[Anthy-dev 3466] Re: ドイツ語に訳

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Takuro Ashie ashie****@homa*****
2007年 5月 7日 (月) 11:41:25 JST


On Fri, 04 May 2007 15:50:37 +0900
UTUMI Hirosi <utuhi****@yahoo*****> wrote:

> > Can I translate the message strings to German and English?
> scim-anthy already has English messages.
> Please check your $LC_MESSAGES.
> $ printf $LC_MESSAGES
> Does it show "en_US" or "de"?

That's right.
scim-anthy will show English messages by default, if you use it without
ja locale.

> scim-anthy has two branches (scim-anthy-1.2.x [stable] and
> *-1.3.x [unstable]).
> I don't know which is recommended for translators.
> Ashie-san, please send scim-anthy.pot to Gerrit.
> Gerrit, you can translate it to German by Kbabel.

Please use the attached file if you are interested in translating it
into German. I'm very glad if you translate it :)

Takuro Ashie
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