package Classifier::MailParse; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --- Parse a mail message or messages into words # # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 John Graham-Cumming # # This file is part of POPFile # # POPFile is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # POPFile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with POPFile; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use locale; use MIME::Base64; use MIME::QuotedPrint; use HTML::Tagset; # Korean characters definition my $ksc5601_sym = '(?:[\xA1-\xAC][\xA1-\xFE])'; my $ksc5601_han = '(?:[\xB0-\xC8][\xA1-\xFE])'; my $ksc5601_hanja = '(?:[\xCA-\xFD][\xA1-\xFE])'; my $ksc5601 = "(?:$ksc5601_sym|$ksc5601_han|$ksc5601_hanja)"; my $eksc = "(?:$ksc5601|[\x81-\xC6][\x41-\xFE])"; #extended ksc # These are used for Japanese support my %encoding_candidates = ( 'Nihongo' => [ 'shiftjis', 'euc-jp', '7bit-jis' ] ); my $ascii = '[\x00-\x7F]'; # ASCII chars my $two_bytes_euc_jp = '(?:[\x8E\xA1-\xFE][\xA1-\xFE])'; # 2bytes EUC-JP chars my $three_bytes_euc_jp = '(?:\x8F[\xA1-\xFE][\xA1-\xFE])'; # 3bytes EUC-JP chars my $euc_jp = "(?:$ascii|$two_bytes_euc_jp|$three_bytes_euc_jp)"; # EUC-JP chars # Symbols in EUC-JP chars which cannot be considered a part of words my $symbol_row1_euc_jp = '(?:[\xA1][\xA1-\xBB\xBD-\xFE])'; my $symbol_row2_euc_jp = '(?:[\xA2][\xA1-\xFE])'; my $symbol_row8_euc_jp = '(?:[\xA8][\xA1-\xFE])'; my $symbol_euc_jp = "(?:$symbol_row1_euc_jp|$symbol_row2_euc_jp|$symbol_row8_euc_jp)"; # Cho-on kigou(symbol in Japanese), a special symbol which can appear in middle of words my $cho_on_symbol = '(?:\xA1\xBC)'; # Non-symbol EUC-JP chars my $non_symbol_two_bytes_euc_jp = '(?:[\x8E\xA3-\xA7\xB0-\xFE][\xA1-\xFE])'; my $non_symbol_euc_jp = "(?:$non_symbol_two_bytes_euc_jp|$three_bytes_euc_jp|$cho_on_symbol)"; # HTML entity mapping to character codes, this maps things like & to their corresponding # character code my %entityhash = ('aacute' => 225, 'Aacute' => 193, 'Acirc' => 194, 'acirc' => 226, # PROFILE BLOCK START 'acute' => 180, 'AElig' => 198, 'aelig' => 230, 'Agrave' => 192, 'agrave' => 224, 'amp' => 38, 'Aring' => 197, 'aring' => 229, 'atilde' => 227, 'Atilde' => 195, 'Auml' => 196, 'auml' => 228, 'brvbar' => 166, 'ccedil' => 231, 'Ccedil' => 199, 'cedil' => 184, 'cent' => 162, 'copy' => 169, 'curren' => 164, 'deg' => 176, 'divide' => 247, 'Eacute' => 201, 'eacute' => 233, 'ecirc' => 234, 'Ecirc' => 202, 'Egrave' => 200, 'egrave' => 232, 'ETH' => 208, 'eth' => 240, 'Euml' => 203, 'euml' => 235, 'frac12' => 189, 'frac14' => 188, 'frac34' => 190, 'iacute' => 237, 'Iacute' => 205, 'icirc' => 238, 'Icirc' => 206, 'iexcl' => 161, 'igrave' => 236, 'Igrave' => 204, 'iquest' => 191, 'iuml' => 239, 'Iuml' => 207, 'laquo' => 171, 'macr' => 175, 'micro' => 181, 'middot' => 183, 'nbsp' => 160, 'not' => 172, 'ntilde' => 241, 'Ntilde' => 209, 'oacute' => 243, 'Oacute' => 211, 'Ocirc' => 212, 'ocirc' => 244, 'Ograve' => 210, 'ograve' => 242, 'ordf' => 170, 'ordm' => 186, 'oslash' => 248, 'Oslash' => 216, 'Otilde' => 213, 'otilde' => 245, 'Ouml' => 214, 'ouml' => 246, 'para' => 182, 'plusmn' => 177, 'pound' => 163, 'raquo' => 187, 'reg' => 174, 'sect' => 167, 'shy' => 173, 'sup1' => 185, 'sup2' => 178, 'sup3' => 179, 'szlig' => 223, 'thorn' => 254, 'THORN' => 222, 'times' => 215, 'Uacute' => 218, 'uacute' => 250, 'ucirc' => 251, 'Ucirc' => 219, 'ugrave' => 249, 'Ugrave' => 217, 'uml' => 168, 'Uuml' => 220, 'uuml' => 252, 'Yacute' => 221, 'yacute' => 253, 'yen' => 165, 'yuml' => 255 ); # PROFILE BLOCK STOP # All known HTML tags divided into two groups: tags that generate # whitespace as in 'foo

bar' and tags that don't such as # 'foobar'. The first case shouldn't count as an empty pair # because it breaks the line. The second case doesn't have any visual # impact and it treated as 'foobar' with an empty pair. my $spacing_tags = "address|applet|area|base|basefont" . # PROFILE BLOCK START "|bdo|bgsound|blockquote|body|br|button|caption" . "|center|col|colgroup|dd|dir|div|dl|dt|embed" . "|fieldset|form|frame|frameset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6" . "|head|hr|html|iframe|ilayer|input|isindex|label" . "|legend|li|link|listing|map|menu|meta|multicol" . "|nobr|noembed|noframes|nolayer|noscript|object" . "|ol|optgroup|option|p|param|plaintext|pre|script" . "|select|spacer|style|table|tbody|td|textarea" . "|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr|ul|wbr|xmp"; # PROFILE BLOCK STOP my $non_spacing_tags = "a|abbr|acronym|b|big|blink" . # PROFILE BLOCK START "|cite|code|del|dfn|em|font|i|img|ins|kbd|q|s" . "|samp|small|span|strike|strong|sub|sup|tt|u|var"; # PROFILE BLOCK STOP my $eol = "\015\012"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new # # Class new() function #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my $type = shift; my $self; # Hash of word frequences $self->{words__} = {}; # Total word cout $self->{msg_total__} = 0; # Internal use for keeping track of a line without touching it $self->{ut__} = ''; # Specifies the parse mode, '' means no color output, if non-zero # then color output using a specific session key stored here $self->{color__} = ''; $self->{color_matrix__} = undef; $self->{color_idmap__} = undef; $self->{color_userid__} = undef; # This will store the from, to, cc and subject from the last parse $self->{from__} = ''; $self->{to__} = ''; $self->{cc__} = ''; $self->{subject__} = ''; # This is used to store the words found in the from, to, and subject # lines for use in creating new magnets, it is a list of pairs mapping # a magnet type to a magnet string, e.g. from => $self->{quickmagnets__} = {}; # store the tag that set the foreground/background color so the # color can be unset when the tag closes $self->{cssfontcolortag__} = ''; $self->{cssbackcolortag__} = ''; # This is the distance betwee the back color and the font color # as computed using compute_rgb_distance $self->{htmlcolordistance__} = 0; # This is a mapping between HTML color names and HTML hexadecimal # color values used by the map_color value to get canonical color # values $self->{color_map__} = { 'aliceblue','f0f8ff', 'antiquewhite','faebd7', 'aqua','00ffff', 'aquamarine','7fffd4', 'azure','f0ffff', # PROFILE BLOCK START 'beige','f5f5dc', 'bisque','ffe4c4', 'black','000000', 'blanchedalmond','ffebcd', 'blue','0000ff', 'blueviolet','8a2be2', 'brown','a52a2a', 'burlywood','deb887', 'cadetblue','5f9ea0', 'chartreuse','7fff00', 'chocolate','d2691e', 'coral','ff7f50', 'cornflowerblue','6495ed', 'cornsilk','fff8dc', 'crimson','dc143c', 'cyan','00ffff', 'darkblue','00008b', 'darkcyan','008b8b', 'darkgoldenrod','b8860b', 'darkgray','a9a9a9', 'darkgreen','006400', 'darkkhaki','bdb76b', 'darkmagenta','8b008b', 'darkolivegreen','556b2f', 'darkorange','ff8c00', 'darkorchid','9932cc', 'darkred','8b0000', 'darksalmon','e9967a', 'darkseagreen','8fbc8f', 'darkslateblue','483d8b', 'darkturquoise','00ced1', 'darkviolet','9400d3', 'deeppink','ff1493', 'deepskyblue','00bfff', 'deepskyblue','2f4f4f', 'dimgray','696969', 'dodgerblue','1e90ff', 'firebrick','b22222', 'floralwhite','fffaf0', 'forestgreen','228b22', 'fuchsia','ff00ff', 'gainsboro','dcdcdc', 'ghostwhite','f8f8ff', 'gold','ffd700', 'goldenrod','daa520', 'gray','808080', 'green','008000', 'greenyellow','adff2f', 'honeydew','f0fff0', 'hotpink','ff69b4', 'indianred','cd5c5c', 'indigo','4b0082', 'ivory','fffff0', 'khaki','f0e68c', 'lavender','e6e6fa', 'lavenderblush','fff0f5', 'lawngreen','7cfc00', 'lemonchiffon','fffacd', 'lightblue','add8e6', 'lightcoral','f08080', 'lightcyan','e0ffff', 'lightgoldenrodyellow','fafad2', 'lightgreen','90ee90', 'lightgrey','d3d3d3', 'lightpink','ffb6c1', 'lightsalmon','ffa07a', 'lightseagreen','20b2aa', 'lightskyblue','87cefa', 'lightslategray','778899', 'lightsteelblue','b0c4de', 'lightyellow','ffffe0', 'lime','00ff00', 'limegreen','32cd32', 'linen','faf0e6', 'magenta','ff00ff', 'maroon','800000', 'mediumaquamarine','66cdaa', 'mediumblue','0000cd', 'mediumorchid','ba55d3', 'mediumpurple','9370db', 'mediumseagreen','3cb371', 'mediumslateblue','7b68ee', 'mediumspringgreen','00fa9a', 'mediumturquoise','48d1cc', 'mediumvioletred','c71585', 'midnightblue','191970', 'mintcream','f5fffa', 'mistyrose','ffe4e1', 'moccasin','ffe4b5', 'navajowhite','ffdead', 'navy','000080', 'oldlace','fdf5e6', 'olive','808000', 'olivedrab','6b8e23', 'orange','ffa500', 'orangered','ff4500', 'orchid','da70d6', 'palegoldenrod','eee8aa', 'palegreen','98fb98', 'paleturquoise','afeeee', 'palevioletred','db7093', 'papayawhip','ffefd5', 'peachpuff','ffdab9', 'peru','cd853f', 'pink','ffc0cb', 'plum','dda0dd', 'powderblue','b0e0e6', 'purple','800080', 'red','ff0000', 'rosybrown','bc8f8f', 'royalblue','4169e1', 'saddlebrown','8b4513', 'salmon','fa8072', 'sandybrown','f4a460', 'seagreen','2e8b57', 'seashell','fff5ee', 'sienna','a0522d', 'silver','c0c0c0', 'skyblue','87ceeb', 'slateblue','6a5acd', 'slategray','708090', 'snow','fffafa', 'springgreen','00ff7f', 'steelblue','4682b4', 'tan','d2b48c', 'teal','008080', 'thistle','d8bfd8', 'tomato','ff6347', 'turquoise','40e0d0', 'violet','ee82ee', 'wheat','f5deb3', 'white','ffffff', 