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Commit MetaInfo

Revision9148b572dfc8fcddce11c99348f95878a10f4006 (tree)
Zeit2011-02-20 12:50:23
Autorazyobuzin <azyobuzin@user...>

Log Message


Ändern Zusammenfassung

  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.Modules.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.Modules.xml"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/antigravity.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_find.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_loading.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_python_api.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_unicode.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/encodings/punycode.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/encodings/string_escape.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/encodings/zlib_codec.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/gzip.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/heapq.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/imaplib.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/bom.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/shlex.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/site-packages/README.txt"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ssl.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/subprocess.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/tarfile.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/unittest/test/test_break.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/unittest/test/test_loader.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/webbrowser.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Microsoft.Dynamic.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Microsoft.Scripting.Metadata.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Microsoft.Scripting.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Readme.html"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/.gitignore"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/bin/Chiron.exe"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/bin/Chiron.exe.config"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/bin/IronPython.Modules.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/bin/IronPython.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/bin/Microsoft.Dynamic.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/bin/Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/bin/Microsoft.Scripting.dll"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/script/templates/python/app/app.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Silverlight/script/templates/python/index.html"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Tutorial/avalon.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Tutorial/debugvbx.py"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/ipy.exe"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/ipy64.exe"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/ipyw.exe"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/ipyw64.exe"
  • delete: "\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361.csproj"


Binary files "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.Modules.dll" and "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.Modules.dll" differ
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.Modules.xml"
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.Modules.xml"
@@ -4,6 +4,1932 @@
44 <name>IronPython.Modules</name>
55 </assembly>
66 <members>
7+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Adler32">
8+ <summary>
9+ This class represents adler32 checksum algorithm
10+ </summary>
11+ </member>
12+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Adler32.GetAdler32Checksum(System.Int64,System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
13+ <summary>
14+ This static method returns adler32 checksum of the buffer data
15+ </summary>
16+ </member>
17+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate">
18+ <summary>
19+ Implementation of the Deflate compression algorithm.
20+ </summary>
21+ </member>
22+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.MAX_MEM_LEVEL">
23+ <summary>
24+ Maximum memory level
25+ </summary>
26+ </member>
27+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION">
28+ <summary>
29+ Defalult compression method
30+ </summary>
31+ </member>
32+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.DEF_MEM_LEVEL">
33+ <summary>
34+ Default memory level
35+ </summary>
36+ </member>
37+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.NeedMore">
38+ <summary>
39+ block not completed, need more input or more output
40+ </summary>
41+ </member>
42+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.BlockDone">
43+ <summary>
44+ Block internalFlush performed
45+ </summary>
46+ </member>
47+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.FinishStarted">
48+ <summary>
49+ Finish started, need only more output at next deflate
50+ </summary>
51+ </member>
52+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.FinishDone">
53+ <summary>
54+ finish done, accept no more input or output
55+ </summary>
56+ </member>
57+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.PRESET_DICT">
58+ <summary>
59+ preset dictionary flag in zlib header
60+ </summary>
61+ </member>
62+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Z_DEFLATED">
63+ <summary>
64+ The deflate compression method
65+ </summary>
66+ </member>
67+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Buf_size">
68+ <summary>
69+ The size of the buffer
70+ </summary>
71+ </member>
72+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.REP_3_6">
73+ <summary>
74+ repeat previous bit length 3-6 times (2 bits of repeat count)
75+ </summary>
76+ </member>
77+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.REPZ_3_10">
78+ <summary>
79+ repeat a zero length 3-10 times (3 bits of repeat count)
80+ </summary>
81+ </member>
82+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.REPZ_11_138">
83+ <summary>
84+ repeat a zero length 11-138 times (7 bits of repeat count)
85+ </summary>
86+ </member>
87+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.config_table">
88+ <summary>
89+ Deflate class congiration table
90+ </summary>
91+ </member>
92+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.strm">
93+ <summary>
94+ Pointer back to this zlib stream
95+ </summary>
96+ </member>
97+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.status">
98+ <summary>
99+ As the name implies
100+ </summary>
101+ </member>
102+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.pending_buf">
103+ <summary>
104+ Output still pending
105+ </summary>
106+ </member>
107+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.pending_buf_size">
108+ <summary>
109+ Size of Pending_buf
110+ </summary>
111+ </member>
112+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.pending_out">
113+ <summary>
114+ Next pending byte to output to the stream
115+ </summary>
116+ </member>
117+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.pending">
118+ <summary>
119+ Number of bytes in the pending buffer
120+ </summary>
121+ </member>
122+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.noheader">
123+ <summary>
124+ suppress zlib header and adler32
125+ </summary>
126+ </member>
127+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.data_type">
128+ <summary>
130+ </summary>
131+ </member>
132+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.method">
133+ <summary>
134+ STORED (for zip only) or DEFLATED
135+ </summary>
136+ </member>
137+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.last_flush">
138+ <summary>
139+ Value of internalFlush parameter for previous deflate call
140+ </summary>
141+ </member>
142+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.w_size">
143+ <summary>
144+ LZ77 Window size (32K by default)
145+ </summary>
146+ </member>
147+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.w_bits">
148+ <summary>
149+ log2(w_size) (8..16)
150+ </summary>
151+ </member>
152+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.w_mask">
153+ <summary>
154+ w_size - 1
155+ </summary>
156+ </member>
157+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.window">
158+ <summary>
159+ Sliding Window. Input bytes are ReadPos into the second half of the Window,
160+ and move to the first half later to keep a dictionary of at least wSize
161+ bytes. With this organization, matches are limited to a distance of
162+ wSize-MAX_MATCH bytes, but this ensures that IO is always
163+ performed with a length multiple of the block size. Also, it limits
164+ the Window size to 64K, which is quite useful on MSDOS.
165+ To do: use the user input buffer as sliding Window.
166+ </summary>
167+ </member>
168+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.window_size">
169+ <summary>
170+ Actual size of Window: 2*wSize, except when the user input buffer is directly used as sliding Window.
171+ </summary>
172+ </member>
173+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.prev">
174+ <summary>
175+ Link to older string with same hash index. To limit the size of this
176+ array to 64K, this link is maintained only for the last 32K strings.
177+ An index in this array is thus a Window index modulo 32K.
178+ </summary>
179+ </member>
180+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.head">
181+ <summary>
182+ Heads of the hash chains or NIL.
183+ </summary>
184+ </member>
185+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.ins_h">
186+ <summary>
187+ hash index of string to be inserted
188+ </summary>
189+ </member>
190+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.hash_size">
191+ <summary>
192+ number of elements in hash table
193+ </summary>
194+ </member>
195+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.hash_bits">
196+ <summary>
197+ log2(hash_size)
198+ </summary>
199+ </member>
200+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.hash_mask">
201+ <summary>
202+ hash_size-1
203+ </summary>
204+ </member>
205+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.hash_shift">
206+ <summary>
207+ Number of bits by which ins_h must be shifted at each input
208+ step. It must be such that after MIN_MATCH steps, the oldest
209+ byte no longer takes part in the hash key, that is:
210+ hash_shift * MIN_MATCH >= hash_bits
211+ </summary>
212+ </member>
213+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.block_start">
214+ <summary>
215+ Window position at the beginning of the current output block. Gets negative when the Window is moved backwards.
216+ </summary>
217+ </member>
218+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.match_length">
219+ <summary>
220+ length of best match
221+ </summary>
222+ </member>
223+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.prev_match">
224+ <summary>
225+ previous match
226+ </summary>
227+ </member>
228+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.match_available">
229+ <summary>
230+ set if previous match exists
231+ </summary>
232+ </member>
233+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.strstart">
234+ <summary>
235+ start of string to insert
236+ </summary>
237+ </member>
238+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.match_start">
239+ <summary>
240+ start of matching string
241+ </summary>
242+ </member>
243+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.lookahead">
244+ <summary>
245+ number of valid bytes ahead in Window
246+ </summary>
247+ </member>
248+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.prev_length">
249+ <summary>
250+ Length of the best match at previous step. Matches not greater than this
251+ are discarded. This is used in the lazy match evaluation.
252+ </summary>
253+ </member>
254+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.max_chain_length">
255+ <summary>
256+ To speed up deflation, hash chains are never searched beyond this
257+ length. A higher limit improves compression ratio but degrades the speed.
258+ </summary>
259+ </member>
260+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.max_lazy_match">
261+ <summary>
262+ Attempt to find a better match only when the current match is strictly
263+ smaller than this value. This mechanism is used only for compression
264+ levels >= 4.
265+ </summary>
266+ </member>
267+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate._level">
268+ <summary>
269+ compression level (1..9)
270+ </summary>
271+ </member>
272+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.strategy">
273+ <summary>
274+ favor or force Huffman coding
275+ </summary>
276+ </member>
277+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.good_match">
278+ <summary>
279+ Use a faster search when the previous match is longer than this
280+ </summary>
281+ </member>
282+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.nice_match">
283+ <summary>
284+ Stop searching when current match exceeds this
285+ </summary>
286+ </member>
287+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.dyn_ltree">
288+ <summary>
289+ literal and length tree
290+ </summary>
291+ </member>
292+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.dyn_dtree">
293+ <summary>
294+ distance tree
295+ </summary>
296+ </member>
297+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.bl_tree">
298+ <summary>
299+ Huffman tree for bit lengths
300+ </summary>
301+ </member>
302+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.l_desc">
303+ <summary>
304+ Desc for literal tree
305+ </summary>
306+ </member>
307+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.d_desc">
308+ <summary>
309+ desc for distance tree
310+ </summary>
311+ </member>
312+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.bl_desc">
313+ <summary>
314+ desc for bit length tree
315+ </summary>
316+ </member>
317+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.bl_count">
318+ <summary>
319+ number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree
320+ </summary>
321+ </member>
322+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.heap">
323+ <summary>
324+ heap used to build the Huffman trees
325+ </summary>
326+ </member>
327+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.heap_len">
328+ <summary>
329+ number of elements in the heap
330+ </summary>
331+ </member>
332+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.heap_max">
333+ <summary>
334+ element of largest frequency
335+ </summary>
336+ </member>
337+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.depth">
338+ <summary>
339+ Depth of each subtree used as tie breaker for trees of equal frequency
340+ </summary>
341+ </member>
342+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.l_buf">
343+ <summary>
344+ index for literals or lengths
345+ </summary>
346+ </member>
347+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.lit_bufsize">
348+ <summary>
349+ Size of match buffer for literals/lengths. There are 4 reasons for
350+ limiting lit_bufsize to 64K:
351+ - frequencies can be kept in 16 bit counters
352+ - if compression is not successful for the first block, all input
353+ data is still in the Window so we can still emit a stored block even
354+ when input comes from standard input. (This can also be done for
355+ all blocks if lit_bufsize is not greater than 32K.)
356+ - if compression is not successful for a file smaller than 64K, we can
357+ even emit a stored file instead of a stored block (saving 5 bytes).
358+ This is applicable only for zip (not gzip or zlib).
359+ - creating new Huffman trees less frequently may not provide fast
360+ adaptation to changes in the input data statistics. (Take for
361+ example a binary file with poorly compressible code followed by
362+ a highly compressible string table.) Smaller buffer sizes give
363+ fast adaptation but have of course the overhead of transmitting
364+ trees more frequently.
365+ - I can't count above 4
366+ </summary>
367+ </member>
368+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.last_lit">
369+ <summary>
370+ running index in l_buf
371+ </summary>
372+ </member>
373+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.d_buf">
374+ <summary>
375+ index of pendig_buf
376+ </summary>
377+ </member>
378+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.opt_len">
379+ <summary>
380+ bit length of current block with optimal trees
381+ </summary>
382+ </member>
383+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.static_len">
384+ <summary>
385+ bit length of current block with static trees
386+ </summary>
387+ </member>
388+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.matches">
389+ <summary>
390+ number of string matches in current block
391+ </summary>
392+ </member>
393+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.last_eob_len">
394+ <summary>
395+ bit length of EOB code for last block
396+ </summary>
397+ </member>
398+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.bi_buf">
399+ <summary>
400+ Output buffer. bits are inserted starting at the bottom (least
401+ significant bits).
402+ </summary>
403+ </member>
404+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.bi_valid">
405+ <summary>
406+ Number of valid bits in bi_buf. All bits above the last valid bit
407+ are always zero.
408+ </summary>
409+ </member>
410+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.#ctor">
411+ <summary>
412+ Default constructor
413+ </summary>
414+ </member>
415+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.lm_init">
416+ <summary>
417+ Initialization
418+ </summary>
419+ </member>
420+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.tr_init">
421+ <summary>
422+ Initialize the tree data structures for a new zlib stream.
423+ </summary>
424+ </member>
425+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.init_block">
426+ <summary>
427+ Initializes block
428+ </summary>
429+ </member>
430+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.pqdownheap(System.Int16[],System.Int32)">
431+ <summary>
432+ Restore the heap property by moving down the tree starting at node k,
433+ exchanging a node with the smallest of its two sons if necessary, stopping
434+ when the heap property is re-established (each father smaller than its
435+ two sons).
436+ </summary>
437+ </member>
438+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.scan_tree(System.Int16[],System.Int32)">
439+ <summary>
440+ Scan a literal or distance tree to determine the frequencies of the codes
441+ in the bit length tree.
442+ </summary>
443+ </member>
444+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.build_bl_tree">
445+ <summary>
446+ Construct the Huffman tree for the bit lengths and return the index in
447+ bl_order of the last bit length code to send.
448+ </summary>
449+ </member>
450+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.send_all_trees(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
451+ <summary>
452+ Send the header for a block using dynamic Huffman trees: the counts, the
453+ lengths of the bit length codes, the literal tree and the distance tree.
454+ IN assertion: lcodes >= 257, dcodes >= 1, blcodes >= 4.
455+ </summary>
456+ </member>
457+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.send_tree(System.Int16[],System.Int32)">
458+ <summary>
459+ Send a literal or distance tree in compressed form, using the codes in
460+ bl_tree.
461+ </summary>
462+ </member>
463+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.put_byte(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
464+ <summary>
465+ Output a byte on the stream.
466+ IN assertion: there is enough room in Pending_buf.
467+ </summary>
468+ </member>
469+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.put_byte(System.Byte)">
470+ <summary>
471+ Adds a byte to the buffer
472+ </summary>
473+ </member>
474+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate._tr_align">
475+ <summary>
476+ Send one empty static block to give enough lookahead for inflate.
477+ This takes 10 bits, of which 7 may remain in the bit buffer.
478+ The current inflate code requires 9 bits of lookahead. If the
479+ last two codes for the previous block (real code plus EOB) were coded
480+ on 5 bits or less, inflate may have only 5+3 bits of lookahead to decode
481+ the last real code. In this case we send two empty static blocks instead
482+ of one. (There are no problems if the previous block is stored or fixed.)
483+ To simplify the code, we assume the worst case of last real code encoded
484+ on one bit only.
485+ </summary>
486+ </member>
487+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate._tr_tally(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
488+ <summary>
489+ Save the match info and tally the frequency counts. Return true if
490+ the current block must be flushed.
491+ </summary>
492+ </member>
493+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.compress_block(System.Int16[],System.Int16[])">
494+ <summary>
495+ Send the block data compressed using the given Huffman trees
496+ </summary>
497+ </member>
498+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.set_data_type">
499+ <summary>
500+ Set the data type to ASCII or BINARY, using a crude approximation:
501+ binary if more than 20% of the bytes are &lt;= 6 or &gt;= 128, ascii otherwise.
502+ IN assertion: the fields freq of dyn_ltree are set and the total of all
503+ frequencies does not exceed 64K (to fit in an int on 16 bit machines).
504+ </summary>
505+ </member>
506+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.bi_flush">
507+ <summary>
508+ Flush the bit buffer, keeping at most 7 bits in it.
509+ </summary>
510+ </member>
511+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.bi_windup">
512+ <summary>
513+ Flush the bit buffer and align the output on a byte boundary
514+ </summary>
515+ </member>
516+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.copy_block(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
517+ <summary>
518+ Copy a stored block, storing first the length and its
519+ one's complement if requested.
520+ </summary>
521+ </member>
522+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.flush_block_only(System.Boolean)">
523+ <summary>
524+ Flushes block
525+ </summary>
526+ </member>
527+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflate_stored(System.Int32)">
528+ <summary>
529+ Copy without compression as much as possible from the input stream, return
530+ the current block state.
531+ This function does not insert new strings in the dictionary since
532+ uncompressible data is probably not useful. This function is used
533+ only for the level=0 compression option.
534+ NOTE: this function should be optimized to avoid extra copying from
535+ Window to Pending_buf.
536+ </summary>
537+ </member>
538+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate._tr_stored_block(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
539+ <summary>
540+ Send a stored block
541+ </summary>
542+ </member>
543+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate._tr_flush_block(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
544+ <summary>
545+ Determine the best encoding for the current block: dynamic trees, static
546+ trees or store, and output the encoded block to the zip file.
547+ </summary>
548+ </member>
549+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.fill_window">
550+ <summary>
551+ Fill the Window when the lookahead becomes insufficient.
552+ Updates strstart and lookahead.
554+ IN assertion: lookahead less than MIN_LOOKAHEAD
555+ OUT assertions: strstart less than or equal to window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD
556+ At least one byte has been ReadPos, or _avail_in == 0; reads are
557+ performed for at least two bytes (required for the zip translate_eol
558+ option -- not supported here).
559+ </summary>
560+ </member>
561+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflate_fast(System.Int32)">
562+ <summary>
563+ Compress as much as possible from the input stream, return the current
564+ block state.
565+ This function does not perform lazy evaluation of matches and inserts
566+ new strings in the dictionary only for unmatched strings or for short
567+ matches. It is used only for the fast compression options.
568+ </summary>
569+ </member>
570+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflate_slow(System.Int32)">
571+ <summary>
572+ Same as above, but achieves better compression. We use a lazy
573+ evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is
574+ no better match at the next Window position.
575+ </summary>
576+ </member>
577+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.longest_match(System.Int32)">
578+ <summary>
579+ Finds the longest matching data part
580+ </summary>
581+ </member>
582+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflateInit(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
583+ <summary>
584+ Deflate algorithm initialization
585+ </summary>
586+ <param name="strm">ZStream object</param>
587+ <param name="level">Compression level</param>
588+ <param name="bits">Window bits</param>
589+ <returns>A result code</returns>
590+ </member>
591+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflateInit(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int32)">
592+ <summary>
593+ Initializes deflate algorithm
594+ </summary>
595+ <param name="strm">ZStream object</param>
596+ <param name="level">Compression level</param>
597+ <returns>Operation result result code</returns>
598+ </member>
599+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflateInit2(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.CompressionStrategy)">
600+ <summary>
601+ Deflate algorithm initialization
602+ </summary>
603+ <param name="strm">ZStream object</param>
604+ <param name="level">Compression level</param>
605+ <param name="method">Compression method</param>
606+ <param name="windowBits">Window bits</param>
607+ <param name="memLevel">Memory level</param>
608+ <param name="strategy">Compression strategy</param>
609+ <returns>Operation result code</returns>
610+ </member>
611+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflateReset(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
612+ <summary>
613+ Resets the current state of deflate object
614+ </summary>
615+ </member>
616+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflateEnd">
617+ <summary>
618+ Finish compression with deflate algorithm
619+ </summary>
620+ </member>
621+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflateParams(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int32,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.CompressionStrategy)">
622+ <summary>
623+ Sets deflate algorithm parameters
624+ </summary>
625+ </member>
626+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflateSetDictionary(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
627+ <summary>
628+ Sets deflate dictionary
629+ </summary>
630+ </member>
631+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)">
632+ <summary>
633+ Performs data compression with the deflate algorithm
634+ </summary>
635+ </member>
636+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.#cctor">
637+ <summary>
638+ Static constructor initializes config_table
639+ </summary>
640+ </member>
641+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.level">
642+ <summary>
643+ Compression level
644+ </summary>
645+ </member>
646+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Pending">
647+ <summary>
648+ Number of bytes in the pending buffer
649+ </summary>
650+ </member>
651+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Pending_buf">
652+ <summary>
653+ Output still pending
654+ </summary>
655+ </member>
656+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Pending_out">
657+ <summary>
658+ Next pending byte to output to the stream
659+ </summary>
660+ </member>
661+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.NoHeader">
662+ <summary>
663+ suppress zlib header and adler32
664+ </summary>
665+ </member>
666+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Config">
667+ <summary>
668+ Deflate algorithm configuration parameters class
669+ </summary>
670+ </member>
671+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Config.good_length">
672+ <summary>
673+ reduce lazy search above this match length
674+ </summary>
675+ </member>
676+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Config.max_lazy">
677+ <summary>
678+ do not perform lazy search above this match length
679+ </summary>
680+ </member>
681+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Config.nice_length">
682+ <summary>
683+ quit search above this match length
684+ </summary>
685+ </member>
686+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate.Config.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
687+ <summary>
688+ Constructor which initializes class inner fields
689+ </summary>
690+ </member>
691+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.mode">
692+ <summary>
693+ current inflate_block mode
694+ </summary>
695+ </member>
696+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.left">
697+ <summary>
698+ if STORED, bytes left to copy
699+ </summary>
700+ </member>
701+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.table">
702+ <summary>
703+ table lengths (14 bits)
704+ </summary>
705+ </member>
706+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.index">
707+ <summary>
708+ index into blens (or border)
709+ </summary>
710+ </member>
711+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.blens">
712+ <summary>
713+ bit lengths of codes
714+ </summary>
715+ </member>
716+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.bb">
717+ <summary>
718+ bit length tree depth
719+ </summary>
720+ </member>
721+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.tb">
722+ <summary>
723+ bit length decoding tree
724+ </summary>
725+ </member>
726+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.codes">
727+ <summary>
728+ if CODES, current state
729+ </summary>
730+ </member>
731+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.last">
732+ <summary>
733+ true if this block is the last block
734+ </summary>
735+ </member>
736+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.bitk">
737+ <summary>
738+ bits in bit buffer
739+ </summary>
740+ </member>
741+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.bitb">
742+ <summary>
743+ bit buffer
744+ </summary>
745+ </member>
746+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.hufts">
747+ <summary>
748+ single malloc for tree space
749+ </summary>
750+ </member>
751+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.window">
752+ <summary>
753+ sliding Window
754+ </summary>
755+ </member>
756+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.end">
757+ <summary>
758+ one byte after sliding Window
759+ </summary>
760+ </member>
761+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.read">
762+ <summary>
763+ Window ReadPos pointer
764+ </summary>
765+ </member>
766+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.write">
767+ <summary>
768+ Window WritePos pointer
769+ </summary>
770+ </member>
771+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.needCheck">
772+ <summary>
773+ need check
774+ </summary>
775+ </member>
776+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.check">
777+ <summary>
778+ check on output
779+ </summary>
780+ </member>
781+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.reset(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int64[])">
782+ <summary>
783+ Resets this InfBlocks class instance
784+ </summary>
785+ </member>
786+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.proc(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int32)">
787+ <summary>
788+ Block processing functions
789+ </summary>
790+ </member>
791+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.free(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
792+ <summary>
793+ Frees inner buffers
794+ </summary>
795+ </member>
796+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.set_dictionary(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
797+ <summary>
798+ Sets dictionary
799+ </summary>
800+ </member>
801+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.sync_point">
802+ <summary>
803+ Returns true if inflate is currently at the End of a block generated
805+ </summary>
806+ </member>
807+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.inflate_flush(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int32)">
808+ <summary>
809+ copy as much as possible from the sliding Window to the output area
810+ </summary>
811+ </member>
812+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.Window">
813+ <summary>
814+ sliding window
815+ </summary>
816+ </member>
817+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.End">
818+ <summary>
819+ one byte after sliding Window
820+ </summary>
821+ </member>
822+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.ReadPos">
823+ <summary>
824+ Window ReadPos pointer
825+ </summary>
826+ </member>
827+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.WritePos">
828+ <summary>
829+ Window WritePos pointer
830+ </summary>
831+ </member>
832+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.BitK">
833+ <summary>
834+ bits in bit buffer
835+ </summary>
836+ </member>
837+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks.BitB">
838+ <summary>
839+ bit buffer
840+ </summary>
841+ </member>
842+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateCodesMode">
843+ <summary>
844+ Inflate codes mode
845+ </summary>
846+ </member>
847+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes">
848+ <summary>
849+ This class is used by the InfBlocks class
850+ </summary>
851+ </member>
852+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.mode">
853+ <summary>
854+ current inflate_codes mode
855+ </summary>
856+ </member>
857+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.count">
858+ <summary>
859+ length
860+ </summary>
861+ </member>
862+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.tree">
863+ <summary>
864+ pointer into tree
865+ </summary>
866+ </member>
867+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.tree_index">
868+ <summary>
869+ current index of the tree
870+ </summary>
871+ </member>
872+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.need">
873+ <summary>
875+ </summary>
876+ </member>
877+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.lbits">
878+ <summary>
879+ ltree bits decoded per branch
880+ </summary>
881+ </member>
882+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.dbits">
883+ <summary>
884+ dtree bits decoded per branch
885+ </summary>
886+ </member>
887+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.ltree">
888+ <summary>
889+ literal/length/eob tree
890+ </summary>
891+ </member>
892+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.ltree_index">
893+ <summary>
894+ literal/length/eob tree index
895+ </summary>
896+ </member>
897+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.dtree">
898+ <summary>
899+ distance tree
900+ </summary>
901+ </member>
902+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.dtree_index">
903+ <summary>
904+ distance tree index
905+ </summary>
906+ </member>
907+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32[],System.Int32,System.Int32[],System.Int32,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
908+ <summary>
909+ Constructor which takes literal, distance trees, corresponding bites decoded for branches, corresponding indexes and a ZStream object
910+ </summary>
911+ </member>
912+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32[],System.Int32[],ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
913+ <summary>
914+ Constructor which takes literal, distance trees, corresponding bites decoded for branches and a ZStream object
915+ </summary>
916+ </member>
917+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.proc(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int32)">
918+ <summary>
919+ Block processing method
920+ </summary>
921+ <param name="s">An instance of the InfBlocks class</param>
922+ <param name="z">A ZStream object</param>
923+ <param name="r">A result code</param>
924+ </member>
925+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.free(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
926+ <summary>
927+ Frees allocated resources
928+ </summary>
929+ </member>
930+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfCodes.inflate_fast(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32[],System.Int32,System.Int32[],System.Int32,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfBlocks,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
931+ <summary>
932+ Fast inflate procedure. Called with number of bytes left to WritePos in Window at least 258
933+ (the maximum string length) and number of input bytes available
934+ at least ten. The ten bytes are six bytes for the longest length/
935+ distance pair plus four bytes for overloading the bit buffer.
936+ </summary>
937+ </member>
938+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode">
939+ <summary>
940+ This enumeration contains modes of inflate processing
941+ </summary>
942+ </member>
943+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.METHOD">
944+ <summary>
945+ waiting for method byte
946+ </summary>
947+ </member>
948+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.FLAG">
949+ <summary>
950+ waiting for flag byte
951+ </summary>
952+ </member>
953+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.DICT4">
954+ <summary>
955+ four dictionary check bytes to go
956+ </summary>
957+ </member>
958+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.DICT3">
959+ <summary>
960+ three dictionary check bytes to go
961+ </summary>
962+ </member>
963+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.DICT2">
964+ <summary>
965+ two dictionary check bytes to go
966+ </summary>
967+ </member>
968+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.DICT1">
969+ <summary>
970+ one dictionary check byte to go
971+ </summary>
972+ </member>
973+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.DICT0">
974+ <summary>
975+ waiting for inflateSetDictionary
976+ </summary>
977+ </member>
978+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.BLOCKS">
979+ <summary>
980+ decompressing blocks
981+ </summary>
982+ </member>
983+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.CHECK4">
984+ <summary>
985+ four check bytes to go
986+ </summary>
987+ </member>
988+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.CHECK3">
989+ <summary>
990+ three check bytes to go
991+ </summary>
992+ </member>
993+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.CHECK2">
994+ <summary>
995+ two check bytes to go
996+ </summary>
997+ </member>
998+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.CHECK1">
999+ <summary>
1000+ one check byte to go
1001+ </summary>
1002+ </member>
1003+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.DONE">
1004+ <summary>
1005+ finished check, done
1006+ </summary>
1007+ </member>
1008+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InflateMode.BAD">
1009+ <summary>
1010+ got an error--stay here
1011+ </summary>
1012+ </member>
1013+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.mode">
1014+ <summary>
1015+ current inflate mode
1016+ </summary>
1017+ </member>
1018+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.method">
1019+ <summary>
1020+ if FLAGS, method byte
1021+ </summary>
1022+ </member>
1023+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.was">
1024+ <summary>
1025+ computed check value
1026+ </summary>
1027+ </member>
1028+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.need">
1029+ <summary>
1030+ stream check value
1031+ </summary>
1032+ </member>
1033+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.marker">
1034+ <summary>
1035+ if BAD, inflateSync's marker bytes count
1036+ </summary>
1037+ </member>
1038+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.nowrap">
1039+ <summary>
1040+ flag for no wrapper
1041+ </summary>
1042+ </member>
1043+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.wbits">
1044+ <summary>
1045+ log2(Window size) (8..15, defaults to 15)
1046+ </summary>
1047+ </member>
1048+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.blocks">
1049+ <summary>
1050+ current inflate_blocks state
1051+ </summary>
1052+ </member>
1053+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.inflateReset(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
1054+ <summary>
1055+ Resets the Inflate algorithm
1056+ </summary>
1057+ <param name="z">A ZStream object</param>
1058+ <returns>A result code</returns>
1059+ </member>
1060+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.inflateEnd(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
1061+ <summary>
1062+ Finishes the inflate algorithm processing
1063+ </summary>
1064+ <param name="z">A ZStream object</param>
1065+ <returns>Operation result code</returns>
1066+ </member>
1067+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.inflateInit(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Int32)">
1068+ <summary>
1069+ Initializes the inflate algorithm
1070+ </summary>
1071+ <param name="z">A ZStream object</param>
1072+ <param name="windowBits">Window size</param>
1073+ <returns>Operation result code</returns>
1074+ </member>
1075+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)">
1076+ <summary>
1077+ Runs inflate algorithm
1078+ </summary>
1079+ <param name="z">A ZStream object</param>
1080+ <param name="flush">Flush strategy</param>
1081+ <returns>Operation result code</returns>
1082+ </member>
1083+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.inflateSetDictionary(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream,System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
1084+ <summary>
1085+ Sets dictionary for the inflate operation
1086+ </summary>
1087+ <param name="z">A ZStream object</param>
1088+ <param name="dictionary">An array of byte - dictionary</param>
1089+ <param name="dictLength">Dictionary length</param>
1090+ <returns>Operation result code</returns>
1091+ </member>
1092+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.inflateSync(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
1093+ <summary>
1094+ Inflate synchronization
1095+ </summary>
1096+ <param name="z">A ZStream object</param>
1097+ <returns>Operation result code</returns>
1098+ </member>
1099+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Inflate.inflateSyncPoint(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
1100+ <summary>
1101+ Returns true if inflate is currently at the End of a block generated
1102+ by Z_SYNC_FLUSH or Z_FULL_FLUSH. This function is used by one PPP
1103+ implementation to provide an additional safety check. PPP uses Z_SYNC_FLUSH
1104+ but removes the length bytes of the resulting empty stored block. When
1105+ decompressing, PPP checks that at the End of input packet, inflate is
1106+ waiting for these length bytes.
