[cocomonar-dev] Isam waited in the high passes.

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Jiong Peter Peter****@rsfch*****
2007年 8月 14日 (火) 15:46:52 JST

H-u'g+e N e.w_s To Impa-ct C_Y T.V 

Chi.na Y.ouTV C.o+r'p_. 
Symbol.: C'Y-T V 

We h+a*v e alr eady s.e*e-n CYTV,'s marke+t impa'ct bef-ore cl+im.bing to o+v,e.r $2.0'0 w*i,t.h n_e-w*s-. 

Pr+ess Re lease: 

Chin-a Y,ouTV's CnBo o W.e b S_i+t+e Rank s N'o+..1 on Mi-c'rosoft L*i v-e Sear,ch Eng*ine 
Cn,Boo T raffic Increas_e s 4-9'% O_v.e+r T-w.o M,onths 

R_e*a,d t-h'e new,s, thi nk a*bout t h*e i*mpact, and
j+u+m.p on t,h+i's f*irst thin g Tomorr*o,w mor ni+ng!  $.0.42 is a g+i,f-t at t_h i_s price,..*... 

Do y,o'u-r homewor++k a_n+d wa-tch t-h i,s tr,ade Mon+day mor+ning. 

T*h,e-y clos+ed in u.p'o-n h_e r., sna,r,ling a,n'd yel.pin-g, a-n,d s,h e w'a s buri*ed, scre.,aming w'i*t,h a+gony, benea_th t h e bris++tling m'a-s*s of bod,ies. 
TAK_E2 in-dicate.s t.w*o pre--pa,rsed a_rgu'ments. 
T'h_e n,e.w r+ule's p_osi,tion in t_h,e se_que_nce of im'pl'icit ru,les is de.termine-d by wh_ere y'o,u wri'te t-h+e n.e,w r u*l.e+. 
In t,h_i,s examp_'le, varia'ble-s a*r*e sh'own wit'hin pou,nd sig*ns. 

Afte r cons+ideri*ng h'i-s empt+y lard.er, Fl.int decide+d t_h+a+t it w'a+s t'i-m_e to s'e,e if h-i's a'l,e orde r w'a s in at t-h e greengroce r',s. 

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