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Rev. Zeit Autor
290aaf2 2011-06-25 20:50:56 Jack Palevich

Add link to Downloads page to README file.

2802515 2011-06-25 20:45:32 Jack Palevich

Enable an initial command string to be passed as part of the intent.

Thanks to Christoph Schmidt-Hieber, M.D., c.schmidt-hieber@ucl.ac.uk
for the idea and the patch.

cd9a67a 2011-06-25 20:35:39 Jack Palevich

Update Italian localization

Thanks to fireb33@gmail.com

9c5e6f7 2011-06-18 22:19:51 Jack Palevich

Increment version number.

a6e99b9 2011-06-18 22:19:50 Jack Palevich

Implement a "None" setting for control and function keys.

Thanks to Eli Grey <me@eligrey.com> for the idea.

Also made the "Special keys" dialog text localizable.

c19d57e 2011-06-18 22:19:50 Jack Palevich

Rename the rt tool to pushAndRun

This tool is used to build and test the terminal emulator.

5d499f4 2011-06-18 22:19:50 Jack Palevich

Allow application to be installed on the SD Card.

81ddd14 2011-06-18 22:19:50 Jack Palevich

Fix insert and delete line code.

Thanks to Sam Jacobson <sam.jacobson@snitchinc.com> for the
bug report and fix!

4f369e5 2011-06-18 22:19:50 Jack Palevich

Implement missing SGR escape codes

Thanks to Sam Jacobson <sam.jacobson@snitchinc.com> for the bug report!

c66d078 2011-06-18 22:19:50 Jack Palevich

Escape single quote character so string resource compiles.

6ddda13 2011-06-18 20:02:36 Jack Palevich

Merge pull request #20 from cpasmoi/master

missing translations

1d8bfb7 2011-05-30 09:51:05 cpasmoi

missing translations

bb1dc45 2011-05-30 09:38:40 cpasmoi

missing translations

df515f5 2011-05-25 07:51:17 Jack Palevich

Increment version number.

1be2199 2011-05-25 07:49:02 Jack Palevich

Use a global reference to hold onto a class object between JNI calls.

This bug was detected by using CheckJNI

(setprop dalvik.vm.checkjni true; stop; start).

3489b69 2011-05-24 21:15:51 Jack Palevich

Update local properties for building on a new machine.

(Maybe I shouldn't check this file in at all.)

b392590 2011-05-24 21:15:15 Jack Palevich

Increment version number.

a162246 2011-05-24 20:44:03 Steven Luo

Change shared library name (again) to make sure our copy takes precedence on CyanogenMod

Commit 28d47b8... ("Fix java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError error.") changed
the name of the shared library from libandroidterm to libandroidterm2,
to avoid a potential library conflict with API/ABI incompatible versions
being shipped in some custom firmwares. Unfortunately, CyanogenMod also
uses the name libandroidterm2:


Change the name again, this time to something that should hopefully be
unique, which should fix the problems that CyanogenMod users have been
reporting in the Android Market comments. (A big scary warning to
firmware distributors that the shared library ABI must not be modified
without consulting upstream might be appropriate somewhere ...)

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <jackpal@google.com>

733adfc 2011-04-26 02:27:50 Jack Palevich

Bump version number.

28d47b8 2011-04-26 02:27:33 Jack Palevich

Fix java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError error.

Change shared library name from libandroidterm to libandroidterm2

My theory is that this bug is happening on systems that have
system versions of the libandroidterm shared library.

Version 1.0.26 of Android Terminal Emulator added a new API,
hangupProcessGroup, to the libandroidterm library.

I think on devices that have libandroidterm in their system library,
that version takes precedence over the version in the application,
and so the hangupProcessGroup API is not found.

By changing the name of the libandroidterm library to libandroidterm2
we should avoid loading the system version of the
libandroidterm library.

f37de50 2011-04-26 02:13:02 Jack Palevich

Housekeeping odds-and-ends.