1107+ </summary>
1108+ </member>
1109+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfTreeUtil">
1110+ <summary>
1111+ Contains utility information for the InfTree class
1112+ </summary>
1113+ </member>
1114+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfTree.huft_build(System.Int32[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[])">
1115+ <summary>
1116+ Given a list of code lengths and a maximum table size, make a set of
1117+ tables to decode that set of codes.
1118+ </summary>
1119+ <returns>Return (int)ZLibResultCode.Z_OK on success, (int)ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR if the given code set is incomplete (the tables are still built in this case), (int)ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR if the input is invalid (an over-subscribed set of lengths), or (int)ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR if not enough memory.
1120+ </returns>
1121+ </member>
1122+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfTree.inflate_trees_bits(System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
1123+ <summary>
1124+ Build trees
1125+ </summary>
1126+ </member>
1127+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfTree.inflate_trees_dynamic(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[],ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
1128+ <summary>
1129+ Builds dynamic trees
1130+ </summary>
1131+ </member>
1132+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.InfTree.inflate_trees_fixed(System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32[][],System.Int32[][],ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream)">
1133+ <summary>
1134+ Build fixed trees
1135+ </summary>
1136+ </member>
1137+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.StaticTree.MAX_BL_BITS">
1138+ <summary>
1139+ Bit length codes must not exceed MAX_BL_BITS bits
1140+ </summary>
1141+ </member>
1142+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree">
1143+ <summary>
1144+ This class represents a tree and is used in the Deflate class
1145+ </summary>
1146+ </member>
1147+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.dyn_tree">
1148+ <summary>
1149+ The dynamic tree
1150+ </summary>
1151+ </member>
1152+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.max_code">
1153+ <summary>
1154+ Largest code with non zero frequency
1155+ </summary>
1156+ </member>
1157+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.stat_desc">
1158+ <summary>
1159+ the corresponding static tree
1160+ </summary>
1161+ </member>
1162+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.d_code(System.Int32)">
1163+ <summary>
1164+ Mapping from a distance to a distance code. dist is the distance - 1 and
1165+ must not have side effects. _dist_code[256] and _dist_code[257] are never
1166+ used.
1167+ </summary>
1168+ </member>
1169+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.gen_bitlen(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate)">
1170+ <summary>
1171+ Compute the optimal bit lengths for a tree and update the total bit length
1172+ for the current block.
1173+ IN assertion: the fields freq and dad are set, heap[heap_max] and
1174+ above are the tree nodes sorted by increasing frequency.
1175+ OUT assertions: the field count is set to the optimal bit length, the
1176+ array bl_count contains the frequencies for each bit length.
1177+ The length opt_len is updated; static_len is also updated if stree is
1178+ not null.
1179+ </summary>
1180+ </member>
1181+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.build_tree(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Deflate)">
1182+ <summary>
1183+ Construct one Huffman tree and assigns the code bit strings and lengths.
1184+ Update the total bit length for the current block.
1185+ IN assertion: the field freq is set for all tree elements.
1186+ OUT assertions: the fields count and code are set to the optimal bit length
1187+ and corresponding code. The length opt_len is updated; static_len is
1188+ also updated if stree is not null. The field max_code is set.
1189+ </summary>
1190+ </member>
1191+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.gen_codes(System.Int16[],System.Int32,System.Int16[])">
1192+ <summary>
1193+ Generate the codes for a given tree and bit counts (which need not be
1194+ optimal).
1195+ IN assertion: the array bl_count contains the bit length statistics for
1196+ the given tree and the field count is set for all tree elements.
1197+ OUT assertion: the field code is set for all tree elements of non
1198+ zero code length.
1199+ </summary>
1200+ </member>
1201+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.bi_reverse(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1202+ <summary>
1203+ Reverse the first count bits of a code, using straightforward code (a faster
1204+ method would use a table)
1205+ </summary>
1206+ </member>
1207+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.DynTree">
1208+ <summary>
1209+ The dynamic tree
1210+ </summary>
1211+ </member>
1212+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.MaxCode">
1213+ <summary>
1214+ Largest code with non zero frequency
1215+ </summary>
1216+ </member>
1217+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.Tree.StatDesc">
1218+ <summary>
1219+ the corresponding static tree
1220+ </summary>
1221+ </member>
1222+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibCompressionLevel">
1223+ <summary>
1224+ Some constants for specifying compression levels. Methods which takes a compression level as a parameter expects an integer value from 0 to 9. You can either specify an integer value or use constants for some most widely used compression levels.
1225+ </summary>
1226+ </member>
1227+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibCompressionLevel.Z_NO_COMPRESSION">
1228+ <summary>
1229+ No compression should be used at all.
1230+ </summary>
1231+ </member>
1232+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibCompressionLevel.Z_BEST_SPEED">
1233+ <summary>
1234+ Minimal compression, but greatest speed.
1235+ </summary>
1236+ </member>
1237+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibCompressionLevel.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION">
1238+ <summary>
1239+ Maximum compression, but slowest.
1240+ </summary>
1241+ </member>
1242+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibCompressionLevel.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION">
1243+ <summary>
1244+ Select default compression level (good compression, good speed).
1245+ </summary>
1246+ </member>
1247+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.CompressionStrategy">
1248+ <summary>
1249+ Compression strategies. The strategy parameter is used to tune the compression algorithm. The strategy parameter only affects the compression ratio but not the correctness of the compressed output even if it is not set appropriately.
1250+ </summary>
1251+ </member>
1252+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.CompressionStrategy.Z_FILTERED">
1253+ <summary>
1254+ This strategy is designed for filtered data. Data which consists of mostly small values, with random distribution should use Z_FILTERED. With this strategy, less string matching is performed.
1255+ </summary>
1256+ </member>
1257+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.CompressionStrategy.Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY">
1258+ <summary>
1259+ Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY forces Huffman encoding only (no string match)
1260+ </summary>
1261+ </member>
1262+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.CompressionStrategy.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY">
1263+ <summary>
1264+ The default strategy is the most commonly used. With this strategy, string matching and huffman compression are balanced.
1265+ </summary>
1266+ </member>
1267+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy">
1268+ <summary>
1269+ Flush strategies
1270+ </summary>
1271+ </member>
1272+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_NO_FLUSH">
1273+ <summary>
1274+ Do not internalFlush data, but just write data as normal to the output buffer. This is the normal way in which data is written to the output buffer.
1275+ </summary>
1276+ </member>
1277+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH">
1278+ <summary>
1279+ Obsolete. You should use Z_SYNC_FLUSH instead.
1280+ </summary>
1281+ </member>
1282+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_SYNC_FLUSH">
1283+ <summary>
1284+ All pending output is flushed to the output buffer and the output is aligned on a byte boundary, so that the decompressor can get all input data available so far.
1285+ </summary>
1286+ </member>
1287+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FULL_FLUSH">
1288+ <summary>
1289+ All output is flushed as with Z_SYNC_FLUSH, and the compression state is reset so that decompression can restart from this point if previous compressed data has been damaged or if random access is desired. Using Z_FULL_FLUSH too often can seriously degrade the compression. ZLib_InflateSync will locate points in the compression string where a full has been performed.
1290+ </summary>
1291+ </member>
1292+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH">
1293+ <summary>
1294+ Notifies the module that the input has now been exhausted. Pending input is processed, pending output is flushed and calls return with Z_STREAM_END if there was enough output space.
1295+ </summary>
1296+ </member>
1297+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode">
1298+ <summary>
1299+ Results of operations in ZLib library
1300+ </summary>
1301+ </member>
1302+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK">
1303+ <summary>
1304+ No failure was encountered, the operation completed without problem.
1305+ </summary>
1306+ </member>
1307+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END">
1308+ <summary>
1309+ No failure was encountered, and the input has been exhausted.
1310+ </summary>
1311+ </member>
1312+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_NEED_DICT">
1313+ <summary>
1314+ A preset dictionary is required for decompression of the data.
1315+ </summary>
1316+ </member>
1317+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_ERRNO">
1318+ <summary>
1319+ An internal error occurred
1320+ </summary>
1321+ </member>
1322+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR">
1323+ <summary>
1324+ The stream structure was inconsistent
1325+ </summary>
1326+ </member>
1327+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR">
1328+ <summary>
1329+ Input data has been corrupted (for decompression).
1330+ </summary>
1331+ </member>
1332+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_MEM_ERROR">
1333+ <summary>
1334+ Memory allocation failed.
1335+ </summary>
1336+ </member>
1337+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_BUF_ERROR">
1338+ <summary>
1339+ There was not enough space in the output buffer.
1340+ </summary>
1341+ </member>
1342+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_VERSION_ERROR">
1343+ <summary>
1344+ The version supplied does not match that supported by the ZLib module.
1345+ </summary>
1346+ </member>
1347+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.DeflateState">
1348+ <summary>
1349+ States of deflate operation
1350+ </summary>
1351+ </member>
1352+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.BlockType">
1353+ <summary>
1354+ Data block types, i.e. binary or ascii text
1355+ </summary>
1356+ </member>
1357+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil">
1358+ <summary>
1359+ Helper class
1360+ </summary>
1361+ </member>
1362+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.MAX_WBITS">
1363+ <summary>
1364+ Max Window size
1365+ </summary>
1366+ </member>
1367+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.PRESET_DICT">
1368+ <summary>
1369+ preset dictionary flag in zlib header
1370+ </summary>
1371+ </member>
1372+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.zLibBufSize">
1373+ <summary>
1374+ The size of the buffer
1375+ </summary>
1376+ </member>
1377+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.Z_DEFLATED">
1378+ <summary>
1379+ Deflate compression method index
1380+ </summary>
1381+ </member>
1382+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.DIST_CODE_LEN">
1383+ <summary>
1384+ see definition of array dist_code below
1385+ </summary>
1386+ </member>
1387+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.Identity(System.Int64)">
1388+ <summary>
1389+ This method returns the literal value received
1390+ </summary>
1391+ <param name="literal">The literal to return</param>
1392+ <returns>The received value</returns>
1393+ </member>
1394+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.Identity(System.UInt64)">
1395+ <summary>
1396+ This method returns the literal value received
1397+ </summary>
1398+ <param name="literal">The literal to return</param>
1399+ <returns>The received value</returns>
1400+ </member>
1401+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.Identity(System.Single)">
1402+ <summary>
1403+ This method returns the literal value received
1404+ </summary>
1405+ <param name="literal">The literal to return</param>
1406+ <returns>The received value</returns>
1407+ </member>
1408+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.Identity(System.Double)">
1409+ <summary>
1410+ This method returns the literal value received
1411+ </summary>
1412+ <param name="literal">The literal to return</param>
1413+ <returns>The received value</returns>
1414+ </member>
1415+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.URShift(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1416+ <summary>
1417+ Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
1418+ </summary>
1419+ <param name="number">Number to operate on</param>
1420+ <param name="bits">Ammount of bits to shift</param>
1421+ <returns>The resulting number from the shift operation</returns>
1422+ </member>
1423+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.URShift(System.Int32,System.Int64)">
1424+ <summary>
1425+ Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
1426+ </summary>
1427+ <param name="number">Number to operate on</param>
1428+ <param name="bits">Ammount of bits to shift</param>
1429+ <returns>The resulting number from the shift operation</returns>
1430+ </member>
1431+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.URShift(System.Int64,System.Int32)">
1432+ <summary>
1433+ Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
1434+ </summary>
1435+ <param name="number">Number to operate on</param>
1436+ <param name="bits">Ammount of bits to shift</param>
1437+ <returns>The resulting number from the shift operation</returns>
1438+ </member>
1439+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.URShift(System.Int64,System.Int64)">
1440+ <summary>
1441+ Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
1442+ </summary>
1443+ <param name="number">Number to operate on</param>
1444+ <param name="bits">Ammount of bits to shift</param>
1445+ <returns>The resulting number from the shift operation</returns>
1446+ </member>
1447+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.ReadInput(System.IO.Stream,System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1448+ <summary>Reads a number of characters from the current source Stream and writes the data to the target array at the specified index.</summary>
1449+ <param name="sourceStream">The source Stream to ReadPos from.</param>
1450+ <param name="target">Contains the array of characters ReadPos from the source Stream.</param>
1451+ <param name="start">The starting index of the target array.</param>
1452+ <param name="count">The maximum number of characters to ReadPos from the source Stream.</param>
1453+ <returns>The number of characters ReadPos. The number will be less than or equal to count depending on the data available in the source Stream. Returns -1 if the End of the stream is reached.</returns>
1454+ </member>
1455+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.ReadInput(System.IO.TextReader,System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1456+ <summary>Reads a number of characters from the current source TextReader and writes the data to the target array at the specified index.</summary>
1457+ <param name="sourceTextReader">The source TextReader to ReadPos from</param>
1458+ <param name="target">Contains the array of characteres ReadPos from the source TextReader.</param>
1459+ <param name="start">The starting index of the target array.</param>
1460+ <param name="count">The maximum number of characters to ReadPos from the source TextReader.</param>
1461+ <returns>The number of characters ReadPos. The number will be less than or equal to count depending on the data available in the source TextReader. Returns -1 if the End of the stream is reached.</returns>
1462+ </member>
1463+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.ToByteArray(System.String)">
1464+ <summary>
1465+ Converts a string to an array of bytes
1466+ </summary>
1467+ <param name="sourceString">The string to be converted</param>
1468+ <returns>The new array of bytes</returns>
1469+ </member>
1470+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.ToCharArray(System.Byte[])">
1471+ <summary>
1472+ Converts an array of bytes to an array of chars
1473+ </summary>
1474+ <param name="byteArray">The array of bytes to convert</param>
1475+ <returns>The new array of chars</returns>
1476+ </member>
1477+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibUtil.CopyLargeArrayToSmall.CopyData">
1478+ <summary>
1479+ Copies large array which was passed as srcBuf to the Initialize method into the destination array which were passes as destBuff
1480+ </summary>
1481+ <returns>The number of bytes copied</returns>
1482+ </member>
1483+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream">
1484+ <summary>
1485+ ZStream is used to store user data to compress/decompress.
1486+ </summary>
1487+ </member>
1488+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.MAX_MEM_LEVEL">
1489+ <summary>
1490+ Maximum memory level
1491+ </summary>
1492+ </member>
1493+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._next_in">
1494+ <summary>
1495+ Next input byte array
1496+ </summary>
1497+ </member>
1498+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._next_in_index">
1499+ <summary>
1500+ Index of the first byte in the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in">input array</see>.
1501+ </summary>
1502+ </member>
1503+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._avail_in">
1504+ <summary>
1505+ Number of bytes available at _next_in
1506+ </summary>
1507+ </member>
1508+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._total_in">
1509+ <summary>
1510+ total nb of input bytes ReadPos so far
1511+ </summary>
1512+ </member>
1513+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._next_out">
1514+ <summary>
1515+ Byte array for the next output block
1516+ </summary>
1517+ </member>
1518+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._next_out_index">
1519+ <summary>
1520+ Index of the first byte in the _next_out array
1521+ </summary>
1522+ </member>
1523+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._avail_out">
1524+ <summary>
1525+ Remaining free space at _next_out
1526+ </summary>
1527+ </member>
1528+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._total_out">
1529+ <summary>
1530+ Total number of bytes in output array
1531+ </summary>
1532+ </member>
1533+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._msg">
1534+ <summary>
1535+ A string to store operation result message (corresponding to result codes)
1536+ </summary>
1537+ </member>
1538+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._dstate">
1539+ <summary>
1540+ A deflate object to perform data compression
1541+ </summary>
1542+ </member>
1543+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._istate">
1544+ <summary>
1545+ Inflate object to perform data decompression
1546+ </summary>
1547+ </member>
1548+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.data_type">
1549+ <summary>
1550+ Best guess about the data type: ascii or binary
1551+ </summary>
1552+ </member>
1553+ <member name="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream._adler">
1554+ <summary>
1555+ A checksum computed with Adler algorithm
1556+ </summary>
1557+ </member>
1558+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateInit">
1559+ <summary>
1560+ Initializes the internal stream state for decompression. The fields <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/>, <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> must be
1561+ initialized before by the caller. If <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> is not <c>null</c> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> is large
1562+ enough (the exact value depends on the compression method), <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateInit"/> determines the compression
1563+ method from the ZLib header and allocates all data structures accordingly; otherwise the allocation will be deferred
1564+ to the first call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>.
1565+ </summary>
1566+ <returns>
1567+ inflateInit returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_MEM_ERROR"/> if there was not enough memory,
1568+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_VERSION_ERROR"/> if the ZLib library version is incompatible with the version assumed by the caller.
1569+ <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.msg"/> is set to <c>null</c> if there is no error message. <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateInit"/> does not perform any decompression
1570+ apart from reading the ZLib header if present: this will be done by <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>. (So <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/>
1571+ may be modified, but <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> are unchanged.)
1572+ </returns>
1573+ </member>
1574+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateInit(System.Int32)">
1575+ <summary>
1576+ This is another version of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateInit"/> with an extra parameter. The fields <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/>, <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> must be
1577+ initialized before by the caller. If <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> is not <c>null</c> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> is large enough
1578+ (the exact value depends on the compression method), <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateInit(System.Int32)"/> determines the compression method from
1579+ the ZLib header and allocates all data structures accordingly; otherwise the allocation will be deferred to the first
1580+ call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>.
1581+ </summary>
1582+ <param name="windowBits">The <c>windowBits</c> parameter is the base two logarithm of the maximum window size (the size of the history buffer).
1583+ It should be in the range <c>8..15</c> for this version of the library. The default value is 15 if <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateInit(System.Int32)"/> is used instead.
1584+ If a compressed stream with a larger window size is given as input, <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> will return with the error code
1585+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR"/> instead of trying to allocate a larger window.</param>
1586+ <returns>
1587+ inflateInit returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_MEM_ERROR"/> if there was not enough memory,
1588+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if a parameter is invalid (such as a negative memLevel). <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.msg"/> is set to null
1589+ if there is no error message. <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateInit(System.Int32)"/> does not perform any decompression apart from reading the ZLib header
1590+ if present: this will be done by <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>. (So <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> may be modified,
1591+ but <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> are unchanged.)
1592+ </returns>
1593+ </member>
1594+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)">
1595+ <summary>
1596+ <para>This method decompresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input buffer (<see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/>) becomes empty or
1597+ the output buffer (<see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/>) becomes full. It may some introduce some output latency (reading input without producing any output)
1598+ except when forced to flush. </para>
1599+ <para>The detailed semantics are as follows. <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> performs one or both of the following actions: </para>
1600+ <para>
1601+ <list type="bullet">
1602+ <item>Decompress more input starting at <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> and update <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/>
1603+ accordingly. If not all input can be processed (because there is not enough room in the output buffer), <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> is updated and
1604+ processing will resume at this point for the next call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>. </item>
1605+ <item>Provide more output starting at <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> and update <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/>
1606+ accordingly. <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> provides as much output as possible, until there is no more input data or no more space in
1607+ the output buffer (see below about the <paramref name="flush"/> parameter).</item>
1608+ </list>
1609+ </para>
1610+ </summary>
1611+ <param name="flush"><see cref="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy">Flush strategy</see> to use.</param>
1612+ <remarks>
1613+ <para>Before the call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>, the application should ensure that at least one of the actions is possible, by providing
1614+ more input and/or consuming more output, and updating the next_* and avail_* values accordingly. The application can consume the uncompressed
1615+ output when it wants, for example when the output buffer is full (<c>avail_out == 0</c>), or after each call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>.
1616+ If <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> and with zero <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/>, it must be called again
1617+ after making room in the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out">output buffer</see> because there might be more output pending. </para>
1618+ <para>If the parameter <paramref name="flush"/> is set to <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_SYNC_FLUSH"/>, <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> flushes
1619+ as much output as possible to the output buffer. The flushing behavior of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> is not specified for values of
1620+ the <paramref name="flush"/> parameter other than <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_SYNC_FLUSH"/> and <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH"/>,
1621+ but the current implementation actually flushes as much output as possible anyway. </para>
1622+ <para><see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> should normally be called until it returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END"/> or an error.
1623+ However if all decompression is to be performed in a single step (a single call of inflate), the parameter <paramref name="flush"/>
1624+ should be set to <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH"/>. In this case all pending input is processed and all pending output is flushed;
1625+ <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> must be large enough to hold all the uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data may have been
1626+ saved by the compressor for this purpose.) The next operation on this stream must be <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateEnd"/> to deallocate the decompression
1627+ state. The use of <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH"/> is never required, but can be used to inform <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> that a faster
1628+ routine may be used for the single <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> call. </para>
1629+ <para>If a preset dictionary is needed at this point (see <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateSetDictionary(System.Byte[],System.Int32)"/>), <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> sets strm-adler
1630+ to the adler32 checksum of the dictionary chosen by the compressor and returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_NEED_DICT"/>; otherwise it
1631+ sets strm-&gt;adler to the adler32 checksum of all output produced so far (that is, <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.total_out"/> bytes) and returns
1632+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/>, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END"/> or an error code as described below. At the end of the stream,
1633+ <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>) checks that its computed adler32 checksum is equal to that saved by the compressor and returns
1634+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END"/> only if the checksum is correct.</para>
1635+ </remarks>
1636+ <returns>
1637+ <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if some progress has been made (more input processed or more output produced),
1638+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END"/> if the end of the compressed data has been reached and all uncompressed output has been produced,
1639+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_NEED_DICT"/> if a preset dictionary is needed at this point, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR"/> if
1640+ the input data was corrupted (input stream not conforming to the ZLib format or incorrect adler32 checksum),
1641+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if the stream structure was inconsistent (for example if <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> or
1642+ <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> was <c>null</c>), <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_MEM_ERROR"/> if there was not enough memory,
1643+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_BUF_ERROR"/> if no progress is possible or if there was not enough room in the output buffer
1644+ when <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH"/> is used. In the <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR"/> case, the application
1645+ may then call <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateSync"/> to look for a good compression block.
1646+ </returns>
1647+ </member>
1648+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateEnd">
1649+ <summary>
1650+ All dynamically allocated data structures for this stream are freed. This function discards any unprocessed input and does not flush any
1651+ pending output.
1652+ </summary>
1653+ <returns>
1654+ inflateEnd returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/>
1655+ if the stream state was inconsistent. In the error case, msg may be set but then points to a static string (which must not be deallocated).
1656+ </returns>
1657+ </member>
1658+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateSync">
1659+ <summary>
1660+ Skips invalid compressed data until a full flush point (see the description of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)">deflate with Z_FULL_FLUSH</see>) can be found,
1661+ or until all available input is skipped. No output is provided.
1662+ </summary>
1663+ <returns>
1664+ <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateSync"/> returns <seec ref="ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if a full flush point has been found, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_BUF_ERROR"/>
1665+ if no more input was provided, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR"/> if no flush point has been found, or
1666+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if the stream structure was inconsistent. In the success case, the application may save the current
1667+ current value of <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.total_in"/> which indicates where valid compressed data was found. In the error case, the application may repeatedly
1668+ call <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateSync"/>, providing more input each time, until success or end of the input data.
1669+ </returns>
1670+ </member>
1671+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateSetDictionary(System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
1672+ <summary>
1673+ Initializes the decompression dictionary from the given uncompressed byte sequence. This function must be called immediately after a call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> if this call returned <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_NEED_DICT"/>. The dictionary chosen by the compressor can be determined from the Adler32 value returned by this call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>. The compressor and decompresser must use exactly the same dictionary.
1674+ </summary>
1675+ <param name="dictionary">A byte array - a dictionary.</param>
1676+ <param name="dictLength">The length of the dictionary.</param>
1677+ <returns>
1678+ inflateSetDictionary returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if a parameter is invalid (such as <c>null</c> dictionary) or the stream state is inconsistent, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR"/> if the given dictionary doesn't match the expected one (incorrect Adler32 value). inflateSetDictionary does not perform any decompression: this will be done by subsequent calls of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>.
1679+ </returns>
1680+ </member>
1681+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateInit(System.Int32)">
1682+ <summary>
1683+ Initializes the internal stream state for compression.
1684+ </summary>
1685+ <param name="level">An integer value from 0 to 9 indicating the desired compression level.</param>
1686+ <returns>
1687+ deflateInit returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_MEM_ERROR"/> if there was not enough memory,
1688+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if level is not a valid compression level. <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.msg"/> is set to <c>null</c> if there is
1689+ no error message. <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateInit(System.Int32)"/> does not perform any compression: this will be done by <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>.
1690+ </returns>
1691+ </member>
1692+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateInit(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1693+ <summary>
1694+ Initializes the internal stream state for compression.
1695+ </summary>
1696+ <param name="level">An integer value from 0 to 9 indicating the desired compression level.</param>
1697+ <param name="bits"> The windowBits parameter is the base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer). It should be in the
1698+ range 8..15 for this version of the library. Larger values of this parameter result in better compression at the expense of memory usage.
1699+ The default value is 15 if deflateInit is used instead.</param>
1700+ <returns>
1701+ deflateInit returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_MEM_ERROR"/> if there was not enough memory,
1702+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if level is not a valid compression level. <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.msg"/> is set to <c>null</c> if there
1703+ is no error message. <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateInit(System.Int32,System.Int32)"/> does not perform any compression: this will be done by <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>.
1704+ </returns>
1705+ </member>
1706+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)">
1707+ <summary>
1708+ <para>Deflate compresses as much data as possible, and stops when the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in">input buffer</see> becomes empty or the
1709+ <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out">output buffer</see> becomes full. It may introduce some output latency (reading input without producing any output)
1710+ except when forced to flush.</para>
1711+ <para>The detailed semantics are as follows. deflate performs one or both of the following actions:
1712+ <list type="bullet">
1713+ <item>Compress more input starting at <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> and update <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> accordingly.
1714+ If not all input can be processed (because there is not enough room in the output buffer), <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/>
1715+ are updated and processing will resume at this point for the next call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>. </item>
1716+ <item>Provide more output starting at <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> and update <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> and <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> accordingly.
1717+ This action is forced if the parameter flush is non zero. Forcing flush frequently degrades the compression ratio, so this parameter should
1718+ be set only when necessary (in interactive applications). Some output may be provided even if flush is not set.</item>
1719+ </list>
1720+ </para>
1721+ </summary>
1722+ <param name="flush">The <see cref="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy">flush strategy</see> to use.</param>
1723+ <remarks>
1724+ <para>
1725+ Before the call of <seec ref="deflate"/>, the application should ensure that at least one of the actions is possible, by providing
1726+ more input and/or consuming more output, and updating <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> or <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> accordingly ; <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/>
1727+ should never be zero before the call. The application can consume the compressed output when it wants, for example when the output buffer is full
1728+ (<c>avail_out == 0</c>), or after each call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>. If <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/>
1729+ and with zero <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/>, it must be called again after making room in the output buffer because there might be more output pending.
1730+ </para>
1731+ <para>
1732+ If the parameter <paramref name="flush"/> is set to <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_SYNC_FLUSH"/>, all pending output is flushed to the
1733+ <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out">output buffer</see> and the output is aligned on a byte boundary, so that the decompressor can get all input
1734+ data available so far. (In particular <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> is zero after the call if enough output space has been provided before the call.)
1735+ Flushing may degrade compression for some compression algorithms and so it should be used only when necessary.
1736+ </para>
1737+ <para>
1738+ If flush is set to <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FULL_FLUSH"/>, all output is flushed as with <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_SYNC_FLUSH"/>,
1739+ and the compression state is reset so that decompression can restart from this point if previous compressed data has been damaged or if
1740+ random access is desired. Using <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FULL_FLUSH"/> too often can seriously degrade the compression.
1741+ </para>
1742+ </remarks>
1743+ <returns>
1744+ <para>
1745+ If deflate returns with <c><see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> == 0</c>, this function must be called again with the same value of the flush
1746+ parameter and more output space (updated <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/>), until the flush is complete (<see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> returns with
1747+ non-zero <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/>).
1748+ </para>
1749+ <para>
1750+ If the parameter <paramref name="flush"/> is set to <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH"/>, pending input is processed, pending
1751+ output is flushed and deflate returns with <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END"/> if there was enough output space ;
1752+ if deflate returns with <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/>, this function must be called again with <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH"/>
1753+ and more output space (updated <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/>) but no more input data, until it returns with <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END"/>
1754+ or an error. After deflate has returned <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END"/>, the only possible operation on the stream is
1755+ <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateEnd"/>. </para>
1756+ <para>
1757+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH"/> can be used immediately after <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateInit(System.Int32)"/> if all the compression is to be
1758+ done in a single step. In this case, avail_out must be at least 0.1% larger than avail_in plus 12 bytes. If deflate does not return
1759+ Z_STREAM_END, then it must be called again as described above.
