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Release Files

FilenameGrößeZeitAnzahl der Downloads
wallet-export-11-07-2022.csv3452022-09-02 14:02:0434
coinstats_template.csv4812022-09-02 14:01:5345
ITB_btc_bid_ask_spread_2022-08-17T18_28_29.225Z.csv42.36 k2022-09-02 14:01:4125
OKX_Setup.exe.sha256.txt642022-09-02 14:01:2735
ITB_btc_trades_per_side_2022-08-17T18_29_32.331Z.csv78.33 k2022-09-02 14:01:2033
ITB_btc_global_in_out_of_the_money_2022-08-15T23_52_03.171Z.csv8772022-09-02 14:01:0237

Recent Commits

Rev.ZeitAutorNachricht RSS
7e9e914e2018-10-29 19:30:54Tatsuki SugiuraUpdate version.
9ffb4d212018-10-29 19:28:41Tatsuki SugiuraPackage and release command gets target from vars file.
d91d68dd2018-08-20 19:19:00Tatsuki SugiuraUpdate changelog.
009569f62018-08-20 18:54:25Tatsuki SugiuraUpdate version.
f28d000e2018-08-20 18:52:46Tatsuki SugiuraUpdate to compat API change (no digest infomation when fi...
eaed46562017-05-01 18:26:38Tatsuki SugiuraUpdate version, runnable on windows env.
06fb6dcc2017-05-01 14:05:48Tatsuki SugiuraRunnable on win32 environment.
49d525c32017-02-15 14:49:38Tatsuki SugiuraFix command class loader to support ruby1.9.x.
8a67d4dc2016-10-04 16:51:40Tatsuki SugiuraUpdate version 0.1.7 to change service domain.
d4cf02522016-07-27 16:07:57Tatsuki SugiuraUpdate version.

OSDN Command Line Interface

OSDN command line interface using REST API.


  • ruby (>= 1.9.3)
  • gem build environment or pre-build ffi gem
  • libcurl

On debian (ubuntu) system, you can install with following packages.

$ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-ffi libcurl3


You can install by rubygem, type following on terminal.

$ gem install osdn-cli


First you need to login to API with 'login' subcommand.

$ osdn login

To get command list use help.

$ osdn help
osdn [global-options] <command> [command-options] [args]
osdn help <command>
Global Options:
  -h --help      Show help message. use 'help <command>' for specific command. 
  -v --verbose   Increase log level (multiple)
  -q --quiet     Decrease log level (multiple)
Avaiable Commands:
  login          Login and save access token.
  package        Manipulate frs packages of project
  release        Manipulate frs releases of project
  relfile        Manipulate frs files of project
  frs_mkdirs     Make directory tree for current project release
  frs_upload     Upload local file tree and create package/release implicitly.
  ping           Test API request.
  vars           Get/set request environment variable.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on OSDN at


Copyright (c) 2016 OSDN

Source files and gem are distributed under MIT License.

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