Make sure the release build is a clean build.
Regenerate build.xml
Add update.sh script for regenerating build.xml

e1f6e9e 2011-04-24 04:15:23 Jack Palevich

Rename buld tool, and make it build the JNI code as well.

b869566 2011-04-24 03:39:59 Jack Palevich

Bump version number.

5291627 2011-04-24 03:37:01 Jack Palevich

Add commitCorrection() to our InputConnection

Required in order to compile under API level 10.

c856059 2011-04-24 03:29:57 Jack Palevich

Add setComposingRegion() and getSelectedText() to our InputConnection

The definition of the InputConnection interface for SDK version >= 9
includes new functions setComposingRegion() and getSelectedText(). If
we don't include them in our implementation, the build fails with

[javac] /home/steven/devel/android-terminal-emulator/src/jackpal/androidterm/Term.java:2955: <anonymous jackpal.androidterm.EmulatorView$4> is not abstract and does not override abstract method setComposingRegion(int,int) in android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection

(at least when building with SDK 10).

1091cac 2011-04-24 03:26:36 Jack Palevich

Make the Terminal activity singleTask instead of singleInstance

With the Terminal activity's launchMode set to singleInstance, the
Preferences activity starts a new task, which can lead to some very
strange back stack behavior. Set launchMode to singleTask instead,
which will allow the Preferences activity into the same task.

8659494 2011-04-24 03:26:36 Jack Palevich

Add menu options to take WakeLock and WifiLock

It can be very useful to prevent the device from sleeping or from
turning off the wifi radio -- but in a general terminal application it's
difficult to guess when this is wanted. Consider the following:

(1) Nothing is happening. We don't want to hold either a WakeLock or
(2) The user is logged into a remote system via SSH on wifi. We don't
need to hold a WakeLock, but should take a WifiLock to prevent the SSH
session from being disconnected.
(3) The user is doing some long-running computation (locally on the
device) in the shell. We should take a WakeLock, but not a WifiLock.
(4) The user is doing apt-get dist-upgrade in her Debian chroot on the
device. We should hold both a WakeLock and a WifiLock.

Therefore, assume the user knows best, and add menu options to take/drop
a WakeLock and a WifiLock. Note that this requires adding WAKE_LOCK to
the set of permissions we use.

30f28f9 2011-04-24 03:26:36 Jack Palevich

Add a service to prevent Android from killing our process

By default, an Android process is liable to be killed whenever it's
not in the foreground. When this happens to us, it leaves the user
unable to resume her terminal session, which is still running.

By starting a service in our process (even one which, like this one,
does nothing at all) and marking it as a foreground service, we prevent
the system from killing our process except in out-of-memory situations.

3c45242 2011-04-24 03:26:36 Jack Palevich

Add an Fn key for easier access to extra keys

Instead of overloading the Ctrl key to provide arrow keys and send some
control characters, add a new "Fn" key (defaulting to Volume Up) to
provide these functions. By splitting Ctrl and Fn, we can reach these
functions via the more easily-accessible letters, and also provide
access to more useful keys (such as PageUp/Down and Tab).

The mapping is this:
Fn-W/A/S/D: Up/Left/Down/Right
Fn-P/N: PageUp/PageDown
Fn-T: Tab
Fn-L: |
Fn-U: _
Fn-E: Ctrl-[ (Esc)
Fn-.: Ctrl-\
Fn-2: Ctrl-_
Fn-3: Ctrl-^
Fn-4: Ctrl-]

36a529b 2011-04-24 03:26:35 Jack Palevich

Kill the started process group in onDestroy

As it stands now, if the user presses the Back button without closing
her shell, it will keep running unattached to any tty. Over time, this
leads to a buildup of shells, each inaccessible to the user.

Fix this by doing what xterm and other terminals do -- send SIGHUP to
the process group of the started process when quitting.