1760+ </para>
1761+ <para>
1762+ <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> sets strm-&gt; adler to the adler32 checksum of all input read so far (that is, <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.total_in"/> bytes).
1763+ </para>
1764+ <para>
1765+ <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> may update data_type if it can make a good guess about the input data type (<see cref="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.BlockType">Z_ASCII or Z_BINARY</see>).
1766+ In doubt, the data is considered binary. This field is only for information purposes and does not affect the compression algorithm in any manner.
1767+ </para>
1768+ <para>
1769+ <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if some progress has been made (more input processed or more output produced),
1770+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_END"/> if all input has been consumed and all output has been produced (only when flush is set to
1771+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH"/>), <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if the stream state was inconsistent (for example if
1772+ <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> or <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> was <c>null</c>), <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_BUF_ERROR"/> if no progress is possible
1773+ (for example <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in"/> or <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> was zero).
1774+ </para>
1775+ </returns>
1776+ </member>
1777+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateEnd">
1778+ <summary>
1779+ All dynamically allocated data structures for this stream are freed. This function discards any unprocessed input and does not flush any pending
1780+ output.
1781+ </summary>
1782+ <returns>
1783+ deflateEnd returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if the stream state was inconsistent,
1784+ <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_DATA_ERROR"/> if the stream was freed prematurely (some input or output was discarded). In the error case,
1785+ <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.msg"/> may be set but then points to a static string (which must not be deallocated).
1786+ </returns>
1787+ </member>
1788+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateParams(System.Int32,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.CompressionStrategy)">
1789+ <summary>
1790+ Dynamically update the compression level and compression strategy. The interpretation of level is as in <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateInit(System.Int32)"/>.
1791+ This can be used to switch between compression and straight copy of the input data, or to switch to a different kind of input data
1792+ requiring a different strategy. If the compression level is changed, the input available so far is compressed with the old level
1793+ (and may be flushed); the new level will take effect only at the next call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>
1794+ </summary>
1795+ <param name="level">An integer value indicating the desired compression level.</param>
1796+ <param name="strategy">A <see cref="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy">flush strategy</see> to use.</param>
1797+ <remarks>
1798+ Before the call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateParams(System.Int32,ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.CompressionStrategy)"/>, the stream state must be set as for a call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>, since the
1799+ currently available input may have to be compressed and flushed. In particular, <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> must be non-zero.
1800+ </remarks>
1801+ <returns>
1802+ deflateParams returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if the source stream
1803+ state was inconsistent or if a parameter was invalid, <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_BUF_ERROR"/> if <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out"/> was zero.
1804+ </returns>
1805+ </member>
1806+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateSetDictionary(System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
1807+ <summary>
1808+ Initializes the compression dictionary from the given byte sequence without producing any compressed output. This function must be called
1809+ immediately after <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateInit(System.Int32)"/>, before any call of <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>. The compressor and decompressor must use
1810+ exactly the same dictionary (see <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.inflateSetDictionary(System.Byte[],System.Int32)"/>).
1811+ </summary>
1812+ <param name="dictionary">A byte array - a dictionary.</param>
1813+ <param name="dictLength">The length of the dictionary byte array</param>
1814+ <remarks>
1815+ <para>
1816+ The dictionary should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely to be encountered later in the data to be compressed,
1817+ with the most commonly used strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a dictionary is most useful when the data
1818+ to be compressed is short and can be predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better than with the default empty dictionary.
1819+ </para>
1820+ <para>Depending on the size of the compression data structures selected by <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateInit(System.Int32)"/>, a part of the dictionary may
1821+ in effect be discarded, for example if the dictionary is larger than the window size in <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>. Thus the strings most likely
1822+ to be useful should be put at the end of the dictionary, not at the front.</para>
1823+ <para>Upon return of this function, adler is set to the Adler32 value of the dictionary; the decompresser may later use this value to determine
1824+ which dictionary has been used by the compressor. (The Adler32 value applies to the whole dictionary even if only a subset of the dictionary
1825+ is actually used by the compressor.)</para>
1826+ </remarks>
1827+ <returns>
1828+ deflateSetDictionary returns <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_OK"/> if success, or <see cref="F:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZLibResultCode.Z_STREAM_ERROR"/> if a parameter
1829+ is invalid (such as <c>null</c> dictionary) or the stream state is inconsistent (for example if <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> has already been
1830+ called for this stream or if the compression method is bsort). <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflateSetDictionary(System.Byte[],System.Int32)"/> does not perform any compression:
1831+ this will be done by <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/>.
1832+ </returns>
1833+ </member>
1834+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.flush_pending">
1835+ <summary>
1836+ Flush as much pending output as possible. All <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> output goes through this function so some applications may wish to
1837+ modify it to avoid allocating a large <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> buffer and copying into it.
1838+ </summary>
1839+ <seealso cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.read_buf(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)"/>
1840+ </member>
1841+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.read_buf(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1842+ <summary>
1843+ Read a new buffer from the current input stream, update the adler32 and total number of bytes read. All <see cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.deflate(ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.FlushStrategy)"/> input goes
1844+ through this function so some applications may wish to modify it to avoid allocating a large <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in"/> buffer and copying from it.
1845+ </summary>
1846+ <seealso cref="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.flush_pending"/>
1847+ </member>
1848+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.free">
1849+ <summary>
1850+ Frees all inner <see cref="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream"/> buffers.
1851+ </summary>
1852+ </member>
1853+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.adler">
1854+ <summary>
1855+ Adler-32 value for uncompressed data processed so far.
1856+ </summary>
1857+ </member>
1858+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.Data_type">
1859+ <summary>
1860+ Best guess about the data type: ascii or binary
1861+ </summary>
1862+ </member>
1863+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in">
1864+ <summary>
1865+ Gets/Sets the next input byte array.
1866+ </summary>
1867+ </member>
1868+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in_index">
1869+ <summary>
1870+ Index of the first byte in the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in">input array</see>.
1871+ </summary>
1872+ </member>
1873+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_in">
1874+ <summary>
1875+ Gets/Sets the number of bytes available in the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in">input buffer</see>.
1876+ </summary>
1877+ </member>
1878+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.total_in">
1879+ <summary>
1880+ Gets/Sets the total number of bytes in the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_in">input buffer</see>.
1881+ </summary>
1882+ </member>
1883+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out">
1884+ <summary>
1885+ Gets/Sets the buffer for the next output data.
1886+ </summary>
1887+ </member>
1888+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out_index">
1889+ <summary>
1890+ Gets/Sets the index of the first byte in the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> byte array to write to.
1891+ </summary>
1892+ </member>
1893+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.avail_out">
1894+ <summary>
1895+ Gets/Sets the remaining free space in the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out"/> buffer.
1896+ </summary>
1897+ </member>
1898+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.total_out">
1899+ <summary>
1900+ Gets/Sets the total number of bytes in the <see cref="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.next_out">output array</see>.
1901+ </summary>
1902+ </member>
1903+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.msg">
1904+ <summary>
1905+ Gets sets the last error message occurred during class operations.
1906+ </summary>
1907+ </member>
1908+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.dstate">
1909+ <summary>
1910+ A deflate object to perform data compression
1911+ </summary>
1912+ </member>
1913+ <member name="P:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStream.istate">
1914+ <summary>
1915+ Inflate object to perform data decompression
1916+ </summary>
1917+ </member>
1918+ <member name="T:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStreamException">
1919+ <summary>
1920+ Exceptions that occur in ZStream
1921+ </summary>
1922+ </member>
1923+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStreamException.#ctor">
1924+ <summary>
1925+ Default constructor.
1926+ </summary>
1927+ </member>
1928+ <member name="M:ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.ZLib.ZStreamException.#ctor(System.String)">
1929+ <summary>
1930+ Constructor which takes one parameter - an error message
1931+ </summary>
1932+ </member>
71933 <member name="M:IronPython.Modules.PythonCodecs.charmap_build(System.String)">
81934 <summary>
91935 Creates an optimized encoding mapping that can be consumed by an optimized version of charmap_encode.
Binary files "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.dll" and "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/IronPython.dll" differ
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/antigravity.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
2+import webbrowser
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_find.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
1-import unittest
2-import sys
3-from ctypes import *
4-from ctypes.util import find_library
5-from ctypes.test import is_resource_enabled
7-if sys.platform == "win32":
8- lib_gl = find_library("OpenGL32")
9- lib_glu = find_library("Glu32")
10- lib_gle = None
11-elif sys.platform == "darwin":
12- lib_gl = lib_glu = find_library("OpenGL")
13- lib_gle = None
15- lib_gl = find_library("GL")
16- lib_glu = find_library("GLU")
17- lib_gle = find_library("gle")
19-## print, for debugging
20-if is_resource_enabled("printing"):
21- if lib_gl or lib_glu or lib_gle:
22- print "OpenGL libraries:"
23- for item in (("GL", lib_gl),
24- ("GLU", lib_glu),
25- ("gle", lib_gle)):
26- print "\t", item
29-# On some systems, loading the OpenGL libraries needs the RTLD_GLOBAL mode.
30-class Test_OpenGL_libs(unittest.TestCase):
31- def setUp(self):
32- self.gl = self.glu = self.gle = None
33- if lib_gl:
34- self.gl = CDLL(lib_gl, mode=RTLD_GLOBAL)
35- if lib_glu:
36- self.glu = CDLL(lib_glu, RTLD_GLOBAL)
37- if lib_gle:
38- try:
39- self.gle = CDLL(lib_gle)
40- except OSError:
41- pass
43- if lib_gl:
44- def test_gl(self):
45- if self.gl:
46- self.gl.glClearIndex
48- if lib_glu:
49- def test_glu(self):
50- if self.glu:
51- self.glu.gluBeginCurve
53- if lib_gle:
54- def test_gle(self):
55- if self.gle:
56- self.gle.gleGetJoinStyle
58-##if os.name == "posix" and sys.platform != "darwin":
60-## # On platforms where the default shared library suffix is '.so',
61-## # at least some libraries can be loaded as attributes of the cdll
62-## # object, since ctypes now tries loading the lib again
63-## # with '.so' appended of the first try fails.
64-## #
65-## # Won't work for libc, unfortunately. OTOH, it isn't
66-## # needed for libc since this is already mapped into the current
67-## # process (?)
68-## #
69-## # On MAC OSX, it won't work either, because dlopen() needs a full path,
70-## # and the default suffix is either none or '.dylib'.
72-## class LoadLibs(unittest.TestCase):
73-## def test_libm(self):
74-## import math
75-## libm = cdll.libm
76-## sqrt = libm.sqrt
77-## sqrt.argtypes = (c_double,)
78-## sqrt.restype = c_double
79-## self.assertEqual(sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))
81-if __name__ == "__main__":
82- unittest.main()
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_loading.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
1-from ctypes import *
2-import sys, unittest
3-import os
4-from ctypes.util import find_library
5-from ctypes.test import is_resource_enabled
7-libc_name = None
8-if os.name == "nt":
9- libc_name = find_library("c")
10-elif os.name == "ce":
11- libc_name = "coredll"
12-elif sys.platform == "cygwin":
13- libc_name = "cygwin1.dll"
15- libc_name = find_library("c")
17-if is_resource_enabled("printing"):
18- print "libc_name is", libc_name
20-class LoaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
22- unknowndll = "xxrandomnamexx"
24- if libc_name is not None:
25- def test_load(self):
26- CDLL(libc_name)
27- CDLL(os.path.basename(libc_name))
28- self.assertRaises(OSError, CDLL, self.unknowndll)
30- if libc_name is not None and os.path.basename(libc_name) == "libc.so.6":
31- def test_load_version(self):
32- cdll.LoadLibrary("libc.so.6")
33- # linux uses version, libc 9 should not exist
34- self.assertRaises(OSError, cdll.LoadLibrary, "libc.so.9")
35- self.assertRaises(OSError, cdll.LoadLibrary, self.unknowndll)
37- def test_find(self):
38- for name in ("c", "m"):
39- lib = find_library(name)
40- if lib:
41- cdll.LoadLibrary(lib)
42- CDLL(lib)
44- if os.name in ("nt", "ce"):
45- def test_load_library(self):
46- self.assertFalse(libc_name is None)
47- if is_resource_enabled("printing"):
48- print find_library("kernel32")
49- print find_library("user32")
51- if os.name == "nt":
52- windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleW
53- windll["kernel32"].GetModuleHandleW
54- windll.LoadLibrary("kernel32").GetModuleHandleW
55- WinDLL("kernel32").GetModuleHandleW
56- elif os.name == "ce":
57- windll.coredll.GetModuleHandleW
58- windll["coredll"].GetModuleHandleW
59- windll.LoadLibrary("coredll").GetModuleHandleW
60- WinDLL("coredll").GetModuleHandleW
62- def test_load_ordinal_functions(self):
63- import _ctypes_test
64- dll = WinDLL(_ctypes_test.__file__)
65- # We load the same function both via ordinal and name
66- func_ord = dll[2]
67- func_name = dll.GetString
68- # addressof gets the address where the function pointer is stored
69- a_ord = addressof(func_ord)
70- a_name = addressof(func_name)
71- f_ord_addr = c_void_p.from_address(a_ord).value
72- f_name_addr = c_void_p.from_address(a_name).value
73- self.assertEqual(hex(f_ord_addr), hex(f_name_addr))
75- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, dll.__getitem__, 1234)
77- if os.name == "nt":
78- def test_1703286_A(self):
79- from _ctypes import LoadLibrary, FreeLibrary
80- # On winXP 64-bit, advapi32 loads at an address that does
81- # NOT fit into a 32-bit integer. FreeLibrary must be able
82- # to accept this address.
84- # These are tests for http://www.python.org/sf/1703286
85- handle = LoadLibrary("advapi32")
86- FreeLibrary(handle)
88- def test_1703286_B(self):
89- # Since on winXP 64-bit advapi32 loads like described
90- # above, the (arbitrarily selected) CloseEventLog function
91- # also has a high address. 'call_function' should accept
92- # addresses so large.
93- from _ctypes import call_function
94- advapi32 = windll.advapi32
95- # Calling CloseEventLog with a NULL argument should fail,
96- # but the call should not segfault or so.
97- self.assertEqual(0, advapi32.CloseEventLog(None))
98- windll.kernel32.GetProcAddress.argtypes = c_void_p, c_char_p
99- windll.kernel32.GetProcAddress.restype = c_void_p
100- proc = windll.kernel32.GetProcAddress(advapi32._handle, "CloseEventLog")
101- self.assertTrue(proc)
102- # This is the real test: call the function via 'call_function'
103- self.assertEqual(0, call_function(proc, (None,)))
105-if __name__ == "__main__":
106- unittest.main()
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_python_api.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
1-from ctypes import *
2-import unittest, sys
3-from ctypes.test import is_resource_enabled
4-from test import test_support
6-if not test_support.due_to_ironpython_bug("http://www.codeplex.com/IronPython/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=22393"):
8- ################################################################
9- # This section should be moved into ctypes\__init__.py, when it's ready.
11- from _ctypes import PyObj_FromPtr
13- ################################################################
15- from sys import getrefcount as grc
16- if sys.version_info > (2, 4):
17- c_py_ssize_t = c_size_t
18- else:
19- c_py_ssize_t = c_int
21- class PythonAPITestCase(unittest.TestCase):
23- def test_PyString_FromStringAndSize(self):
24- PyString_FromStringAndSize = pythonapi.PyString_FromStringAndSize
26- PyString_FromStringAndSize.restype = py_object
27- PyString_FromStringAndSize.argtypes = c_char_p, c_py_ssize_t
29- self.assertEqual(PyString_FromStringAndSize("abcdefghi", 3), "abc")
31- def test_PyString_FromString(self):
32- pythonapi.PyString_FromString.restype = py_object
33- pythonapi.PyString_FromString.argtypes = (c_char_p,)
35- s = "abc"
36- refcnt = grc(s)
37- pyob = pythonapi.PyString_FromString(s)
38- self.assertEqual(grc(s), refcnt)
39- self.assertEqual(s, pyob)
40- del pyob
41- self.assertEqual(grc(s), refcnt)
43- if is_resource_enabled("refcount"):
44- # This test is unreliable, because it is possible that code in
45- # unittest changes the refcount of the '42' integer. So, it
46- # is disabled by default.
47- def test_PyInt_Long(self):
48- ref42 = grc(42)
49- pythonapi.PyInt_FromLong.restype = py_object
50- self.assertEqual(pythonapi.PyInt_FromLong(42), 42)
52- self.assertEqual(grc(42), ref42)
54- pythonapi.PyInt_AsLong.argtypes = (py_object,)
55- pythonapi.PyInt_AsLong.restype = c_long
57- res = pythonapi.PyInt_AsLong(42)
58- self.assertEqual(grc(res), ref42 + 1)
59- del res
60- self.assertEqual(grc(42), ref42)
62- def test_PyObj_FromPtr(self):
63- s = "abc def ghi jkl"
64- ref = grc(s)
65- # id(python-object) is the address
66- pyobj = PyObj_FromPtr(id(s))
67- self.assertTrue(s is pyobj)
69- self.assertEqual(grc(s), ref + 1)
70- del pyobj
71- self.assertEqual(grc(s), ref)
73- def test_PyOS_snprintf(self):
74- PyOS_snprintf = pythonapi.PyOS_snprintf
75- PyOS_snprintf.argtypes = POINTER(c_char), c_size_t, c_char_p
77- buf = c_buffer(256)
78- PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Hello from %s", "ctypes")
79- self.assertEqual(buf.value, "Hello from ctypes")
81- PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Hello from %s", "ctypes", 1, 2, 3)
82- self.assertEqual(buf.value, "Hello from ctypes")
84- # not enough arguments
85- self.assertRaises(TypeError, PyOS_snprintf, buf)
87- def test_pyobject_repr(self):
88- self.assertEqual(repr(py_object()), "py_object(<NULL>)")
89- self.assertEqual(repr(py_object(42)), "py_object(42)")
90- self.assertEqual(repr(py_object(object)), "py_object(%r)" % object)
92-if __name__ == "__main__":
93- unittest.main()
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_unicode.py"
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ctypes/test/test_unicode.py"
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ else:
2727 self.assertEqual(wcslen(u"ab\u2070"), 3)
2828 # string args are converted
2929 self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
30- self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError, wcslen, "ab�")
3232 def test_ascii_replace(self):
3333 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "replace")
3434 self.assertEqual(wcslen(u"abc"), 3)
3535 self.assertEqual(wcslen(u"ab\u2070"), 3)
3636 self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
37- self.assertEqual(wcslen("ab�"), 3)
3939 def test_ascii_ignore(self):
4040 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "ignore")
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ else:
4242 self.assertEqual(wcslen(u"ab\u2070"), 3)
4343 # ignore error mode skips non-ascii characters
4444 self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
45- self.assertEqual(wcslen("����"), 0)
45+ self.assertEqual(wcslen("糜?"), 0)
4747 def test_latin1_strict(self):
4848 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("latin-1", "strict")
4949 self.assertEqual(wcslen(u"abc"), 3)
5050 self.assertEqual(wcslen(u"ab\u2070"), 3)
5151 self.assertEqual(wcslen("abc"), 3)
52- self.assertEqual(wcslen("����"), 4)
52+ self.assertEqual(wcslen("糜?"), 4)
5454 def test_buffers(self):
5555 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ else:
5757 self.assertEqual(len(buf), 3+1)
5959 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "replace")
60- buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer("ab���")
60+ buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer("ab糜?)
6161 self.assertEqual(buf[:], u"ab\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\0")
6262 self.assertEqual(buf[::], u"ab\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\0")
6363 self.assertEqual(buf[::-1], u"\0\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFDba")
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ else:
6565 self.assertEqual(buf[6:5:-1], u"")
6767 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "ignore")
68- buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer("ab���")
68+ buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer("ab糜?)
6969 # is that correct? not sure. But with 'ignore', you get what you pay for..
7070 self.assertEqual(buf[:], u"ab\0\0\0\0")
7171 self.assertEqual(buf[::], u"ab\0\0\0\0")
@@ -91,19 +91,19 @@ else:
9191 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
9292 self.assertEqual(func("abc"), "abc")
9393 self.assertEqual(func(u"abc"), "abc")
94- self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError, func, u"ab�")
9696 def test_ascii_ignore(self):
9797 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "ignore")
9898 self.assertEqual(func("abc"), "abc")
9999 self.assertEqual(func(u"abc"), "abc")
100- self.assertEqual(func(u"����"), "")
100+ self.assertEqual(func(u"糜?"), "")
102102 def test_ascii_replace(self):
103103 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "replace")
104104 self.assertEqual(func("abc"), "abc")
105105 self.assertEqual(func(u"abc"), "abc")
106- self.assertEqual(func(u"����"), "????")
106+ self.assertEqual(func(u"糜?"), "????")
108108 def test_buffers(self):
109109 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "strict")
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ else:
111111 self.assertEqual(len(buf), 3+1)
113113 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "replace")
114- buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(u"ab���")
114+ buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(u"ab糜?)
115115 self.assertEqual(buf[:], "ab???\0")
116116 self.assertEqual(buf[::], "ab???\0")
117117 self.assertEqual(buf[::-1], "\0???ba")
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ else:
119119 self.assertEqual(buf[6:5:-1], "")
121121 ctypes.set_conversion_mode("ascii", "ignore")
122- buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(u"ab���")
122+ buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(u"ab糜?)
123123 # is that correct? not sure. But with 'ignore', you get what you pay for..
124124 self.assertEqual(buf[:], "ab\0\0\0\0")
125125 self.assertEqual(buf[::], "ab\0\0\0\0")
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/encodings/punycode.py"
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/encodings/punycode.py"
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
11 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
22 """ Codec for the Punicode encoding, as specified in RFC 3492
4-Written by Martin v. L�wis.
4+Written by Martin v. L?is.
55 """
77 import codecs
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/encodings/string_escape.py"
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/encodings/string_escape.py"
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
22 """ Python 'escape' Codec
5-Written by Martin v. L�wis (martin@v.loewis.de).
5+Written by Martin v. L?is (martin@v.loewis.de).
77 """
88 import codecs
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/encodings/zlib_codec.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
1+""" Python 'zlib_codec' Codec - zlib compression encoding
3+ Unlike most of the other codecs which target Unicode, this codec
4+ will return Python string objects for both encode and decode.
6+ Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal@lemburg.com).
9+import codecs
10+import zlib # this codec needs the optional zlib module !
12+### Codec APIs
14+def zlib_encode(input,errors='strict'):
16+ """ Encodes the object input and returns a tuple (output
17+ object, length consumed).
19+ errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to
20+ 'strict' handling which is the only currently supported
21+ error handling for this codec.
23+ """
24+ assert errors == 'strict'
25+ output = zlib.compress(input)
26+ return (output, len(input))
28+def zlib_decode(input,errors='strict'):
30+ """ Decodes the object input and returns a tuple (output
31+ object, length consumed).
33+ input must be an object which provides the bf_getreadbuf
34+ buffer slot. Python strings, buffer objects and memory
35+ mapped files are examples of objects providing this slot.
37+ errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to
38+ 'strict' handling which is the only currently supported
39+ error handling for this codec.
41+ """
42+ assert errors == 'strict'
43+ output = zlib.decompress(input)
44+ return (output, len(input))
46+class Codec(codecs.Codec):
48+ def encode(self, input, errors='strict'):
49+ return zlib_encode(input, errors)
50+ def decode(self, input, errors='strict'):
51+ return zlib_decode(input, errors)
53+class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder):
54+ def __init__(self, errors='strict'):
55+ assert errors == 'strict'
56+ self.errors = errors
57+ self.compressobj = zlib.compressobj()
59+ def encode(self, input, final=False):
60+ if final:
61+ c = self.compressobj.compress(input)
62+ return c + self.compressobj.flush()
63+ else:
64+ return self.compressobj.compress(input)
66+ def reset(self):
67+ self.compressobj = zlib.compressobj()
69+class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder):
70+ def __init__(self, errors='strict'):
71+ assert errors == 'strict'
72+ self.errors = errors
73+ self.decompressobj = zlib.decompressobj()
75+ def decode(self, input, final=False):
76+ if final:
77+ c = self.decompressobj.decompress(input)
78+ return c + self.decompressobj.flush()
79+ else:
80+ return self.decompressobj.decompress(input)
82+ def reset(self):
83+ self.decompressobj = zlib.decompressobj()
85+class StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter):
86+ pass
88+class StreamReader(Codec,codecs.StreamReader):
89+ pass
91+### encodings module API
93+def getregentry():
94+ return codecs.CodecInfo(
95+ name='zlib',
96+ encode=zlib_encode,
97+ decode=zlib_decode,
98+ incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder,
99+ incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder,
100+ streamreader=StreamReader,
101+ streamwriter=StreamWriter,
102+ )
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/gzip.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
1+"""Functions that read and write gzipped files.
3+The user of the file doesn't have to worry about the compression,
4+but random access is not allowed."""
6+# based on Andrew Kuchling's minigzip.py distributed with the zlib module
8+import struct, sys, time, os
9+import zlib
10+import io
11+import __builtin__
13+__all__ = ["GzipFile","open"]
17+READ, WRITE = 1, 2
19+def write32u(output, value):
20+ # The L format writes the bit pattern correctly whether signed
21+ # or unsigned.
22+ output.write(struct.pack("<L", value))
24+def read32(input):
25+ return struct.unpack("<I", input.read(4))[0]
27+def open(filename, mode="rb", compresslevel=9):
28+ """Shorthand for GzipFile(filename, mode, compresslevel).
30+ The filename argument is required; mode defaults to 'rb'
31+ and compresslevel defaults to 9.
33+ """
34+ return GzipFile(filename, mode, compresslevel)
36+class GzipFile(io.BufferedIOBase):
37+ """The GzipFile class simulates most of the methods of a file object with
38+ the exception of the readinto() and truncate() methods.
40+ """
42+ myfileobj = None
43+ max_read_chunk = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10Mb
45+ def __init__(self, filename=None, mode=None,
46+ compresslevel=9, fileobj=None, mtime=None):
47+ """Constructor for the GzipFile class.
49+ At least one of fileobj and filename must be given a
50+ non-trivial value.
52+ The new class instance is based on fileobj, which can be a regular
53+ file, a StringIO object, or any other object which simulates a file.
54+ It defaults to None, in which case filename is opened to provide
55+ a file object.
57+ When fileobj is not None, the filename argument is only used to be
58+ included in the gzip file header, which may includes the original
59+ filename of the uncompressed file. It defaults to the filename of
60+ fileobj, if discernible; otherwise, it defaults to the empty string,
61+ and in this case the original filename is not included in the header.
63+ The mode argument can be any of 'r', 'rb', 'a', 'ab', 'w', or 'wb',
64+ depending on whether the file will be read or written. The default
65+ is the mode of fileobj if discernible; otherwise, the default is 'rb'.
66+ Be aware that only the 'rb', 'ab', and 'wb' values should be used
67+ for cross-platform portability.
69+ The compresslevel argument is an integer from 1 to 9 controlling the
70+ level of compression; 1 is fastest and produces the least compression,
71+ and 9 is slowest and produces the most compression. The default is 9.
73+ The mtime argument is an optional numeric timestamp to be written
74+ to the stream when compressing. All gzip compressed streams
75+ are required to contain a timestamp. If omitted or None, the
76+ current time is used. This module ignores the timestamp when
77+ decompressing; however, some programs, such as gunzip, make use
78+ of it. The format of the timestamp is the same as that of the
79+ return value of time.time() and of the st_mtime member of the
80+ object returned by os.stat().
82+ """
84+ # guarantee the file is opened in binary mode on platforms
85+ # that care about that sort of thing
86+ if mode and 'b' not in mode:
87+ mode += 'b'
88+ if fileobj is None:
89+ fileobj = self.myfileobj = __builtin__.open(filename, mode or 'rb')
90+ if filename is None:
91+ if hasattr(fileobj, 'name'): filename = fileobj.name
92+ else: filename = ''
93+ if mode is None:
94+ if hasattr(fileobj, 'mode'): mode = fileobj.mode
95+ else: mode = 'rb'
97+ if mode[0:1] == 'r':
98+ self.mode = READ
99+ # Set flag indicating start of a new member
100+ self._new_member = True
101+ # Buffer data read from gzip file. extrastart is offset in
102+ # stream where buffer starts. extrasize is number of
103+ # bytes remaining in buffer from current stream position.
