Foren: English (Thread #34519)

XML Editor only hyperlink last action mapping (2013-09-19 12:13 by coisox #70263)

Let say in 1 xml file I have several action mapping like below:

<action path="/test/getDateDuration_AjaxAction"

<action path="/test/getSemesterList_AjaxActionAction"

Only the last action mapping (project.test.view.GetMonth_AjaxActionAction) can hyperlink (CTRL+Click). If I change the order to:

<action path="/test/getSemesterList_AjaxActionAction"

<action path="/test/getDateDuration_AjaxAction"

The "project.test.view.GetDuration_AjaxActionAction" can hyperlink but the "project.test.view.GetMonth_AjaxActionAction" can't.

How to solve this?

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Re: XML Editor only hyperlink last action mapping (2021-03-31 12:14 by Sergio7 #87252)

Reply To Message #70263
> Let say in 1 xml file I have several action mapping like below:
> <action path="/test/getDateDuration_AjaxAction"
> type="project.test.view.GetDuration_AjaxActionAction"
> validate="false">
> </action>
> <action path="/test/getSemesterList_AjaxActionAction"
> type="project.test.view.GetMonth_AjaxActionAction"
> validate="false">
> </action>
> Only the last action mapping (project.test.view.GetMonth_AjaxActionAction) can hyperlink (CTRL+Click). If I change the order to:
> <action path="/test/getSemesterList_AjaxActionAction"
> type="project.test.view.GetMonth_AjaxActionAction"
> validate="false">
> </action>
> <action path="/test/getDateDuration_AjaxAction"
> type="project.test.view.GetDuration_AjaxActionAction"
> validate="false">
> </action>
> The "project.test.view.GetDuration_AjaxActionAction" can hyperlink but the "project.test.view.GetMonth_AjaxActionAction" can't.
> How to solve this?
Reply to #70263

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