $memb_list = [];
+	}
+    }
+    close(FD);
+    printf STDERR "loaded %d entries from %s\n", int(keys(%clst_name)), $clsttoc;
+    1;
+sub read_order_list {
+    @_ = glob($order_pat);
+    die ".order should be one and only under $topdir" if($#_ != 0);
+    my $order = $_[0];
+    open(FD, $order) || die;
+    while($_ = <FD>) {
+	chomp($_);
+	push(@order_list, $_);
+    }
+    close(FD);
+    printf STDERR "loaded %d entries from %s\n", int(@order_list), $order;
+    1;
+sub select_packages_by_category {
+    my ($category) = @_;
+    my $pkg, @ret, %cats;
+    for $pkg (keys(%pkg_category)) {
+	#printf "%s, %s, %s\n", $category, $pkg, $pkg_category{$pkg};##
+	%cats = map { $_ => 1} split(',', $pkg_category{$pkg});
+	if($cats{$category}){
+	    push(@ret, $pkg);
+	}
+    }
+    @ret;
+sub select_packages_by_locale {
+    my ($locale) = @_;
+    my $pkg, @ret, %locs;
+    for $pkg (keys(%pkg_locale)) {
+	#printf "%s, %s, %s\n", $locale, $pkg, $pkg_locale{$pkg};##
+	%locs = map { $_ => 1} split(',', $pkg_locale{$pkg});
+	if($locs{$locale}){
+	    push(@ret, $pkg);
+	}
+    }
+    @ret;
+sub expand_cluster {
+    my ($pkg) = @_;
+    my @ret = ();
+    if(exists($clst_type{$pkg})) {
+	my $members = $clst_memb{$pkg};
+	foreach $cpkg (@$members) {
+	    @ret = (@ret, expand_cluster($cpkg));
+	}
+    } else {
+	@ret = ($pkg);
+    }
+    return @ret;
+sub print_all_clusters {
+    for $pkg (@pkg_list) {
+	my $members = $clst_memb{$pkg};
+	printf "%s: %s, %s, <%s>\n", $pkg, $clst_type{$pkg}, $clst_name{$pkg}, join(',', @$members);
+    }
+sub reorder_packages {
+    my %in = map {$_ => ''} @_;
+    foreach $cand (@order_list) {
+	if(exists($in{$cand})) {
+	    push(@sorted, $cand);
+	    delete($in{$cand});
+	}
+    }
+    return (@sorted, keys(%in));
+# main
+$topdir = '/export/home/install';
+if($ARGV[0] eq '-h') { # should be first
+    shift(@ARGV);
+    $topdir = shift(@ARGV);
+if($ARGV[0] eq '-L') { # should be first/next
+    shift(@ARGV);
+    $loc = shift(@ARGV);
+    $pkgtoc_pat = "$topdir/Solaris_*/Product/locale/$loc/.packagetoc";
+    $clsttoc_pat = "$topdir/Solaris_*/Product/locale/$loc/.clustertoc.default";
+} else {
+    $pkgtoc_pat = "$topdir/Solaris_*/Product/.packagetoc";
+    $clsttoc_pat = "$topdir/Solaris_*/Product/.clustertoc";
+$order_pat = "$topdir/Solaris_*/Product/.order";
+# print join("\n", select_packages_by_category('ja'));
+# print join(',', expand_cluster('SUNWCprog')) . "\n";
+# print join("\n", reorder_packages(expand_cluster('SUNWCprog')));
+ @ pkgs = ();
+while($arg = shift(@ARGV)) {
+    if($arg eq '-c') {
+	$clst = shift(@ARGV);
+	@_ = expand_cluster($clst);
+	printf STDERR "selected %d packages by cluster %s\n", int(@_), $clst;
+	@pkgs = (@pkgs, @_);
+	next;
+    } elsif($arg eq '-C') {
+	foreach $clst (keys(%clst_type)) {
+	    print "$clst - $clst_name{$clst}\n"
+		if($clst_type{$clst} eq 'METACLUSTER');
+	}
+	exit(0);
+    } elsif($arg eq '-y') {
+	$category = shift(@ARGV);
+	@_ = select_packages_by_category($category);
+	printf STDERR "selected %d packages by category %s\n", int(@_), $category;
+	@pkgs = (@pkgs, @_);
+    } elsif($arg eq '-l') {
+	$locale = shift(@ARGV);
+	@_ = select_packages_by_locale($locale);
+	printf STDERR "selected %d packages by locale %s\n", int(@_), $locale;
+	@pkgs = (@pkgs, @_);
+    } else {
+	$pkg_dir{$arg} = $arg if not exists $pkg_dir{$arg};
+	push(@pkgs, $arg);
+    }
+if($#pkgs < 1) {
+    print STDERR <<EOT;
+Usage: sv.enum-pkgs [-h inst_dir] [-L cat_locale]
+                    [-c cluster] [-y category] [-l locale] [packages] ...
+       sv.enum-pkgs -C
+    exit(1);
+ @ pkgdir = map { $pkg_dir{$_} } reorder_packages(@pkgs);
+printf STDERR "total %d packages selected\n", int(@pkgdir);
+print join("\n", @pkgdir) . "\n";
Index: dlkit2/sv/finish-client.sub
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/finish-client.sub:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/finish-client.sub	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+set -eux
+# common subroutines
+echon() {
+	printf "%s" "$@"
+backup_distfile() {
+    file=${1:?}
+    if [ ! -f "$file.dist" ]; then
+        cp -p "$file" "$file.dist"
+    fi
+create_boot_archive() {
+    cp -p $SV_FIN_ROOT/platform/i86pc/boot_archive \
+	$SV_PXEBOOTDIR/boot_archive.${CL_NAME}
+restart_dhcpd() {
+    case "$BOOT_TYPE" in
+	newboot)
+	    echo "Install menu.lst to TFTP directory..."