'whitesmoke','f5f5f5', 'yellow','ffff00', 'yellowgreen','9acd32' }; # PROFILE BLOCK STOP # These store the current HTML background color and font color to # detect "invisible ink" used by spammers my $result = bless $self, $type; $self->{htmlbackcolor__} = $self->map_color( 'white' ); $self->{htmlbodycolor__} = $self->map_color( 'white' ); $self->{htmlfontcolor__} = $self->map_color( 'black' ); $self->{content_type__} = ''; $self->{base64__} = ''; $self->{in_html_tag__} = 0; $self->{html_tag__} = ''; $self->{html_arg__} = ''; $self->{in_headers__} = 0; # This is used for switching on/off language specific functionality $self->{lang__} = ''; $self->{first20__} = ''; # For support Quoted Printable in Japanese text, save encoded text in multiple lines $self->{prev__} = ''; return $result; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # get_color__ # # Gets the color for the passed in word # # $word The word to check # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_color__ { my ( $self, $word ) = @_; if ( !defined( $self->{color_matrix__} ) ) { return $self->{bayes__}->get_color( $self->{color__}, $word ); } else { my $id; for my $i (keys %{$self->{color_idmap__}}) { if ( $word eq $self->{color_idmap__}{$i} ) { $id = $i; last; } } if ( defined( $id ) ) { my @buckets = $self->{bayes__}->get_buckets( $self->{color__} ); return $self->{bayes__}->get_bucket_color( $self->{color__}, $self->{bayes__}->get_top_bucket__( $self->{color_userid__}, $id, $self->{color_matrix__}, \@buckets ) ); } else { return 'black'; } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # compute_rgb_distance # # Given two RGB colors compute the distance between them by considering them as points # in 3 dimensions and calculating the distance between them (or equivalently the length # of a vector between them) # # $left One color # $right The other color # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub compute_rgb_distance { my ( $self, $left, $right ) = @_; # TODO: store front/back colors in a RGB hash/array # converting to a hh hh hh format and back # is a waste as is repeatedly decoding # from hh hh hh format # Figure out where the left color is and then subtract the right # color (point from it) to get the vector $left =~ /^(..)(..)(..)$/; my ( $rl, $gl, $bl ) = ( hex($1), hex($2), hex($3) ); $right =~ /^(..)(..)(..)$/; my ( $r, $g, $b ) = ( $rl - hex($1), $gl - hex($2), $bl - hex($3) ); # Now apply Pythagoras in 3D to get the distance between them, we return # the int because we don't need decimal level accuracy print "rgb distance: $left -> $right = " . int( sqrt( $r*$r + $g*$g + $b*$b ) ) . "\n" if $self->{debug__}; return int( sqrt( $r*$r + $g*$g + $b*$b ) ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # compute_html_color_distance # # Calls compute_rgb_distance to set up htmlcolordistance__ from the current HTML back and # font colors # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub compute_html_color_distance { my ( $self ) = @_; # TODO: store front/back colors in a RGB hash/array # converting to a hh hh hh format and back # is a waste as is repeatedly decoding # from hh hh hh format $self->{htmlcolordistance__} = $self->compute_rgb_distance( $self->{htmlfontcolor__}, $self->{htmlbackcolor__} ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # map_color # # Convert an HTML color value into its canonical lower case hexadecimal form with no # # # $color A color value found in a tag # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub map_color { my ( $self, $color ) = @_; # The canonical form is lowercase hexadecimal, so start by # lowercasing and stripping any initial # $color = lc( $color ); # Map color names to hexadecimal values if ( defined( $self->{color_map__}{$color} ) ) { return $self->{color_map__}{$color}; } else { # Do this after checking the color map, as there is no "#blue" color # TODO: The #, however, is optional in IE.. Do we pseudo-word this? $color =~ s/^#//; my $old_color = $color; # Due to a bug/feature in Microsoft Internet Explorer it's # possible to use invalid hexadecimal colors where the number # 0 is replaced by any other character and if the hex has an # uneven multiple of 3 number of characters it is padded on # the right with 0s and if the hex is too long, it is divided # into even triplets with the leftmost characters in the # triplets being significant. Short (1-char) triplets are # left-padded with 0's my $quotient = ((length($color) - (length($color) % 3)) / 3 ); # We go one higher than the quotient if the length isn't an # even multiple of 3 $quotient += 1 if (length($color) % 3); # right-pad entire value to get past the next # full multiple of the quotient ("abc abc abc" # needs at least one more character to make # three even triplets) $color .= "00" . "0" x $quotient; # even length RGB triplets my ($r, $g, $b) = ($color =~ /(.{$quotient})(.{$quotient})(.{$quotient})/); print "$r $g $b\n" if $self->{debug_}; # left-trim very long triplets to 4 bytes $r =~ s/.*(.{8})$/$1/; $g =~ s/.*(.{8})$/$1/; $b =~ s/.*(.{8})$/$1/; # right-trim long triplets to get the first two bytes $r =~ s/(..).*/$1/; $g =~ s/(..).*/$1/; $b =~ s/(..).*/$1/; # left-pad short triplets (eg FFF -> 0F0F0F) $r = '0' . $r if (length($r) == 1); $g = '0' . $g if (length($g) == 1); $b = '0' . $b if (length($b) == 1); $color = "$r$g$b"; # here is our real color value # Any non-hex values remaining get 0'd out $color =~ s/[^0-9a-f]/0/g; print "hex color $color\n" if ($self->{debug__}); print "flex-hex detected\n" if ($self->{debug__} && ($color ne $old_color)); # Add pseudo-word anytime flex hex detected if ( $color ne $old_color ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'trick:flexhex', $old_color, 0, '' ); } return $color; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # increment_word # # Updates the word frequency for a word without performing any coloring or transformation # on the word # # $word The word # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub increment_word { my ($self, $word) = @_; $self->{words__}{$word} += 1; $self->{msg_total__} += 1; print "--- $word ($self->{words__}{$word})\n" if ($self->{debug__}); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # update_pseudoword # # Updates the word frequency for a pseudoword, note that this differs from update_word # because it does no word mangling # # $prefix The pseudoword prefix (e.g. header) # $word The pseudoword (e.g. Mime-Version) # $encoded Whether this was found inside encoded text # $literal The literal text that generated this pseudoword # # Returns 0 if the pseudoword was filtered out by a stopword # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_pseudoword { my ( $self, $prefix, $word, $encoded, $literal ) = @_; my $mword = $self->{mangle__}->mangle("$prefix:$word",1); if ( $mword ne '' ) { if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ) { if ( $encoded == 1 ) { $literal =~ s//>/g; my $color = $self->get_color__($mword); my $to = "$literal"; $self->{ut__} .= $to . ' '; } } $self->increment_word( $mword ); return 1; } return 0; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # update_word # # Updates the word frequency for a word # # $word The word that is being updated # $encoded 1 if the line was found in encoded text (base64) # $before The character that appeared before the word in the original line # $after The character that appeared after the word in the original line # $prefix A string to prefix any words with in the corpus, used for the special # identification of values found in for example the subject line # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_word { my ($self, $word, $encoded, $before, $after, $prefix) = @_; my $mword = $self->{mangle__}->mangle($word); if ( $mword ne '' ) { $mword = $prefix . ':' . $mword if ( $prefix ne '' ); if ( $prefix =~ /(from|to|cc|subject)/i ) { push @{$self->{quickmagnets__}{$prefix}}, $word; } if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ) { my $color = $self->get_color__($mword); if ( $encoded == 0 ) { $after = '&' if ( $after eq '>' ); if ( !( $self->{ut__} =~ s/($before)\Q$word\E($after)/$1$word<\/font><\/b>$2/ ) ) { print "Could not find $word for colorization\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); } } else { $self->{ut__} .= "$word<\/font> "; } } $self->increment_word( $mword ); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # add_line # # Parses a single line of text and updates the word frequencies # # $bigline The line to split into words and add to the word counts # $encoded 1 if the line was found in encoded text (base64) # $prefix A string to prefix any words with in the corpus, used for the special # identification of values found in for example the subject line # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub add_line { my ($self, $bigline, $encoded, $prefix) = @_; my $p = 0; print "add_line: [$bigline]\n" if $self->{debug__}; # If the line is really long then split at every 1k and feed it to the parser below # Check the HTML back and font colors to ensure that we are not about to # add words that are hidden inside invisible ink if ( $self->{htmlfontcolor__} ne $self->{htmlbackcolor__} ) { # If we are adding a line and the colors are different then we will # add a count for the color difference to make sure that we catch # camouflage attacks using similar colors, if the color similarity # is less than 100. I chose 100 somewhat arbitrarily but classic # black text on white background has a distance of 441, red/blue or # green on white has distance 255. 