104+ self.extrabuf = ""
105+ self.extrasize = 0
106+ self.extrastart = 0
107+ self.name = filename
108+ # Starts small, scales exponentially
109+ self.min_readsize = 100
111+ elif mode[0:1] == 'w' or mode[0:1] == 'a':
112+ self.mode = WRITE
113+ self._init_write(filename)
114+ self.compress = zlib.compressobj(compresslevel,
115+ zlib.DEFLATED,
116+ -zlib.MAX_WBITS,
117+ zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL,
118+ 0)
119+ else:
120+ raise IOError, "Mode " + mode + " not supported"
122+ self.fileobj = fileobj
123+ self.offset = 0
124+ self.mtime = mtime
126+ if self.mode == WRITE:
127+ self._write_gzip_header()
129+ @property
130+ def filename(self):
131+ import warnings
132+ warnings.warn("use the name attribute", DeprecationWarning, 2)
133+ if self.mode == WRITE and self.name[-3:] != ".gz":
134+ return self.name + ".gz"
135+ return self.name
137+ def __repr__(self):
138+ s = repr(self.fileobj)
139+ return '<gzip ' + s[1:-1] + ' ' + hex(id(self)) + '>'
141+ def _init_write(self, filename):
142+ self.name = filename
143+ self.crc = zlib.crc32("") & 0xffffffffL
144+ self.size = 0
145+ self.writebuf = []
146+ self.bufsize = 0
148+ def _write_gzip_header(self):
149+ self.fileobj.write('\037\213') # magic header
150+ self.fileobj.write('\010') # compression method
151+ fname = os.path.basename(self.name)
152+ if fname.endswith(".gz"):
153+ fname = fname[:-3]
154+ flags = 0
155+ if fname:
156+ flags = FNAME
157+ self.fileobj.write(chr(flags))
158+ mtime = self.mtime
159+ if mtime is None:
160+ mtime = time.time()
161+ write32u(self.fileobj, long(mtime))
162+ self.fileobj.write('\002')
163+ self.fileobj.write('\377')
164+ if fname:
165+ self.fileobj.write(fname + '\000')
167+ def _init_read(self):
168+ self.crc = zlib.crc32("") & 0xffffffffL
169+ self.size = 0
171+ def _read_gzip_header(self):
172+ magic = self.fileobj.read(2)
173+ if magic != '\037\213':
174+ raise IOError, 'Not a gzipped file'
175+ method = ord( self.fileobj.read(1) )
176+ if method != 8:
177+ raise IOError, 'Unknown compression method'
178+ flag = ord( self.fileobj.read(1) )
179+ self.mtime = read32(self.fileobj)
180+ # extraflag = self.fileobj.read(1)
181+ # os = self.fileobj.read(1)
182+ self.fileobj.read(2)
184+ if flag & FEXTRA:
185+ # Read & discard the extra field, if present
186+ xlen = ord(self.fileobj.read(1))
187+ xlen = xlen + 256*ord(self.fileobj.read(1))
188+ self.fileobj.read(xlen)
189+ if flag & FNAME:
190+ # Read and discard a null-terminated string containing the filename
191+ while True:
192+ s = self.fileobj.read(1)
193+ if not s or s=='\000':
194+ break
195+ if flag & FCOMMENT:
196+ # Read and discard a null-terminated string containing a comment
197+ while True:
198+ s = self.fileobj.read(1)
199+ if not s or s=='\000':
200+ break
201+ if flag & FHCRC:
202+ self.fileobj.read(2) # Read & discard the 16-bit header CRC
204+ def write(self,data):
205+ if self.mode != WRITE:
206+ import errno
207+ raise IOError(errno.EBADF, "write() on read-only GzipFile object")
209+ if self.fileobj is None:
210+ raise ValueError, "write() on closed GzipFile object"
212+ # Convert data type if called by io.BufferedWriter.
213+ if isinstance(data, memoryview):
214+ data = data.tobytes()
216+ if len(data) > 0:
217+ self.size = self.size + len(data)
218+ self.crc = zlib.crc32(data, self.crc) & 0xffffffffL
219+ self.fileobj.write( self.compress.compress(data) )
220+ self.offset += len(data)
222+ return len(data)
224+ def read(self, size=-1):
225+ if self.mode != READ:
226+ import errno
227+ raise IOError(errno.EBADF, "read() on write-only GzipFile object")
229+ if self.extrasize <= 0 and self.fileobj is None:
230+ return ''
232+ readsize = 1024
233+ if size < 0: # get the whole thing
234+ try:
235+ while True:
236+ self._read(readsize)
237+ readsize = min(self.max_read_chunk, readsize * 2)
238+ except EOFError:
239+ size = self.extrasize
240+ else: # just get some more of it
241+ try:
242+ while size > self.extrasize:
243+ self._read(readsize)
244+ readsize = min(self.max_read_chunk, readsize * 2)
245+ except EOFError:
246+ if size > self.extrasize:
247+ size = self.extrasize
249+ offset = self.offset - self.extrastart
250+ chunk = self.extrabuf[offset: offset + size]
251+ self.extrasize = self.extrasize - size
253+ self.offset += size
254+ return chunk
256+ def _unread(self, buf):
257+ self.extrasize = len(buf) + self.extrasize
258+ self.offset -= len(buf)
260+ def _read(self, size=1024):
261+ if self.fileobj is None:
262+ raise EOFError, "Reached EOF"
264+ if self._new_member:
265+ # If the _new_member flag is set, we have to
266+ # jump to the next member, if there is one.
267+ #
268+ # First, check if we're at the end of the file;
269+ # if so, it's time to stop; no more members to read.
270+ pos = self.fileobj.tell() # Save current position
271+ self.fileobj.seek(0, 2) # Seek to end of file
272+ if pos == self.fileobj.tell():
273+ raise EOFError, "Reached EOF"
274+ else:
275+ self.fileobj.seek( pos ) # Return to original position
277+ self._init_read()
278+ self._read_gzip_header()
279+ self.decompress = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS)
280+ self._new_member = False
282+ # Read a chunk of data from the file
283+ buf = self.fileobj.read(size)
285+ # If the EOF has been reached, flush the decompression object
286+ # and mark this object as finished.
288+ if buf == "":
289+ uncompress = self.decompress.flush()
290+ self._read_eof()
291+ self._add_read_data( uncompress )
292+ raise EOFError, 'Reached EOF'
294+ uncompress = self.decompress.decompress(buf)
295+ self._add_read_data( uncompress )
297+ if self.decompress.unused_data != "":
298+ # Ending case: we've come to the end of a member in the file,
299+ # so seek back to the start of the unused data, finish up
300+ # this member, and read a new gzip header.
301+ # (The number of bytes to seek back is the length of the unused
302+ # data, minus 8 because _read_eof() will rewind a further 8 bytes)
303+ self.fileobj.seek( -len(self.decompress.unused_data)+8, 1)
305+ # Check the CRC and file size, and set the flag so we read
306+ # a new member on the next call
307+ self._read_eof()
308+ self._new_member = True
310+ def _add_read_data(self, data):
311+ self.crc = zlib.crc32(data, self.crc) & 0xffffffffL
312+ offset = self.offset - self.extrastart
313+ self.extrabuf = self.extrabuf[offset:] + data
314+ self.extrasize = self.extrasize + len(data)
315+ self.extrastart = self.offset
316+ self.size = self.size + len(data)
318+ def _read_eof(self):
319+ # We've read to the end of the file, so we have to rewind in order
320+ # to reread the 8 bytes containing the CRC and the file size.
321+ # We check the that the computed CRC and size of the
322+ # uncompressed data matches the stored values. Note that the size
323+ # stored is the true file size mod 2**32.
324+ self.fileobj.seek(-8, 1)
325+ crc32 = read32(self.fileobj)
326+ isize = read32(self.fileobj) # may exceed 2GB
327+ if crc32 != self.crc:
328+ raise IOError("CRC check failed %s != %s" % (hex(crc32),
329+ hex(self.crc)))
330+ elif isize != (self.size & 0xffffffffL):
331+ raise IOError, "Incorrect length of data produced"
333+ # Gzip files can be padded with zeroes and still have archives.
334+ # Consume all zero bytes and set the file position to the first
335+ # non-zero byte. See http://www.gzip.org/#faq8
336+ c = "\x00"
337+ while c == "\x00":
338+ c = self.fileobj.read(1)
339+ if c:
340+ self.fileobj.seek(-1, 1)
342+ @property
343+ def closed(self):
344+ return self.fileobj is None
346+ def close(self):
347+ if self.fileobj is None:
348+ return
349+ if self.mode == WRITE:
350+ self.fileobj.write(self.compress.flush())
351+ write32u(self.fileobj, self.crc)
352+ # self.size may exceed 2GB, or even 4GB
353+ write32u(self.fileobj, self.size & 0xffffffffL)
354+ self.fileobj = None
355+ elif self.mode == READ:
356+ self.fileobj = None
357+ if self.myfileobj:
358+ self.myfileobj.close()
359+ self.myfileobj = None
361+ def flush(self,zlib_mode=zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH):
362+ if self.mode == WRITE:
363+ # Ensure the compressor's buffer is flushed
364+ self.fileobj.write(self.compress.flush(zlib_mode))
365+ self.fileobj.flush()
367+ def fileno(self):
368+ """Invoke the underlying file object's fileno() method.
370+ This will raise AttributeError if the underlying file object
371+ doesn't support fileno().
372+ """
373+ return self.fileobj.fileno()
375+ def rewind(self):
376+ '''Return the uncompressed stream file position indicator to the
377+ beginning of the file'''
378+ if self.mode != READ:
379+ raise IOError("Can't rewind in write mode")
380+ self.fileobj.seek(0)
381+ self._new_member = True
382+ self.extrabuf = ""
383+ self.extrasize = 0
384+ self.extrastart = 0
385+ self.offset = 0
387+ def readable(self):
388+ return self.mode == READ
390+ def writable(self):
391+ return self.mode == WRITE
393+ def seekable(self):
394+ return True
396+ def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
397+ if whence:
398+ if whence == 1:
399+ offset = self.offset + offset
400+ else:
401+ raise ValueError('Seek from end not supported')
402+ if self.mode == WRITE:
403+ if offset < self.offset:
404+ raise IOError('Negative seek in write mode')
405+ count = offset - self.offset
406+ for i in range(count // 1024):
407+ self.write(1024 * '\0')
408+ self.write((count % 1024) * '\0')
409+ elif self.mode == READ:
410+ if offset < self.offset:
411+ # for negative seek, rewind and do positive seek
412+ self.rewind()
413+ count = offset - self.offset
414+ for i in range(count // 1024):
415+ self.read(1024)
416+ self.read(count % 1024)
418+ return self.offset
420+ def readline(self, size=-1):
421+ if size < 0:
422+ # Shortcut common case - newline found in buffer.
423+ offset = self.offset - self.extrastart
424+ i = self.extrabuf.find('\n', offset) + 1
425+ if i > 0:
426+ self.extrasize -= i - offset
427+ self.offset += i - offset
428+ return self.extrabuf[offset: i]
430+ size = sys.maxint
431+ readsize = self.min_readsize
432+ else:
433+ readsize = size
434+ bufs = []
435+ while size != 0:
436+ c = self.read(readsize)
437+ i = c.find('\n')
439+ # We set i=size to break out of the loop under two
440+ # conditions: 1) there's no newline, and the chunk is
441+ # larger than size, or 2) there is a newline, but the
442+ # resulting line would be longer than 'size'.
443+ if (size <= i) or (i == -1 and len(c) > size):
444+ i = size - 1
446+ if i >= 0 or c == '':
447+ bufs.append(c[:i + 1]) # Add portion of last chunk
448+ self._unread(c[i + 1:]) # Push back rest of chunk
449+ break
451+ # Append chunk to list, decrease 'size',
452+ bufs.append(c)
453+ size = size - len(c)
454+ readsize = min(size, readsize * 2)
455+ if readsize > self.min_readsize:
456+ self.min_readsize = min(readsize, self.min_readsize * 2, 512)
457+ return ''.join(bufs) # Return resulting line
460+def _test():
461+ # Act like gzip; with -d, act like gunzip.
462+ # The input file is not deleted, however, nor are any other gzip
463+ # options or features supported.
464+ args = sys.argv[1:]
465+ decompress = args and args[0] == "-d"
466+ if decompress:
467+ args = args[1:]
468+ if not args:
469+ args = ["-"]
470+ for arg in args:
471+ if decompress:
472+ if arg == "-":
473+ f = GzipFile(filename="", mode="rb", fileobj=sys.stdin)
474+ g = sys.stdout
475+ else:
476+ if arg[-3:] != ".gz":
477+ print "filename doesn't end in .gz:", repr(arg)
478+ continue
479+ f = open(arg, "rb")
480+ g = __builtin__.open(arg[:-3], "wb")
481+ else:
482+ if arg == "-":
483+ f = sys.stdin
484+ g = GzipFile(filename="", mode="wb", fileobj=sys.stdout)
485+ else:
486+ f = __builtin__.open(arg, "rb")
487+ g = open(arg + ".gz", "wb")
488+ while True:
489+ chunk = f.read(1024)
490+ if not chunk:
491+ break
492+ g.write(chunk)
493+ if g is not sys.stdout:
494+ g.close()
495+ if f is not sys.stdin:
496+ f.close()
498+if __name__ == '__main__':
499+ _test()
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/heapq.py"
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/heapq.py"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ maintains the heap invariant!
3535 __about__ = """Heap queues
37-[explanation by Fran?スois Pinard]
37+[explanation by Fran輟is Pinard]
3939 Heaps are arrays for which a[k] <= a[2*k+1] and a[k] <= a[2*k+2] for
4040 all k, counting elements from 0. For the sake of comparison,
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/imaplib.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,1512 @@
1+"""IMAP4 client.
3+Based on RFC 2060.
5+Public class: IMAP4
6+Public variable: Debug
7+Public functions: Internaldate2tuple
8+ Int2AP
9+ ParseFlags
10+ Time2Internaldate
13+# Author: Piers Lauder <piers@cs.su.oz.au> December 1997.
15+# Authentication code contributed by Donn Cave <donn@u.washington.edu> June 1998.
16+# String method conversion by ESR, February 2001.
17+# GET/SETACL contributed by Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au> April 2001.
18+# IMAP4_SSL contributed by Tino Lange <Tino.Lange@isg.de> March 2002.
19+# GET/SETQUOTA contributed by Andreas Zeidler <az@kreativkombinat.de> June 2002.
20+# PROXYAUTH contributed by Rick Holbert <holbert.13@osu.edu> November 2002.
21+# GET/SETANNOTATION contributed by Tomas Lindroos <skitta@abo.fi> June 2005.
23+__version__ = "2.58"
25+import binascii, random, re, socket, subprocess, sys, time
27+__all__ = ["IMAP4", "IMAP4_stream", "Internaldate2tuple",
28+ "Int2AP", "ParseFlags", "Time2Internaldate"]
30+# Globals
32+CRLF = '\r\n'
33+Debug = 0
34+IMAP4_PORT = 143
35+IMAP4_SSL_PORT = 993
36+AllowedVersions = ('IMAP4REV1', 'IMAP4') # Most recent first
38+# Commands
40+Commands = {
41+ # name valid states
45+ 'CHECK': ('SELECTED',),
46+ 'CLOSE': ('SELECTED',),
47+ 'COPY': ('SELECTED',),
53+ 'FETCH': ('SELECTED',),
59+ 'LIST': ('AUTH', 'SELECTED'),
60+ 'LOGIN': ('NONAUTH',),
62+ 'LSUB': ('AUTH', 'SELECTED'),
65+ 'PARTIAL': ('SELECTED',), # NB: obsolete
66+ 'PROXYAUTH': ('AUTH',),
68+ 'SEARCH': ('SELECTED',),
73+ 'SORT': ('SELECTED',),
75+ 'STORE': ('SELECTED',),
77+ 'THREAD': ('SELECTED',),
78+ 'UID': ('SELECTED',),
80+ }
82+# Patterns to match server responses
84+Continuation = re.compile(r'\+( (?P<data>.*))?')
85+Flags = re.compile(r'.*FLAGS \((?P<flags>[^\)]*)\)')
86+InternalDate = re.compile(r'.*INTERNALDATE "'
87+ r'(?P<day>[ 0123][0-9])-(?P<mon>[A-Z][a-z][a-z])-(?P<year>[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])'
88+ r' (?P<hour>[0-9][0-9]):(?P<min>[0-9][0-9]):(?P<sec>[0-9][0-9])'
89+ r' (?P<zonen>[-+])(?P<zoneh>[0-9][0-9])(?P<zonem>[0-9][0-9])'
90+ r'"')
91+Literal = re.compile(r'.*{(?P<size>\d+)}$')
92+MapCRLF = re.compile(r'\r\n|\r|\n')
93+Response_code = re.compile(r'\[(?P<type>[A-Z-]+)( (?P<data>[^\]]*))?\]')
94+Untagged_response = re.compile(r'\* (?P<type>[A-Z-]+)( (?P<data>.*))?')
95+Untagged_status = re.compile(r'\* (?P<data>\d+) (?P<type>[A-Z-]+)( (?P<data2>.*))?')
99+class IMAP4:
101+ """IMAP4 client class.
103+ Instantiate with: IMAP4([host[, port]])
105+ host - host's name (default: localhost);
106+ port - port number (default: standard IMAP4 port).
108+ All IMAP4rev1 commands are supported by methods of the same
109+ name (in lower-case).
111+ All arguments to commands are converted to strings, except for
112+ AUTHENTICATE, and the last argument to APPEND which is passed as
113+ an IMAP4 literal. If necessary (the string contains any
114+ non-printing characters or white-space and isn't enclosed with
115+ either parentheses or double quotes) each string is quoted.
116+ However, the 'password' argument to the LOGIN command is always
117+ quoted. If you want to avoid having an argument string quoted
118+ (eg: the 'flags' argument to STORE) then enclose the string in
119+ parentheses (eg: "(\Deleted)").
121+ Each command returns a tuple: (type, [data, ...]) where 'type'
122+ is usually 'OK' or 'NO', and 'data' is either the text from the
123+ tagged response, or untagged results from command. Each 'data'
124+ is either a string, or a tuple. If a tuple, then the first part
125+ is the header of the response, and the second part contains
126+ the data (ie: 'literal' value).
128+ Errors raise the exception class <instance>.error("<reason>").
129+ IMAP4 server errors raise <instance>.abort("<reason>"),
130+ which is a sub-class of 'error'. Mailbox status changes
131+ from READ-WRITE to READ-ONLY raise the exception class
132+ <instance>.readonly("<reason>"), which is a sub-class of 'abort'.
134+ "error" exceptions imply a program error.
135+ "abort" exceptions imply the connection should be reset, and
136+ the command re-tried.
137+ "readonly" exceptions imply the command should be re-tried.
139+ Note: to use this module, you must read the RFCs pertaining to the
140+ IMAP4 protocol, as the semantics of the arguments to each IMAP4
141+ command are left to the invoker, not to mention the results. Also,
142+ most IMAP servers implement a sub-set of the commands available here.
143+ """
145+ class error(Exception): pass # Logical errors - debug required
146+ class abort(error): pass # Service errors - close and retry
147+ class readonly(abort): pass # Mailbox status changed to READ-ONLY
149+ mustquote = re.compile(r"[^\w!#$%&'*+,.:;<=>?^`|~-]")
151+ def __init__(self, host = '', port = IMAP4_PORT):
152+ self.debug = Debug
153+ self.state = 'LOGOUT'
154+ self.literal = None # A literal argument to a command
155+ self.tagged_commands = {} # Tagged commands awaiting response
156+ self.untagged_responses = {} # {typ: [data, ...], ...}
157+ self.continuation_response = '' # Last continuation response
158+ self.is_readonly = False # READ-ONLY desired state
159+ self.tagnum = 0
161+ # Open socket to server.
163+ self.open(host, port)
165+ # Create unique tag for this session,
166+ # and compile tagged response matcher.
168+ self.tagpre = Int2AP(random.randint(4096, 65535))
169+ self.tagre = re.compile(r'(?P<tag>'
170+ + self.tagpre
171+ + r'\d+) (?P<type>[A-Z]+) (?P<data>.*)')
173+ # Get server welcome message,
174+ # request and store CAPABILITY response.
176+ if __debug__:
177+ self._cmd_log_len = 10
178+ self._cmd_log_idx = 0
179+ self._cmd_log = {} # Last `_cmd_log_len' interactions
180+ if self.debug >= 1:
181+ self._mesg('imaplib version %s' % __version__)
182+ self._mesg('new IMAP4 connection, tag=%s' % self.tagpre)
184+ self.welcome = self._get_response()
185+ if 'PREAUTH' in self.untagged_responses:
186+ self.state = 'AUTH'
187+ elif 'OK' in self.untagged_responses:
188+ self.state = 'NONAUTH'
189+ else:
190+ raise self.error(self.welcome)
192+ typ, dat = self.capability()
193+ if dat == [None]:
194+ raise self.error('no CAPABILITY response from server')
195+ self.capabilities = tuple(dat[-1].upper().split())
197+ if __debug__:
198+ if self.debug >= 3:
199+ self._mesg('CAPABILITIES: %r' % (self.capabilities,))
201+ for version in AllowedVersions:
202+ if not version in self.capabilities:
203+ continue
204+ self.PROTOCOL_VERSION = version
205+ return
207+ raise self.error('server not IMAP4 compliant')
210+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
211+ # Allow UPPERCASE variants of IMAP4 command methods.
212+ if attr in Commands:
213+ return getattr(self, attr.lower())
214+ raise AttributeError("Unknown IMAP4 command: '%s'" % attr)
218+ # Overridable methods
221+ def open(self, host = '', port = IMAP4_PORT):
222+ """Setup connection to remote server on "host:port"
223+ (default: localhost:standard IMAP4 port).
224+ This connection will be used by the routines:
225+ read, readline, send, shutdown.
226+ """
227+ self.host = host
228+ self.port = port
229+ self.sock = socket.create_connection((host, port))
230+ self.file = self.sock.makefile('rb')
233+ def read(self, size):
234+ """Read 'size' bytes from remote."""
235+ return self.file.read(size)
238+ def readline(self):
239+ """Read line from remote."""
240+ return self.file.readline()
243+ def send(self, data):
244+ """Send data to remote."""
245+ self.sock.sendall(data)
248+ def shutdown(self):
249+ """Close I/O established in "open"."""
250+ self.file.close()
251+ self.sock.close()
254+ def socket(self):
255+ """Return socket instance used to connect to IMAP4 server.
257+ socket = <instance>.socket()
258+ """
259+ return self.sock
263+ # Utility methods
266+ def recent(self):
267+ """Return most recent 'RECENT' responses if any exist,
268+ else prompt server for an update using the 'NOOP' command.
270+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.recent()
272+ 'data' is None if no new messages,
273+ else list of RECENT responses, most recent last.
274+ """
275+ name = 'RECENT'
276+ typ, dat = self._untagged_response('OK', [None], name)
277+ if dat[-1]:
278+ return typ, dat
279+ typ, dat = self.noop() # Prod server for response
280+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
283+ def response(self, code):
284+ """Return data for response 'code' if received, or None.
286+ Old value for response 'code' is cleared.
288+ (code, [data]) = <instance>.response(code)
289+ """
290+ return self._untagged_response(code, [None], code.upper())
294+ # IMAP4 commands
297+ def append(self, mailbox, flags, date_time, message):
298+ """Append message to named mailbox.
300+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.append(mailbox, flags, date_time, message)
302+ All args except `message' can be None.
303+ """
304+ name = 'APPEND'
305+ if not mailbox:
306+ mailbox = 'INBOX'
307+ if flags:
308+ if (flags[0],flags[-1]) != ('(',')'):
309+ flags = '(%s)' % flags
310+ else:
311+ flags = None
312+ if date_time:
313+ date_time = Time2Internaldate(date_time)
314+ else:
315+ date_time = None
316+ self.literal = MapCRLF.sub(CRLF, message)
317+ return self._simple_command(name, mailbox, flags, date_time)
320+ def authenticate(self, mechanism, authobject):
321+ """Authenticate command - requires response processing.
323+ 'mechanism' specifies which authentication mechanism is to
324+ be used - it must appear in <instance>.capabilities in the
325+ form AUTH=<mechanism>.
327+ 'authobject' must be a callable object:
329+ data = authobject(response)
331+ It will be called to process server continuation responses.
332+ It should return data that will be encoded and sent to server.
333+ It should return None if the client abort response '*' should
334+ be sent instead.
335+ """
336+ mech = mechanism.upper()
337+ # XXX: shouldn't this code be removed, not commented out?
338+ #cap = 'AUTH=%s' % mech
339+ #if not cap in self.capabilities: # Let the server decide!
340+ # raise self.error("Server doesn't allow %s authentication." % mech)
341+ self.literal = _Authenticator(authobject).process
342+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('AUTHENTICATE', mech)
343+ if typ != 'OK':
344+ raise self.error(dat[-1])
345+ self.state = 'AUTH'
346+ return typ, dat
349+ def capability(self):
350+ """(typ, [data]) = <instance>.capability()
351+ Fetch capabilities list from server."""
353+ name = 'CAPABILITY'
354+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name)
355+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
358+ def check(self):
359+ """Checkpoint mailbox on server.
361+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.check()
362+ """
363+ return self._simple_command('CHECK')
366+ def close(self):
367+ """Close currently selected mailbox.
369+ Deleted messages are removed from writable mailbox.
370+ This is the recommended command before 'LOGOUT'.
372+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.close()
373+ """
374+ try:
375+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('CLOSE')
376+ finally:
377+ self.state = 'AUTH'
378+ return typ, dat
381+ def copy(self, message_set, new_mailbox):
382+ """Copy 'message_set' messages onto end of 'new_mailbox'.
384+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.copy(message_set, new_mailbox)
385+ """
386+ return self._simple_command('COPY', message_set, new_mailbox)
389+ def create(self, mailbox):
390+ """Create new mailbox.
392+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.create(mailbox)
393+ """
394+ return self._simple_command('CREATE', mailbox)
397+ def delete(self, mailbox):
398+ """Delete old mailbox.
400+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.delete(mailbox)
401+ """
402+ return self._simple_command('DELETE', mailbox)
404+ def deleteacl(self, mailbox, who):
405+ """Delete the ACLs (remove any rights) set for who on mailbox.
407+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.deleteacl(mailbox, who)
408+ """
409+ return self._simple_command('DELETEACL', mailbox, who)
411+ def expunge(self):
412+ """Permanently remove deleted items from selected mailbox.
414+ Generates 'EXPUNGE' response for each deleted message.
416+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.expunge()
418+ 'data' is list of 'EXPUNGE'd message numbers in order received.
419+ """
420+ name = 'EXPUNGE'
421+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name)
422+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
425+ def fetch(self, message_set, message_parts):
426+ """Fetch (parts of) messages.
428+ (typ, [data, ...]) = <instance>.fetch(message_set, message_parts)
430+ 'message_parts' should be a string of selected parts
431+ enclosed in parentheses, eg: "(UID BODY[TEXT])".
433+ 'data' are tuples of message part envelope and data.
434+ """
435+ name = 'FETCH'
436+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, message_set, message_parts)
437+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
440+ def getacl(self, mailbox):
441+ """Get the ACLs for a mailbox.
443+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.getacl(mailbox)
444+ """
445+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('GETACL', mailbox)
446+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'ACL')
449+ def getannotation(self, mailbox, entry, attribute):
450+ """(typ, [data]) = <instance>.getannotation(mailbox, entry, attribute)
451+ Retrieve ANNOTATIONs."""
453+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('GETANNOTATION', mailbox, entry, attribute)
454+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'ANNOTATION')
457+ def getquota(self, root):
458+ """Get the quota root's resource usage and limits.
460+ Part of the IMAP4 QUOTA extension defined in rfc2087.
462+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.getquota(root)
463+ """
464+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('GETQUOTA', root)
465+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'QUOTA')
468+ def getquotaroot(self, mailbox):
469+ """Get the list of quota roots for the named mailbox.
471+ (typ, [[QUOTAROOT responses...], [QUOTA responses]]) = <instance>.getquotaroot(mailbox)
472+ """
473+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('GETQUOTAROOT', mailbox)
474+ typ, quota = self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'QUOTA')
475+ typ, quotaroot = self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'QUOTAROOT')
476+ return typ, [quotaroot, quota]
479+ def list(self, directory='""', pattern='*'):
480+ """List mailbox names in directory matching pattern.
482+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.list(directory='""', pattern='*')
484+ 'data' is list of LIST responses.
485+ """
486+ name = 'LIST'
487+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, directory, pattern)
488+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
491+ def login(self, user, password):
492+ """Identify client using plaintext password.
494+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.login(user, password)
496+ NB: 'password' will be quoted.
497+ """
498+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('LOGIN', user, self._quote(password))
499+ if typ != 'OK':
500+ raise self.error(dat[-1])
501+ self.state = 'AUTH'
502+ return typ, dat
505+ def login_cram_md5(self, user, password):
506+ """ Force use of CRAM-MD5 authentication.
508+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.login_cram_md5(user, password)
509+ """
510+ self.user, self.password = user, password
511+ return self.authenticate('CRAM-MD5', self._CRAM_MD5_AUTH)
514+ def _CRAM_MD5_AUTH(self, challenge):
515+ """ Authobject to use with CRAM-MD5 authentication. """
516+ import hmac
517+ return self.user + " " + hmac.HMAC(self.password, challenge).hexdigest()
520+ def logout(self):
521+ """Shutdown connection to server.
523+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.logout()
525+ Returns server 'BYE' response.
526+ """
527+ self.state = 'LOGOUT'
528+ try: typ, dat = self._simple_command('LOGOUT')
529+ except: typ, dat = 'NO', ['%s: %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]]
530+ self.shutdown()
531+ if 'BYE' in self.untagged_responses:
532+ return 'BYE', self.untagged_responses['BYE']
533+ return typ, dat
536+ def lsub(self, directory='""', pattern='*'):
537+ """List 'subscribed' mailbox names in directory matching pattern.
539+ (typ, [data, ...]) = <instance>.lsub(directory='""', pattern='*')
541+ 'data' are tuples of message part envelope and data.
542+ """
543+ name = 'LSUB'
544+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, directory, pattern)
545+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
547+ def myrights(self, mailbox):
548+ """Show my ACLs for a mailbox (i.e. the rights that I have on mailbox).
550+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.myrights(mailbox)
551+ """
552+ typ,dat = self._simple_command('MYRIGHTS', mailbox)
553+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'MYRIGHTS')
555+ def namespace(self):
556+ """ Returns IMAP namespaces ala rfc2342
558+ (typ, [data, ...]) = <instance>.namespace()
559+ """
560+ name = 'NAMESPACE'
561+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name)
562+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
565+ def noop(self):
566+ """Send NOOP command.
568+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.noop()
569+ """
570+ if __debug__:
571+ if self.debug >= 3:
572+ self._dump_ur(self.untagged_responses)
573+ return self._simple_command('NOOP')
576+ def partial(self, message_num, message_part, start, length):
577+ """Fetch truncated part of a message.