+	    menu=`echo menu.lst.01$CL_MAC | sed -e 's/://g'`
+	    cp -p $cl_pool/menu-fin.lst $SV_TFTPROOT/$menu
+	    ;;
+    esac
Index: dlkit2/sv/get-non-std-drivers.sh
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/get-non-std-drivers.sh:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/get-non-std-drivers.sh	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# -*- shell-script -*-
+# sv.get-non-std-drivers - get third party drivers
+mkdir -p site_drv
+cd site_drv
+xlink() {
+    # find a file specified by given glob, and make link to it
+    LINK=${1:?}; FILE=${2:?}
+    if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
+	echo "  Found $NAME driver at $FILE ($LINK)"
+	rm -f "$LINK"
+	ln "$FILE" "$LINK"
+    else
+	echo "ERROR: link=$LINK file=$FILE"
+    fi
+murayama_extract() {
+    # usage: murayama_extract NAME MAJOR_VERSION
+    NAME=${1:?}; MAJ=${2:?}
+    TGZ="$MURAYAMA_URL/$NAME-$MAJ*.tar.gz"
+    echo "Extracting $NAME driver archive"
+    gzip -dc $TGZ | tar xf -
+    xlink $NAME.i386  $NAME-$MAJ*/i386/$NAME
+    xlink $NAME.amd64 $NAME-$MAJ*/amd64/$NAME
+echo "Fetching archives from http://$MURAYAMA_URL/eng/..."
+$WGET -q -m -l 1 http://$MURAYAMA_URL/eng/
+murayama_extract alta 1
+murayama_extract bcf 0
+murayama_extract gani 0
+murayama_extract ife 0
+murayama_extract nfo 0
+murayama_extract ni 0
+murayama_extract rf 1
+murayama_extract rh 1
+#murayama_extract rh 2
+murayama_extract sfe 1
+murayama_extract tne 0
+murayama_extract tu 0
+murayama_extract vel 0
Index: dlkit2/sv/grub-menu.m4
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/grub-menu.m4:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/grub-menu.m4	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+dnl ######################################################################
+ifdef(`INSTUPDATE1', `dnl
+define(`LOADER', ``/boot/multiboot'')dnl
+define(`KERNFILE', ``kernel/unix'')dnl
+define(`MODULE', ``/boot/boot_archive.''CL_NAME``.inst'')dnl
+define(`PROPDEF', `fstype=nfs,server-ip=SV_IPADDR,server-name=SV_NAME,server-path=SV_INSTROOT')dnl
+title Install Solaris (diskless-kit)
+	module MODULE
+title Install Solaris with kernel debugger (diskless-kit)
+	kernel LOADER KERNFILE -kv - nowin -B PROPDEF
+	module MODULE
+dnl ######################################################################
+ifdef(`POSTUPDATE1', `dnl
+define(`LOADER', ``/boot/multiboot'')dnl
+define(`KERNFILE', ``kernel/unix'')dnl
+define(`MODULE', ``/boot/boot_archive.''CL_NAME)dnl
+define(`PROPDEF', `fstype=nfs,server-ip=SV_IPADDR,server-name=SV_NAME,server-path=SV_FIN_ROOT')dnl
+title Solaris (diskless-kit)
+	module MODULE
+title Solaris with kernel debugger (diskless-kit)
+	module MODULE
+dnl ######################################################################
+ifdef(`DISKLESSIFY', `dnl
+define(`LOADER', ``/boot/multiboot'')dnl
+define(`KERNFILE', ``kernel/unix'')dnl
+define(`MODULE', ``/boot/boot_archive'')dnl
+define(`PROPDEF', `fstype=nfs,server-ip=SV_IPADDR,server-name=SV_NAME,server-path=SV_INSTROOT')dnl
+define(`POSTPROPDEF', `fstype=nfs,server-ip=SV_IPADDR,server-name=SV_NAME,server-path=SV_FIN_ROOT')dnl
+title Disklessify Solaris (PXE) * Remove this section later
+	module MODULE
+title Disklessify Solaris with kernel debugger (PXE) * Remove this section later
+	kernel LOADER KERNFILE -kv - nowin -B PROPDEF
+	module MODULE
+title Solaris (PXE) * Use this section after disklessfying
+	module MODULE
+title Solaris with kernel debugger (PXE) * use this section after disklessifying
+	module MODULE
+dnl ######################################################################
+ifdef(`NETINSTALL', `dnl
+define(`LOADER', ``/boot/multiboot'')dnl
+define(`KERNFILE', ``kernel/unix'')dnl
+define(`MODULE', ``/boot/boot_archive'')dnl
+define(`PROPDEF', `install_media=SV_IPADDR:SV_DVDDIR,fstype=nfs,server-ip=SV_IPADDR,server-name=SV_NAME,server-path=SV_INSTROOT')dnl
+title Install Solaris (PXE)
+	module MODULE
+title Install Solaris with kernel debugger (PXE)
+	kernel LOADER KERNFILE -kv - nowin -B PROPDEF
+	module MODULE
+dnl ######################################################################
+ifdef(`DISKLESS', `dnl
+define(`LOADER', ``/boot/multiboot'')dnl
+define(`KERNFILE', ``kernel/unix'')dnl
+define(`MODULE', ``/boot/boot_archive'')dnl
+define(`PROPDEF', `fstype=nfs,server-ip=SV_IPADDR,server-name=SV_NAME,server-path=SV_INSTROOT')dnl
+define(`POSTPROPDEF', `fstype=nfs,server-ip=SV_IPADDR,server-name=SV_NAME,server-path=SV_FIN_ROOT')dnl
+title Install Solaris (PXE) * Remove this section later
+	module MODULE
+title Install Solaris with kernel debugger (PXE) * Remove this section later
+	kernel LOADER KERNFILE -kv - nowin -B PROPDEF