100 seems like a reasonable upper # bound for tracking evil spammer tricks with similar colors if ( $self->{htmlcolordistance__} < 100 ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "colordistance$self->{htmlcolordistance__}", $encoded, '' ); } while ( $p < length($bigline) ) { my $line = substr($bigline, $p, 1024); # mangle up html character entities # these are just the low ISO-Latin1 entities # see: # TODO: find a way to make this (and other similar stuff) highlight # without using the encoded content printer or modifying $self->{ut__} while ( $line =~ m/(&(\w{3,6});)/g ) { my $from = $1; my $to = $entityhash{$2}; if ( defined( $to ) ) { # HTML entities confilict with DBCS chars. Replace entities with blanks. if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Korean' ) { $to = ' '; } else { $to = chr($to); } $line =~ s/$from/$to/g; $self->{ut__} =~ s/$from/$to/g; print "$from -> $to\n" if $self->{debug__}; } } while ( $line =~ m/(&#([\d]{1,3});)/g ) { # Don't decode odd (nonprintable) characters or < >'s. if ( ( ( $2 < 255 ) && ( $2 > 63 ) ) || ( $2 == 61 ) || ( ( $2 < 60 ) && ( $2 > 31 ) ) ) { my $from = $1; my $to = chr($2); if ( defined( $to ) && ( $to ne '' ) ) { $line =~ s/$from/$to/g; $self->{ut__} =~ s/$from/$to/g; print "$from -> $to\n" if $self->{debug__}; $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'numericentity', $encoded, $from ); } } } # Pull out any email addresses in the line that are marked with <> and have an @ in them while ( $line =~ s/(mailto:)?([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+?@([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+\.[[:alpha:]0-9\-_]+))([\"\&\)\?\:\/ >\&\;])// ) { update_word($self, $2, $encoded, ($1?$1:''), '[\&\?\:\/ >\&\;]', $prefix); add_url($self, $3, $encoded, '\@', '[\&\?\:\/]', $prefix); } # Grab domain names while ( $line =~ s/(([[:alpha:]0-9\-_]+\.)+)(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|aero|biz|coop|info|museum|name|pro)([^[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]|$)/$4/i ) { add_url($self, "$1$3", $encoded, '', '', $prefix); } # Grab IP addresses while ( $line =~ s/(([12]?\d{1,2}\.){3}[12]?\d{1,2})// ) { update_word($self, "$1", $encoded, '', '', $prefix); } # Deal with runs of alternating spaces and letters foreach my $space (' ', '\'', '*', '^', '`', ' ', '\38', '.' ){ while ( $line =~ s/( |^)(([A-Z]\Q$space\E){2,15}[A-Z])( |\Q$space\E|[!\?,])/ /i ) { my $original = "$1$2$4"; my $word = $2; print "$word ->" if $self->{debug__}; $word =~ s/[^A-Z]//gi; print "$word\n" if $self->{debug__}; $self->update_word( $word, $encoded, ' ', ' ', $prefix); $self->update_pseudoword( 'trick', 'spacedout', $encoded, $original ); } } # Deal with random insertion of . inside words while ( $line =~ s/ ([A-Z]+)\.([A-Z]{2,}) / $1$2 /i ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'trick', 'dottedwords', $encoded, "$1$2" ); } if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Nihongo' ) { # In Japanese mode, non-symbol EUC-JP characters should be # matched. # # ^$euc_jp*? is added to avoid incorrect matching. # For example, EUC-JP char represented by code A4C8, should not # match the middle of two EUC-JP chars represented by CCA4 and # C8BE, the second byte of the first char and the first byte of # the second char. while ( $line =~ s/^$euc_jp*?(([A-Za-z]|$non_symbol_euc_jp)([A-Za-z\']|$non_symbol_euc_jp){1,44})([_\-,\.\"\'\)\?!:;\/& \t\n\r]{0,5}|$)//ox ) { if ( ( $self->{in_headers__} == 0 ) && ( $self->{first20count__} < 20 ) ) { $self->{first20count__} += 1; $self->{first20__} .= " $1"; } my $matched_word = $1; # In Japanese, 2 characters words are common, so care about # words between 2 and 45 characters if (((length $matched_word >= 3) && ($matched_word =~ /[A-Za-z]/)) || ((length $matched_word >= 2) && ($matched_word =~ /$non_symbol_euc_jp/))) { update_word($self, $matched_word, $encoded, '', '[_\-,\.\"\'\)\?!:;\/ &\t\n\r]'."|$symbol_euc_jp", $prefix); } } } else { if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Korean' ) { # In Korean mode, [[:alpha:]] in regular expression is changed to 2bytes chars # to support 2 byte characters. # # In Korean, care about words between 2 and 45 characters. while ( $line =~ s/(([A-Za-z]|$eksc)([A-Za-z\']|$eksc){1,44})([_\-,\.\"\'\)\?!:;\/& \t\n\r]{0,5}|$)// ) { if ( ( $self->{in_headers__} == 0 ) && ( $self->{first20count__} < 20 ) ) { $self->{first20count__} += 1; $self->{first20__} .= " $1"; } update_word($self,$1, $encoded, '', '[_\-,\.\"\'\)\?!:;\/ &\t\n\r]', $prefix) if (length $1 >= 2); } } else { # Only care about words between 3 and 45 characters since short words like # an, or, if are too common and the longest word in English (according to # the OED) is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis while ( $line =~ s/([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]\']{1,44})([_\-,\.\"\'\)\?!:;\/& \t\n\r]{0,5}|$)// ) { if ( ( $self->{in_headers__} == 0 ) && ( $self->{first20count__} < 20 ) ) { $self->{first20count__} += 1; $self->{first20__} .= " $1"; } update_word($self,$1, $encoded, '', '[_\-,\.\"\'\)\?!:;\/ &\t\n\r]', $prefix) if (length $1 >= 3); } } } $p += 1024; } } else { if ( $bigline =~ /[^ \t]/ ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'trick', 'invisibleink', $encoded, $bigline ); } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # update_tag # # Extract elements from within HTML tags that are considered important 'words' for analysis # such as domain names, alt tags, # # $tag The tag name # $arg The arguments # $end_tag Whether this is an end tag or not # $encoded 1 if this HTML was found inside encoded (base64) text # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_tag { my ( $self, $tag, $arg, $end_tag, $encoded ) = @_; # TODO: Make sure $tag only ever gets alphanumeric input (in some cases it # has been demonstrated that things like ()| etc can end up in $tag $tag =~ s/[\r\n]//g; $arg =~ s/[\r\n]//g; print "HTML " . ($end_tag?"closing":'') . " tag $tag with argument " . $arg . "\n" if ($self->{debug__}); # End tags do not require any argument decoding but we do look at them # to make sure that we handle /font to change the font color if ( $end_tag ) { if ( $tag =~ /^font$/i ) { $self->{htmlfontcolor__} = map_color( $self, 'black' ); $self->compute_html_color_distance(); } # If we hit a table tag then any font information is lost if ( $tag =~ /^(table|td|tr|th)$/i ) { $self->{htmlfontcolor__} = map_color( $self, 'black' ); $self->{htmlbackcolor__} = $self->{htmlbodycolor__}; $self->compute_html_color_distance(); } if ( lc( $tag ) eq $self->{cssbackcolortag__} ) { $self->{htmlbackcolor__} = $self->{htmlbodycolor__}; $self->{cssbackcolortag__} = ''; $self->compute_html_color_distance(); print "CSS back color reset to $self->{htmlbackcolor__} (tag closed: $tag)\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); } if ( lc( $tag ) eq $self->{cssfontcolortag__} ) { $self->{htmlfontcolor__} = map_color( $self, 'black' ); $self->{cssfontcolortag__} = ''; $self->compute_html_color_distance(); print "CSS font color reset to $self->{htmlfontcolor__} (tag closed: $tag)\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); } return; } # Count the number of TD elements $self->update_pseudoword('html', 'td', $encoded, $tag ) if ( $tag =~ /^td$/i ); my $attribute; my $value; # These are used to pass good values to update_word my $quote; my $end_quote; # Strip the first attribute while there are any attributes # Match the closing attribute character, if there is none # (this allows nested single/double quotes), # match a space or > or EOL my $original; while ( $arg =~ s/[ \t]*((\w+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(([\"\'])(.*?)\4|([^ \t>]+)($|([ \t>]))))// ) { $original = $1; $attribute = $2; $value = $5 || $6; $quote = ''; $end_quote = '[\> \t\&\n]'; if (defined $4) { $quote = $4; $end_quote = $4; } print " attribute $attribute with value $quote$value$quote\n" if ($self->{debug__}); # Remove leading whitespace and leading value-less attributes if ( $arg =~ s/^(([ \t]*(\w+)[\t ]+)+)([^=])/$4/ ) { print " attribute(s) " . $1 . " with no value\n" if ($self->{debug__}); } # Toggle for parsing script URI's. # Should be left off (0) until more is known about how different html # rendering clients behave. my $parse_script_uri = 0; # Tags with src attributes if ( ( $attribute =~ /^src$/i ) && # PROFILE BLOCK START ( ( $tag =~ /^img|frame|iframe$/i ) || ( $tag =~ /^script$/i && $parse_script_uri ) ) ) { # PROFILE BLOCK STOP # "CID:" links refer to an origin-controlled attachment to a html email. # Adding strings from these, even if they appear to be hostnames, may or # may not be beneficial if ($value =~ /^(cid)\:/i ) { # Add a pseudo-word when CID source links are detected $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'cidsrc' ); # TODO: I've seen virus messages try to use a CID: href } else { my $host = add_url( $self, $value, $encoded, $quote, $end_quote, '' ); # If the host name is not blank (i.e. there was a hostname in the url # and it was an image, then if the host was not this host then report # an off machine image if ( ( $host ne '' ) && ( $tag =~ /^img$/i ) ) { if ( $host ne 'localhost' ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'imgremotesrc', $encoded, $original ); } } if ( ( $host ne '' ) && ( $tag =~ /^iframe$/i ) ) { if ( $host ne 'localhost' ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'iframeremotesrc', $encoded, $original ); } } } next; } # Tags with href attributes if ( $attribute =~ /^href$/i && $tag =~ /^(a|link|base|area)$/i ) { # Look for mailto:'s if ($value =~ /^mailto:/i) { if ( $tag =~ /^a$/ && $value =~ /^mailto:([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+?