579+ (typ, [data, ...]) = <instance>.partial(message_num, message_part, start, length)
581+ 'data' is tuple of message part envelope and data.
582+ """
583+ name = 'PARTIAL'
584+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, message_num, message_part, start, length)
585+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'FETCH')
588+ def proxyauth(self, user):
589+ """Assume authentication as "user".
591+ Allows an authorised administrator to proxy into any user's
592+ mailbox.
594+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.proxyauth(user)
595+ """
597+ name = 'PROXYAUTH'
598+ return self._simple_command('PROXYAUTH', user)
601+ def rename(self, oldmailbox, newmailbox):
602+ """Rename old mailbox name to new.
604+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.rename(oldmailbox, newmailbox)
605+ """
606+ return self._simple_command('RENAME', oldmailbox, newmailbox)
609+ def search(self, charset, *criteria):
610+ """Search mailbox for matching messages.
612+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.search(charset, criterion, ...)
614+ 'data' is space separated list of matching message numbers.
615+ """
616+ name = 'SEARCH'
617+ if charset:
618+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, 'CHARSET', charset, *criteria)
619+ else:
620+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, *criteria)
621+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
624+ def select(self, mailbox='INBOX', readonly=False):
625+ """Select a mailbox.
627+ Flush all untagged responses.
629+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.select(mailbox='INBOX', readonly=False)
631+ 'data' is count of messages in mailbox ('EXISTS' response).
633+ Mandated responses are ('FLAGS', 'EXISTS', 'RECENT', 'UIDVALIDITY'), so
634+ other responses should be obtained via <instance>.response('FLAGS') etc.
635+ """
636+ self.untagged_responses = {} # Flush old responses.
637+ self.is_readonly = readonly
638+ if readonly:
639+ name = 'EXAMINE'
640+ else:
641+ name = 'SELECT'
642+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, mailbox)
643+ if typ != 'OK':
644+ self.state = 'AUTH' # Might have been 'SELECTED'
645+ return typ, dat
646+ self.state = 'SELECTED'
647+ if 'READ-ONLY' in self.untagged_responses \
648+ and not readonly:
649+ if __debug__:
650+ if self.debug >= 1:
651+ self._dump_ur(self.untagged_responses)
652+ raise self.readonly('%s is not writable' % mailbox)
653+ return typ, self.untagged_responses.get('EXISTS', [None])
656+ def setacl(self, mailbox, who, what):
657+ """Set a mailbox acl.
659+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.setacl(mailbox, who, what)
660+ """
661+ return self._simple_command('SETACL', mailbox, who, what)
664+ def setannotation(self, *args):
665+ """(typ, [data]) = <instance>.setannotation(mailbox[, entry, attribute]+)
666+ Set ANNOTATIONs."""
668+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('SETANNOTATION', *args)
669+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'ANNOTATION')
672+ def setquota(self, root, limits):
673+ """Set the quota root's resource limits.
675+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.setquota(root, limits)
676+ """
677+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('SETQUOTA', root, limits)
678+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'QUOTA')
681+ def sort(self, sort_criteria, charset, *search_criteria):
682+ """IMAP4rev1 extension SORT command.
684+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.sort(sort_criteria, charset, search_criteria, ...)
685+ """
686+ name = 'SORT'
687+ #if not name in self.capabilities: # Let the server decide!
688+ # raise self.error('unimplemented extension command: %s' % name)
689+ if (sort_criteria[0],sort_criteria[-1]) != ('(',')'):
690+ sort_criteria = '(%s)' % sort_criteria
691+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, sort_criteria, charset, *search_criteria)
692+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
695+ def status(self, mailbox, names):
696+ """Request named status conditions for mailbox.
698+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.status(mailbox, names)
699+ """
700+ name = 'STATUS'
701+ #if self.PROTOCOL_VERSION == 'IMAP4': # Let the server decide!
702+ # raise self.error('%s unimplemented in IMAP4 (obtain IMAP4rev1 server, or re-code)' % name)
703+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, mailbox, names)
704+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
707+ def store(self, message_set, command, flags):
708+ """Alters flag dispositions for messages in mailbox.
710+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.store(message_set, command, flags)
711+ """
712+ if (flags[0],flags[-1]) != ('(',')'):
713+ flags = '(%s)' % flags # Avoid quoting the flags
714+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('STORE', message_set, command, flags)
715+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'FETCH')
718+ def subscribe(self, mailbox):
719+ """Subscribe to new mailbox.
721+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.subscribe(mailbox)
722+ """
723+ return self._simple_command('SUBSCRIBE', mailbox)
726+ def thread(self, threading_algorithm, charset, *search_criteria):
727+ """IMAPrev1 extension THREAD command.
729+ (type, [data]) = <instance>.thread(threading_algorithm, charset, search_criteria, ...)
730+ """
731+ name = 'THREAD'
732+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, threading_algorithm, charset, *search_criteria)
733+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
736+ def uid(self, command, *args):
737+ """Execute "command arg ..." with messages identified by UID,
738+ rather than message number.
740+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.uid(command, arg1, arg2, ...)
742+ Returns response appropriate to 'command'.
743+ """
744+ command = command.upper()
745+ if not command in Commands:
746+ raise self.error("Unknown IMAP4 UID command: %s" % command)
747+ if self.state not in Commands[command]:
748+ raise self.error("command %s illegal in state %s, "
749+ "only allowed in states %s" %
750+ (command, self.state,
751+ ', '.join(Commands[command])))
752+ name = 'UID'
753+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, command, *args)
754+ if command in ('SEARCH', 'SORT'):
755+ name = command
756+ else:
757+ name = 'FETCH'
758+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
761+ def unsubscribe(self, mailbox):
762+ """Unsubscribe from old mailbox.
764+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.unsubscribe(mailbox)
765+ """
766+ return self._simple_command('UNSUBSCRIBE', mailbox)
769+ def xatom(self, name, *args):
770+ """Allow simple extension commands
771+ notified by server in CAPABILITY response.
773+ Assumes command is legal in current state.
775+ (typ, [data]) = <instance>.xatom(name, arg, ...)
777+ Returns response appropriate to extension command `name'.
778+ """
779+ name = name.upper()
780+ #if not name in self.capabilities: # Let the server decide!
781+ # raise self.error('unknown extension command: %s' % name)
782+ if not name in Commands:
783+ Commands[name] = (self.state,)
784+ return self._simple_command(name, *args)
788+ # Private methods
791+ def _append_untagged(self, typ, dat):
793+ if dat is None: dat = ''
794+ ur = self.untagged_responses
795+ if __debug__:
796+ if self.debug >= 5:
797+ self._mesg('untagged_responses[%s] %s += ["%s"]' %
798+ (typ, len(ur.get(typ,'')), dat))
799+ if typ in ur:
800+ ur[typ].append(dat)
801+ else:
802+ ur[typ] = [dat]
805+ def _check_bye(self):
806+ bye = self.untagged_responses.get('BYE')
807+ if bye:
808+ raise self.abort(bye[-1])
811+ def _command(self, name, *args):
813+ if self.state not in Commands[name]:
814+ self.literal = None
815+ raise self.error("command %s illegal in state %s, "
816+ "only allowed in states %s" %
817+ (name, self.state,
818+ ', '.join(Commands[name])))
820+ for typ in ('OK', 'NO', 'BAD'):
821+ if typ in self.untagged_responses:
822+ del self.untagged_responses[typ]
824+ if 'READ-ONLY' in self.untagged_responses \
825+ and not self.is_readonly:
826+ raise self.readonly('mailbox status changed to READ-ONLY')
828+ tag = self._new_tag()
829+ data = '%s %s' % (tag, name)
830+ for arg in args:
831+ if arg is None: continue
832+ data = '%s %s' % (data, self._checkquote(arg))
834+ literal = self.literal
835+ if literal is not None:
836+ self.literal = None
837+ if type(literal) is type(self._command):
838+ literator = literal
839+ else:
840+ literator = None
841+ data = '%s {%s}' % (data, len(literal))
843+ if __debug__:
844+ if self.debug >= 4:
845+ self._mesg('> %s' % data)
846+ else:
847+ self._log('> %s' % data)
849+ try:
850+ self.send('%s%s' % (data, CRLF))
851+ except (socket.error, OSError), val:
852+ raise self.abort('socket error: %s' % val)
854+ if literal is None:
855+ return tag
857+ while 1:
858+ # Wait for continuation response
860+ while self._get_response():
861+ if self.tagged_commands[tag]: # BAD/NO?
862+ return tag
864+ # Send literal
866+ if literator:
867+ literal = literator(self.continuation_response)
869+ if __debug__:
870+ if self.debug >= 4:
871+ self._mesg('write literal size %s' % len(literal))
873+ try:
874+ self.send(literal)
875+ self.send(CRLF)
876+ except (socket.error, OSError), val:
877+ raise self.abort('socket error: %s' % val)
879+ if not literator:
880+ break
882+ return tag
885+ def _command_complete(self, name, tag):
886+ self._check_bye()
887+ try:
888+ typ, data = self._get_tagged_response(tag)
889+ except self.abort, val:
890+ raise self.abort('command: %s => %s' % (name, val))
891+ except self.error, val:
892+ raise self.error('command: %s => %s' % (name, val))
893+ self._check_bye()
894+ if typ == 'BAD':
895+ raise self.error('%s command error: %s %s' % (name, typ, data))
896+ return typ, data
899+ def _get_response(self):
901+ # Read response and store.
902+ #
903+ # Returns None for continuation responses,
904+ # otherwise first response line received.
906+ resp = self._get_line()
908+ # Command completion response?
910+ if self._match(self.tagre, resp):
911+ tag = self.mo.group('tag')
912+ if not tag in self.tagged_commands:
913+ raise self.abort('unexpected tagged response: %s' % resp)
915+ typ = self.mo.group('type')
916+ dat = self.mo.group('data')
917+ self.tagged_commands[tag] = (typ, [dat])
918+ else:
919+ dat2 = None
921+ # '*' (untagged) responses?
923+ if not self._match(Untagged_response, resp):
924+ if self._match(Untagged_status, resp):
925+ dat2 = self.mo.group('data2')
927+ if self.mo is None:
928+ # Only other possibility is '+' (continuation) response...
930+ if self._match(Continuation, resp):
931+ self.continuation_response = self.mo.group('data')
932+ return None # NB: indicates continuation
934+ raise self.abort("unexpected response: '%s'" % resp)
936+ typ = self.mo.group('type')
937+ dat = self.mo.group('data')
938+ if dat is None: dat = '' # Null untagged response
939+ if dat2: dat = dat + ' ' + dat2
941+ # Is there a literal to come?
943+ while self._match(Literal, dat):
945+ # Read literal direct from connection.
947+ size = int(self.mo.group('size'))
948+ if __debug__:
949+ if self.debug >= 4:
950+ self._mesg('read literal size %s' % size)
951+ data = self.read(size)
953+ # Store response with literal as tuple
955+ self._append_untagged(typ, (dat, data))
957+ # Read trailer - possibly containing another literal
959+ dat = self._get_line()
961+ self._append_untagged(typ, dat)
963+ # Bracketed response information?
965+ if typ in ('OK', 'NO', 'BAD') and self._match(Response_code, dat):
966+ self._append_untagged(self.mo.group('type'), self.mo.group('data'))
968+ if __debug__:
969+ if self.debug >= 1 and typ in ('NO', 'BAD', 'BYE'):
970+ self._mesg('%s response: %s' % (typ, dat))
972+ return resp
975+ def _get_tagged_response(self, tag):
977+ while 1:
978+ result = self.tagged_commands[tag]
979+ if result is not None:
980+ del self.tagged_commands[tag]
981+ return result
983+ # Some have reported "unexpected response" exceptions.
984+ # Note that ignoring them here causes loops.
985+ # Instead, send me details of the unexpected response and
986+ # I'll update the code in `_get_response()'.
988+ try:
989+ self._get_response()
990+ except self.abort, val:
991+ if __debug__:
992+ if self.debug >= 1:
993+ self.print_log()
994+ raise
997+ def _get_line(self):
999+ line = self.readline()
1000+ if not line:
1001+ raise self.abort('socket error: EOF')
1003+ # Protocol mandates all lines terminated by CRLF
1004+ if not line.endswith('\r\n'):
1005+ raise self.abort('socket error: unterminated line')
1007+ line = line[:-2]
1008+ if __debug__:
1009+ if self.debug >= 4:
1010+ self._mesg('< %s' % line)
1011+ else:
1012+ self._log('< %s' % line)
1013+ return line
1016+ def _match(self, cre, s):
1018+ # Run compiled regular expression match method on 's'.
1019+ # Save result, return success.
1021+ self.mo = cre.match(s)
1022+ if __debug__:
1023+ if self.mo is not None and self.debug >= 5:
1024+ self._mesg("\tmatched r'%s' => %r" % (cre.pattern, self.mo.groups()))
1025+ return self.mo is not None
1028+ def _new_tag(self):
1030+ tag = '%s%s' % (self.tagpre, self.tagnum)
1031+ self.tagnum = self.tagnum + 1
1032+ self.tagged_commands[tag] = None
1033+ return tag
1036+ def _checkquote(self, arg):
1038+ # Must quote command args if non-alphanumeric chars present,
1039+ # and not already quoted.
1041+ if type(arg) is not type(''):
1042+ return arg
1043+ if len(arg) >= 2 and (arg[0],arg[-1]) in (('(',')'),('"','"')):
1044+ return arg
1045+ if arg and self.mustquote.search(arg) is None:
1046+ return arg
1047+ return self._quote(arg)
1050+ def _quote(self, arg):
1052+ arg = arg.replace('\\', '\\\\')
1053+ arg = arg.replace('"', '\\"')
1055+ return '"%s"' % arg
1058+ def _simple_command(self, name, *args):
1060+ return self._command_complete(name, self._command(name, *args))
1063+ def _untagged_response(self, typ, dat, name):
1065+ if typ == 'NO':
1066+ return typ, dat
1067+ if not name in self.untagged_responses:
1068+ return typ, [None]
1069+ data = self.untagged_responses.pop(name)
1070+ if __debug__:
1071+ if self.debug >= 5:
1072+ self._mesg('untagged_responses[%s] => %s' % (name, data))
1073+ return typ, data
1076+ if __debug__:
1078+ def _mesg(self, s, secs=None):
1079+ if secs is None:
1080+ secs = time.time()
1081+ tm = time.strftime('%M:%S', time.localtime(secs))
1082+ sys.stderr.write(' %s.%02d %s\n' % (tm, (secs*100)%100, s))
1083+ sys.stderr.flush()
1085+ def _dump_ur(self, dict):
1086+ # Dump untagged responses (in `dict').
1087+ l = dict.items()
1088+ if not l: return
1089+ t = '\n\t\t'
1090+ l = map(lambda x:'%s: "%s"' % (x[0], x[1][0] and '" "'.join(x[1]) or ''), l)
1091+ self._mesg('untagged responses dump:%s%s' % (t, t.join(l)))
1093+ def _log(self, line):
1094+ # Keep log of last `_cmd_log_len' interactions for debugging.
1095+ self._cmd_log[self._cmd_log_idx] = (line, time.time())
1096+ self._cmd_log_idx += 1
1097+ if self._cmd_log_idx >= self._cmd_log_len:
1098+ self._cmd_log_idx = 0
1100+ def print_log(self):
1101+ self._mesg('last %d IMAP4 interactions:' % len(self._cmd_log))
1102+ i, n = self._cmd_log_idx, self._cmd_log_len
1103+ while n:
1104+ try:
1105+ self._mesg(*self._cmd_log[i])
1106+ except:
1107+ pass
1108+ i += 1
1109+ if i >= self._cmd_log_len:
1110+ i = 0
1111+ n -= 1
1116+ import ssl
1117+except ImportError:
1118+ pass
1120+ class IMAP4_SSL(IMAP4):
1122+ """IMAP4 client class over SSL connection
1124+ Instantiate with: IMAP4_SSL([host[, port[, keyfile[, certfile]]]])
1126+ host - host's name (default: localhost);
1127+ port - port number (default: standard IMAP4 SSL port).
1128+ keyfile - PEM formatted file that contains your private key (default: None);
1129+ certfile - PEM formatted certificate chain file (default: None);
1131+ for more documentation see the docstring of the parent class IMAP4.
1132+ """
1135+ def __init__(self, host = '', port = IMAP4_SSL_PORT, keyfile = None, certfile = None):
1136+ self.keyfile = keyfile
1137+ self.certfile = certfile
1138+ IMAP4.__init__(self, host, port)
1141+ def open(self, host = '', port = IMAP4_SSL_PORT):
1142+ """Setup connection to remote server on "host:port".
1143+ (default: localhost:standard IMAP4 SSL port).
1144+ This connection will be used by the routines:
1145+ read, readline, send, shutdown.
1146+ """
1147+ self.host = host
1148+ self.port = port
1149+ self.sock = socket.create_connection((host, port))
1150+ self.sslobj = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, self.keyfile, self.certfile)
1153+ def read(self, size):
1154+ """Read 'size' bytes from remote."""
1155+ # sslobj.read() sometimes returns < size bytes
1156+ chunks = []
1157+ read = 0
1158+ while read < size:
1159+ data = self.sslobj.read(min(size-read, 16384))
1160+ read += len(data)
1161+ chunks.append(data)
1163+ return ''.join(chunks)
1166+ def readline(self):
1167+ """Read line from remote."""
1168+ line = []
1169+ while 1:
1170+ char = self.sslobj.read(1)
1171+ line.append(char)
1172+ if char in ("\n", ""): return ''.join(line)
1175+ def send(self, data):
1176+ """Send data to remote."""
1177+ bytes = len(data)
1178+ while bytes > 0:
1179+ sent = self.sslobj.write(data)
1180+ if sent == bytes:
1181+ break # avoid copy
1182+ data = data[sent:]
1183+ bytes = bytes - sent
1186+ def shutdown(self):
1187+ """Close I/O established in "open"."""
1188+ self.sock.close()
1191+ def socket(self):
1192+ """Return socket instance used to connect to IMAP4 server.
1194+ socket = <instance>.socket()
1195+ """
1196+ return self.sock
1199+ def ssl(self):
1200+ """Return SSLObject instance used to communicate with the IMAP4 server.
1202+ ssl = ssl.wrap_socket(<instance>.socket)
1203+ """
1204+ return self.sslobj
1206+ __all__.append("IMAP4_SSL")
1209+class IMAP4_stream(IMAP4):
1211+ """IMAP4 client class over a stream
1213+ Instantiate with: IMAP4_stream(command)
1215+ where "command" is a string that can be passed to subprocess.Popen()
1217+ for more documentation see the docstring of the parent class IMAP4.
1218+ """
1221+ def __init__(self, command):
1222+ self.command = command
1223+ IMAP4.__init__(self)
1226+ def open(self, host = None, port = None):
1227+ """Setup a stream connection.
1228+ This connection will be used by the routines:
1229+ read, readline, send, shutdown.
1230+ """
1231+ self.host = None # For compatibility with parent class
1232+ self.port = None
1233+ self.sock = None
1234+ self.file = None
1235+ self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.command,
1236+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1237+ shell=True, close_fds=True)
1238+ self.writefile = self.process.stdin
1239+ self.readfile = self.process.stdout
1242+ def read(self, size):
1243+ """Read 'size' bytes from remote."""
1244+ return self.readfile.read(size)
1247+ def readline(self):
1248+ """Read line from remote."""
1249+ return self.readfile.readline()
1252+ def send(self, data):
1253+ """Send data to remote."""
1254+ self.writefile.write(data)
1255+ self.writefile.flush()
1258+ def shutdown(self):
1259+ """Close I/O established in "open"."""
1260+ self.readfile.close()
1261+ self.writefile.close()
1262+ self.process.wait()
1266+class _Authenticator:
1268+ """Private class to provide en/decoding
1269+ for base64-based authentication conversation.
1270+ """
1272+ def __init__(self, mechinst):
1273+ self.mech = mechinst # Callable object to provide/process data
1275+ def process(self, data):
1276+ ret = self.mech(self.decode(data))
1277+ if ret is None:
1278+ return '*' # Abort conversation
1279+ return self.encode(ret)
1281+ def encode(self, inp):
1282+ #
1283+ # Invoke binascii.b2a_base64 iteratively with
1284+ # short even length buffers, strip the trailing
1285+ # line feed from the result and append. "Even"
1286+ # means a number that factors to both 6 and 8,
1287+ # so when it gets to the end of the 8-bit input
1288+ # there's no partial 6-bit output.
1289+ #
1290+ oup = ''
1291+ while inp:
1292+ if len(inp) > 48:
1293+ t = inp[:48]
1294+ inp = inp[48:]
1295+ else:
1296+ t = inp
1297+ inp = ''
1298+ e = binascii.b2a_base64(t)
1299+ if e:
1300+ oup = oup + e[:-1]
1301+ return oup
1303+ def decode(self, inp):
1304+ if not inp:
1305+ return ''
1306+ return binascii.a2b_base64(inp)
1310+Mon2num = {'Jan': 1, 'Feb': 2, 'Mar': 3, 'Apr': 4, 'May': 5, 'Jun': 6,
1311+ 'Jul': 7, 'Aug': 8, 'Sep': 9, 'Oct': 10, 'Nov': 11, 'Dec': 12}
1313+def Internaldate2tuple(resp):
1314+ """Convert IMAP4 INTERNALDATE to UT.
1316+ Returns Python time module tuple.
1317+ """
1319+ mo = InternalDate.match(resp)
1320+ if not mo:
1321+ return None
1323+ mon = Mon2num[mo.group('mon')]
1324+ zonen = mo.group('zonen')
1326+ day = int(mo.group('day'))
1327+ year = int(mo.group('year'))
1328+ hour = int(mo.group('hour'))
1329+ min = int(mo.group('min'))
1330+ sec = int(mo.group('sec'))
1331+ zoneh = int(mo.group('zoneh'))
1332+ zonem = int(mo.group('zonem'))
1334+ # INTERNALDATE timezone must be subtracted to get UT
1336+ zone = (zoneh*60 + zonem)*60
1337+ if zonen == '-':
1338+ zone = -zone
1340+ tt = (year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, -1, -1, -1)
1342+ utc = time.mktime(tt)
1344+ # Following is necessary because the time module has no 'mkgmtime'.
1345+ # 'mktime' assumes arg in local timezone, so adds timezone/altzone.
1347+ lt = time.localtime(utc)
1348+ if time.daylight and lt[-1]:
1349+ zone = zone + time.altzone
1350+ else:
1351+ zone = zone + time.timezone
1353+ return time.localtime(utc - zone)
1357+def Int2AP(num):
1359+ """Convert integer to A-P string representation."""
1361+ val = ''; AP = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'
1362+ num = int(abs(num))
1363+ while num:
1364+ num, mod = divmod(num, 16)
1365+ val = AP[mod] + val
1366+ return val
1370+def ParseFlags(resp):
1372+ """Convert IMAP4 flags response to python tuple."""
1374+ mo = Flags.match(resp)
1375+ if not mo:
1376+ return ()
1378+ return tuple(mo.group('flags').split())
1381+def Time2Internaldate(date_time):
1383+ """Convert 'date_time' to IMAP4 INTERNALDATE representation.
1385+ Return string in form: '"DD-Mmm-YYYY HH:MM:SS +HHMM"'
1386+ """
1388+ if isinstance(date_time, (int, float)):
1389+ tt = time.localtime(date_time)
1390+ elif isinstance(date_time, (tuple, time.struct_time)):
1391+ tt = date_time
1392+ elif isinstance(date_time, str) and (date_time[0],date_time[-1]) == ('"','"'):
1393+ return date_time # Assume in correct format
1394+ else:
1395+ raise ValueError("date_time not of a known type")
1397+ dt = time.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", tt)
1398+ if dt[0] == '0':
1399+ dt = ' ' + dt[1:]
1400+ if time.daylight and tt[-1]:
1401+ zone = -time.altzone
1402+ else:
1403+ zone = -time.timezone
1404+ return '"' + dt + " %+03d%02d" % divmod(zone//60, 60) + '"'
1408+if __name__ == '__main__':
1410+ # To test: invoke either as 'python imaplib.py [IMAP4_server_hostname]'
1411+ # or 'python imaplib.py -s "rsh IMAP4_server_hostname exec /etc/rimapd"'
1412+ # to test the IMAP4_stream class
1414+ import getopt, getpass
1416+ try:
1417+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd:s:')
1418+ except getopt.error, val:
1419+ optlist, args = (), ()
1421+ stream_command = None
1422+ for opt,val in optlist:
1423+ if opt == '-d':
1424+ Debug = int(val)
1425+ elif opt == '-s':
1426+ stream_command = val
1427+ if not args: args = (stream_command,)
1429+ if not args: args = ('',)
1431+ host = args[0]
1433+ USER = getpass.getuser()
1434+ PASSWD = getpass.getpass("IMAP password for %s on %s: " % (USER, host or "localhost"))
1436+ test_mesg = 'From: %(user)s@localhost%(lf)sSubject: IMAP4 test%(lf)s%(lf)sdata...%(lf)s' % {'user':USER, 'lf':'\n'}
1437+ test_seq1 = (
1438+ ('login', (USER, PASSWD)),
1439+ ('create', ('/tmp/xxx 1',)),
1440+ ('rename', ('/tmp/xxx 1', '/tmp/yyy')),
1441+ ('CREATE', ('/tmp/yyz 2',)),
1442+ ('append', ('/tmp/yyz 2', None, None, test_mesg)),
1443+ ('list', ('/tmp', 'yy*')),
1444+ ('select', ('/tmp/yyz 2',)),
1445+ ('search', (None, 'SUBJECT', 'test')),
1446+ ('fetch', ('1', '(FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822)')),
1447+ ('store', ('1', 'FLAGS', '(\Deleted)')),
1448+ ('namespace', ()),
1449+ ('expunge', ()),
1450+ ('recent', ()),
1451+ ('close', ()),
1452+ )
1454+ test_seq2 = (
1455+ ('select', ()),
1456+ ('response',('UIDVALIDITY',)),
1457+ ('uid', ('SEARCH', 'ALL')),
1458+ ('response', ('EXISTS',)),
1459+ ('append', (None, None, None, test_mesg)),
1460+ ('recent', ()),
1461+ ('logout', ()),
1462+ )
1464+ def run(cmd, args):
1465+ M._mesg('%s %s' % (cmd, args))
1466+ typ, dat = getattr(M, cmd)(*args)
1467+ M._mesg('%s => %s %s' % (cmd, typ, dat))
1468+ if typ == 'NO': raise dat[0]
1469+ return dat
1471+ try:
1472+ if stream_command:
1473+ M = IMAP4_stream(stream_command)
1474+ else:
1475+ M = IMAP4(host)
1476+ if M.state == 'AUTH':
1477+ test_seq1 = test_seq1[1:] # Login not needed
1479+ M._mesg('CAPABILITIES = %r' % (M.capabilities,))
1481+ for cmd,args in test_seq1:
1482+ run(cmd, args)
1484+ for ml in run('list', ('/tmp/', 'yy%')):
1485+ mo = re.match(r'.*"([^"]+)"$', ml)
1486+ if mo: path = mo.group(1)
1487+ else: path = ml.split()[-1]
1488+ run('delete', (path,))
1490+ for cmd,args in test_seq2:
1491+ dat = run(cmd, args)
1493+ if (cmd,args) != ('uid', ('SEARCH', 'ALL')):
1494+ continue
1496+ uid = dat[-1].split()
1497+ if not uid: continue
1498+ run('uid', ('FETCH', '%s' % uid[-1],
1501+ print '\nAll tests OK.'
1503+ except:
1504+ print '\nTests failed.'
1506+ if not Debug:
1507+ print '''
1508+If you would like to see debugging output,
1509+try: %s -d5
1510+''' % sys.argv[0]
1512+ raise
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/bom.py"
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/bom.py"
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
1-# coding: utf-8
1+# coding: utf-8
22 print "BOM BOOM!"
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/shlex.py"
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/shlex.py"
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class shlex:
3838 self.wordchars = ('abcdfeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
4040 if self.posix:
41- self.wordchars += ('鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申'
42- '鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申')
41+ self.wordchars += ('烙痰邃繙艾蜉謖邇關髓齡?????'
42+ '請唾津毒班碧麺力佰厶壞嶷掣桀毳')
4343 self.whitespace = ' \t\r\n'
4444 self.whitespace_split = False
4545 self.quotes = '\'"'
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/site-packages/README.txt"
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1+This directory exists so that 3rd party packages can be installed
2+here. Read the source for site.py for more details.
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/ssl.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
1+# Wrapper module for _ssl, providing some additional facilities
2+# implemented in Python. Written by Bill Janssen.
5+This module provides some more Pythonic support for SSL.
7+Object types:
9+ SSLSocket -- subtype of socket.socket which does SSL over the socket
13+ SSLError -- exception raised for I/O errors
17+ cert_time_to_seconds -- convert time string used for certificate
18+ notBefore and notAfter functions to integer
19+ seconds past the Epoch (the time values
20+ returned from time.time())
22+ fetch_server_certificate (HOST, PORT) -- fetch the certificate provided
23+ by the server running on HOST at port PORT. No
24+ validation of the certificate is performed.
26+Integer constants:
39+The following group define certificate requirements that one side is
40+allowing/requiring from the other side:
42+CERT_NONE - no certificates from the other side are required (or will
43+ be looked at if provided)
44+CERT_OPTIONAL - certificates are not required, but if provided will be
45+ validated, and if validation fails, the connection will
46+ also fail
47+CERT_REQUIRED - certificates are required, and will be validated, and
48+ if validation fails, the connection will also fail
50+The following constants identify various SSL protocol variants:
58+import textwrap
60+import _ssl # if we can't import it, let the error propagate
63+from _ssl import SSLError
66+from _ssl import RAND_status, RAND_egd, RAND_add
67+from _ssl import \
78+from socket import socket, _fileobject, _delegate_methods, error as socket_error
79+from socket import getnameinfo as _getnameinfo
80+import base64 # for DER-to-PEM translation
81+import errno
83+class SSLSocket(socket):
85+ """This class implements a subtype of socket.socket that wraps
86+ the underlying OS socket in an SSL context when necessary, and
87+ provides read and write methods over that channel."""