+	module MODULE
+title Solaris (PXE) * Use this section after installing
+	module MODULE
+title Solaris with kernel debugger (PXE) * use this section after installing
+	module MODULE
Index: dlkit2/sv/install-client.sub
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/install-client.sub:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/install-client.sub	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# -*- shell-script -*-
+# install-client: 
+set -eu
+cl_pool=pool/${CL_CONFIG:?"CL_CONFIG not set"}
+OSTYPE=`uname -s`
+# common subroutines
+echon() {
+    printf "%s" "$@"
+perror() {
+    echo "ERROR: " "$@"
+    exit 1
+backup_distfile() {
+    file=${1:?}
+    if [ ! -f "$file.dist" ]; then
+	cp -p "$file" "$file.dist"
+    fi
+copy_hier() {
+    # copy_hier src dst
+    src=${1:?}; dst=${2:?}
+    (cd "$src" && tar cpf - .) | (cd "$dst" && tar xpf -)
+toupper() {
+    tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
+sanity_check() {
+    x=${SV_INSTROOT:?"SV_INSTROOT is not set"}
+    x=${CL_CONFIG:?"CL_CONFIG is not set"}
+make_swap_file() {
+    echon "Making swap file for client... "
+    if [ -f $SV_SWAPFILE ]; then
+	chown root $SV_SWAPFILE
+	chmod 1600 $SV_SWAPFILE
+	echo "already done"
+    else
+	dd bs=1048576 if=/dev/zero of=$SV_SWAPFILE count=$SV_SWAPSIZE 2> /dev/null
+	chown root $SV_SWAPFILE
+	chmod 1600 $SV_SWAPFILE
+	echo "done"
+    fi
+create_mininfsroot() {
+    if [ ! -d $SV_INSTROOT/.tmp_proto ]; then
+	miniroot_img=/var/tmp/dlkit-miniroot-img-$$
+	miniroot_mnt=/tmp/dlkit-miniroot-mnt-$$
+	mkdir $miniroot_mnt
+	echon "Extracting original miniroot image to $SV_INSTROOT..."
+	gzip -dc $SV_DVDDIR/boot/x86.miniroot > $miniroot_img
+	case "$OSTYPE" in
+	    SunOS)
+		DEVICE=`lofiadm -a $miniroot_img`
+		mount -F ufs -r $DEVICE $miniroot_mnt
+		copy_hier $miniroot_mnt $SV_INSTROOT
+		umount $miniroot_mnt
+		lofiadm -d $DEVICE
+		;;
+	    Linux)
+		mount -o loop -t ufs $miniroot_img $miniroot_mnt
+		copy_hier $miniroot_mnt $SV_INSTROOT
+		umount $miniroot_mnt
+		;;
+	    *)
+		echo "Not inplemented yet"
+		;;
+	esac
+	rm $miniroot_img
+	rmdir $miniroot_mnt
+	echo "done"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -d $SV_INSTROOT/.tmp_proto ]; then # sanity check
+	perror "$SV_INSTROOT/.tmp_proto missing, failed to extract miniroot?"
+    fi
+    copy_hier $SV_INSTROOT/.tmp_proto/root/etc $SV_INSTROOT/tmp/root/etc
+prepare_installation_env() {
+    echon "Preparing installation environment..."
+    echon " SMF repository" # TODO: still needs this?
+    backup_distfile $SV_INSTROOT/etc/svc/repository.db
+    rm -f $SV_INSTROOT/etc/svc/repository-boot*
+    echon ", system"
+    backup_distfile $SV_INSTROOT/etc/system
+    (cat $SV_INSTROOT/etc/system.dist
+	echo ""
+	echo "* Added by dlkit"
+	echo "set nfs_dlboot:dldebug=1"
+	echo "set strplumb:strplumbdebug=1"
+    ) > $SV_INSTROOT/etc/system
+    echon ", rtc_config"
+    rm -f $SV_INSTROOT/etc/rtc_config
+    echo zone_info=Japan >  $SV_INSTROOT/etc/rtc_config
+    echo zone_lag=-32400 >> $SV_INSTROOT/etc/rtc_config
+    echon ", bootenv.rc"
+    backup_distfile $SV_INSTROOT/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc
+    rm -f $SV_INSTROOT/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc
+    cp -p $SV_INSTROOT/.tmp_proto/root/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc \
+	$SV_INSTROOT/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc
+    echon ", md.conf"
+    rm -f $SV_INSTROOT/kernel/drv/md.conf
+    cp -p $SV_INSTROOT/.tmp_proto/root/kernel/drv/md.conf \
+	$SV_INSTROOT/kernel/drv/md.conf
+    echon ", sbpro.conf"
+    rm -f $SV_INSTROOT/kernel/drv/sbpro.conf
+    cp -p $SV_INSTROOT/platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/sbpro.conf \
+	$SV_INSTROOT/kernel/drv/sbpro.conf
+    if [ ! -z "$CL_KEYBOARD" ]; then
+	echon ", keyboard type[$CL_KEYBOARD]"
+	echo "setprop kbd-type '$CL_KEYBOARD'" >> $SV_INSTROOT/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc
+    fi
+    if [ ! -z "$CL_NFS_CLIENT_VERSION" ]; then
+	echon ", NFS protocol version"
+	backup_distfile $SV_INSTROOT/etc/default/nfs
+	(cat $SV_INSTROOT/etc/default/nfs.dist
+	) > $SV_INSTROOT/etc/default/nfs
+    fi
+    echon ", installation scripts"
+    backup_distfile $SV_INSTROOT/sbin/install-setup
+    case "$INSTALL_TYPE" in
+	disklessify)
+	    cp -p cl/install-setup-disklessify $SV_INSTROOT/sbin/install-setup
+	    ;;
+	netinstall)
+	    cp -p $SV_INSTROOT/sbin/install-setup.dist \
+		$SV_INSTROOT/sbin/install-setup
+	    # XXX TODO
+	    cp -p cl.post-install-netinstall $SV_INSTROOT/sbin/post-setup
+	    echo "Reducing the limitation of physical memory size..."