@([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+?))([>\&\?\:\/\" \t]|$)/i ) { update_word( $self, $1, $encoded, 'mailto:', ($3?'[\\\>\&\?\:\/]':$end_quote), '' ); add_url( $self, $2, $encoded, '@', ($3?'[\\\&\?\:\/]':$end_quote), '' ); } } else { # Anything that isn't a mailto is probably an URL $self->add_url($value, $encoded, $quote, $end_quote, ''); } next; } # Tags with alt attributes if ( $attribute =~ /^alt$/i && $tag =~ /^img$/i ) { add_line($self, $value, $encoded, ''); next; } # Tags with working background attributes if ( $attribute =~ /^background$/i && $tag =~ /^(td|table|body)$/i ) { add_url( $self, $value, $encoded, $quote, $end_quote, '' ); next; } # Tags that load sounds if ( $attribute =~ /^bgsound$/i && $tag =~ /^body$/i ) { add_url( $self, $value, $encoded, $quote, $end_quote, '' ); next; } # Tags with colors in them if ( ( $attribute =~ /^color$/i ) && ( $tag =~ /^font$/i ) ) { update_word( $self, $value, $encoded, $quote, $end_quote, '' ); $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "fontcolor$value", $encoded, $original ); $self->{htmlfontcolor__} = map_color($self, $value); $self->compute_html_color_distance(); print "Set html font color to $self->{htmlfontcolor__}\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); next; } if ( ( $attribute =~ /^text$/i ) && ( $tag =~ /^body$/i ) ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "fontcolor$value", $encoded, $original ); update_word( $self, $value, $encoded, $quote, $end_quote, '' ); $self->{htmlfontcolor__} = map_color($self, $value); $self->compute_html_color_distance(); print "Set html font color to $self->{htmlfontcolor__}\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); next; } # The width and height of images if ( ( $attribute =~ /^(width|height)$/i ) && ( $tag =~ /^img$/i ) ) { $attribute = lc( $attribute ); $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "img$attribute$value", $encoded, $original ); next; } # Font sizes if ( ( $attribute =~ /^size$/i ) && ( $tag =~ /^font$/i ) ) { #TODO: unify font size scaling to use the same scale across size specifiers $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "fontsize$value", $encoded, $original ); next; } # Tags with background colors if ( ( $attribute =~ /^(bgcolor|back)$/i ) && ( $tag =~ /^(td|table|body|tr|th|font)$/i ) ) { update_word( $self, $value, $encoded, $quote, $end_quote, '' ); $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "backcolor$value" ); $self->{htmlbackcolor__} = map_color($self, $value); print "Set html back color to $self->{htmlbackcolor__}\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); $self->{htmlbodycolor__} = $self->{htmlbackcolor__} if ( $tag =~ /^body$/i ); $self->compute_html_color_distance(); next; } # Tags with a charset if ( ( $attribute =~ /^content$/i ) && ( $tag =~ /^meta$/i ) ) { if ( $value=~ /charset=([^\t\r\n ]{1,40})[\"\>]?/ ) { update_word( $self, $1, $encoded, '', '', '' ); } next; } # CSS handling if ( !exists($HTML::Tagset::emptyElement->{lc($tag)}) && $attribute =~ /^style$/i ) { print " Inline style tag found in $tag: $attribute=$value\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); my $style = $self->parse_css_style($value); if ($self->{debug__}) { print " CSS properties: "; foreach my $key (keys( %{$style})) { print "$key($style->{$key}), "; } print "\n"; } # CSS font sizing if (defined($style->{'font-size'})) { my $size = $style->{'font-size'}; # TODO: unify font size scaling to use the same scale across size specifiers # approximate font sizes here: # if ($size =~ /(((\+|\-)?\d?\.?\d+)(em|ex|px|%|pt|in|cm|mm|pt|pc))|(xx-small|x-small|small|medium|large|x-large|xx-large)/) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "cssfontsize$size", $encoded, $original ); print " CSS font-size set to: $size\n" if $self->{debug__}; } } # CSS visibility if (defined($style->{'visibility'})) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "cssvisibility" . $style->{'visibility'}, $encoded, $original ); } # CSS display if (defined($style->{'display'})) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "cssdisplay" . $style->{'display'}, $encoded, $original ); } # CSS foreground coloring if (defined($style->{'color'})) { my $color = $style->{'color'}; print " CSS color: $color\n" if ($self->{debug__}); $color = $self->parse_css_color($color); if ( $color ne "error" ) { $self->{htmlfontcolor__} = $color; $self->compute_html_color_distance(); print " CSS set html font color to $self->{htmlfontcolor__}\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "cssfontcolor$self->{htmlfontcolor__}", $encoded, $original ); $self->{cssfontcolortag__} = lc($tag); } } # CSS background coloring if (defined($style->{'background-color'})) { my $background_color = $style->{'background-color'}; $background_color = $self->parse_css_color($background_color); if ($background_color ne "error") { $self->{htmlbackcolor__} = $background_color; $self->compute_html_color_distance(); print " CSS set html back color to $self->{htmlbackcolor__}\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); $self->{htmlbodycolor__} = $background_color if ( $tag =~ /^body$/i ); $self->{cssbackcolortag__} = lc($tag); $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "cssbackcolor$self->{htmlbackcolor__}", $encoded, $original ); } } # CSS all-in one background declaration (ugh) if (defined($style->{'background'})) { my $expression; my $background = $style->{'background'}; # Take the possibly multi-expression "background" property while ( $background =~ s/^([^ \t\r\n\f]+)( |$)// ) { # and examine each expression individually $expression = $1; print " CSS expression $expression in background property\n" if ($self->{debug__} ); my $background_color = $self->parse_css_color($expression); # to see if it is a color if ($background_color ne "error") { $self->{htmlbackcolor__} = $background_color; $self->compute_html_color_distance(); print " CSS set html back color to $self->{htmlbackcolor__}\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); $self->{htmlbodycolor__} = $background_color if ( $tag =~ /^body$/i ); $self->{cssbackcolortag__} = lc($tag); $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', "cssbackcolor$self->{htmlbackcolor__}", $encoded, $original ); } } } } # TODO: move this up into the style part above # Tags with style attributes (this one may impact performance!!!) # most container tags accept styles, and the background style may # not be in a predictable location (search the entire value) if ( $attribute =~ /^style$/i && $tag =~ /^(body|td|tr|table|span|div|p)$/i ) { add_url( $self, $1, $encoded, '[\']', '[\']', '' ) if ( $value =~ /background\-image:[ \t]?url\([ \t]?\'(.*)\'[ \t]?\)/i ); next; } # Tags with action attributes if ( $attribute =~ /^action$/i && $tag =~ /^form$/i ) { if ( $value =~ /^(ftp|http|https):\/\//i ) { add_url( $self, $value, $encoded, $quote, $end_quote, '' ); next; } # mailto forms if ( $value =~ /^mailto:([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+?@([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+?))([>\&\?\:\/\" \t]|$)/i ) { update_word( $self, $1, $encoded, 'mailto:', ($3?'[\\\>\&\?\:\/]':$end_quote), '' ); add_url( $self, $2, $encoded, '@', ($3?'[\\\>\&\?\:\/]':$end_quote), '' ); } next; } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # add_url # # Parses a single url or domain and identifies interesting parts # # $url the domain name to handle # $encoded 1 if the domain was found in encoded text (base64) # $before The character that appeared before the URL in the original line # $after The character that appeared after the URL in the original line # $prefix A string to prefix any words with in the corpus, used for the special # identification of values found in for example the subject line # $noadd If defined indicates that only parsing should be done, no word updates # # Returns the hostname # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub add_url { my ($self, $url, $encoded, $before, $after, $prefix, $noadd) = @_; my $temp_url = $url; my $temp_before; my $temp_after; my $hostform; #ip or name # parts of a URL, from left to right my $protocol; my $authinfo; my $host; my $port; my $path; my $query; my $hash; # Strip the protocol part of a URL (e.g. http://) $protocol = $1 if ( $url =~ s/^([^:]*)\:\/\/// ); # Remove any URL encoding (protocol may not be URL encoded) my $oldurl = $url; my $percents = ( $url =~ s/(%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}))/chr(hex("0x$2"))/ge ); if ( $percents > 0 ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'encodedurl', $encoded, $oldurl ) if ( !defined( $noadd ) ); } # Extract authorization information from the URL (e.g. $authinfo = $1 if ( $url =~ s/^(([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.