89+ def __init__(self, sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None,
90+ server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE,
91+ ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None,
92+ do_handshake_on_connect=True,
93+ suppress_ragged_eofs=True, ciphers=None):
94+ socket.__init__(self, _sock=sock._sock)
95+ # The initializer for socket overrides the methods send(), recv(), etc.
96+ # in the instancce, which we don't need -- but we want to provide the
97+ # methods defined in SSLSocket.
98+ for attr in _delegate_methods:
99+ try:
100+ delattr(self, attr)
101+ except AttributeError:
102+ pass
104+ if certfile and not keyfile:
105+ keyfile = certfile
106+ # see if it's connected
107+ try:
108+ socket.getpeername(self)
109+ except socket_error, e:
110+ if e.errno != errno.ENOTCONN:
111+ raise
112+ # no, no connection yet
113+ self._sslobj = None
114+ else:
115+ # yes, create the SSL object
116+ self._sslobj = _ssl.sslwrap(self._sock, server_side,
117+ keyfile, certfile,
118+ cert_reqs, ssl_version, ca_certs,
119+ ciphers)
120+ if do_handshake_on_connect:
121+ self.do_handshake()
122+ self.keyfile = keyfile
123+ self.certfile = certfile
124+ self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs
125+ self.ssl_version = ssl_version
126+ self.ca_certs = ca_certs
127+ self.ciphers = ciphers
128+ self.do_handshake_on_connect = do_handshake_on_connect
129+ self.suppress_ragged_eofs = suppress_ragged_eofs
130+ self._makefile_refs = 0
132+ def read(self, len=1024):
134+ """Read up to LEN bytes and return them.
135+ Return zero-length string on EOF."""
137+ try:
138+ return self._sslobj.read(len)
139+ except SSLError, x:
140+ if x.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_EOF and self.suppress_ragged_eofs:
141+ return ''
142+ else:
143+ raise
145+ def write(self, data):
147+ """Write DATA to the underlying SSL channel. Returns
148+ number of bytes of DATA actually transmitted."""
150+ return self._sslobj.write(data)
152+ def getpeercert(self, binary_form=False):
154+ """Returns a formatted version of the data in the
155+ certificate provided by the other end of the SSL channel.
156+ Return None if no certificate was provided, {} if a
157+ certificate was provided, but not validated."""
159+ return self._sslobj.peer_certificate(binary_form)
161+ def cipher(self):
163+ if not self._sslobj:
164+ return None
165+ else:
166+ return self._sslobj.cipher()
168+ def send(self, data, flags=0):
169+ if self._sslobj:
170+ if flags != 0:
171+ raise ValueError(
172+ "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to send() on %s" %
173+ self.__class__)
174+ while True:
175+ try:
176+ v = self._sslobj.write(data)
177+ except SSLError, x:
178+ if x.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
179+ return 0
180+ elif x.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
181+ return 0
182+ else:
183+ raise
184+ else:
185+ return v
186+ else:
187+ return socket.send(self, data, flags)
189+ def sendto(self, data, addr, flags=0):
190+ if self._sslobj:
191+ raise ValueError("sendto not allowed on instances of %s" %
192+ self.__class__)
193+ else:
194+ return socket.sendto(self, data, addr, flags)
196+ def sendall(self, data, flags=0):
197+ if self._sslobj:
198+ if flags != 0:
199+ raise ValueError(
200+ "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to sendall() on %s" %
201+ self.__class__)
202+ amount = len(data)
203+ count = 0
204+ while (count < amount):
205+ v = self.send(data[count:])
206+ count += v
207+ return amount
208+ else:
209+ return socket.sendall(self, data, flags)
211+ def recv(self, buflen=1024, flags=0):
212+ if self._sslobj:
213+ if flags != 0:
214+ raise ValueError(
215+ "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv() on %s" %
216+ self.__class__)
217+ return self.read(buflen)
218+ else:
219+ return socket.recv(self, buflen, flags)
221+ def recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes=None, flags=0):
222+ if buffer and (nbytes is None):
223+ nbytes = len(buffer)
224+ elif nbytes is None:
225+ nbytes = 1024
226+ if self._sslobj:
227+ if flags != 0:
228+ raise ValueError(
229+ "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv_into() on %s" %
230+ self.__class__)
231+ tmp_buffer = self.read(nbytes)
232+ v = len(tmp_buffer)
233+ buffer[:v] = tmp_buffer
234+ return v
235+ else:
236+ return socket.recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags)
238+ def recvfrom(self, addr, buflen=1024, flags=0):
239+ if self._sslobj:
240+ raise ValueError("recvfrom not allowed on instances of %s" %
241+ self.__class__)
242+ else:
243+ return socket.recvfrom(self, addr, buflen, flags)
245+ def recvfrom_into(self, buffer, nbytes=None, flags=0):
246+ if self._sslobj:
247+ raise ValueError("recvfrom_into not allowed on instances of %s" %
248+ self.__class__)
249+ else:
250+ return socket.recvfrom_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags)
252+ def pending(self):
253+ if self._sslobj:
254+ return self._sslobj.pending()
255+ else:
256+ return 0
258+ def unwrap(self):
259+ if self._sslobj:
260+ s = self._sslobj.shutdown()
261+ self._sslobj = None
262+ return s
263+ else:
264+ raise ValueError("No SSL wrapper around " + str(self))
266+ def shutdown(self, how):
267+ self._sslobj = None
268+ socket.shutdown(self, how)
270+ def close(self):
271+ if self._makefile_refs < 1:
272+ self._sslobj = None
273+ socket.close(self)
274+ else:
275+ self._makefile_refs -= 1
277+ def do_handshake(self):
279+ """Perform a TLS/SSL handshake."""
281+ self._sslobj.do_handshake()
283+ def connect(self, addr):
285+ """Connects to remote ADDR, and then wraps the connection in
286+ an SSL channel."""
288+ # Here we assume that the socket is client-side, and not
289+ # connected at the time of the call. We connect it, then wrap it.
290+ if self._sslobj:
291+ raise ValueError("attempt to connect already-connected SSLSocket!")
292+ socket.connect(self, addr)
293+ self._sslobj = _ssl.sslwrap(self._sock, False, self.keyfile, self.certfile,
294+ self.cert_reqs, self.ssl_version,
295+ self.ca_certs, self.ciphers)
296+ if self.do_handshake_on_connect:
297+ self.do_handshake()
299+ def accept(self):
301+ """Accepts a new connection from a remote client, and returns
302+ a tuple containing that new connection wrapped with a server-side
303+ SSL channel, and the address of the remote client."""
305+ newsock, addr = socket.accept(self)
306+ return (SSLSocket(newsock,
307+ keyfile=self.keyfile,
308+ certfile=self.certfile,
309+ server_side=True,
310+ cert_reqs=self.cert_reqs,
311+ ssl_version=self.ssl_version,
312+ ca_certs=self.ca_certs,
313+ ciphers=self.ciphers,
314+ do_handshake_on_connect=self.do_handshake_on_connect,
315+ suppress_ragged_eofs=self.suppress_ragged_eofs),
316+ addr)
318+ def makefile(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
320+ """Make and return a file-like object that
321+ works with the SSL connection. Just use the code
322+ from the socket module."""
324+ self._makefile_refs += 1
325+ # close=True so as to decrement the reference count when done with
326+ # the file-like object.
327+ return _fileobject(self, mode, bufsize, close=True)
331+def wrap_socket(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None,
332+ server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE,
333+ ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None,
334+ do_handshake_on_connect=True,
335+ suppress_ragged_eofs=True, ciphers=None):
337+ return SSLSocket(sock, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile,
338+ server_side=server_side, cert_reqs=cert_reqs,
339+ ssl_version=ssl_version, ca_certs=ca_certs,
340+ do_handshake_on_connect=do_handshake_on_connect,
341+ suppress_ragged_eofs=suppress_ragged_eofs,
342+ ciphers=ciphers)
345+# some utility functions
347+def cert_time_to_seconds(cert_time):
349+ """Takes a date-time string in standard ASN1_print form
351+ a Python time value in seconds past the epoch."""
353+ import time
354+ return time.mktime(time.strptime(cert_time, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y GMT"))
359+def DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(der_cert_bytes):
361+ """Takes a certificate in binary DER format and returns the
362+ PEM version of it as a string."""
364+ if hasattr(base64, 'standard_b64encode'):
365+ # preferred because older API gets line-length wrong
366+ f = base64.standard_b64encode(der_cert_bytes)
367+ return (PEM_HEADER + '\n' +
368+ textwrap.fill(f, 64) + '\n' +
369+ PEM_FOOTER + '\n')
370+ else:
371+ return (PEM_HEADER + '\n' +
372+ base64.encodestring(der_cert_bytes) +
373+ PEM_FOOTER + '\n')
375+def PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem_cert_string):
377+ """Takes a certificate in ASCII PEM format and returns the
378+ DER-encoded version of it as a byte sequence"""
380+ if not pem_cert_string.startswith(PEM_HEADER):
381+ raise ValueError("Invalid PEM encoding; must start with %s"
382+ % PEM_HEADER)
383+ if not pem_cert_string.strip().endswith(PEM_FOOTER):
384+ raise ValueError("Invalid PEM encoding; must end with %s"
385+ % PEM_FOOTER)
386+ d = pem_cert_string.strip()[len(PEM_HEADER):-len(PEM_FOOTER)]
387+ return base64.decodestring(d)
389+def get_server_certificate(addr, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv3, ca_certs=None):
391+ """Retrieve the certificate from the server at the specified address,
392+ and return it as a PEM-encoded string.
393+ If 'ca_certs' is specified, validate the server cert against it.
394+ If 'ssl_version' is specified, use it in the connection attempt."""
396+ host, port = addr
397+ if (ca_certs is not None):
398+ cert_reqs = CERT_REQUIRED
399+ else:
400+ cert_reqs = CERT_NONE
401+ s = wrap_socket(socket(), ssl_version=ssl_version,
402+ cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=ca_certs)
403+ s.connect(addr)
404+ dercert = s.getpeercert(True)
405+ s.close()
406+ return DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(dercert)
408+def get_protocol_name(protocol_code):
409+ if protocol_code == PROTOCOL_TLSv1:
410+ return "TLSv1"
411+ elif protocol_code == PROTOCOL_SSLv23:
412+ return "SSLv23"
413+ elif protocol_code == PROTOCOL_SSLv2:
414+ return "SSLv2"
415+ elif protocol_code == PROTOCOL_SSLv3:
416+ return "SSLv3"
417+ else:
418+ return "<unknown>"
421+# a replacement for the old socket.ssl function
423+def sslwrap_simple(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None):
425+ """A replacement for the old socket.ssl function. Designed
426+ for compability with Python 2.5 and earlier. Will disappear in
427+ Python 3.0."""
429+ if hasattr(sock, "_sock"):
430+ sock = sock._sock
432+ ssl_sock = _ssl.sslwrap(sock, 0, keyfile, certfile, CERT_NONE,
433+ PROTOCOL_SSLv23, None)
434+ try:
435+ sock.getpeername()
436+ except socket_error:
437+ # no, no connection yet
438+ pass
439+ else:
440+ # yes, do the handshake
441+ ssl_sock.do_handshake()
443+ return ssl_sock
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/subprocess.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,1463 @@
1+# subprocess - Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams
3+# For more information about this module, see PEP 324.
5+# This module should remain compatible with Python 2.2, see PEP 291.
7+# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Peter Astrand <astrand@lysator.liu.se>
9+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
10+# See http://www.python.org/2.4/license for licensing details.
12+r"""subprocess - Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams
14+This module allows you to spawn processes, connect to their
15+input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. This module
16+intends to replace several other, older modules and functions, like:
24+Information about how the subprocess module can be used to replace these
25+modules and functions can be found below.
29+Using the subprocess module
31+This module defines one class called Popen:
33+class Popen(args, bufsize=0, executable=None,
34+ stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
35+ preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False,
36+ cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,
37+ startupinfo=None, creationflags=0):
40+Arguments are:
42+args should be a string, or a sequence of program arguments. The
43+program to execute is normally the first item in the args sequence or
44+string, but can be explicitly set by using the executable argument.
46+On UNIX, with shell=False (default): In this case, the Popen class
47+uses os.execvp() to execute the child program. args should normally
48+be a sequence. A string will be treated as a sequence with the string
49+as the only item (the program to execute).
51+On UNIX, with shell=True: If args is a string, it specifies the
52+command string to execute through the shell. If args is a sequence,
53+the first item specifies the command string, and any additional items
54+will be treated as additional shell arguments.
56+On Windows: the Popen class uses CreateProcess() to execute the child
57+program, which operates on strings. If args is a sequence, it will be
58+converted to a string using the list2cmdline method. Please note that
59+not all MS Windows applications interpret the command line the same
60+way: The list2cmdline is designed for applications using the same
61+rules as the MS C runtime.
63+bufsize, if given, has the same meaning as the corresponding argument
64+to the built-in open() function: 0 means unbuffered, 1 means line
65+buffered, any other positive value means use a buffer of
66+(approximately) that size. A negative bufsize means to use the system
67+default, which usually means fully buffered. The default value for
68+bufsize is 0 (unbuffered).
70+stdin, stdout and stderr specify the executed programs' standard
71+input, standard output and standard error file handles, respectively.
72+Valid values are PIPE, an existing file descriptor (a positive
73+integer), an existing file object, and None. PIPE indicates that a
74+new pipe to the child should be created. With None, no redirection
75+will occur; the child's file handles will be inherited from the
76+parent. Additionally, stderr can be STDOUT, which indicates that the
77+stderr data from the applications should be captured into the same
78+file handle as for stdout.
80+If preexec_fn is set to a callable object, this object will be called
81+in the child process just before the child is executed.
83+If close_fds is true, all file descriptors except 0, 1 and 2 will be
84+closed before the child process is executed.
86+if shell is true, the specified command will be executed through the
89+If cwd is not None, the current directory will be changed to cwd
90+before the child is executed.
92+If env is not None, it defines the environment variables for the new
95+If universal_newlines is true, the file objects stdout and stderr are
96+opened as a text files, but lines may be terminated by any of '\n',
97+the Unix end-of-line convention, '\r', the Macintosh convention or
98+'\r\n', the Windows convention. All of these external representations
99+are seen as '\n' by the Python program. Note: This feature is only
100+available if Python is built with universal newline support (the
101+default). Also, the newlines attribute of the file objects stdout,
102+stdin and stderr are not updated by the communicate() method.
104+The startupinfo and creationflags, if given, will be passed to the
105+underlying CreateProcess() function. They can specify things such as
106+appearance of the main window and priority for the new process.
107+(Windows only)
110+This module also defines some shortcut functions:
112+call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
113+ Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete, then
114+ return the returncode attribute.
116+ The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
118+ retcode = call(["ls", "-l"])
120+check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
121+ Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete. If the
122+ exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
123+ CalledProcessError. The CalledProcessError object will have the
124+ return code in the returncode attribute.
126+ The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
128+ check_call(["ls", "-l"])
130+check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
131+ Run command with arguments and return its output as a byte string.
133+ If the exit code was non-zero it raises a CalledProcessError. The
134+ CalledProcessError object will have the return code in the returncode
135+ attribute and output in the output attribute.
137+ The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
139+ output = check_output(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"])
144+Exceptions raised in the child process, before the new program has
145+started to execute, will be re-raised in the parent. Additionally,
146+the exception object will have one extra attribute called
147+'child_traceback', which is a string containing traceback information
148+from the childs point of view.
150+The most common exception raised is OSError. This occurs, for
151+example, when trying to execute a non-existent file. Applications
152+should prepare for OSErrors.
154+A ValueError will be raised if Popen is called with invalid arguments.
156+check_call() and check_output() will raise CalledProcessError, if the
157+called process returns a non-zero return code.
162+Unlike some other popen functions, this implementation will never call
163+/bin/sh implicitly. This means that all characters, including shell
164+metacharacters, can safely be passed to child processes.
167+Popen objects
169+Instances of the Popen class have the following methods:
172+ Check if child process has terminated. Returns returncode
173+ attribute.
176+ Wait for child process to terminate. Returns returncode attribute.
179+ Interact with process: Send data to stdin. Read data from stdout
180+ and stderr, until end-of-file is reached. Wait for process to
181+ terminate. The optional input argument should be a string to be
182+ sent to the child process, or None, if no data should be sent to
183+ the child.
185+ communicate() returns a tuple (stdout, stderr).
187+ Note: The data read is buffered in memory, so do not use this
188+ method if the data size is large or unlimited.
190+The following attributes are also available:
193+ If the stdin argument is PIPE, this attribute is a file object
194+ that provides input to the child process. Otherwise, it is None.
197+ If the stdout argument is PIPE, this attribute is a file object
198+ that provides output from the child process. Otherwise, it is
199+ None.
202+ If the stderr argument is PIPE, this attribute is file object that
203+ provides error output from the child process. Otherwise, it is
204+ None.
207+ The process ID of the child process.
210+ The child return code. A None value indicates that the process
211+ hasn't terminated yet. A negative value -N indicates that the
212+ child was terminated by signal N (UNIX only).
215+Replacing older functions with the subprocess module
217+In this section, "a ==> b" means that b can be used as a replacement
218+for a.
220+Note: All functions in this section fail (more or less) silently if
221+the executed program cannot be found; this module raises an OSError
224+In the following examples, we assume that the subprocess module is
225+imported with "from subprocess import *".
228+Replacing /bin/sh shell backquote
230+output=`mycmd myarg`
232+output = Popen(["mycmd", "myarg"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
235+Replacing shell pipe line
237+output=`dmesg | grep hda`
239+p1 = Popen(["dmesg"], stdout=PIPE)
240+p2 = Popen(["grep", "hda"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
241+output = p2.communicate()[0]
244+Replacing os.system()
246+sts = os.system("mycmd" + " myarg")
248+p = Popen("mycmd" + " myarg", shell=True)
249+pid, sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)
253+* Calling the program through the shell is usually not required.
255+* It's easier to look at the returncode attribute than the
256+ exitstatus.
258+A more real-world example would look like this:
261+ retcode = call("mycmd" + " myarg", shell=True)
262+ if retcode < 0:
263+ print >>sys.stderr, "Child was terminated by signal", -retcode
264+ else:
265+ print >>sys.stderr, "Child returned", retcode
266+except OSError, e:
267+ print >>sys.stderr, "Execution failed:", e
270+Replacing os.spawn*
272+P_NOWAIT example:
274+pid = os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "/bin/mycmd", "mycmd", "myarg")
276+pid = Popen(["/bin/mycmd", "myarg"]).pid
279+P_WAIT example:
281+retcode = os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "/bin/mycmd", "mycmd", "myarg")
283+retcode = call(["/bin/mycmd", "myarg"])
286+Vector example:
288+os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, path, args)
290+Popen([path] + args[1:])
293+Environment example:
295+os.spawnlpe(os.P_NOWAIT, "/bin/mycmd", "mycmd", "myarg", env)
297+Popen(["/bin/mycmd", "myarg"], env={"PATH": "/usr/bin"})
300+Replacing os.popen*
302+pipe = os.popen("cmd", mode='r', bufsize)
304+pipe = Popen("cmd", shell=True, bufsize=bufsize, stdout=PIPE).stdout
306+pipe = os.popen("cmd", mode='w', bufsize)
308+pipe = Popen("cmd", shell=True, bufsize=bufsize, stdin=PIPE).stdin
311+(child_stdin, child_stdout) = os.popen2("cmd", mode, bufsize)
313+p = Popen("cmd", shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
314+ stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
315+(child_stdin, child_stdout) = (p.stdin, p.stdout)
319+ child_stdout,
320+ child_stderr) = os.popen3("cmd", mode, bufsize)
322+p = Popen("cmd", shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
323+ stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)
325+ child_stdout,
326+ child_stderr) = (p.stdin, p.stdout, p.stderr)
329+(child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr) = os.popen4("cmd", mode,
330+ bufsize)
332+p = Popen("cmd", shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
333+ stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True)
334+(child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr) = (p.stdin, p.stdout)
336+On Unix, os.popen2, os.popen3 and os.popen4 also accept a sequence as
337+the command to execute, in which case arguments will be passed
338+directly to the program without shell intervention. This usage can be
339+replaced as follows:
341+(child_stdin, child_stdout) = os.popen2(["/bin/ls", "-l"], mode,
342+ bufsize)
344+p = Popen(["/bin/ls", "-l"], bufsize=bufsize, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
345+(child_stdin, child_stdout) = (p.stdin, p.stdout)
347+Return code handling translates as follows:
349+pipe = os.popen("cmd", 'w')
351+rc = pipe.close()
352+if rc is not None and rc % 256:
353+ print "There were some errors"
355+process = Popen("cmd", 'w', shell=True, stdin=PIPE)
358+if process.wait() != 0:
359+ print "There were some errors"
362+Replacing popen2.*
364+(child_stdout, child_stdin) = popen2.popen2("somestring", bufsize, mode)
366+p = Popen(["somestring"], shell=True, bufsize=bufsize
367+ stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
368+(child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin)
370+On Unix, popen2 also accepts a sequence as the command to execute, in
371+which case arguments will be passed directly to the program without
372+shell intervention. This usage can be replaced as follows:
374+(child_stdout, child_stdin) = popen2.popen2(["mycmd", "myarg"], bufsize,
375+ mode)
377+p = Popen(["mycmd", "myarg"], bufsize=bufsize,
378+ stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
379+(child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin)
381+The popen2.Popen3 and popen2.Popen4 basically works as subprocess.Popen,
382+except that:
384+* subprocess.Popen raises an exception if the execution fails
385+* the capturestderr argument is replaced with the stderr argument.
386+* stdin=PIPE and stdout=PIPE must be specified.
387+* popen2 closes all filedescriptors by default, but you have to specify
388+ close_fds=True with subprocess.Popen.
391+import sys, os
392+mswindows = (sys.platform == "win32" or (sys.platform == "cli" and os.name == 'nt'))
394+import os
395+import types
396+import traceback
397+import gc
398+import signal
400+# Exception classes used by this module.
401+class CalledProcessError(Exception):
402+ """This exception is raised when a process run by check_call() or
403+ check_output() returns a non-zero exit status.
404+ The exit status will be stored in the returncode attribute;
405+ check_output() will also store the output in the output attribute.
406+ """
407+ def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output=None):
408+ self.returncode = returncode
409+ self.cmd = cmd
410+ self.output = output
411+ def __str__(self):
412+ return "Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d" % (self.cmd, self.returncode)
415+if mswindows:
416+ import threading
417+ import msvcrt
418+ import _subprocess
419+ class STARTUPINFO:
420+ dwFlags = 0
421+ hStdInput = None
422+ hStdOutput = None
423+ hStdError = None
424+ wShowWindow = 0
425+ class pywintypes:
426+ error = IOError
428+ import select
429+ _has_poll = hasattr(select, 'poll')
430+ import errno
431+ import fcntl
432+ import pickle
434+ # When select or poll has indicated that the file is writable,
435+ # we can write up to _PIPE_BUF bytes without risk of blocking.
436+ # POSIX defines PIPE_BUF as >= 512.
437+ _PIPE_BUF = getattr(select, 'PIPE_BUF', 512)
440+__all__ = ["Popen", "PIPE", "STDOUT", "call", "check_call",
441+ "check_output", "CalledProcessError"]
443+if mswindows:
447+ MAXFD = os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX")
449+ MAXFD = 256
451+_active = []
453+def _cleanup():
454+ for inst in _active[:]:
455+ res = inst._internal_poll(_deadstate=sys.maxint)
456+ if res is not None and res >= 0:
457+ try:
458+ _active.remove(inst)
459+ except ValueError:
460+ # This can happen if two threads create a new Popen instance.
461+ # It's harmless that it was already removed, so ignore.
462+ pass
463+ else:
464+ print inst.args
466+PIPE = -1
467+STDOUT = -2
470+def _eintr_retry_call(func, *args):
471+ while True:
472+ try:
473+ return func(*args)
474+ except OSError, e:
475+ if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
476+ continue
477+ raise
480+def call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
481+ """Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete, then
482+ return the returncode attribute.
484+ The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
486+ retcode = call(["ls", "-l"])
487+ """
488+ return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
491+def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
492+ """Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete. If
493+ the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
494+ CalledProcessError. The CalledProcessError object will have the
495+ return code in the returncode attribute.
497+ The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
499+ check_call(["ls", "-l"])
500+ """
501+ retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
502+ if retcode:
503+ cmd = kwargs.get("args")
504+ if cmd is None:
505+ cmd = popenargs[0]
506+ raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
507+ return 0
510+def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
511+ r"""Run command with arguments and return its output as a byte string.
513+ If the exit code was non-zero it raises a CalledProcessError. The
514+ CalledProcessError object will have the return code in the returncode
515+ attribute and output in the output attribute.
517+ The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
519+ >>> check_output(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"])
520+ 'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Oct 18 2007 /dev/null\n'
522+ The stdout argument is not allowed as it is used internally.
523+ To capture standard error in the result, use stderr=STDOUT.
525+ >>> check_output(["/bin/sh", "-c",
526+ ... "ls -l non_existent_file ; exit 0"],
527+ ... stderr=STDOUT)
528+ 'ls: non_existent_file: No such file or directory\n'
529+ """
530+ if 'stdout' in kwargs:
531+ raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
532+ process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
533+ output, unused_err = process.communicate()
534+ retcode = process.poll()
535+ if retcode:
536+ cmd = kwargs.get("args")
537+ if cmd is None:
538+ cmd = popenargs[0]
539+ raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
540+ return output
543+def list2cmdline(seq):
544+ """
545+ Translate a sequence of arguments into a command line
546+ string, using the same rules as the MS C runtime:
548+ 1) Arguments are delimited by white space, which is either a
549+ space or a tab.
551+ 2) A string surrounded by double quotation marks is
552+ interpreted as a single argument, regardless of white space
553+ contained within. A quoted string can be embedded in an
554+ argument.
556+ 3) A double quotation mark preceded by a backslash is
557+ interpreted as a literal double quotation mark.
559+ 4) Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they
560+ immediately precede a double quotation mark.
562+ 5) If backslashes immediately precede a double quotation mark,
563+ every pair of backslashes is interpreted as a literal
564+ backslash. If the number of backslashes is odd, the last
565+ backslash escapes the next double quotation mark as
566+ described in rule 3.
567+ """
569+ # See
570+ # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/17w5ykft.aspx
571+ # or search http://msdn.microsoft.com for
572+ # "Parsing C++ Command-Line Arguments"
573+ result = []
574+ needquote = False
575+ for arg in seq:
576+ bs_buf = []
578+ # Add a space to separate this argument from the others
579+ if result:
580+ result.append(' ')
582+ needquote = (" " in arg) or ("\t" in arg) or not arg
583+ if needquote:
584+ result.append('"')
586+ for c in arg:
587+ if c == '\\':
588+ # Don't know if we need to double yet.
589+ bs_buf.append(c)
590+ elif c == '"':
591+ # Double backslashes.
592+ result.append('\\' * len(bs_buf)*2)
593+ bs_buf = []
594+ result.append('\\"')
595+ else:
596+ # Normal char
597+ if bs_buf:
598+ result.extend(bs_buf)
599+ bs_buf = []
600+ result.append(c)
602+ # Add remaining backslashes, if any.
603+ if bs_buf:
604+ result.extend(bs_buf)
606+ if needquote:
607+ result.extend(bs_buf)
608+ result.append('"')
610+ return ''.join(result)
613+class Popen(object):
614+ def __init__(self, args, bufsize=0, executable=None,
615+ stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
616+ preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False,
617+ cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,
618+ startupinfo=None, creationflags=0):
619+ """Create new Popen instance."""
620+ _cleanup()
621+ self.args = args
622+ self._child_created = False
623+ if not isinstance(bufsize, (int, long)):
624+ raise TypeError("bufsize must be an integer")
626+ if mswindows:
627+ if preexec_fn is not None:
628+ raise ValueError("preexec_fn is not supported on Windows "
629+ "platforms")
630+ if close_fds and (stdin is not None or stdout is not None or
631+ stderr is not None):
632+ raise ValueError("close_fds is not supported on Windows "
633+ "platforms if you redirect stdin/stdout/stderr")
634+ else:
635+ # POSIX
636+ if startupinfo is not None:
637+ raise ValueError("startupinfo is only supported on Windows "
638+ "platforms")
639+ if creationflags != 0:
640+ raise ValueError("creationflags is only supported on Windows "
641+ "platforms")
643+ self.stdin = None
644+ self.stdout = None
645+ self.stderr = None
646+ self.pid = None
647+ self.returncode = None
648+ self.universal_newlines = universal_newlines
650+ # Input and output objects. The general principle is like
651+ # this:
652+ #
653+ # Parent Child
654+ # ------ -----
655+ # p2cwrite ---stdin---> p2cread
656+ # c2pread <--stdout--- c2pwrite
657+ # errread <--stderr--- errwrite
658+ #
659+ # On POSIX, the child objects are file descriptors. On
660+ # Windows, these are Windows file handles. The parent objects
661+ # are file descriptors on both platforms. The parent objects
662+ # are None when not using PIPEs. The child objects are None
663+ # when not redirecting.