+	    echon "  "
+	    patch -p0 < install-setup-reduce-memory-limitation.patch $SV_INSTROOT/sbin/install-setup
+	    ;;
+	diskless)
+	    cp -p cl/install-setup-diskless $SV_INSTROOT/sbin/install-setup
+	    ;;
+	offline)
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    # TODO: still needs this?
+    cp /dev/null $SV_INSTROOT/boot/solaris/bootargs.rc
+    echo '.'
+install_non_std_driver() {
+    for drv in $NON_STD_DRIVER; do
+	echo "Installing $drv driver..."
+	mkdir -p $trandir/site_drv
+	cp site_drv/$drv.* $trandir/site_drv
+	sh $trandir/cm.non-std-driver.$drv server $trandir
+	echo "Installing $drv driver... done"
+    done
+prepare_postinstall_env() {
+    echo "Preparing post-installation environment..."
+    pi_etc=$trandir/etc # postinstall /etc
+    rm -rf $pi_etc; mkdir $pi_etc
+    # /etc/.*
+    echon " sysidtool"
+    touch $pi_etc/.UNCONFIGURED
+    touch $pi_etc/.NFS4inst_state.domain
+    cp cl/sysidtool $pi_etc/.sysIDtool.state
+    # /etc/*
+    for f in nsswitch.conf defaultdomain resolv.conf auto_master auto_home; do
+	var=`echo "cl_etc_$f" | sed 's/\./_/g' | toupper`
+	set +u; eval "val=\$$var"; set -u
+	if [ -f "$val" ]; then
+	    echon ", $f"
+	    cat $val /dev/null > $pi_etc/$f
+	fi
+    done
+    # /etc/inet/*
+    for f in hosts ntp.conf; do
+	var=`echo "cl_etc_inet_$f" | sed 's/\./_/g' | toupper`
+	eval "val=\$$var"
+	if [ -f "$val" ]; then
+	    echon ", inet/$f"
+	    mkdir -p $pi_etc/inet
+	    #backup_distfile $pi_etc/inet/$f
+	    cat $val /dev/null > $pi_etc/inet/$f
+	fi
+    done
+    if [ "x$CL_ETC_INET_HOSTS" = "x*minimum*" ]; then
+	echon ", etc/hosts"
+	mkdir -p $pi_etc/inet
+	echo "	localhost loghost" > $pi_etc/inet/hosts
+	echo "$SV_IPADDR	$SV_NAME" >> $pi_etc/inet/hosts
+    fi
+    # /etc/openwin/*
+    if [ -f "$CL_OWCONFIG" ]; then
+	echon ", openwin/server/etc/OWconfig"
+	mkdir -p $pi_etc/openwin/server/etc
+	cp "$CL_OWCONFIG" $pi_etc/openwin/server/etc/OWconfig
+    fi
+    # /etc/X11/*
+    if [ -f "$CL_XORGCONF" ]; then
+	echon ", X11/xorg.conf"
+	mkdir -p $pi_etc/X11
+	cp "$CL_XORGCONF" $pi_etc/X11/xorg.conf
+    fi
+    # /etc/rcS.d/*
+    if [ ! -z "$CL_HOSTID" ]; then
+	mkdir -p $pi_etc/rcS.d
+	set -- `dd bs=1 count=4 if="$CL_HOSTID" 2> /dev/null | od -t x4`
+	echon ", rcS.d/S05hostid [hostid=0x$2]"
+	hostid10=`printf "%u" "0x$2"`
+	(echo 'test ! "x$1" = xstart && exit 0'
+	echo 'test ! -x /usr/bin/adb && exit 0'
+	echo "hostid10=$hostid10"
+	echo 'set -- `echo "$hostid10" | sed "s/\(.\)/ 0x3\1/g"`'
+	echo '(echo "hw_serial/v$1"; shift'
+	echo 'for val in "$@"; do echo "+/v$val"; done'
+	echo 'echo "+/v0") | adb -kw > /dev/null') > $pi_etc/rcS.d/S05hostid
+	chmod a+x $pi_etc/rcS.d/S05hostid
+    fi
+    # /etc/rc2.d/*
+    echon ", rc2.d/S98xserver-check"
+    mkdir -p $pi_etc/rc2.d
+    cp cl/s98xserver-check $pi_etc/rc2.d/S98xserver-check
+    chmod a+x $pi_etc/rc2.d/S98xserver-check
+    # /etc/nsswitch.conf (again)
+    case "$CL_ETC_NSSWITCH_CONF" in
+	'*files*')	echo 'files' > $trandir/nsswitch.templ ;;
+	'*nis*')	echo 'nis' > $trandir/nsswitch.templ ;;
+	'*nisplus*')	echo 'nisplus' > $trandir/nsswitch.templ ;;
+	'*dns*')	echo 'dns' > $trandir/nsswitch.templ ;;
+	'*ldap*')	echo 'ldap' > $trandir/nsswitch.templ ;;
+    esac
+    echo "."