\;\:\&\=\+\$\,]+)(\@|\%40))+// ); $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'authorization', $encoded, $oldurl ) if ( defined( $authinfo ) && ( $authinfo ne '' ) ); if ( $url =~ s/^(([[:alpha:]0-9\-_]+\.)+)(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|aero|biz|coop|info|museum|name|pro|[[:alpha:]]{2})([^[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]|$)/$4/i ) { $host = "$1$3"; $hostform = "name"; } else { if ( $url =~ /(([^:\/])+)/ ) { # Some other hostname format found, maybe # Read here for reference: # Go here for comparison: # save the possible hostname my $host_candidate = $1; # stores discovered IP address my %quads; # temporary values my $quad = 1; my $number; # iterate through the possible hostname, build dotted quad format while ($host_candidate =~ s/\G^((0x)[0-9A-Fa-f]+|0[0-7]+|[0-9]+)(\.)?//) { my $hex = $2; # possible IP quad(s) my $quad_candidate = $1; my $more_dots = $3; if (defined $hex) { # hex number # trim arbitrary octets that are greater than most significant bit $quad_candidate =~ s/.*(([0-9A-F][0-9A-F]){4})$/$1/i; $number = hex( $quad_candidate ); } else { if ( $quad_candidate =~ /^0([0-7]+)/ ) { # octal number $number = oct($1); } else { # assume decimal number # deviates from the obscure.htm document here, no current browsers overflow $number = int($quad_candidate); } } # No more IP dots? if ( !defined( $more_dots ) ) { # Expand final decimal/octal/hex to extra quads while ( $quad <= 4 ) { my $shift = ((4 - $quad) * 8); $quads{$quad} = ($number & (hex("0xFF") << $shift) ) >> $shift; $quad += 1; } } else { # Just plug the quad in, no overflow allowed $quads{$quad} = $number if ($number < 256); $quad += 1; } last if ( $quad > 4 ); } $host_candidate =~ s/\r|\n|$//g; if ( ( $host_candidate eq '' ) && # PROFILE BLOCK START defined( $quads{1} ) && defined( $quads{2} ) && defined( $quads{3} ) && defined( $quads{4} ) && !defined( $quads{5} ) ) { # PROFILE BLOCK STOP # we did actually find an IP address, and not some fake $hostform = "ip"; $host = "$quads{1}.$quads{2}.$quads{3}.$quads{4}"; $url =~ s/(([^:\/])+)//; } } } if ( !defined( $host ) || ( $host eq '' ) ) { print "no hostname found: [$temp_url]\n" if ($self->{debug__}); return ''; } $port = $1 if ( $url =~ s/^\:(\d+)//); $path = $1 if ( $url =~ s/^([\\\/][^\#\?\n]*)($)?// ); $query = $1 if ( $url =~ s/^[\?]([^\#\n]*|$)?// ); $hash = $1 if ( $url =~ s/^[\#](.*)$// ); if ( !defined( $protocol ) || ( $protocol =~ /^(http|https)$/ ) ) { $temp_before = $before; $temp_before = "\:\/\/" if (defined $protocol); $temp_before = "[\@]" if (defined $authinfo); $temp_after = $after; $temp_after = "[\#]" if (defined $hash); $temp_after = "[\?]" if (defined $query); $temp_after = "[\\\\\/]" if (defined $path); $temp_after = "[\:]" if (defined $port); # add the entire domain update_word( $self, $host, $encoded, $temp_before, $temp_after, $prefix) if ( !defined( $noadd ) ); # decided not to care about tld's beyond the verification performed when # grabbing $host # special subTLD's can just get their own classification weight (eg, # has a good reference of ccTLD's and their sub-tld's if desired if ( $hostform eq 'name' ) { # recursively add the roots of the domain while ( $host =~ s/^([^\.]+\.)?(([^\.]+\.?)*)(\.[^\.]+)$/$2$4/ ) { if (!defined($1)) { update_word( $self, $4, $encoded, $2, '[<]', $prefix) if ( !defined( $noadd ) ); last; } update_word( $self, $host, $encoded, $1 || $2, '[<]', $prefix) if ( !defined( $noadd ) ); } } } # $protocol $authinfo $host $port $query $hash may be processed below if desired return $host; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # parse_html # # Parse a line that might contain HTML information, returns 1 if we are still inside an # unclosed HTML tag # # $line A line of text # $encoded 1 if this HTML was found inside encoded (base64) text # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_html { my ( $self, $line, $encoded ) = @_; my $found = 1; $line =~ s/[\r\n]+/ /gm; print "parse_html: [$line] " . $self->{in_html_tag__} . "\n" if $self->{debug__}; # Remove HTML comments and other tags that begin ! while ( $line =~ s/()// ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'comment', $encoded, $1 ); print "$line\n" if $self->{debug__}; } # Remove invalid tags. This finds tags of the form [a-z0-9]+ with # optional attributes and removes them if the tag isn't # recognized. # TODO: This also removes tags in plain text emails so a sentence # such as 'To run the program type "program ".' is also # effected. The correct fix seams to be to look at the # Content-Type header and only process mails of type text/html. while ( $line =~ s/(<\/?(?!(?:$spacing_tags|$non_spacing_tags)\W)[a-z0-9]+(?:\s+.*?)?\/?>)//io ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'invalidtag', $encoded, $1 ); print "html:invalidtag: $1\n" if $self->{debug__}; } # Remove pairs of non-spacing tags without content such as # and also . # TODO: What about combined open and close tags such as ? while ( $line =~s/(<($non_spacing_tags)(?:\s+[^>]*?)?><\/\2>)//io ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'html', 'emptypair', $encoded, $1 ); print "html:emptypair: $1\n" if $self->{debug__}; } while ( $found && ( $line ne '' ) ) { $found = 0; # If we are in an HTML tag then look for the close of the tag, if we get it then # handle the tag, if we don't then keep building up the arguments of the tag if ( $self->{in_html_tag__} ) { if ( $line =~ s/^([^>]*?)>// ) { $self->{html_arg__} .= $1; $self->{in_html_tag__} = 0; $self->{html_tag__} =~ s/=\n ?//g; $self->{html_arg__} =~ s/=\n ?//g; update_tag( $self, $self->{html_tag__}, $self->{html_arg__}, $self->{html_end}, $encoded ); $self->{html_tag__} = ''; $self->{html_arg__} = ''; $found = 1; next; } else { $self->{html_arg__} .= $line; return 1; } } # Does the line start with a HTML tag that is closed (i.e. has both the < and the # > present)? If so then handle that tag immediately and continue if ( $line =~ s/^<([\/]?)([A-Za-z]+)([^>]*?)>// ) { update_tag( $self, $2, $3, ( $1 eq '/' ), $encoded ); $found = 1; next; } # Does the line consist of just a tag that has no closing > then set up the global # vars that record the tag and return 1 to indicate to the caller that we have an # unclosed tag if ( $line =~ /^<([\/]?)([A-Za-z][^ >]+)([^>]*)$/ ) { $self->{html_end} = ( $1 eq '/' ); $self->{html_tag__} = $2; $self->{html_arg__} = $3; $self->{in_html_tag__} = 1; return 1; } # There could be something on the line that needs parsing (such as a word), if we reach here # then we are not in an unclosed tag and so we can grab everything from the start of the line # to the end or the first < and pass it to the line parser if ( $line =~ s/^([^<]+)(<|$)/$2/ ) { $found = 1; $self->add_line( $1, $encoded, '' ); } } return 0; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # parse_file # # Read messages from file and parse into a list of words and frequencies, returns a colorized # HTML version of message if color__ is set # # $file The file to open and parse # $max_size The maximum size of message to parse, or 0 for unlimited # $reset If set to 0 then the list of words from a previous parse is not reset, this # can be used to do multiple parses and build a single word list. By default # this is set to 1 and the word list is reset # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_file { my ( $self, $file, $max_size, $reset ) = @_; $reset = 1 if ( !defined( $reset ) ); $max_size = 0 if ( !defined( $max_size ) ); $self->start_parse( $reset ); my $size_read = 0; open MSG, "<$file"; binmode MSG; # Read each line and find each "word" which we define as a sequence of alpha # characters while () { $size_read += length($_); $self->parse_line( $_ ); if ( ( $max_size > 0 ) && ( $size_read > $max_size ) ) { last; } } close MSG; $self->stop_parse(); if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ) { $self->{colorized__} .= $self->{ut__} if ( $self->{ut__} ne '' ); $self->{colorized__} .= ""; $self->{colorized__} =~ s/(\r\n\r\n|\r\r|\n\n)/__BREAK____BREAK__/g; $self->{colorized__} =~ s/[\r\n]+/__BREAK__/g; $self->{colorized__} =~ s/__BREAK__/
