kori Herspold
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 05:51:31 JST
H.E'R*E WE GO AG_AIN! T,H,E B,I+G O-N,E BEFOR_E T H,E SEPTE_MBE'R.RALLY! T.H-E MAR_KET IS AB_OUT TO P-O_P , A N_D SO IS E.X*M T+! Ti+ck: E,X,M+T 5,-day pote-ntia'l: 0'.+4,0 Fir m: EXCHA*.NGE M*OBILE T_E_L_E (Othe_r O_T+C_: EXM_T.PK) A.s-k-: 0+._1_0 (+_25.0_0%) UP TO 2 5_% in 1 day N,o.t o-n+l.y d'o,e.s t-h,i.s f'i r.m h_a-v,e g*reat fu ndamen_tals, b*u*t gettin+g t_h_i*s op*portuni.ty at t_h.e r-ight t*i m*e_, righ t b'efore t+h,e r ally is w-h.a*t make-s t*h'i,s d.e-a'l so swe.et! T,h,i-s a g+reat opport+uni.ty to at le-ast do+uble up! I w.a_s in l*o'v e w'i+t'h Rosa'lie. B.u+t t_h*e.y a,r'e r*et,ained f'o,r co+m'patibility w.i't-h oth.er make*s. T_h'e o_n'l_y potent'iall-y shar-ed stat*ic d.a t*a r*esides in t-h_e allo_c-ator impleme.n+tations. S+h,e want,ed h-i+m to t*ouch h*e_r , to s+a.y some*thin g to h+e+r-, b'u+t he s,a.i'd n++othing, o,n_l'y wa.ited poli-tel*y. He tu,rned b+a.c_k at t*h e b'edroom doorw+ay.