+transfer_installation_script() {
+    # copy pool/$CL_CONFIG/trandir to server:$SV_INSTROOT/dlkit(=client:/dlkit)
+    echon "Transferring install scripts for client... "
+    required_files="cl/diskless-installer cl/disklessify cl/dlpkgadd"
+    cp $required_files $trandir
+    mkdir -p $trandir/pkgs.done
+    case "$BOOT_TYPE" in
+	newboot)
+	    # client can access directly
+	    (cd $SV_INSTROOT && rm -rf dlkit)
+	    cp -r $trandir $SV_INSTROOT/dlkit
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    echo "done"
+create_boot_archive() {
+    echo "Creating boot_archive for installation..."
+    case "$OSTYPE" in
+	SunOS)
+	    $SV_INSTROOT/boot/solaris/bin/create_ramdisk $SV_INSTROOT
+	    ;;
+	Linux)
+	    tempdir=/tmp/tmp.$$
+	    mkdir $tempdir # fails if already there, but it's intentional
+	    files="prtconf lockfs"
+	    for file in $files; do
+		touch $tempdir/$file; chmod +x $tempdir/$file
+	    done
+	    PATH=${PATH}:$tempdir; export PATH
+	    $SV_INSTROOT/boot/solaris/bin/create_ramdisk $SV_INSTROOT
+	    rm -rf $tempdir
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    echo "Not implemented yet"
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    echo "Installing boot_achive for installation to TFTP directory..."
+    cp -p $SV_INSTROOT/platform/i86pc/boot_archive \
+	$SV_PXEBOOTDIR/boot_archive.${CL_NAME}.inst
+restart_dhcpd() {
+    case "$BOOT_TYPE" in
+	newboot)
+	    echo "Install menu.lst to TFTP directory..."
+	    menu=`echo menu.lst.01$CL_MAC | sed -e 's/://g'`
+	    cp -p $cl_pool/menu-inst.lst $SV_TFTPROOT/$menu
+	    sv/restart-dhcpd.sh "$SV_DHCPD_PREF"
+	    ;;
+    esac
+[ "$INSTALL_TYPE" != "netinstall" -a "$BOOT_TYPE" = "newboot" ] && create_mininfsroot
+[ "$INSTALL_TYPE" != "netinstall" -a "$BOOT_TYPE" = "newboot" ] && create_boot_archive
+echo ""
+echo "Done installation for client \"$CL_CONFIG\" (on server side)"
Index: dlkit2/sv/mk-grubmenu-newbootpostupdate1.sh
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/mk-grubmenu-newbootpostupdate1.sh:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/mk-grubmenu-newbootpostupdate1.sh	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# sv.mk-grubmenu-newbootpostupdate1.sh - utility to generate GRUB's menu.lst file
+# when after diskless-installing. 
+# Copyright (c) 2006 teelime <teeli****@users*****>
+# Copyright (c) 2006 SAWADA Keiji <card_capto****@users*****>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License AND Common
+# Development and Distribution License.
+asserta='== << Assertion >> =================================================='
+apply_m4() {
+    # apply_m4 -Dmacro=value input.m4 > output
+    CONFIG=./config.in
+    (echo ". $CONFIG"
+	echo "m4 \\"
+        sed -n 's/^\([^#=]*\)=.*$/\1/p' < $CONFIG | sort -u | sed 's/\(.*\)/-D\1="$\1" \\/'
+	echo "$@"
+    ) | sh
+. ./config.in
+echo "menu.lst"
+apply_m4 -DPOSTUPDATE1 sv.grub-menu.m4 > $SV_PXEBOOTDIR/grub/menu.lst
Index: dlkit2/sv/mk-sv-dvddir.sh
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/mk-sv-dvddir.sh:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/mk-sv-dvddir.sh	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# sv.mk-sv-dvddir.sh - utility to copy whole the DVD contents
+# to your hard disk.
+# Copyright (c) 2006 teelime <teeli****@users*****>
+# Copyright (c) 2006 SAWADA Keiji <card_capto****@users*****>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License AND Common
+# Development and Distribution License.
+# subroutines
+echon() {
+    printf "%s" "$@"
+copy_hier() {
+    # copy_hier src dst
+    src=${1:?}; dst=${2:?}
+    (cd "$src" && tar cpf - .) | (cd "$dst" && tar xpf -)
+. ./config.in
+OSTYPE=`uname -s`
+if [ ! -d $SV_DVDDIR ]; then
+	mkdir $TMPDIR
+	mkdir $SV_DVDDIR
+	case "$OSTYPE" in
+	SunOS)
+		DEVICE=`lofiadm -a $SV_DVDPATH`
+		mount -F hsfs -r $DEVICE $TMPDIR
+		echon "copying whole DVD contents to $SV_DVDDIR..."
+		copy_hier $TMPDIR $SV_DVDDIR
+		umount $TMPDIR
+		lofiadm -d $DEVICE
+		;;
+	Linux)
+		mount -o loop $SV_DVDPATH $TMPDIR
+		echon "copying whole DVD contents to $SV_DVDDIR..."
+		copy_hier $TMPDIR $SV_DVDDIR
+		umount $TMPDIR
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "Not inplemented yet"
+		;;
+	esac
+	rm -rf $TMPDIR
+	echo "done"
Index: dlkit2/sv/non-std-driver-setup.sh
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/non-std-driver-setup.sh:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/non-std-driver-setup.sh	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# -*- shell-script -*-
+# sv.non-std-driver-setup - create script to install third party driver.