/g; return $self->{colorized__}; } else { return ''; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # start_parse # # Called to reset internal variables before parsing. This is automatically called when using # the parse_file API, and must be called before the first call to parse_line. # # $reset If set to 0 then the list of words from a previous parse is not reset, this # can be used to do multiple parses and build a single word list. By default # this is set to 1 and the word list is reset # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub start_parse { my ( $self, $reset ) = @_; $reset = 1 if ( !defined( $reset ) ); # This will contain the mime boundary information in a mime message $self->{mime__} = ''; # Contains the encoding for the current block in a mime message $self->{encoding__} = ''; # Variables to save header information to while parsing headers $self->{header__} = ''; $self->{argument__} = ''; # Clear the word hash $self->{content_type__} = ''; # Base64 attachments are loaded into this as we read them $self->{base64__} = ''; # Variable to note that the temporary colorized storage is "frozen", # and what type of freeze it is (allows nesting of reasons to freeze # colorization) $self->{in_html_tag__} = 0; $self->{html_tag__} = ''; $self->{html_arg__} = ''; if ( $reset ) { $self->{words__} = {}; } $self->{msg_total__} = 0; $self->{from__} = ''; $self->{to__} = ''; $self->{cc__} = ''; $self->{subject__} = ''; $self->{ut__} = ''; $self->{quickmagnets__} = {}; $self->{htmlbodycolor__} = map_color( $self, 'white' ); $self->{htmlbackcolor__} = map_color( $self, 'white' ); $self->{htmlfontcolor__} = map_color( $self, 'black' ); $self->compute_html_color_distance(); $self->{in_headers__} = 1; $self->{first20__} = ''; $self->{first20count__} = 0; # Used to return a colorize page $self->{colorized__} = ''; $self->{colorized__} .= "" if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ); # Since Text::Kakasi is not thread-safe, we use it under the # control of a Mutex to avoid a crash if we are running on # Windows. if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Nihongo' ) { if ( $self->{need_kakasi_mutex__} ) { require POPFile::Mutex; $self->{kakasi_mutex__}->acquire(); } # Open Kakasi dictionary and initialize $self->init_kakasi(); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # stop_parse # # Called at the end of a parse job. Automatically called if parse_file is used, must be # called after the last call to parse_line. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub stop_parse { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->{colorized__} .= $self->clear_out_base64(); # If we reach here and discover that we think that we are in an unclosed HTML tag then there # has probably been an error (such as a < in the text messing things up) and so we dump # whatever is stored in the HTML tag out if ( $self->{in_html_tag__} ) { $self->add_line( $self->{html_tag__} . ' ' . $self->{html_arg__}, 0, '' ); } # if we are here, and still have headers stored, we must have a bodyless message #TODO: Fix me if ( $self->{header__} ne '' ) { $self->parse_header( $self->{header__}, $self->{argument__}, $self->{mime__}, $self->{encoding__} ); $self->{header__} = ''; $self->{argument__} = ''; } $self->{in_html_tag__} = 0; if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Nihongo' ) { # Close Kakasi dictionary $self->close_kakasi(); if ( $self->{need_kakasi_mutex__} ) { require POPFile::Mutex; $self->{kakasi_mutex__}->release(); } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # parse_line # # Called to parse a single line from a message. If using this API directly then be sure # to call start_parse before the first call to parse_line. # # $line Line of file to parse # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_line { my ( $self, $read ) = @_; if ( $read ne '' ) { # For the Mac we do further splitting of the line at the CR characters while ( $read =~ s/(.*?)[\r\n]+// ) { my $line = "$1\r\n"; next if ( !defined($line) ); print ">>> $line" if $self->{debug__}; # Decode quoted-printable if ( !$self->{in_headers__} && $self->{encoding__} =~ /quoted\-printable/i) { if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Nihongo') { if ( $line =~ /=\r\n$/ ) { # Encoded in multiple lines $line =~ s/=\r\n$//g; $self->{prev__} .= $line; next; } else { $line = $self->{prev__} . $line; $self->{prev__} = ''; } } $line = decode_qp( $line ); } # Decode \x?? if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Nihongo' && !$self->{in_headers__} ) { $line =~ s/\\x([8-9A-F][A-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eig; } if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Nihongo' ) { $line = convert_encoding( $line, $self->{charset__}, 'euc-jp', '7bit-jis', @{$encoding_candidates{$self->{lang__}}} ); $line = parse_line_with_kakasi( $self, $line ); } if ($self->{color__} ne '' ) { if (!$self->{in_html_tag__}) { $self->{colorized__} .= $self->{ut__}; $self->{ut__} = ''; } $self->{ut__} .= $self->splitline($line, $self->{encoding__}); } if ($self->{in_headers__}) { # temporary colorization while in headers is handled within parse_header $self->{ut__} = ''; # Check for blank line signifying end of headers if ( $line =~ /^(\r\n|\r|\n)/) { # Parse the last header ($self->{mime__},$self->{encoding__}) = $self->parse_header($self->{header__},$self->{argument__},$self->{mime__},$self->{encoding__}); # Clear the saved headers $self->{header__} = ''; $self->{argument__} = ''; $self->{ut__} .= $self->splitline( "\015\012", 0 ); $self->{in_headers__} = 0; print "Header parsing complete.\n" if $self->{debug__}; next; } # Append to argument if the next line begins with whitespace (isn't a new header) if ( $line =~ /^([\t ])([^\r\n]+)/ ) { $self->{argument__} .= "$eol$1$2"; next; } # If we have an email header then split it into the header and its argument if ( $line =~ /^([A-Za-z\-]+):[ \t]*([^\n\r]*)/ ) { # Parse the last header ($self->{mime__},$self->{encoding__}) = $self->parse_header($self->{header__},$self->{argument__},$self->{mime__},$self->{encoding__}) if ($self->{header__} ne ''); # Save the new information for the current header $self->{header__} = $1; $self->{argument__} = $2; next; } next; } # If we are in a mime document then spot the boundaries if ( ( $self->{mime__} ne '' ) && ( $line =~ /^\-\-($self->{mime__})(\-\-)?/ ) ) { # approach each mime part with fresh eyes $self->{encoding__} = ''; if ( !defined( $2 ) ) { # This means there was no trailing -- on the mime boundary (which would # have indicated the end of a boundary, so now we have a new part of the # document, hence we need to look for new headers print "Hit MIME boundary --$1\n" if $self->{debug__}; # Decode base64 for every part. $self->{colorized__} .= $self->clear_out_base64() . "\n\n"; $self->{in_headers__} = 1; } else { # A boundary was just terminated $self->{in_headers__} = 0; my $boundary = $1; print "Hit MIME boundary terminator --$1--\n" if $self->{debug__}; # Escape to match escaped boundary characters $boundary =~ s/(.*)/\Q$1\E/g; # Remove the boundary we just found from the boundary list. The list # is stored in $self->{mime__} and consists of mime boundaries separated # by the alternation characters | for use within a regexp my $temp_mime = ''; foreach my $aboundary (split(/\|/,$self->{mime__})) { if ($boundary ne $aboundary) { if ( $temp_mime ne '' ) { $temp_mime = join('|', $temp_mime, $aboundary); } else { $temp_mime = $aboundary } } } $self->{mime__} = $temp_mime; print "MIME boundary list now $self->{mime__}\n" if $self->{debug__}; } next; } # If we are doing base64 decoding then look for suitable lines and remove them # for decoding if ( $self->{encoding__} =~ /base64/i ) { $line =~ s/[\r\n]//g; $line =~ s/!$//; $self->{base64__} .= $line; next; } next if ( !defined($line) ); parse_html( $self, $line, 0 ); } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # clear_out_base64 # # If there's anything in the {base64__} then decode it and parse it, returns colorization # information to be added to the colorized output # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub clear_out_base64 { my ( $self ) = @_; my $colorized = ''; if ( $self->{base64__} ne '' ) { my $decoded = ''; $self->{ut__} = '' if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ); $self->{base64__} =~ s/ //g; print "Base64 data: " . $self->{base64__} . "\n" if ($self->{debug__}); $decoded = decode_base64( $self->{base64__} ); if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Nihongo' ) { $decoded = convert_encoding( $decoded, $self->{charset__}, 'euc-jp', '7bit-jis', @{$encoding_candidates{$self->{lang__}}} ); $decoded = parse_line_with_kakasi( $self, $decoded ); } $self->parse_html( $decoded, 1 ); print "Decoded: " . $decoded . "\n" if ($self->{debug__}); $self->{ut__} = "Found in encoded data: " . $self->{ut__} if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ); if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ) { if ( $self->{ut__} ne '' ) { $colorized = $self->{ut__}; $self->{ut__} = ''; } } } $self->{base64__} = ''; return $colorized; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # decode_string - Decode MIME encoded strings used in the header lines # in email messages # # $mystring - The string that neeeds decode # # Return the decoded string, this routine recognizes lines of the form # # =?charset?[BQ]?text?