665+ (p2cread, p2cwrite,
666+ c2pread, c2pwrite,
667+ errread, errwrite) = self._get_handles(stdin, stdout, stderr)
669+ self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
670+ cwd, env, universal_newlines,
671+ startupinfo, creationflags, shell,
672+ p2cread, p2cwrite,
673+ c2pread, c2pwrite,
674+ errread, errwrite)
676+ if mswindows:
677+ if p2cwrite is not None:
678+ p2cwrite = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(p2cwrite.Detach(), 0)
679+ if c2pread is not None:
680+ c2pread = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(c2pread.Detach(), 0)
681+ if errread is not None:
682+ errread = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(errread.Detach(), 0)
684+ if p2cwrite is not None:
685+ self.stdin = os.fdopen(p2cwrite, 'wb', bufsize)
686+ if c2pread is not None:
687+ if universal_newlines:
688+ self.stdout = os.fdopen(c2pread, 'rU', bufsize)
689+ else:
690+ self.stdout = os.fdopen(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
691+ if errread is not None:
692+ if universal_newlines:
693+ self.stderr = os.fdopen(errread, 'rU', bufsize)
694+ else:
695+ self.stderr = os.fdopen(errread, 'rb', bufsize)
698+ def _translate_newlines(self, data):
699+ data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n")
700+ data = data.replace("\r", "\n")
701+ return data
704+ def __del__(self, _maxint=sys.maxint, _active=_active):
705+ if not self._child_created:
706+ # We didn't get to successfully create a child process.
707+ return
708+ # In case the child hasn't been waited on, check if it's done.
709+ self._internal_poll(_deadstate=_maxint)
710+ if self.returncode is None and _active is not None:
711+ # Child is still running, keep us alive until we can wait on it.
712+ _active.append(self)
715+ def communicate(self, input=None):
716+ """Interact with process: Send data to stdin. Read data from
717+ stdout and stderr, until end-of-file is reached. Wait for
718+ process to terminate. The optional input argument should be a
719+ string to be sent to the child process, or None, if no data
720+ should be sent to the child.
722+ communicate() returns a tuple (stdout, stderr)."""
724+ # Optimization: If we are only using one pipe, or no pipe at
725+ # all, using select() or threads is unnecessary.
726+ if [self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr].count(None) >= 2:
727+ stdout = None
728+ stderr = None
729+ if self.stdin:
730+ if input:
731+ self.stdin.write(input)
732+ self.stdin.close()
733+ elif self.stdout:
734+ stdout = self.stdout.read()
735+ self.stdout.close()
736+ elif self.stderr:
737+ stderr = self.stderr.read()
738+ self.stderr.close()
739+ self.wait()
740+ return (stdout, stderr)
742+ return self._communicate(input)
745+ def poll(self):
746+ return self._internal_poll()
749+ if mswindows:
750+ #
751+ # Windows methods
752+ #
753+ def _get_handles(self, stdin, stdout, stderr):
754+ """Construct and return tuple with IO objects:
755+ p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite, errread, errwrite
756+ """
757+ if stdin is None and stdout is None and stderr is None:
758+ return (None, None, None, None, None, None)
760+ p2cread, p2cwrite = None, None
761+ c2pread, c2pwrite = None, None
762+ errread, errwrite = None, None
764+ if stdin is None:
765+ p2cread = _subprocess.GetStdHandle(_subprocess.STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
766+ if p2cread is None:
767+ p2cread, _ = _subprocess.CreatePipe(None, 0)
768+ elif stdin == PIPE:
769+ p2cread, p2cwrite = _subprocess.CreatePipe(None, 0)
770+ elif isinstance(stdin, int):
771+ p2cread = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stdin)
772+ else:
773+ # Assuming file-like object
774+ p2cread = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stdin.fileno())
775+ p2cread = self._make_inheritable(p2cread)
777+ if stdout is None:
778+ c2pwrite = _subprocess.GetStdHandle(_subprocess.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
779+ if c2pwrite is None:
780+ _, c2pwrite = _subprocess.CreatePipe(None, 0)
781+ elif stdout == PIPE:
782+ c2pread, c2pwrite = _subprocess.CreatePipe(None, 0)
783+ elif isinstance(stdout, int):
784+ c2pwrite = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stdout)
785+ else:
786+ # Assuming file-like object
787+ c2pwrite = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stdout.fileno())
788+ c2pwrite = self._make_inheritable(c2pwrite)
790+ if stderr is None:
791+ errwrite = _subprocess.GetStdHandle(_subprocess.STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
792+ if errwrite is None:
793+ _, errwrite = _subprocess.CreatePipe(None, 0)
794+ elif stderr == PIPE:
795+ errread, errwrite = _subprocess.CreatePipe(None, 0)
796+ elif stderr == STDOUT:
797+ errwrite = c2pwrite
798+ elif isinstance(stderr, int):
799+ errwrite = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stderr)
800+ else:
801+ # Assuming file-like object
802+ errwrite = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stderr.fileno())
803+ errwrite = self._make_inheritable(errwrite)
805+ return (p2cread, p2cwrite,
806+ c2pread, c2pwrite,
807+ errread, errwrite)
810+ def _make_inheritable(self, handle):
811+ """Return a duplicate of handle, which is inheritable"""
812+ return _subprocess.DuplicateHandle(_subprocess.GetCurrentProcess(),
813+ handle, _subprocess.GetCurrentProcess(), 0, 1,
814+ _subprocess.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)
817+ def _find_w9xpopen(self):
818+ """Find and return absolut path to w9xpopen.exe"""
819+ w9xpopen = os.path.join(
820+ os.path.dirname(_subprocess.GetModuleFileName(0)),
821+ "w9xpopen.exe")
822+ if not os.path.exists(w9xpopen):
823+ # Eeek - file-not-found - possibly an embedding
824+ # situation - see if we can locate it in sys.exec_prefix
825+ w9xpopen = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.exec_prefix),
826+ "w9xpopen.exe")
827+ if not os.path.exists(w9xpopen):
828+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot locate w9xpopen.exe, which is "
829+ "needed for Popen to work with your "
830+ "shell or platform.")
831+ return w9xpopen
834+ def _execute_child(self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
835+ cwd, env, universal_newlines,
836+ startupinfo, creationflags, shell,
837+ p2cread, p2cwrite,
838+ c2pread, c2pwrite,
839+ errread, errwrite):
840+ """Execute program (MS Windows version)"""
842+ if not isinstance(args, types.StringTypes):
843+ args = list2cmdline(args)
845+ # Process startup details
846+ if startupinfo is None:
847+ startupinfo = STARTUPINFO()
848+ if None not in (p2cread, c2pwrite, errwrite):
849+ startupinfo.dwFlags |= _subprocess.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
850+ startupinfo.hStdInput = p2cread
851+ startupinfo.hStdOutput = c2pwrite
852+ startupinfo.hStdError = errwrite
854+ if shell:
855+ startupinfo.dwFlags |= _subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
856+ startupinfo.wShowWindow = _subprocess.SW_HIDE
857+ comspec = os.environ.get("COMSPEC", "cmd.exe")
858+ args = comspec + " /c " + args
859+ if (_subprocess.GetVersion() >= 0x80000000L or
860+ os.path.basename(comspec).lower() == "command.com"):
861+ # Win9x, or using command.com on NT. We need to
862+ # use the w9xpopen intermediate program. For more
863+ # information, see KB Q150956
864+ # (http://web.archive.org/web/20011105084002/http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q150/9/56.asp)
865+ w9xpopen = self._find_w9xpopen()
866+ args = '"%s" %s' % (w9xpopen, args)
867+ # Not passing CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE has been known to
868+ # cause random failures on win9x. Specifically a
869+ # dialog: "Your program accessed mem currently in
870+ # use at xxx" and a hopeful warning about the
871+ # stability of your system. Cost is Ctrl+C wont
872+ # kill children.
873+ creationflags |= _subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
875+ # Start the process
876+ try:
877+ hp, ht, pid, tid = _subprocess.CreateProcess(executable, args,
878+ # no special security
879+ None, None,
880+ int(not close_fds),
881+ creationflags,
882+ env,
883+ cwd,
884+ startupinfo)
885+ except pywintypes.error, e:
886+ # Translate pywintypes.error to WindowsError, which is
887+ # a subclass of OSError. FIXME: We should really
888+ # translate errno using _sys_errlist (or simliar), but
889+ # how can this be done from Python?
890+ raise WindowsError(*e.args)
892+ # Retain the process handle, but close the thread handle
893+ self._child_created = True
894+ self._handle = hp
895+ self.pid = pid
896+ ht.Close()
898+ # Child is launched. Close the parent's copy of those pipe
899+ # handles that only the child should have open. You need
900+ # to make sure that no handles to the write end of the
901+ # output pipe are maintained in this process or else the
902+ # pipe will not close when the child process exits and the
903+ # ReadFile will hang.
904+ if p2cread is not None:
905+ p2cread.Close()
906+ if c2pwrite is not None:
907+ c2pwrite.Close()
908+ if errwrite is not None:
909+ errwrite.Close()
912+ def _internal_poll(self, _deadstate=None,
913+ _WaitForSingleObject=_subprocess.WaitForSingleObject,
914+ _WAIT_OBJECT_0=_subprocess.WAIT_OBJECT_0,
915+ _GetExitCodeProcess=_subprocess.GetExitCodeProcess):
916+ """Check if child process has terminated. Returns returncode
917+ attribute.
919+ This method is called by __del__, so it can only refer to objects
920+ in its local scope.
922+ """
923+ if self.returncode is None:
924+ if _WaitForSingleObject(self._handle, 0) == _WAIT_OBJECT_0:
925+ self.returncode = _GetExitCodeProcess(self._handle)
926+ return self.returncode
929+ def wait(self):
930+ """Wait for child process to terminate. Returns returncode
931+ attribute."""
932+ if self.returncode is None:
933+ _subprocess.WaitForSingleObject(self._handle,
934+ _subprocess.INFINITE)
935+ self.returncode = _subprocess.GetExitCodeProcess(self._handle)
936+ return self.returncode
939+ def _readerthread(self, fh, buffer):
940+ buffer.append(fh.read())
943+ def _communicate(self, input):
944+ stdout = None # Return
945+ stderr = None # Return
947+ if self.stdout:
948+ stdout = []
949+ stdout_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._readerthread,
950+ args=(self.stdout, stdout))
951+ stdout_thread.setDaemon(True)
952+ stdout_thread.start()
953+ if self.stderr:
954+ stderr = []
955+ stderr_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._readerthread,
956+ args=(self.stderr, stderr))
957+ stderr_thread.setDaemon(True)
958+ stderr_thread.start()
960+ if self.stdin:
961+ if input is not None:
962+ self.stdin.write(input)
963+ self.stdin.close()
965+ if self.stdout:
966+ stdout_thread.join()
967+ if self.stderr:
968+ stderr_thread.join()
970+ # All data exchanged. Translate lists into strings.
971+ if stdout is not None:
972+ stdout = stdout[0]
973+ if stderr is not None:
974+ stderr = stderr[0]
976+ # Translate newlines, if requested. We cannot let the file
977+ # object do the translation: It is based on stdio, which is
978+ # impossible to combine with select (unless forcing no
979+ # buffering).
980+ if self.universal_newlines and hasattr(file, 'newlines'):
981+ if stdout:
982+ stdout = self._translate_newlines(stdout)
983+ if stderr:
984+ stderr = self._translate_newlines(stderr)
986+ self.wait()
987+ return (stdout, stderr)
989+ def send_signal(self, sig):
990+ """Send a signal to the process
991+ """
992+ if sig == signal.SIGTERM:
993+ self.terminate()
994+ elif sig == signal.CTRL_C_EVENT:
995+ os.kill(self.pid, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
996+ elif sig == signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:
997+ os.kill(self.pid, signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT)
998+ else:
999+ raise ValueError("Only SIGTERM is supported on Windows")
1001+ def terminate(self):
1002+ """Terminates the process
1003+ """
1004+ _subprocess.TerminateProcess(self._handle, 1)
1006+ kill = terminate
1008+ else:
1009+ #
1010+ # POSIX methods
1011+ #
1012+ def _get_handles(self, stdin, stdout, stderr):
1013+ """Construct and return tuple with IO objects:
1014+ p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite, errread, errwrite
1015+ """
1016+ p2cread, p2cwrite = None, None
1017+ c2pread, c2pwrite = None, None
1018+ errread, errwrite = None, None
1020+ if stdin is None:
1021+ pass
1022+ elif stdin == PIPE:
1023+ p2cread, p2cwrite = os.pipe()
1024+ elif isinstance(stdin, int):
1025+ p2cread = stdin
1026+ else:
1027+ # Assuming file-like object
1028+ p2cread = stdin.fileno()
1030+ if stdout is None:
1031+ pass
1032+ elif stdout == PIPE:
1033+ c2pread, c2pwrite = os.pipe()
1034+ elif isinstance(stdout, int):
1035+ c2pwrite = stdout
1036+ else:
1037+ # Assuming file-like object
1038+ c2pwrite = stdout.fileno()
1040+ if stderr is None:
1041+ pass
1042+ elif stderr == PIPE:
1043+ errread, errwrite = os.pipe()
1044+ elif stderr == STDOUT:
1045+ errwrite = c2pwrite
1046+ elif isinstance(stderr, int):
1047+ errwrite = stderr
1048+ else:
1049+ # Assuming file-like object
1050+ errwrite = stderr.fileno()
1052+ return (p2cread, p2cwrite,
1053+ c2pread, c2pwrite,
1054+ errread, errwrite)
1057+ def _set_cloexec_flag(self, fd):
1058+ try:
1059+ cloexec_flag = fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC
1060+ except AttributeError:
1061+ cloexec_flag = 1
1063+ old = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)
1064+ fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, old | cloexec_flag)
1067+ def _close_fds(self, but):
1068+ if hasattr(os, 'closerange'):
1069+ os.closerange(3, but)
1070+ os.closerange(but + 1, MAXFD)
1071+ else:
1072+ for i in xrange(3, MAXFD):
1073+ if i == but:
1074+ continue
1075+ try:
1076+ os.close(i)
1077+ except:
1078+ pass
1081+ def _execute_child(self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
1082+ cwd, env, universal_newlines,
1083+ startupinfo, creationflags, shell,
1084+ p2cread, p2cwrite,
1085+ c2pread, c2pwrite,
1086+ errread, errwrite):
1087+ """Execute program (POSIX version)"""
1089+ if isinstance(args, types.StringTypes):
1090+ args = [args]
1091+ else:
1092+ args = list(args)
1094+ if shell:
1095+ args = ["/bin/sh", "-c"] + args
1097+ if executable is None:
1098+ executable = args[0]
1100+ # For transferring possible exec failure from child to parent
1101+ # The first char specifies the exception type: 0 means
1102+ # OSError, 1 means some other error.
1103+ errpipe_read, errpipe_write = os.pipe()
1104+ try:
1105+ try:
1106+ self._set_cloexec_flag(errpipe_write)
1108+ gc_was_enabled = gc.isenabled()
1109+ # Disable gc to avoid bug where gc -> file_dealloc ->
1110+ # write to stderr -> hang. http://bugs.python.org/issue1336
1111+ gc.disable()
1112+ try:
1113+ self.pid = os.fork()
1114+ except:
1115+ if gc_was_enabled:
1116+ gc.enable()
1117+ raise
1118+ self._child_created = True
1119+ if self.pid == 0:
1120+ # Child
1121+ try:
1122+ # Close parent's pipe ends
1123+ if p2cwrite is not None:
1124+ os.close(p2cwrite)
1125+ if c2pread is not None:
1126+ os.close(c2pread)
1127+ if errread is not None:
1128+ os.close(errread)
1129+ os.close(errpipe_read)
1131+ # Dup fds for child
1132+ if p2cread is not None:
1133+ os.dup2(p2cread, 0)
1134+ if c2pwrite is not None:
1135+ os.dup2(c2pwrite, 1)
1136+ if errwrite is not None:
1137+ os.dup2(errwrite, 2)
1139+ # Close pipe fds. Make sure we don't close the same
1140+ # fd more than once, or standard fds.
1141+ if p2cread is not None and p2cread not in (0,):
1142+ os.close(p2cread)
1143+ if c2pwrite is not None and c2pwrite not in (p2cread, 1):
1144+ os.close(c2pwrite)
1145+ if errwrite is not None and errwrite not in (p2cread, c2pwrite, 2):
1146+ os.close(errwrite)
1148+ # Close all other fds, if asked for
1149+ if close_fds:
1150+ self._close_fds(but=errpipe_write)
1152+ if cwd is not None:
1153+ os.chdir(cwd)
1155+ if preexec_fn:
1156+ preexec_fn()
1158+ if env is None:
1159+ os.execvp(executable, args)
1160+ else:
1161+ os.execvpe(executable, args, env)
1163+ except:
1164+ exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
1165+ # Save the traceback and attach it to the exception object
1166+ exc_lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type,
1167+ exc_value,
1168+ tb)
1169+ exc_value.child_traceback = ''.join(exc_lines)
1170+ os.write(errpipe_write, pickle.dumps(exc_value))
1172+ # This exitcode won't be reported to applications, so it
1173+ # really doesn't matter what we return.
1174+ os._exit(255)
1176+ # Parent
1177+ if gc_was_enabled:
1178+ gc.enable()
1179+ finally:
1180+ # be sure the FD is closed no matter what
1181+ os.close(errpipe_write)
1183+ if p2cread is not None and p2cwrite is not None:
1184+ os.close(p2cread)
1185+ if c2pwrite is not None and c2pread is not None:
1186+ os.close(c2pwrite)
1187+ if errwrite is not None and errread is not None:
1188+ os.close(errwrite)
1190+ # Wait for exec to fail or succeed; possibly raising exception
1191+ # Exception limited to 1M
1192+ data = _eintr_retry_call(os.read, errpipe_read, 1048576)
1193+ finally:
1194+ # be sure the FD is closed no matter what
1195+ os.close(errpipe_read)
1197+ if data != "":
1198+ _eintr_retry_call(os.waitpid, self.pid, 0)
1199+ child_exception = pickle.loads(data)
1200+ for fd in (p2cwrite, c2pread, errread):
1201+ if fd is not None:
1202+ os.close(fd)
1203+ raise child_exception
1206+ def _handle_exitstatus(self, sts, _WIFSIGNALED=os.WIFSIGNALED,
1209+ # This method is called (indirectly) by __del__, so it cannot
1210+ # refer to anything outside of its local scope."""
1211+ if _WIFSIGNALED(sts):
1212+ self.returncode = -_WTERMSIG(sts)
1213+ elif _WIFEXITED(sts):
1214+ self.returncode = _WEXITSTATUS(sts)
1215+ else:
1216+ # Should never happen
1217+ raise RuntimeError("Unknown child exit status!")
1220+ def _internal_poll(self, _deadstate=None, _waitpid=os.waitpid,
1221+ _WNOHANG=os.WNOHANG, _os_error=os.error):
1222+ """Check if child process has terminated. Returns returncode
1223+ attribute.
1225+ This method is called by __del__, so it cannot reference anything
1226+ outside of the local scope (nor can any methods it calls).
1228+ """
1229+ if self.returncode is None:
1230+ try:
1231+ pid, sts = _waitpid(self.pid, _WNOHANG)
1232+ if pid == self.pid:
1233+ self._handle_exitstatus(sts)
1234+ except _os_error:
1235+ if _deadstate is not None:
1236+ self.returncode = _deadstate
1237+ return self.returncode
1240+ def wait(self):
1241+ """Wait for child process to terminate. Returns returncode
1242+ attribute."""
1243+ if self.returncode is None:
1244+ pid, sts = _eintr_retry_call(os.waitpid, self.pid, 0)
1245+ self._handle_exitstatus(sts)
1246+ return self.returncode
1249+ def _communicate(self, input):
1250+ if self.stdin:
1251+ # Flush stdio buffer. This might block, if the user has
1252+ # been writing to .stdin in an uncontrolled fashion.
1253+ self.stdin.flush()
1254+ if not input:
1255+ self.stdin.close()
1257+ if _has_poll:
1258+ stdout, stderr = self._communicate_with_poll(input)
1259+ else:
1260+ stdout, stderr = self._communicate_with_select(input)
1262+ # All data exchanged. Translate lists into strings.
1263+ if stdout is not None:
1264+ stdout = ''.join(stdout)
1265+ if stderr is not None:
1266+ stderr = ''.join(stderr)
1268+ # Translate newlines, if requested. We cannot let the file
1269+ # object do the translation: It is based on stdio, which is
1270+ # impossible to combine with select (unless forcing no
1271+ # buffering).
1272+ if self.universal_newlines and hasattr(file, 'newlines'):
1273+ if stdout:
1274+ stdout = self._translate_newlines(stdout)
1275+ if stderr:
1276+ stderr = self._translate_newlines(stderr)
1278+ self.wait()
1279+ return (stdout, stderr)
1282+ def _communicate_with_poll(self, input):
1283+ stdout = None # Return
1284+ stderr = None # Return
1285+ fd2file = {}
1286+ fd2output = {}
1288+ poller = select.poll()
1289+ def register_and_append(file_obj, eventmask):
1290+ poller.register(file_obj.fileno(), eventmask)
1291+ fd2file[file_obj.fileno()] = file_obj
1293+ def close_unregister_and_remove(fd):
1294+ poller.unregister(fd)
1295+ fd2file[fd].close()
1296+ fd2file.pop(fd)
1298+ if self.stdin and input:
1299+ register_and_append(self.stdin, select.POLLOUT)
1301+ select_POLLIN_POLLPRI = select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI
1302+ if self.stdout:
1303+ register_and_append(self.stdout, select_POLLIN_POLLPRI)
1304+ fd2output[self.stdout.fileno()] = stdout = []
1305+ if self.stderr:
1306+ register_and_append(self.stderr, select_POLLIN_POLLPRI)
1307+ fd2output[self.stderr.fileno()] = stderr = []
1309+ input_offset = 0
1310+ while fd2file:
1311+ try:
1312+ ready = poller.poll()
1313+ except select.error, e:
1314+ if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR:
1315+ continue
1316+ raise
1318+ for fd, mode in ready:
1319+ if mode & select.POLLOUT:
1320+ chunk = input[input_offset : input_offset + _PIPE_BUF]
1321+ input_offset += os.write(fd, chunk)
1322+ if input_offset >= len(input):
1323+ close_unregister_and_remove(fd)
1324+ elif mode & select_POLLIN_POLLPRI:
1325+ data = os.read(fd, 4096)
1326+ if not data:
1327+ close_unregister_and_remove(fd)
1328+ fd2output[fd].append(data)
1329+ else:
1330+ # Ignore hang up or errors.
1331+ close_unregister_and_remove(fd)
1333+ return (stdout, stderr)
1336+ def _communicate_with_select(self, input):
1337+ read_set = []
1338+ write_set = []
1339+ stdout = None # Return
1340+ stderr = None # Return
1342+ if self.stdin and input:
1343+ write_set.append(self.stdin)
1344+ if self.stdout:
1345+ read_set.append(self.stdout)
1346+ stdout = []
1347+ if self.stderr:
1348+ read_set.append(self.stderr)
1349+ stderr = []
1351+ input_offset = 0
1352+ while read_set or write_set:
1353+ try:
1354+ rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select(read_set, write_set, [])
1355+ except select.error, e:
1356+ if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR:
1357+ continue
1358+ raise
1360+ if self.stdin in wlist:
1361+ chunk = input[input_offset : input_offset + _PIPE_BUF]
1362+ bytes_written = os.write(self.stdin.fileno(), chunk)
1363+ input_offset += bytes_written
1364+ if input_offset >= len(input):
1365+ self.stdin.close()
1366+ write_set.remove(self.stdin)
1368+ if self.stdout in rlist:
1369+ data = os.read(self.stdout.fileno(), 1024)
1370+ if data == "":
1371+ self.stdout.close()
1372+ read_set.remove(self.stdout)
1373+ stdout.append(data)
1375+ if self.stderr in rlist:
1376+ data = os.read(self.stderr.fileno(), 1024)
1377+ if data == "":
1378+ self.stderr.close()
1379+ read_set.remove(self.stderr)
1380+ stderr.append(data)
1382+ return (stdout, stderr)
1385+ def send_signal(self, sig):
1386+ """Send a signal to the process
1387+ """
1388+ os.kill(self.pid, sig)
1390+ def terminate(self):
1391+ """Terminate the process with SIGTERM
1392+ """
1393+ self.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM)
1395+ def kill(self):
1396+ """Kill the process with SIGKILL
1397+ """
1398+ self.send_signal(signal.SIGKILL)
1401+def _demo_posix():
1402+ #
1403+ # Example 1: Simple redirection: Get process list
1404+ #
1405+ plist = Popen(["ps"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
1406+ print "Process list:"
1407+ print plist
1409+ #
1410+ # Example 2: Change uid before executing child
1411+ #
1412+ if os.getuid() == 0:
1413+ p = Popen(["id"], preexec_fn=lambda: os.setuid(100))
1414+ p.wait()
1416+ #
1417+ # Example 3: Connecting several subprocesses
1418+ #
1419+ print "Looking for 'hda'..."
1420+ p1 = Popen(["dmesg"], stdout=PIPE)
1421+ p2 = Popen(["grep", "hda"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
1422+ print repr(p2.communicate()[0])
1424+ #
1425+ # Example 4: Catch execution error
1426+ #
1427+ print
1428+ print "Trying a weird file..."
1429+ try:
1430+ print Popen(["/this/path/does/not/exist"]).communicate()
1431+ except OSError, e:
1432+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
1433+ print "The file didn't exist. I thought so..."
1434+ print "Child traceback:"
1435+ print e.child_traceback
1436+ else:
1437+ print "Error", e.errno
1438+ else:
1439+ print >>sys.stderr, "Gosh. No error."
1442+def _demo_windows():
1443+ #
1444+ # Example 1: Connecting several subprocesses
1445+ #
1446+ print "Looking for 'PROMPT' in set output..."
1447+ p1 = Popen("set", stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
1448+ p2 = Popen('find "PROMPT"', stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
1449+ print repr(p2.communicate()[0])
1451+ #
1452+ # Example 2: Simple execution of program
1453+ #
1454+ print "Executing calc..."
1455+ p = Popen("calc")
1456+ p.wait()
1459+if __name__ == "__main__":
1460+ if mswindows:
1461+ _demo_windows()
1462+ else:
1463+ _demo_posix()
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/tarfile.py"
+++ "b/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/tarfile.py"
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
33 #-------------------------------------------------------------------
44 # tarfile.py
55 #-------------------------------------------------------------------
6-# Copyright (C) 2002 Lars Gust?スbel <lars@gustaebel.de>
6+# Copyright (C) 2002 Lars Gust臙el <lars@gustaebel.de>
77 # All rights reserved.
88 #
99 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ __version__ = "$Revision: 81667 $"
3434 # $Source$
3636 version = "0.9.0"
37-__author__ = "Lars Gust?スbel (lars@gustaebel.de)"
37+__author__ = "Lars Gust臙el (lars@gustaebel.de)"
3838 __date__ = "$Date: 2010-06-03 14:34:14 +0200 (Do, 03 Jun 2010) $"
3939 __cvsid__ = "$Id: tarfile.py 81667 2010-06-03 12:34:14Z lars.gustaebel $"
40-__credits__ = "Gustavo Niemeyer, Niels Gust?スbel, Richard Townsend."
40+__credits__ = "Gustavo Niemeyer, Niels Gust臙el, Richard Townsend."
4242 #---------
4343 # Imports
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/unittest/test/test_break.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
1-import gc
2-import os
3-import sys
4-import signal
5-import weakref
7-from cStringIO import StringIO
10-import unittest
11-from test.test_support import due_to_ironpython_bug
14-@unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'kill'), "Test requires os.kill")
15-@unittest.skipIf(sys.platform =="win32", "Test cannot run on Windows")
16-@unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == 'freebsd6', "Test kills regrtest on freebsd6 "
17- "if threads have been used")
18-class TestBreak(unittest.TestCase):
20- def setUp(self):
21- self._default_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
23- def tearDown(self):
24- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._default_handler)
25- unittest.signals._results = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
26- unittest.signals._interrupt_handler = None
29- def testInstallHandler(self):
30- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
31- return
33- default_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
34- unittest.installHandler()
35- self.assertNotEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler)
37- try:
38- pid = os.getpid()
39- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
40- except KeyboardInterrupt:
41- self.fail("KeyboardInterrupt not handled")
43- self.assertTrue(unittest.signals._interrupt_handler.called)
45- def testRegisterResult(self):
46- result = unittest.TestResult()
47- unittest.registerResult(result)
49- for ref in unittest.signals._results:
50- if ref is result:
51- break
52- elif ref is not result:
53- self.fail("odd object in result set")
54- else:
55- self.fail("result not found")
58- def testInterruptCaught(self):
59- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
60- return
62- default_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
64- result = unittest.TestResult()
65- unittest.installHandler()
66- unittest.registerResult(result)
68- self.assertNotEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler)
70- def test(result):
71- pid = os.getpid()
72- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
73- result.breakCaught = True
74- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
75- self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop)
77- try:
78- test(result)
79- except KeyboardInterrupt:
80- self.fail("KeyboardInterrupt not handled")
81- self.assertTrue(result.breakCaught)
84- def testSecondInterrupt(self):
85- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
86- return
88- result = unittest.TestResult()
89- unittest.installHandler()
90- unittest.registerResult(result)
92- def test(result):
93- pid = os.getpid()
94- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
95- result.breakCaught = True
96- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
97- self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop)
98- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
99- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
100- self.fail("Second KeyboardInterrupt not raised")
102- try:
103- test(result)
104- except KeyboardInterrupt:
105- pass
106- else:
107- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
108- self.fail("Second KeyboardInterrupt not raised")
109- self.assertTrue(result.breakCaught)
112- def testTwoResults(self):
113- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
114- return
116- unittest.installHandler()
118- result = unittest.TestResult()
119- unittest.registerResult(result)
120- new_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
122- result2 = unittest.TestResult()
123- unittest.registerResult(result2)
124- self.assertEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), new_handler)
126- result3 = unittest.TestResult()
128- def test(result):
129- pid = os.getpid()
130- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
132- try:
133- test(result)
134- except KeyboardInterrupt:
135- self.fail("KeyboardInterrupt not handled")
137- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
138- self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop)
139- self.assertTrue(result2.shouldStop)
140- self.assertFalse(result3.shouldStop)
143- def testHandlerReplacedButCalled(self):
144- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
145- # If our handler has been replaced (is no longer installed) but is
146- # called by the *new* handler, then it isn't safe to delay the
147- # SIGINT and we should immediately delegate to the default handler
148- unittest.installHandler()
150- handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
151- def new_handler(frame, signum):
152- handler(frame, signum)
153- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, new_handler)
155- try:
156- pid = os.getpid()
157- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
158- except KeyboardInterrupt:
159- pass
160- else:
161- self.fail("replaced but delegated handler doesn't raise interrupt")
163- def testRunner(self):
164- # Creating a TextTestRunner with the appropriate argument should
165- # register the TextTestResult it creates
166- runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=StringIO())
168- result = runner.run(unittest.TestSuite())
169- self.assertIn(result, unittest.signals._results)
171- def testWeakReferences(self):
172- # Calling registerResult on a result should not keep it alive
173- result = unittest.TestResult()
174- unittest.registerResult(result)
176- ref = weakref.ref(result)
177- del result
179- # For non-reference counting implementations
180- gc.collect();gc.collect()
181- self.assertIsNone(ref())
184- def testRemoveResult(self):
185- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
186- return
188- result = unittest.TestResult()
189- unittest.registerResult(result)
191- unittest.installHandler()
192- self.assertTrue(unittest.removeResult(result))
194- # Should this raise an error instead?