+# Usage: non-std-driver-setup {server | offline | client} [dest_base_dir]
+generate_common_part() {
+    cat <<'EOF'
+backup_distfile() {
+    file=${1:?}
+    if [ ! -f "$file.dist" ]; then
+	echo "$NAME: $file: made backup"
+	cp -p "$file" "$file.dist"
+    fi
+cp_drv() {
+    src=${1:?}; dst=${2:?}
+    cp "$src" "$dst"
+    chown root "$dst"
+    chgrp sys "$dst"
+    chmod 755 "$dst"
+unused_major() {
+    awk '{maj[$2]=1}
+	END{for(i=0;i<512;i++)if(maj[i]==0){print i;exit}}'
+add_driver_aliases() {
+    echo "$NAME: Configuring etc/driver_aliases"
+    backup_distfile $root/etc/driver_aliases
+    (cat $root/etc/driver_aliases.dist
+    ) > $root/etc/driver_aliases
+add_minor_perm() {
+    echo "$NAME: Configuring etc/minor_perm"
+    backup_distfile $root/etc/minor_perm
+    (cat $root/etc/minor_perm.dist
+	echo "$NAME:* 0600 root sys"
+    ) > $root/etc/minor_perm
+add_name_to_major() {
+    echo "$NAME: Configuring etc/name_to_major"
+    backup_distfile $root/etc/name_to_major
+    major=`unused_major < $root/etc/name_to_major.dist`
+    (cat $root/etc/name_to_major.dist
+	echo "$NAME $major"
+    ) > $root/etc/name_to_major
+add_etc_system() {
+    echo "$NAME: Configuring etc/system"
+    backup_distfile $root/etc/system
+    echo "forceload: drv/$NAME" >> $root/etc/system
+add_devicedb_master() {
+    echo "$NAME: Configuring boot/solaris/devicedb/master"
+    backup_distfile $root/boot/solaris/devicedb/master
+    (cat $root/boot/solaris/devicedb/master.dist
+	echo "$DEVDB_MASTER"
+    ) > $root/boot/solaris/devicedb/master
+fake_add_drv() {
+    add_driver_aliases
+    add_minor_perm
+    add_name_to_major
+    add_etc_system
+    add_devicedb_master
+case "$1" in
+    server)
+	# assuming $CWD/config.in exists. ran at server-side.
+	# modifies install-time root filesystem.
+	. $DEST_DIR/config.in
+	if [ "x$BOOT_TYPE" = xnewboot ]; then
+	    targetdir=$SV_INSTROOT/kernel/drv
+	    root=$SV_INSTROOT
+	else
+	    echo "ERROR: BOOT_TYPE should be 'newboot'"
+	fi
+	;;
+    offline)
+	# assuming $CWD/config.in exists. ran at server-side.
+	# modifies postinstall-time root filesystem.
+	. $DEST_DIR/config.in
+	targetdir=$SV_FIN_ROOT/kernel/drv
+	root=$SV_FIN_ROOT
+	;;
+    client)
+	# ran at client-side.
+	# modifies postinstall-time root filesystem.
+	targetdir=/a/kernel/drv
+	root=/a
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "Usage: $0 {server | offline | client}"
+	;;
+# installs driver executables
+for srcdir in . site_drv; do
+    if [ -f ${srcdir}/${NAME} ]; then
+	cp_drv ${srcdir}/${NAME} ${targetdir}/${NAME}
+	copied=y${copied}
+    fi
+    if [ -f ${srcdir}/${NAME}.i386 ]; then
+	cp_drv ${srcdir}/${NAME}.i386 ${targetdir}/${NAME}
+	copied=y${copied}
+    fi
+    if [ -f ${srcdir}/${NAME}.amd64 -a -d ${targetdir}/amd64 ]; then
+	cp_drv ${srcdir}/${NAME}.amd64 ${targetdir}/amd64/${NAME}
+	copied=y${copied}
+    fi
+    if [ -f ${srcdir}/${NAME}.conf ]; then
+	cp_drv ${srcdir}/${NAME}.conf ${targetdir}/${NAME}.conf
+    fi
+if [ $copied = n ]; then
+    echo "ERROR: ${NAME} driver not copied"
+# update driver registration configuration
+gen_script() {
+    if [ ! "x$NAME" = "x$DRV_NAME" ]; then return; fi
+    while read devid desc; do
+	eval desc=$desc
+	if [ -z "$DRIVER_ALIASES" ]; then
+	    DRIVER_ALIASES="$NAME \"$devid\""
+	else
+$NAME \"$devid\""
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$DEVDB_MASTER" ]; then
+	    DEVDB_MASTER="$devid $devid net pci none \"$desc\""
+	else
+$devid $devid net pci none \"$DRV_FMLY, $desc\""
+	fi
+    done
+    (echo "#!/bin/sh"
+	echo "# installer for $NAME driver"
+	echo "set -e	# stop on any error"
+	echo ""
+	echo "NAME='$NAME'"
+	echo "DEST_DIR='"$DEST_DIR"'"
+	echo ""
+	echo ""
+	echo ""
+	generate_common_part
+    ) > $DEST_DIR/cm.non-std-driver.$NAME
+    chmod a+x $DEST_DIR/cm.non-std-driver.$NAME
+DRV_FMLY="Sundance Technology ST201"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci1186,1002	"D-Link DFE-550TX"
+pci13f0,201	"Generic ST201"
+DRV_FMLY="Broadcom BCM4401"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci14e4,4401	"BCM4401"
+pci14e4,4402	"BCM4401B0"
+pci14e4,170c	"BCM4401B0"
+DRV_FMLY="Realtek RTL8169/8110"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci10ec,8169	"Generic RTL8169"
+pci1259,c107	"corega CG-LAPCIGT/Allied Telesys"
+DRV_FMLY="Intel i8255x"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci8086,1029	"82559 Ethernet Controller"
+pci8086,1030	"82559 InBusiness 10/100"
+pci8086,1229	"82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100]"
+pci8086,2449	"82801BA/BAM/CA/CAM Ethernet Controller"