= # # $lang Pass in the current interface language for language specific # encoding conversion A B indicates base64 encoding, a Q indicates # quoted printable encoding # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub decode_string { # I choose not to use "$mystring = MIME::Base64::decode( $1 );" # because some spam mails have subjects like: "Subject: adjpwpekm # =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=B2=E1=A4=D1=AB=C7?= dopdalnfjpw". Therefore we # proceed along the string, from left to right, building a new # string from the decoded and non-decoded parts my ( $self, $mystring, $lang ) = @_; my $charset = ''; return '' if (!defined($mystring)); $lang = $self->{lang__} if ( !defined( $lang ) || ( $lang eq '' ) ); my $output = ''; my $last_is_encoded = 0; while ( $mystring =~ m/(.*?)(=\?([\w-]+)\?(B|Q)\?(.*?)\?=)/igc ) { my ($pre, $atom, $encoding, $value); ($pre, $atom, $charset, $encoding, $value) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); $output .= $pre unless ($last_is_encoded && defined($atom) # Per RFC 2047 section 6.2 && $pre =~ /^[\t ]+$/); if (defined($atom)) { if ($encoding eq "B" || $encoding eq "b") { $value = decode_base64( $value ); # for Japanese header if ($lang eq 'Nihongo') { $value = convert_encoding( $value, $charset, 'euc-jp', '7bit-jis', @{$encoding_candidates{$self->{lang__}}} ); } $last_is_encoded = 1; } elsif ($encoding eq "Q" || $encoding eq "q") { $value =~ s/\_/=20/g; $value = decode_qp( $value ); # for Japanese header if ($lang eq 'Nihongo') { $value = convert_encoding( $value, $charset, 'euc-jp', '7bit-jis', @{$encoding_candidates{$self->{lang__}}} ); } $last_is_encoded = 1; } } else { $last_is_encoded = 0; } $output .= $value || ''; } # grab the unmatched tail (thanks to /gc and \G) $output .= $1 if ($mystring =~ m/\G(.*)/g); return $output; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # get_header - Returns the value of the from, to, subject or cc header # # $header Name of header to return (note must be lowercase) # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_header { my ( $self, $header ) = @_; return $self->{$header . '__'} || ''; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # parse_header - Performs parsing operations on a message header # # $header Name of header being processed # $argument Value of header being processed # $mime The presently saved mime boundaries list # $encoding Current message encoding # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_header { my ($self, $header, $argument, $mime, $encoding) = @_; print "Header ($header) ($argument)\n" if ($self->{debug__}); # After a discussion with Tim Peters and some looking at emails # I'd received I discovered that the header names (case sensitive) are # very significant in identifying different types of mail, for example # much spam uses MIME-Version, MiME-Version and Mime-Version my $fix_argument = $argument; $fix_argument =~ s//>/g; $argument =~ s/(\r\n|\r|\n)//g; $argument =~ s/^[ \t]+//; if ( $self->update_pseudoword( 'header', $header, 0, $header ) ) { if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ) { my $color = $self->get_color__("header:$header" ); $self->{ut__} = "$header: $fix_argument\015\012"; } } else { if ( $self->{color__} ne '' ) { $self->{ut__} = "$header: $fix_argument\015\012"; } } # Check the encoding type in all RFC 2047 encoded headers if ( $argument =~ /=\?([^\r\n\t ]{1,40})\?(Q|B)/i ) { update_word( $self, $1, 0, '', '', 'charset' ); } # Handle the From, To and Cc headers and extract email addresses # from them and treat them as words # For certain headers we are going to mark them specially in the corpus # by tagging them with where they were found to help the classifier # do a better job. So if you have # # From: # # then we'll add to the corpus and not just my $prefix = ''; if ( $header =~ /^(From|To|Cc|Reply\-To)$/i ) { # These headers at least can be decoded $argument = $self->decode_string( $argument , $self->{lang__} ); if ( $header =~ /^From$/i ) { $prefix = 'from'; if ( $self->{from__} eq '' ) { $self->{from__} = $argument; $self->{from__} =~ s/[\t\r\n]//g; } } if ( $header =~ /^To$/i ) { $prefix = 'to'; if ( $self->{to__} eq '' ) { $self->{to__} = $argument; $self->{to__} =~ s/[\t\r\n]//g; } } if ( $header =~ /^Cc$/i ) { $prefix = 'cc'; if ( $self->{cc__} eq '' ) { $self->{cc__} = $argument; $self->{cc__} =~ s/[\t\r\n]//g; } } while ( $argument =~ s/<([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+?@([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+?))>// ) { update_word($self, $1, 0, ';', '&',$prefix); add_url($self, $2, 0, '@', '[&<]',$prefix); } while ( $argument =~ s/([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+?@([[:alpha:]0-9\-_\.]+))// ) { update_word($self, $1, 0, '', '',$prefix); add_url($self, $2, 0, '@', '',$prefix); } add_line( $self, $argument, 0, $prefix ); return ($mime, $encoding); } if ( $header =~ /^Subject$/i ) { $prefix = 'subject'; $argument = $self->decode_string( $argument, $self->{lang__} ); if ( $self->{subject__} eq '' ) { # In Japanese mode, parse subject with kakasi $argument = parse_line_with_kakasi( $self, $argument ) if ( $self->{lang__} eq 'Nihongo' && $argument ne '' ); $self->{subject__} = $argument; $self->{subject__} =~ s/[\t\r\n]//g; } } $self->{date__} = $argument if ( $header =~ /^Date$/i ); if ( $header =~ /^X-Spam-Status$/i) { # We have found a header added by SpamAssassin. We expect to # find keywords in here that will help us classify our messages # We will find the keywords after the phrase "tests=" and before # SpamAssassin's version number or autolearn= string (my $sa_keywords = $argument) =~ s/[\r\n ]//sg; $sa_keywords =~ s/^.+tests=(.+)/$1/; $sa_keywords =~ s/(.+)autolearn.+$/$1/ or $sa_keywords =~ s/(.+)version.+$/$1/; # remove all spaces that may still be present: $sa_keywords =~ s/[\t ]//g; foreach ( split /,/, $sa_keywords ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'spamassassin', lc($_), 0, $argument ); } } if ( $header =~ /^X-SpamViper-Score$/ ) { # This is a header that was added by SpamViper. Works just like the # SpamAssassin header. ( my $sv_keywords = $argument ) =~ s/[\r\n]//g; # The keywords can be found after the phrase "Mail scored X points": $sv_keywords =~ s/Mail scored \d+ points //; $sv_keywords =~ s/[\t ]//g; foreach ( split /,/, $sv_keywords ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'spamviper', lc( $_ ), 0, $argument ); } } if ( $header =~ /^X-Spam-Level$/i) { my $count = ( $argument =~ tr/*// ); for ( 1 .. $count ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'spamassassinlevel', 'spam', 0, $argument ); } } # Look for MIME if ( $header =~ /^Content-Type$/i ) { if ( $argument =~ /charset=\"?([^\"\r\n\t ]{1,40})\"?/ ) { $self->{charset__} = $1; update_word( $self, $1, 0, '' , '', 'charset' ); } if ( $argument =~ /^(.*?)(;)/ ) { print "Set content type to $1\n" if $self->{debug__}; $self->{content_type__} = $1; } if ( $argument =~ /multipart\//i ) { my $boundary = $argument; if ( $boundary =~ /boundary= ?(\"([A-Z0-9\'\(\)\+\_\,\-\.\/\:\=\?][A-Z0-9\'\(\)\+_,\-\.\/:=\? ]{0,69})\"|([^\(\)\<\>\@\,\;\:\\\"\/\[\]\?\=]{1,70}))/i ) { $boundary = ($2 || $3); $boundary =~ s/(.*)/\Q$1\E/g; if ($mime ne '') { # Fortunately the pipe character isn't a valid mime boundary character! $mime = join('|', $mime, $boundary); } else { $mime = $boundary; } print "Set mime boundary to " . $mime . "\n" if $self->{debug__}; return ($mime, $encoding); } } if ( $argument =~ /name=\"(.*)\"/i ) { $self->add_attachment_filename( $1 ); } return ( $mime, $encoding ); } # Look for the different encodings in a MIME document, when we hit base64 we will # do a special parse here since words might be broken across the boundaries if ( $header =~ /^Content-Transfer-Encoding$/i ) { $encoding = $argument; print "Setting encoding to $encoding\n" if $self->{debug__}; my $compact_encoding = $encoding; $compact_encoding =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g; $self->update_pseudoword( 'encoding', $compact_encoding, 0, $encoding ); return ($mime, $encoding); } # Some headers to discard return ($mime, $encoding) if ( $header =~ /^(Thread-Index|X-UIDL|Message-ID|X-Text-Classification|X-Mime-Key)$/i ); # Some headers should never be RFC 2047 decoded $argument = $self->decode_string($argument, $self->{lang__}) unless ($header =~ /^(Received|Content\-Type|Content\-Disposition)$/i); if ( $header =~ /^Content-Disposition$/i ) { $self->handle_disposition( $argument ); return ( $mime, $encoding ); } add_line( $self, $argument, 0, $prefix ); return ($mime, $encoding); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # parse_css_ruleset - Parses text for CSS declarations # Uses the second part of the "ruleset" grammar # # $line The line to match # $braces 1 if braces are included, 0 if excluded. Defaults to 0. Optional. # Returns A hash of properties containing their expressions # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_css_style { my ( $self, $line, $braces ) = @_; # $braces = 0 unless ( defined( $braces ) ); # A reference is used to return data my $hash = {}; if ($braces) { $line =~ s/\{(.*?)\}/$1/ } while ($line =~ s/^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-z][a-z0-9\-]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*:[ \t\r\n\f]*(.