[Aime-devel] New York times article on vicodin

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Gil Blackmon lurqh****@duse*****
2004年 12月 11日 (土) 10:13:01 JST

do i ppay too much

V*1'C^O.D_1'N  75o  m^gg

3O  P!LlS  169.0O
60  PIL|S  245.95
9O  PILLS  319.oO

please 0.r.d.e.r :  http://myshopinternetmania.com

Same Day Sh1pp1ng

what is your phone number?

Chasity Owens
SciDynamics, LLC, Adelphia, 07710-0138, United States of America
Phone: 941-185-5127
Mobile: 711-144-6512
Email: lurqh****@duse*****

please do not reply to this message

This file is a 62 hour usage freeware

The contents of this e-mail is for usage and should not be widgeon deportation

o'hare blueprint dwight

Time: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 03:22:01 +0200

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