+DRV_FMLY="nVIDIA nForce ethernet chipsets"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci10de,1c3	"nForce Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,66	"nForce2 Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,d6	"nForce3 Ethernet"
+pci10de,86	"MCP2A Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,8c	"MCP2A Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,e6	"CK8S Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,df	"CK8S Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,56	"CK804 Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,57	"CK804 Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,37	"MCP04 Ethernet Controller"
+pci10de,38	"MCP04 Ethernet Controller"
+DRV_FMLY="NE2000 compatibles"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci1106,926	"VIA 82C926 Amazon (works 16bit transfer only)"
+pc10ec,8029	"Realtek 8029 (32bit and 16bit transfer)"
+pci1050,940	"Winbond 89C940"
+pci1050,5a5a	"Winbond 89C940F"
+pci11f6,1401	"Compex ReadyLink 2000"
+pci8e2e,3000	"KTI ET32P2"
+pci4a14,5000	"NetVin NV5000"
+pci10bd,e34	"SureCom NE34"
+DRV_FMLY="Realtek RTL8129/813X/810X"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci10ec,8129	"RTL8129 Generic / NDC NE100TX-E"
+pci10ec,8138	"RT-8139B/C Generic"
+pci1186,1300	"RTL8139B DLink 538TX/530TX+"
+pci10ec,8139	"RTL8139/C/C+ Generic"
+pci1113,1211	"RTL81xx / SMC2-1211TX/Accton MPX5030"
+pci18a,106	"RTL81xx / LevelOne FPC-0106TX"
+pci21b,8139	"RTL8139c / Compaq HNE-300"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci1106,6100	"Rhine-I Generic"
+pci1106,3043	"Rhine-I VT86C100A/DL10030A Generic"
+pci1106,3065	"Rhine-II VT6102 Generic"
+pci1106,3106	"Rhine-III VT6105 Generic"
+pci1106,3053	"Rhine-III VT6105M Generic"
+DRV_FMLY="SiS SiS900"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci1039,900	"SiS900 Generic"
+pci100b,20	"NS DP83815 Generic"
+pci1039,7016	"SiS7016 Generic"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pcie11,ae32	"Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX"
+pcie11,ae34	"Compaq Netelligent 10 T UTP"
+pcie11,ae35	"Compaq Integrated NetFlex-3/P"
+pcie11,ae40	"Compaq Netelligent Dual10/100 TX UTP"
+pcie11,ae43	"Compaq Netelligent Integrated 10/100 TX UTP"
+pcie11,b011	"Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded UTP"
+pcie11,b012	"Compaq Netelligent 10 T/2 PCI UTP/Coax"
+pcie11,b030	"Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX UTP"
+pci108d,13	"Olicom OC-2183/2185"
+pci108d,14	"Olicom OC-2326"
+pci104c,500	"Generic ThunderLAN TNETE100E"
+DRV_FMLY="DEC 2114x and compatible"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci1317,9511	"ADMtek ADM9511"
+pci1317,9513	"ADMtek ADM9513"
+pci1317,985	"ADMtek AN983/AN983B"
+pci1259,a120	"DEC 21x4x tulip-compat / Corega EtherPCI TM"
+pci1282,9100	"Davicom DM9100"
+pci1282,9102	"Davicom DM9102/9102A"
+pci10d9,512	"Macronix MX98713"
+pci10d9,531	"Macronix MX98715/25"
+pci1011,9	"digital 21140/40A"
+pci1011,19	"digital 21142/43"
+pci14f1,1803	"Conexant RS7112"
+pci11ad,2	"LLC82C168/LLC82C169 PNIC"
+pci11ad,c115	"LC82C115 PNIC II"
+gen_script <<EOF
+pci1106,3119	"velocity VT6122 / Kuroutoshikou GbE"
Index: dlkit2/sv/offline-installer.sub
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/offline-installer.sub:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/offline-installer.sub	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# -*- shell-script -*-
+. $trandir/config.in
+backup_distfile() {
+    file=${1:?}
+    if [ ! -f "$file.dist" ]; then
+        #echo "$file: made backup"
+        cp -p "$file" "$file.dist"
+    fi
+get_package_name() {
+    pkg=${1:?}
+    grep '^NAME=' $PKGDIR/$pkg/pkginfo | sed 's/^NAME=//'
+install_pkgs() {
+    cat > .v.admin <<EOF
+    mkdir -p $LOGDIR
+    set +e
+    total=`wc -l < $trandir/pkglist`; total=`expr $total + 0`
+    i=`ls -1 $PKG_DONE | wc -l`; i=`expr $i + 0`
+    set -e
+    while read pkg; do
+	if [ -f $PKG_DONE/$pkg ]; then continue; fi
+	i=`expr $i + 1`
+	name=`get_package_name "$pkg"`
+	printf "Installing %s, %s [%d/%d]... " $pkg "$name" $i $total
+	if pkgadd -d $SV_PKGDIR -a .v.admin -R $SV_FIN_ROOT $pkg > $LOGDIR/fake.$pkg 2>&1; then
+	    echo "done"
+	    touch $PKG_DONE/$pkg
+	else
+	    echo "**FAILED**"
+	    failed="$failed $pkg"
+	fi
+    done < $trandir/pkglist
+    echo ""
+    test ! -z "$failed" && echo "(Failed to install: $failed)"
+install_non_std_driver() {
+    for drv in $NON_STD_DRIVER; do
+	echo "Installing non-standard driver $drv..."
+	sh $trandir/cm.non-std-driver.$drv offline
+    done
+config_etc() {
+    echo "Installing directory under /etc..."