*?)[ \t\r\n\f]?(;|$)//i) { $hash->{lc($1)} = $2; } return $hash; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # parse_css_color - Parses a CSS color string # # $color The string to parse # Returns (r,g,b) triplet in list context, rrggbb (hex) color in scalar context # In case of an error: (-1,-1,-1) in list context, "error" in scalar context # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_css_color { my ( $self, $color ) = @_; # CSS colors can be in a rgb(r,g,b), #hhh, #hhhhhh or a named color form # my ($r, $g, $b, $error, $found) = (0,0,0,0,0); if ($color =~ /^rgb\( ?(.*?) ?\, ?(.*?) ?\, ?(.*?) ?\)$/ ) { # rgb(r,g,b) can be expressed as values 0-255 or percentages 0%-100%, # numbers outside this range are allowed and should be clipped into # this range # TODO: store front/back colors in a RGB hash/array # converting to a hh hh hh format and back # is a waste as is repeatedly decoding # from hh hh hh format ($r, $g, $b) = ($1, $2, $3); my $ispercent = 0; my $value_re = qr/^((-[1-9]\d*)|([1-9]\d*|0))$/; my $percent_re = qr/^([1-9]\d+|0)%$/; my ($r_temp, $g_temp, $b_temp); if (( ($r_temp) = ($r =~ $percent_re) ) && # PROFILE BLOCK START ( ($g_temp) = ($g =~ $percent_re) ) && ( ($b_temp) = ($b =~ $percent_re) )) { # PROFILE BLOCK STOP $ispercent = 1; # clip to 0-100 $r_temp = 100 if ($r_temp > 100); $g_temp = 100 if ($g_temp > 100); $b_temp = 100 if ($b_temp > 100); # convert into 0-255 range $r = int((($r_temp / 100) * 255) + .5); $g = int((($g_temp / 100) * 255) + .5); $b = int((($b_temp / 100) * 255) + .5); $found = 1; } if ( ( $r =~ $value_re ) && # PROFILE BLOCK START ( $g =~ $value_re ) && ( $b =~ $value_re ) ) { # PROFILE BLOCK STOP $ispercent = 0; #clip to 0-255 $r = 0 if ($r <= 0); $r = 255 if ($r >= 255); $g = 0 if ($g <= 0); $g = 255 if ($g >= 255); $b = 0 if ($b <= 0); $b = 255 if ($b >= 255); $found = 1; } if (!$found) { # here we have a combination of percentages and integers or some other oddity $ispercent = 0; $error = 1 } print " CSS rgb($r, $g, $b) percent: $ispercent\n" if ( $self->{debug__} ); } if ( $color =~ /^#(([0-9a-f]{3})|([0-9a-f]{6}))$/i ) { # #rgb or #rrggbb print " CSS numeric form: $color\n" if $self->{debug__}; $color = $2 || $3; if (defined($2)) { # in 3 value form, the value is computed by doubling each digit ( $r, $g, $b ) = ( hex( $1 . $1 ), hex( $2 . $2 ), hex( $3 . $3 ) ) if ($color =~ /^(.)(.)(.)$/); } else { ( $r, $g, $b ) = ( hex( $1 ), hex( $2 ), hex( $3 ) ) if ($color =~ /^(..)(..)(..)$/); } $found = 1; } if ($color =~ /^(aqua|black|blue|fuchsia|gray|green|lime|maroon|navy|olive|purple|red|silver|teal|white|yellow)$/i ) { # these are the only CSS defined colours print " CSS textual color form: $color\n" if $self->{debug__}; my $new_color = map_color( $self, $color ); # our color map may have failed $error = 1 if ($new_color eq $color); ($r, $g, $b) = (hex($1), hex($2), hex($3)) if ( $new_color =~ /^(..)(..)(..)$/); $found = 1; } $found = 0 if ($error); if ( defined($r) && ( 0 <= $r) && ($r <= 255) && # PROFILE BLOCK START defined($g) && ( 0 <= $g) && ($g <= 255) && defined($b) && ( 0 <= $b) && ($b <= 255) && $found ) { # PROFILE BLOCK STOP if (wantarray) { return ( $r, $g, $b ); } else { $color = sprintf('%1$02x%2$02x%3$02x', $r, $g, $b); return $color; } } else { if (wantarray) { return (-1,-1,-1); } else { return "error"; } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # match_attachment_filename - Matches a line like 'attachment; filename="" # # $line The line to match # Returns The first match (= "attchment" if found) # The second match (= name of the file if found) # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub match_attachment_filename { my ( $self, $line ) = @_; $line =~ /\s*(.*);\s*filename=\"(.*)\"/; return ( $1, $2 ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # file_extension - Splits a filename into name and extension # # $filename The filename to split # Returns The name of the file # The extension of the file # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub file_extension { my ( $self, $filename ) = @_; $filename =~ s/(.*)\.(.*)$//; if ( length( $1 ) > 0 ) { return ( $1, $2 ); } else { return ( $filename, "" ); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # add_attachment_filename - Adds a file name and extension as pseudo words attchment_name # and attachment_ext # # $filename The filename to add to the list of words # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub add_attachment_filename { my ( $self, $filename ) = @_; if ( length( $filename ) > 0) { print "Add filename $filename\n" if $self->{debug__}; my ( $name, $ext ) = $self->file_extension( $filename ); if ( length( $name ) > 0) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'mimename', $name, 0, $name ); } if ( length( $ext ) > 0 ) { $self->update_pseudoword( 'mimeextension', $ext, 0, $ext ); } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # handle_disposition - Parses Content-Disposition header to extract filename. # If filename found, at the file name and extension to the word list # # $params The parameters of the Content-Disposition header # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_disposition { my ( $self, $params ) = @_; my ( $attachment, $filename ) = $self->match_attachment_filename( $params ); if ( $attachment eq 'attachment' ) { $self->add_attachment_filename( $filename ) ; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # splitline - Escapes characters so a line will print as plain-text within a HTML document. # # $line The line to escape # $encoding The value of any current encoding scheme # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub splitline { my ( $self, $line, $encoding) = @_; $line =~ s/([^\r\n]{100,120} )/$1\r\n/g; $line =~ s/([^ \r\n]{120})/$1\r\n/g; $line =~ s//>/g; if ( $encoding =~ /quoted\-printable/i ) { $line =~ s/=3C/</g; $line =~ s/=3E/>/g; } $line =~ s/\t/    /g; return $line; } # GETTERS/SETTERS sub first20 { my ( $self ) = @_; return $self->{first20__}; } sub quickmagnets { my ( $self ) = @_; return $self->{quickmagnets__}; } sub mangle { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; $self->{mangle__} = $value; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # convert_encoding # # Convert string from one encoding to another # # $string The string to be converted # $from Original encoding # $to The encoding which the string is converted to # $default The default encoding that is used when $from is invalid or not defined # @candidates Candidate encodings for guessing # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub convert_encoding { my ( $string, $from, $to, $default, @candidates ) = @_; require Encode; require Encode::Guess; # First, guess the encoding. my $enc = Encode::Guess::guess_encoding( $string, @candidates ); if(ref $enc){ $from= $enc->name; } else { # If guess does not work, check whether $from is valid. if (!(Encode::resolve_alias($from))) { # Use $default as $from when $from is invalid. $from = $default; } } unless ($from eq $to) { my ($orig_string) = $string; # Workaround for Encode::Unicode error bug. eval { Encode::from_to($string, $from, $to); }; $string = $orig_string if ($@); } return $string; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # parse_line_with_kakasi # # Parse a line with Kakasi # # Japanese needs to be parsed by language processing filter, "Kakasi" # before it is passed to Bayes classifier because words are not splitted # by spaces. # # $line The line to be parsed # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_line_with_kakasi { my ( $self, $line ) = @_; return $line if ( $line =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/ ); # This is used to parse Japanese require Text::Kakasi; my $original_line = $line; # Split Japanese line into words using Kakasi Wakachigaki mode $line = $self->{obj_kakasi__}->get($line); my $kakasi_error = $self->{obj_kakasi__}->error; if ( !defined($line) || $kakasi_error ) { print STDERR "Kakasi get() error : $kakasi_error\n"; $self->{obj_kakasi__}->set("-w", "-ieuc", "-oeuc"); $line = $self->{obj_kakasi__}->get(&line); } if ( $line eq $original_line ) { print STDERR "wakachi : $line"; } return $line; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # init_kakasi # # Open the kanwa dictionary and initialize the parameter of Kakasi. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub init_kakasi { my ( $self ) = @_; require Text::Kakasi; # Initialize Kakasi with Wakachigaki mode(-w is passed to # Kakasi as argument). Both input and ouput encoding are EUC-JP. $self->{obj_kakasi__} = Text::Kakasi->new("-w", "-ieuc", "-oeuc"); my $kakasi_error = $self->{obj_kakasi__}->error; print STDERR "Kakasi initialize(new). Error code = $kakasi_error.\n"; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # close_kakasi # # Close the kanwa dictionary of Kakasi. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub close_kakasi { my ( $self ) = @_; require Text::Kakasi; $self->{obj_kakasi__}->close_kanwadict(); my $kakasi_error = $self->{obj_kakasi__}->error; print STDERR "Kakasi close_kanwadict(). Error code = $kakasi_error.\n"; } 1;