レポーティング、解析(OLAP)、ダッシュボード、データマイニング、データインテグレーション(ETL)などを含む完全なビジネスインテリジェンス(BI)プラットフォームです。 Webサービスを介してアクセスし、個々のコンポーネントまたはフルスイートとして使えます。
Verwandte ProjektebambooBSC - バランス·スコアカード Balanced scorecard(BSC)ビジネスインテリジェンス, Dumpper v.60.3, OneSQLiteAdmin, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE |
Excel Writer is a package for easily writing Excel files with basic formatting. It allows for the automatic production of reports. It uses totally portable code that builds for every system without any specific piece of code. It does not interact with Excel.
Verwandte ProjekteSmillaEnlarger, Shared Questionnaire System, OpenOffice.org 独自ビルドプロジェクト, Darik's Boot and Nuke, Fess |
Verwandte ProjekteWin32 Disk Imager, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, MergeDoc, DBViewer Plugin for Eclipse 開発プロジェクト |
C-Dogs SDL is a port of the old DOS arcade game C-Dogs to modern operating systems. C-Dogs is an arcade shoot-em-up which lets players work alone or co-operativly during missions, and against each other in the "dogfight" deathmatch mode. The original DOS version of C-Dogs came with several built in missions and dogfight maps, and this version is no exception. The author of the DOS version of C-Dogs is Ronny Wester.
Verwandte ProjekteGLOBALBASE PROJECT, SmillaEnlarger, MAME32jp, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
ASDT はコードを記述する !ActionScript2、統合された環境で有効にすると Eclipse プラットフォーム用のプラグインのセットです。Http://aseclipseplugin.sf.net/updates/をインストールする更新プログラムのサイト http://axdt.org の使用での開発サイトを見つけることができます。
Verwandte ProjekteMeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Properties Editor, MPC-BE, TERASOLUNA Framework |
DocFetcher is a desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of documents on your computer. You can think of it as Google for your local files.
Verwandte ProjekteWinMerge Japanese, WinDirStat, MeCab, GSFinder+ for W-ZERO3, Win32 Disk Imager |
eclim is a set of Eclipse and Vim plugins to integrate the two pieces of software.
Verwandte ProjekteDumpper v.60.3, SharpDevelop-jp, MPC-BE, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Sculptor is a productivity tool that applies the concepts from Domain-Driven Design and Domain Specific Languages. You express your design intent in a textual specification, from which Sculptor generates high quality Java code and configuration. You can use the concepts from Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in the textual Domain Specific Language (DSL), e.g. Service, Module, Entity, Value Object, Repository. The generated code is based on well-known frameworks such as Spring Framework, Hibernate, and Java EE. Sculptor takes care of the technical details and the tedious repetitive work, and lets you focus on delivering more business value (and have more fun). The DSL and the code generation drives the development and is not a one time shot. The application can be developed incrementally with an efficient round trip loop. Sculptor is useful when developing typical enterprise or Web applications that benefit from a rich and persistent domain model.
Verwandte ProjekteWin32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3, TERASOLUNA Framework, Amateras |
Hastymail is a full featured IMAP/SMTP client written in PHP. The goal is a full featured yet lightweight Web mail client. After a complete review and rewrite, it provides many improvements over the original code including optional AJAX functionality, improved code organization, a plugin API, CSS and PHP template themes, and much more.
Verwandte ProjekteLetterFix for Mac OS X Mail.app, OpenTween, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, PukiWiki, Nucleus日本語版 |
Notepad++ pluginsは、Notepad++を完全にするためのプラグインのコレクションです。このプロジェクトには、Explorer、ファンクションリスト、Hexエディタ、スペルチェッカー、コンソールプログラムのNppExecが含まれます。
Verwandte ProjekteMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, SharpDevelop-jp, TERASOLUNA Framework, Properties Editor |
vtiger CRMプロジェクトは、インストールが簡単で、業務に耐えうる、ビジネス対応のオープンソースCRMを提供します。これは、リッチなUI、レポート、複数のデータベースタイプのサポート、販売管理、在庫管理などを提供しています。デモをご利用いただけます。
Verwandte ProjekteMPC-BE, JPiere, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3 |
冥王ハーデスの開発、検証およびプルート (プロシージャ言語テストと操作のユーザーの) 手順を展開するための参照のオープン ソース環境を目指しています。
Verwandte ProjekteExerb, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, MPC-BE, blanco Framework, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
The Mylyn connector for MantisBT allows you to manage your bugs straight from Eclipse. Supported features include the ability to create, update, and synchronize tasks, commenting, and uploading and downloading of attachments.
Verwandte Projekte |
TOPCASED stands for Toolkit in OPen source for Critical Applications and SystEm Development. It is a system and software engineering workshop based on Eclipse. It aims to provide the tools required to go from requirements to the implementation stages. Focused on modeling development engineering, it includes several graphical editors (for ECORE, UML, SysML, SAM, AADL, and more), an OCL rules editor and checker, several code generators (SMUC, UML2C, UML2Java, UML2Python), a document generator, gPM (a ticket tracker), xHDL tools, Tramway (a requirements traceability framework), and more. External tools can be easily connected to the workshop through its API or models.
Verwandte ProjekteiReport-Designer for JasperReports, DeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger, Properties Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
amun is a social content managment system written in based on the psx framework. The code is written in clean PHP 5 OOP, and the backend is based on ExtJS. amun is a "social" content managment system because its also an OpenSocial API container, and has other social technologies implemented like OAuth and OpenID. amun has an extensive plugin system with which you can add a lot of functionality to your Website (news, forums, etc.) so you can build a Website that has a corporate design. It produces great markup so that you can read a Website in a screen reader without Javascript or CSS. amun also helps to bootstrap social technologies by acting as a reference. You can see how you could implement an opensocial container, OAuth service provider, or OpenID consumer in a PHP Web application.
Verwandte ProjekteXOOPS, WordPress Plugins/JSeries, Portal Application Laboratory, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SmillaEnlarger |