+    (cd $trandir/etc; find . -type d -print) | while read d; do
+	mkdir -p $CL_ROOT/etc/$d
+    done
+    echo "Installing files under /etc..."
+    (cd $trandir/etc; find . -type f -print) | while read f; do
+	test -f $CL_ROOT/etc/$f || touch $CL_ROOT/etc/$f
+	backup_distfile $CL_ROOT/etc/$f
+	cp $trandir/etc/$f $CL_ROOT/etc/$f
+    done
+    if [ -f $trandir/nsswitch.templ ]; then
+	backup_distfile $CL_ROOT/etc/nsswitch.conf
+	cp $CL_ROOT/etc/nsswitch.conf.`cat $trandir/nsswitch.templ` \
+	    $CL_ROOT/etc/nsswitch.conf
+    fi
+    cp /etc/rtc_config $CL_ROOT/etc/rtc_config	# copy host config
+    backup_distfile $CL_ROOT/etc/default/init
+    cat $CL_ROOT/etc/default/init.dist | (
+	if [ -z "$CL_TIMEZONE" ]; then cat;
+	else sed '/^TZ=/d'; echo "TZ=$CL_TIMEZONE"; fi
+    ) | (
+	if [ -z "$CL_LANG" ]; then cat;
+	else sed '/^LANG=/d'; echo "LANG=$CL_LANG"; fi
+    ) | (
+	sed '/^CMASK=/d'; echo "CMASK=022"
+    ) > $CL_ROOT/etc/default/init
+    if [ ! -z "$CL_NFS_CLIENT_VERSION" ]; then
+	backup_distfile $CL_ROOT/etc/default/nfs
+	(cat $CL_ROOT/etc/default/nfs.dist
+	    echo ""
+	    echo "#Added by sv.offline-installer"
+	) > $CL_ROOT/etc/default/nfs
+    fi
+config_vfstab() {
+    echo "Configuring /etc/vfstab..."
+    backup_distfile $CL_ROOT/etc/vfstab
+    mkdir -p $CL_ROOT/$CL_SWAPFILE
+    if [ -z "$CL_MOUNT_OPTION" ]; then
+	r_option="llock"
+	s_option="-"
+    else
+	r_option="llock,$CL_MOUNT_OPTION"
+	s_option="$CL_MOUNT_OPTION"
+    fi
+    (cat $CL_ROOT/etc/vfstab.dist
+	echo "$SV_NAME:$SV_FIN_ROOT - / nfs - no $r_option"
+	echo "$SV_NAME:$SV_SWAPFILE - $CL_SWAPFILE nfs - no $s_option"
+	echo "$CL_SWAPFILE - - swap - no -"
+    ) > $CL_ROOT/etc/vfstab
+config_postinstall_env() {
+    echo "Configuring post-installation environment... "
+    if [ ! -z "$CL_KEYBOARD" ]; then
+	backup_distfile $CL_ROOT/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc
+	(grep -v "^setprop kbd-type" $CL_ROOT/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc.dist
+	    echo "setprop kbd-type '$CL_KEYBOARD'"
+	) > $CL_ROOT/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc
+    fi
+    if [ ! -z "$CL_FIN_BOOTFLAG" ]; then
+	echo "set rb_args '$CL_FIN_BOOTFLAG'" \
+	    > $CL_ROOT/boot/solaris/bootargs.rc
+    fi
+config_autofs() {
+    if [ ! -z "$CL_EXPORT_HOME_MODE" ]; then
+	echo "Setting mode and ownership for $CL_NAME:/export/home..."
+	mkdir -p $CL_ROOT/export/home
+	chmod "$CL_EXPORT_HOME_MODE" $CL_ROOT/export/home
+	chown root $CL_ROOT/export/home
+	chgrp root $CL_ROOT/export/home
+    fi
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+    -nopkg)
+	install_non_std_driver
+	config_etc
+	config_vfstab
+	config_autofs
+	config_postinstall_env
+	;;
+    *)
+	install_pkgs
+	install_non_std_driver
+	config_etc
+	config_vfstab
+	config_autofs
+	config_postinstall_env
+	;;
Index: dlkit2/sv/restart-dhcpd.sh
diff -u /dev/null dlkit2/sv/restart-dhcpd.sh:
--- /dev/null	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
+++ dlkit2/sv/restart-dhcpd.sh	Sun Mar 12 14:18:57 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# -*- shell-script -*-
+set -e
+echon() {
+    printf "%s" "$@"
+pref=${1:?"preference not specified"}
+echo "Gathering DHCP configuration file..."
+cat pool/dhcpd00.conf pool/*/dhcpd-client.conf pool/dhcpd99.conf > $conf
+case "$pref" in
+    isc_csw)
+	echon "Restarting DHCP server(ISC DHCP/CSW): "
+	/etc/init.d/cswdhcpd stop
+	cp "$conf" /opt/csw/etc/dhcpd.conf
+	/etc/init.d/cswdhcpd start
+	;;
+    debian)
+	echon "Restarting DHCP server(ISC DHCP/Debian): "
+	/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server stop
+	backup_distfile /opt/csw/etc/dhcpd.conf
+	cp "$conf" /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
+	/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start
+	;;
+    isc_std)
+	echon "Restarting DHCP server(ISC DHCP): "
+	/etc/init.d/dhcpd stop
+	cp "$conf" /etc/dhcpd.conf
+	/etc/init.d/dhcpd start
+	;;
+    none)
+	echo '== << Assertion >> =================================================='
+	echo "Please restart DHCP server before client boot."
+	echo "Use $conf as dhcpd.conf"
+	echo '====================================================================='
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "ERROR: preference $pref not supported"
+	exit 1
+	;;
+echo "done"

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