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= Contact OSDN

OSDN provides free of charge-hosting services for many open source software development projects. If you want to report or ask question regarding OSDN management, please read below to find out whom to contact.

If you have a question about a software distributed within OSDN, like how to use it or wanting to introduce the software on magazine, you will need to contact the project directly. If you contact the address below, we will not be able to respond.

Now, please find what fits best for you.

== I have a question regarding project management at OSDN.
If you have a question regarding OSDN service, please contact OSDN for support request. First of all, (if you already have OSDN account,) [/account/login.php log in] to your OSDN account and submit support request using web form. The link to ask for support is as follows.

== I need support regarding project management at OSDN.

If you are managing a project at OSDN and have a question regarding our services or need to ask for support, please send your support request to OSDN. First of all, log in to your OSDN account and submit your support request using web form. The link is as follows.

== I want to report a bug on OSDN system.
If you detected any weird performance or something that is not correct in the document, please contact OSDN for bug report. In order to report bug, use the OSDN system from web. The URL to report bug is as follows.

If you want to report a bug regarding security, do not register that on bug tracker and report it directly to OSDN staff. Security staff address is

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= [/magazine/ OSDN Magazine]について =

[ Magazine]は、オープンソースを中核としたオープンなシステム、アーキテクチャ、テクノロジを中心に扱うテクノロジメディアです。オープンソース時代に相応しい最先端の技術情報と問題提起の場となることを目指し、オープンなテクノロジを標傍するユーザーに対して、様々な状況で活用できるような話題をタイムリーに提供できる場として活用されることを期待しています。

[ OSDN Magazine]は、OSDNにホスティングされている各プロジェクトの活用記事、複数のニュースメディアや関連団体からのからの記事配信、独自の編集記事、さらに読者からのオリジナル記事寄稿などによってコンテンツが構成されます。

== [ OSDN Magazine]への連絡先 ==
 * リリース送付先:press[[Embed(00_images:at.gif)]]
 * 編集部への問い合わせ:magazine[[Embed(00_images:at.gif)]]
 * 記事投稿、情報提供:magazine[[Embed(00_images:at.gif)]]
 * 広告に関する問い合わせ:[ OSDN株式会社 営業部]
 * システムのバグや問題点:[/ticket/newticket.php?group_id=1&type=113 OSDN運用・管理グループ トラッカー]
 * セキュリティに関する問題:admin[[Embed(00_images:at.gif)]]


= Other Questions

If you have other questions regarding OSDN management, or if you have a question or want to ask for support which you don't want to make it public, contact If you want us to do a cover story, writing, or a lecture, or if you want to talk to the sales department, contact

If you want to ask a question about a software distributed in OSDN (for example on how to use it or wanting to include in or introduce on magazine), please directly contact the project. If you contact the above addresses, we will not be able to answer your question or request.