195- self.assertFalse(unittest.removeResult(unittest.TestResult()))
197- try:
198- pid = os.getpid()
199- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
200- except KeyboardInterrupt:
201- pass
203- self.assertFalse(result.shouldStop)
205- def testMainInstallsHandler(self):
206- failfast = object()
207- test = object()
208- verbosity = object()
209- result = object()
210- default_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
212- class FakeRunner(object):
213- initArgs = []
214- runArgs = []
215- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
216- self.initArgs.append((args, kwargs))
217- def run(self, test):
218- self.runArgs.append(test)
219- return result
221- class Program(unittest.TestProgram):
222- def __init__(self, catchbreak):
223- self.exit = False
224- self.verbosity = verbosity
225- self.failfast = failfast
226- self.catchbreak = catchbreak
227- self.testRunner = FakeRunner
228- self.test = test
229- self.result = None
231- p = Program(False)
232- p.runTests()
234- self.assertEqual(FakeRunner.initArgs, [((), {'buffer': None,
235- 'verbosity': verbosity,
236- 'failfast': failfast})])
237- self.assertEqual(FakeRunner.runArgs, [test])
238- self.assertEqual(p.result, result)
240- self.assertEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler)
242- FakeRunner.initArgs = []
243- FakeRunner.runArgs = []
244- p = Program(True)
245- p.runTests()
247- self.assertEqual(FakeRunner.initArgs, [((), {'buffer': None,
248- 'verbosity': verbosity,
249- 'failfast': failfast})])
250- self.assertEqual(FakeRunner.runArgs, [test])
251- self.assertEqual(p.result, result)
253- self.assertNotEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler)
255- def testRemoveHandler(self):
256- default_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
257- unittest.installHandler()
258- unittest.removeHandler()
259- self.assertEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler)
261- # check that calling removeHandler multiple times has no ill-effect
262- unittest.removeHandler()
263- self.assertEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler)
265- def testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator(self):
266- default_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
267- unittest.installHandler()
269- @unittest.removeHandler
270- def test():
271- self.assertEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler)
273- test()
274- self.assertNotEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler)
--- "a/\202\302\202\242\202\351\202\361\202\351\202\361/IronPython/Lib/unittest/test/test_loader.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1303 +0,0 @@
1-import sys
2-import types
5-import unittest
6-from test.test_support import due_to_ironpython_bug
9-class Test_TestLoader(unittest.TestCase):
11- ### Tests for TestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase
12- ################################################################
14- # "Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the TestCase-derived
15- # class testCaseClass"
16- def test_loadTestsFromTestCase(self):
17- class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
18- def test_1(self): pass
19- def test_2(self): pass
20- def foo_bar(self): pass
22- tests = unittest.TestSuite([Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')])
24- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
25- self.assertEqual(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Foo), tests)
27- # "Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the TestCase-derived
28- # class testCaseClass"
29- #
30- # Make sure it does the right thing even if no tests were found
31- def test_loadTestsFromTestCase__no_matches(self):
32- class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
33- def foo_bar(self): pass
35- empty_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
37- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
38- self.assertEqual(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Foo), empty_suite)
40- # "Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the TestCase-derived
41- # class testCaseClass"
42- #
43- # What happens if loadTestsFromTestCase() is given an object
44- # that isn't a subclass of TestCase? Specifically, what happens
45- # if testCaseClass is a subclass of TestSuite?
46- #
47- # This is checked for specifically in the code, so we better add a
48- # test for it.
49- def test_loadTestsFromTestCase__TestSuite_subclass(self):
50- class NotATestCase(unittest.TestSuite):
51- pass
53- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
54- try:
55- loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(NotATestCase)
56- except TypeError:
57- pass
58- else:
59- self.fail('Should raise TypeError')
61- # "Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the TestCase-derived
62- # class testCaseClass"
63- #
64- # Make sure loadTestsFromTestCase() picks up the default test method
65- # name (as specified by TestCase), even though the method name does
66- # not match the default TestLoader.testMethodPrefix string
67- def test_loadTestsFromTestCase__default_method_name(self):
68- class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
69- def runTest(self):
70- pass
72- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
73- # This has to be false for the test to succeed
74- self.assertFalse('runTest'.startswith(loader.testMethodPrefix))
76- suite = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Foo)
77- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
78- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [Foo('runTest')])
80- ################################################################
81- ### /Tests for TestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase
83- ### Tests for TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule
84- ################################################################
86- # "This method searches `module` for classes derived from TestCase"
87- def test_loadTestsFromModule__TestCase_subclass(self):
88- m = types.ModuleType('m')
89- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
90- def test(self):
91- pass
92- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
94- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
95- suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(m)
96- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
98- expected = [loader.suiteClass([MyTestCase('test')])]
99- self.assertEqual(list(suite), expected)
101- # "This method searches `module` for classes derived from TestCase"
102- #
103- # What happens if no tests are found (no TestCase instances)?
104- def test_loadTestsFromModule__no_TestCase_instances(self):
105- m = types.ModuleType('m')
107- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
108- suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(m)
109- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
110- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [])
112- # "This method searches `module` for classes derived from TestCase"
113- #
114- # What happens if no tests are found (TestCases instances, but no tests)?
115- def test_loadTestsFromModule__no_TestCase_tests(self):
116- m = types.ModuleType('m')
117- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
118- pass
119- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
121- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
122- suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(m)
123- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
125- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [loader.suiteClass()])
127- # "This method searches `module` for classes derived from TestCase"s
128- #
129- # What happens if loadTestsFromModule() is given something other
130- # than a module?
131- #
132- # XXX Currently, it succeeds anyway. This flexibility
133- # should either be documented or loadTestsFromModule() should
134- # raise a TypeError
135- #
136- # XXX Certain people are using this behaviour. We'll add a test for it
137- def test_loadTestsFromModule__not_a_module(self):
138- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
139- def test(self):
140- pass
142- class NotAModule(object):
143- test_2 = MyTestCase
145- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
146- suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(NotAModule)
148- reference = [unittest.TestSuite([MyTestCase('test')])]
149- self.assertEqual(list(suite), reference)
152- # Check that loadTestsFromModule honors (or not) a module
153- # with a load_tests function.
154- def test_loadTestsFromModule__load_tests(self):
155- m = types.ModuleType('m')
156- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
157- def test(self):
158- pass
159- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
161- load_tests_args = []
162- def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
163- self.assertIsInstance(tests, unittest.TestSuite)
164- load_tests_args.extend((loader, tests, pattern))
165- return tests
166- m.load_tests = load_tests
168- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
169- suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(m)
170- self.assertIsInstance(suite, unittest.TestSuite)
171- self.assertEquals(load_tests_args, [loader, suite, None])
173- load_tests_args = []
174- suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(m, use_load_tests=False)
175- self.assertEquals(load_tests_args, [])
177- def test_loadTestsFromModule__faulty_load_tests(self):
178- m = types.ModuleType('m')
180- def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
181- raise TypeError('some failure')
182- m.load_tests = load_tests
184- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
185- suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(m)
186- self.assertIsInstance(suite, unittest.TestSuite)
187- self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1)
188- test = list(suite)[0]
190- self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "some failure", test.m)
192- ################################################################
193- ### /Tests for TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule()
195- ### Tests for TestLoader.loadTestsFromName()
196- ################################################################
198- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
199- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
200- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
201- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
202- #
203- # Is ValueError raised in response to an empty name?
204- def test_loadTestsFromName__empty_name(self):
205- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
207- try:
208- loader.loadTestsFromName('')
209- except ValueError, e:
210- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/21116"):
211- self.assertEqual(str(e), "String cannot have zero length.")
212- else:
213- self.assertEqual(str(e), "Empty module name")
214- else:
215- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/21116"):
216- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise ValueError")
218- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
219- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
220- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
221- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
222- #
223- # What happens when the name contains invalid characters?
224- def test_loadTestsFromName__malformed_name(self):
225- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
227- # XXX Should this raise ValueError or ImportError?
228- try:
229- loader.loadTestsFromName('abc () //')
230- except ValueError:
231- pass
232- except ImportError:
233- pass
234- else:
235- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise ValueError")
237- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to a
238- # module"
239- #
240- # What happens when a module by that name can't be found?
241- def test_loadTestsFromName__unknown_module_name(self):
242- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
244- try:
245- loader.loadTestsFromName('sdasfasfasdf')
246- except ImportError, e:
247- self.assertEqual(str(e), "No module named sdasfasfasdf")
248- else:
249- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise ImportError")
251- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
252- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
253- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
254- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
255- #
256- # What happens when the module is found, but the attribute can't?
257- def test_loadTestsFromName__unknown_attr_name(self):
258- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
260- try:
261- loader.loadTestsFromName('unittest.sdasfasfasdf')
262- except AttributeError, e:
263- self.assertEqual(str(e), "'module' object has no attribute 'sdasfasfasdf'")
264- else:
265- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise AttributeError")
267- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
268- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
269- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
270- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
271- #
272- # What happens when we provide the module, but the attribute can't be
273- # found?
274- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_unknown_name(self):
275- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
277- try:
278- loader.loadTestsFromName('sdasfasfasdf', unittest)
279- except AttributeError, e:
280- self.assertEqual(str(e), "'module' object has no attribute 'sdasfasfasdf'")
281- else:
282- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise AttributeError")
284- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
285- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
286- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
287- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
288- # ...
289- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
290- #
291- # Does loadTestsFromName raise ValueError when passed an empty
292- # name relative to a provided module?
293- #
294- # XXX Should probably raise a ValueError instead of an AttributeError
295- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_empty_name(self):
296- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
298- try:
299- loader.loadTestsFromName('', unittest)
300- except AttributeError:
301- pass
302- else:
303- self.fail("Failed to raise AttributeError")
305- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
306- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
307- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
308- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
309- # ...
310- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
311- #
312- # What happens when an impossible name is given, relative to the provided
313- # `module`?
314- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_malformed_name(self):
315- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
317- # XXX Should this raise AttributeError or ValueError?
318- try:
319- loader.loadTestsFromName('abc () //', unittest)
320- except ValueError:
321- pass
322- except AttributeError:
323- pass
324- else:
325- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise ValueError")
327- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
328- #
329- # Does loadTestsFromName raise TypeError when the `module` argument
330- # isn't a module object?
331- #
332- # XXX Accepts the not-a-module object, ignorning the object's type
333- # This should raise an exception or the method name should be changed
334- #
335- # XXX Some people are relying on this, so keep it for now
336- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_not_a_module(self):
337- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
338- def test(self):
339- pass
341- class NotAModule(object):
342- test_2 = MyTestCase
344- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
345- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('test_2', NotAModule)
347- reference = [MyTestCase('test')]
348- self.assertEqual(list(suite), reference)
350- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
351- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
352- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
353- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
354- #
355- # Does it raise an exception if the name resolves to an invalid
356- # object?
357- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_bad_object(self):
358- m = types.ModuleType('m')
359- m.testcase_1 = object()
361- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
362- try:
363- loader.loadTestsFromName('testcase_1', m)
364- except TypeError:
365- pass
366- else:
367- self.fail("Should have raised TypeError")
369- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may
370- # resolve either to ... a test case class"
371- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_TestCase_subclass(self):
372- m = types.ModuleType('m')
373- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
374- def test(self):
375- pass
376- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
378- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
379- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('testcase_1', m)
380- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
381- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [MyTestCase('test')])
383- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
384- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
385- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
386- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
387- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_TestSuite(self):
388- m = types.ModuleType('m')
389- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
390- def test(self):
391- pass
392- m.testsuite = unittest.TestSuite([MyTestCase('test')])
394- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
395- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('testsuite', m)
396- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
398- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [MyTestCase('test')])
400- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
401- # ... a test method within a test case class"
402- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_testmethod(self):
403- m = types.ModuleType('m')
404- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
405- def test(self):
406- pass
407- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
409- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
410- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('testcase_1.test', m)
411- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
413- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [MyTestCase('test')])
415- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
416- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
417- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
418- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
419- #
420- # Does loadTestsFromName() raise the proper exception when trying to
421- # resolve "a test method within a test case class" that doesn't exist
422- # for the given name (relative to a provided module)?
423- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_invalid_testmethod(self):
424- m = types.ModuleType('m')
425- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
426- def test(self):
427- pass
428- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
430- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
431- try:
432- loader.loadTestsFromName('testcase_1.testfoo', m)
433- except AttributeError, e:
434- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/21116"):
435- self.assertEqual(str(e), "'type' object has no attribute 'testfoo'")
436- else:
437- self.assertEqual(str(e), "type object 'MyTestCase' has no attribute 'testfoo'")
438- else:
439- self.fail("Failed to raise AttributeError")
441- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
442- # ... a callable object which returns a ... TestSuite instance"
443- def test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestSuite(self):
444- m = types.ModuleType('m')
445- testcase_1 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
446- testcase_2 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
447- def return_TestSuite():
448- return unittest.TestSuite([testcase_1, testcase_2])
449- m.return_TestSuite = return_TestSuite
451- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
452- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('return_TestSuite', m)
453- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
454- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [testcase_1, testcase_2])
456- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
457- # ... a callable object which returns a TestCase ... instance"
458- def test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestCase_instance(self):
459- m = types.ModuleType('m')
460- testcase_1 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
461- def return_TestCase():
462- return testcase_1
463- m.return_TestCase = return_TestCase
465- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
466- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('return_TestCase', m)
467- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
468- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [testcase_1])
470- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
471- # ... a callable object which returns a TestCase ... instance"
472- #*****************************************************************
473- #Override the suiteClass attribute to ensure that the suiteClass
474- #attribute is used
475- def test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestCase_instance_ProperSuiteClass(self):
476- class SubTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite):
477- pass
478- m = types.ModuleType('m')
479- testcase_1 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
480- def return_TestCase():
481- return testcase_1
482- m.return_TestCase = return_TestCase
484- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
485- loader.suiteClass = SubTestSuite
486- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('return_TestCase', m)
487- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
488- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [testcase_1])
490- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
491- # ... a test method within a test case class"
492- #*****************************************************************
493- #Override the suiteClass attribute to ensure that the suiteClass
494- #attribute is used
495- def test_loadTestsFromName__relative_testmethod_ProperSuiteClass(self):
496- class SubTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite):
497- pass
498- m = types.ModuleType('m')
499- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
500- def test(self):
501- pass
502- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
504- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
505- loader.suiteClass=SubTestSuite
506- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('testcase_1.test', m)
507- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
509- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [MyTestCase('test')])
511- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
512- # ... a callable object which returns a TestCase or TestSuite instance"
513- #
514- # What happens if the callable returns something else?
515- def test_loadTestsFromName__callable__wrong_type(self):
516- m = types.ModuleType('m')
517- def return_wrong():
518- return 6
519- m.return_wrong = return_wrong
521- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
522- try:
523- loader.loadTestsFromName('return_wrong', m)
524- except TypeError:
525- pass
526- else:
527- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise TypeError")
529- # "The specifier can refer to modules and packages which have not been
530- # imported; they will be imported as a side-effect"
531- def test_loadTestsFromName__module_not_loaded(self):
532- # We're going to try to load this module as a side-effect, so it
533- # better not be loaded before we try.
534- #
535- module_name = 'unittest.test.dummy'
536- sys.modules.pop(module_name, None)
538- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
539- try:
540- suite = loader.loadTestsFromName(module_name)
542- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
543- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [])
545- # module should now be loaded, thanks to loadTestsFromName()
546- self.assertIn(module_name, sys.modules)
547- finally:
548- if module_name in sys.modules:
549- del sys.modules[module_name]
551- ################################################################
552- ### Tests for TestLoader.loadTestsFromName()
554- ### Tests for TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames()
555- ################################################################
557- # "Similar to loadTestsFromName(), but takes a sequence of names rather
558- # than a single name."
559- #
560- # What happens if that sequence of names is empty?
561- def test_loadTestsFromNames__empty_name_list(self):
562- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
564- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames([])
565- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
566- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [])
568- # "Similar to loadTestsFromName(), but takes a sequence of names rather
569- # than a single name."
570- # ...
571- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
572- #
573- # What happens if that sequence of names is empty?
574- #
575- # XXX Should this raise a ValueError or just return an empty TestSuite?
576- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_empty_name_list(self):
577- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
579- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames([], unittest)
580- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
581- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [])
583- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
584- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
585- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
586- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
587- #
588- # Is ValueError raised in response to an empty name?
589- def test_loadTestsFromNames__empty_name(self):
590- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
592- try:
593- loader.loadTestsFromNames([''])
594- except ValueError, e:
595- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/21116"):
596- self.assertEqual(str(e), "String cannot have zero length.")
597- else:
598- self.assertEqual(str(e), "Empty module name")
599- else:
600- # only seems to be a problem on win7
601- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/21116"):
602- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames failed to raise ValueError")
604- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
605- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
606- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
607- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
608- #
609- # What happens when presented with an impossible module name?
610- def test_loadTestsFromNames__malformed_name(self):
611- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
613- # XXX Should this raise ValueError or ImportError?
614- try:
615- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['abc () //'])
616- except ValueError:
617- pass
618- except ImportError:
619- pass
620- else:
621- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames failed to raise ValueError")
623- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
624- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
625- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
626- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
627- #
628- # What happens when no module can be found for the given name?
629- def test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_module_name(self):
630- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
632- try:
633- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['sdasfasfasdf'])
634- except ImportError, e:
635- self.assertEqual(str(e), "No module named sdasfasfasdf")
636- else:
637- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames failed to raise ImportError")
639- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
640- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
641- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
642- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
643- #
644- # What happens when the module can be found, but not the attribute?
645- def test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_attr_name(self):
646- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
648- try:
649- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['unittest.sdasfasfasdf', 'unittest'])
650- except AttributeError, e:
651- self.assertEqual(str(e), "'module' object has no attribute 'sdasfasfasdf'")
652- else:
653- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames failed to raise AttributeError")
655- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
656- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
657- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
658- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
659- # ...
660- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
661- #
662- # What happens when given an unknown attribute on a specified `module`
663- # argument?
664- def test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_name_relative_1(self):
665- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
667- try:
668- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['sdasfasfasdf'], unittest)
669- except AttributeError, e:
670- self.assertEqual(str(e), "'module' object has no attribute 'sdasfasfasdf'")
671- else:
672- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise AttributeError")
674- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
675- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
676- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
677- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
678- # ...
679- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
680- #
681- # Do unknown attributes (relative to a provided module) still raise an
682- # exception even in the presence of valid attribute names?
683- def test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_name_relative_2(self):
684- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
686- try:
687- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['TestCase', 'sdasfasfasdf'], unittest)
688- except AttributeError, e:
689- self.assertEqual(str(e), "'module' object has no attribute 'sdasfasfasdf'")
690- else:
691- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromName failed to raise AttributeError")
693- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
694- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
695- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
696- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
697- # ...
698- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
699- #
700- # What happens when faced with the empty string?
701- #
702- # XXX This currently raises AttributeError, though ValueError is probably
703- # more appropriate
704- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_empty_name(self):
705- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
707- try:
708- loader.loadTestsFromNames([''], unittest)
709- except AttributeError:
710- pass
711- else:
712- self.fail("Failed to raise ValueError")
714- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
715- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
716- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
717- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
718- # ...
719- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
720- #
721- # What happens when presented with an impossible attribute name?
722- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_malformed_name(self):
723- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
725- # XXX Should this raise AttributeError or ValueError?
726- try:
727- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['abc () //'], unittest)
728- except AttributeError:
729- pass
730- except ValueError:
731- pass
732- else:
733- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames failed to raise ValueError")
735- # "The method optionally resolves name relative to the given module"
736- #
737- # Does loadTestsFromNames() make sure the provided `module` is in fact
738- # a module?
739- #
740- # XXX This validation is currently not done. This flexibility should
741- # either be documented or a TypeError should be raised.
742- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_not_a_module(self):
743- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
744- def test(self):
745- pass
747- class NotAModule(object):
748- test_2 = MyTestCase
750- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
751- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(['test_2'], NotAModule)
753- reference = [unittest.TestSuite([MyTestCase('test')])]
754- self.assertEqual(list(suite), reference)
756- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve either to
757- # a module, a test case class, a TestSuite instance, a test method
758- # within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a
759- # TestCase or TestSuite instance."
760- #
761- # Does it raise an exception if the name resolves to an invalid
762- # object?
763- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_bad_object(self):
764- m = types.ModuleType('m')
765- m.testcase_1 = object()
767- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
768- try:
769- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['testcase_1'], m)
770- except TypeError:
771- pass
772- else:
773- self.fail("Should have raised TypeError")
775- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
776- # ... a test case class"
777- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_TestCase_subclass(self):
778- m = types.ModuleType('m')
779- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
780- def test(self):
781- pass
782- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
784- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
785- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(['testcase_1'], m)
786- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
788- expected = loader.suiteClass([MyTestCase('test')])
789- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [expected])
791- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
792- # ... a TestSuite instance"
793- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_TestSuite(self):
794- m = types.ModuleType('m')
795- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
796- def test(self):
797- pass
798- m.testsuite = unittest.TestSuite([MyTestCase('test')])
800- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
801- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(['testsuite'], m)
802- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
804- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [m.testsuite])
806- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to ... a
807- # test method within a test case class"
808- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_testmethod(self):
809- m = types.ModuleType('m')
810- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
811- def test(self):
812- pass
813- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
815- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
816- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(['testcase_1.test'], m)
817- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
819- ref_suite = unittest.TestSuite([MyTestCase('test')])
820- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [ref_suite])
822- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to ... a
823- # test method within a test case class"
824- #
825- # Does the method gracefully handle names that initially look like they
826- # resolve to "a test method within a test case class" but don't?
827- def test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_invalid_testmethod(self):
828- m = types.ModuleType('m')
829- class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
830- def test(self):
831- pass
832- m.testcase_1 = MyTestCase
834- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
835- try:
836- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['testcase_1.testfoo'], m)
837- except AttributeError, e:
838- if due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/21116"):
839- self.assertEqual(str(e), "'type' object has no attribute 'testfoo'")
840- else:
841- self.assertEqual(str(e), "type object 'MyTestCase' has no attribute 'testfoo'")
842- else:
843- self.fail("Failed to raise AttributeError")
845- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
846- # ... a callable object which returns a ... TestSuite instance"
847- def test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__TestSuite(self):
848- m = types.ModuleType('m')
849- testcase_1 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
850- testcase_2 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
851- def return_TestSuite():
852- return unittest.TestSuite([testcase_1, testcase_2])
853- m.return_TestSuite = return_TestSuite
855- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
856- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(['return_TestSuite'], m)
857- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
859- expected = unittest.TestSuite([testcase_1, testcase_2])
860- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [expected])
862- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
863- # ... a callable object which returns a TestCase ... instance"
864- def test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__TestCase_instance(self):
865- m = types.ModuleType('m')
866- testcase_1 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
867- def return_TestCase():
868- return testcase_1
869- m.return_TestCase = return_TestCase
871- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
872- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(['return_TestCase'], m)
873- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
875- ref_suite = unittest.TestSuite([testcase_1])
876- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [ref_suite])
878- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
879- # ... a callable object which returns a TestCase or TestSuite instance"
880- #
881- # Are staticmethods handled correctly?
882- def test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__call_staticmethod(self):
883- m = types.ModuleType('m')
884- class Test1(unittest.TestCase):
885- def test(self):
886- pass
888- testcase_1 = Test1('test')
889- class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
890- @staticmethod
891- def foo():
892- return testcase_1
893- m.Foo = Foo
895- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
896- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(['Foo.foo'], m)
897- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
899- ref_suite = unittest.TestSuite([testcase_1])
900- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [ref_suite])
902- # "The specifier name is a ``dotted name'' that may resolve ... to
903- # ... a callable object which returns a TestCase or TestSuite instance"
904- #
905- # What happens when the callable returns something else?
906- def test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__wrong_type(self):
907- m = types.ModuleType('m')
908- def return_wrong():
909- return 6
910- m.return_wrong = return_wrong
912- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
913- try:
914- loader.loadTestsFromNames(['return_wrong'], m)
915- except TypeError:
916- pass
917- else:
918- self.fail("TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames failed to raise TypeError")
920- # "The specifier can refer to modules and packages which have not been
921- # imported; they will be imported as a side-effect"
922- def test_loadTestsFromNames__module_not_loaded(self):
923- # We're going to try to load this module as a side-effect, so it
924- # better not be loaded before we try.
925- #
926- module_name = 'unittest.test.dummy'
927- sys.modules.pop(module_name, None)
929- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
930- try:
931- suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames([module_name])
933- self.assertIsInstance(suite, loader.suiteClass)
934- self.assertEqual(list(suite), [unittest.TestSuite()])
936- # module should now be loaded, thanks to loadTestsFromName()
937- if not due_to_ironpython_bug("http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28171"):
938- self.assertIn(module_name, sys.modules)
939- finally:
940- if module_name in sys.modules:
941- del sys.modules[module_name]
943- ################################################################
944- ### /Tests for TestLoader.loadTestsFromNames()
946- ### Tests for TestLoader.getTestCaseNames()
947- ################################################################
949- # "Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass"
950- #
951- # Test.foobar is defined to make sure getTestCaseNames() respects
952- # loader.testMethodPrefix
953- def test_getTestCaseNames(self):
954- class Test(unittest.TestCase):
955- def test_1(self): pass
956- def test_2(self): pass
957- def foobar(self): pass
959- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
961- self.assertEqual(loader.getTestCaseNames(Test), ['test_1', 'test_2'])
963- # "Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass"
964- #
965- # Does getTestCaseNames() behave appropriately if no tests are found?
966- def test_getTestCaseNames__no_tests(self):
967- class Test(unittest.TestCase):
968- def foobar(self): pass
970- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
972- self.assertEqual(loader.getTestCaseNames(Test), [])
974- # "Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass"
975- #
976- # Are not-TestCases handled gracefully?
977- #
978- # XXX This should raise a TypeError, not return a list
979- #
980- # XXX It's too late in the 2.5 release cycle to fix this, but it should
981- # probably be revisited for 2.6
982- def test_getTestCaseNames__not_a_TestCase(self):
983- class BadCase(int):
984- def test_foo(self):
985- pass
987- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
988- names = loader.getTestCaseNames(BadCase)
990- self.assertEqual(names, ['test_foo'])
992- # "Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass"
993- #
994- # Make sure inherited names are handled.
995- #
996- # TestP.foobar is defined to make sure getTestCaseNames() respects
997- # loader.testMethodPrefix
998- def test_getTestCaseNames__inheritance(self):
999- class TestP(unittest.TestCase):
1000- def test_1(self): pass
1001- def test_2(self): pass
1002- def foobar(self): pass
1004- class TestC(TestP):
1005- def test_1(self): pass
1006- def test_3(self): pass
1008- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
1010- names = ['test_1', 'test_2', 'test_3']
1011- self.assertEqual(loader.getTestCaseNames(TestC), names)
1013- ################################################################
1014- ### /Tests for TestLoader.getTestCaseNames()
1016- ### Tests for TestLoader.testMethodPrefix
1017- ################################################################
1019- # "String giving the prefix of method names which will be interpreted as
1020- # test methods"
1021- #
1022- # Implicit in the documentation is that testMethodPrefix is respected by
1023- # all loadTestsFrom* methods.
1024- def test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromTestCase(self):
1025- class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
1026- def test_1(self): pass
1027- def test_2(self): pass
1028- def foo_bar(self): pass
1030- tests_1 = unittest.TestSuite([Foo('foo_bar')])
1031- tests_2 = unittest.TestSuite([Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')])
1033- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
1034- loader.testMethodPrefix = 'foo'
1035- self.assertEqual(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Foo), tests_1)
1037- loader.testMethodPrefix = 'test'
1038- self.assertEqual(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Foo), tests_2)
1040- # "String giving the prefix of method names which will be interpreted as
1041- # test methods"
1042- #
1043- # Implicit in the documentation is that testMethodPrefix is respected by
1044- # all loadTestsFrom* methods.
1045- def test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromModule(self):
1046- m = types.ModuleType('m')
1047- class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
1048- def test_1(self): pass
1049- def test_2(self): pass
1050- def foo_bar(self): pass
1051- m.Foo = Foo
1053- tests_1 = [unittest.TestSuite([Foo('foo_bar')])]
1054- tests_2 = [unittest.TestSuite([Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')])]
1056- loader = unittest.TestLoader()
1057- loader.testMethodPrefix = 'foo'
1058- self.assertEqual(list(loader.loadTestsFromModule(m)), tests_1)