Einfache Projektliste Software-Karte

120 Projekte im Ergebnis
Letztes Update: 2007-05-09 00:32

Queplix QueWeb Customer Care

Queplix QueWeb Customer Care is a full featured,
J2EE based customer care solution. It is based
completely on the Google Web Toolkit framework. It
contains modules for ticket and case management,
interaction capturing, email routing, ticket case
auto-creation from email, audit tracking, ticket
workflow management, a knowledge base, logging, an
administration portal, a scheduler, and built-in
ad-hoc reporting with scheduling of reports by
email distribution.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2010-10-15 21:24


Tosca is a customer friendly,
professional, and multi-project request-tracking system.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2006-12-02 08:04


OpenJean is a cross-platform, extensible personal
information manager. It includes the following
components: file manager, RSS aggregator, calendar
and appointments diary, mailer, image manager,
multimedia manager, favorites manager, notes, and
address book.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2009-11-23 11:17


YaBS is enterprise resource planning software that manages products and contacts as basic data, generates offers, orders, invoices, and reminders from it, and includes basic book keeping. It writes PDF or ODF (OpenOffice format) documents, and is a multiuser system. It is the successor of MP Invoicing. It can use any JDBC compliant database as a backend, and works in heterogenous networks, allowing fine grained security settings. It can also be extended with modules.

(Machine Translation)
Databank Umgebung: SQL-based
Natürliche Sprache: English, German
Programmiersprache: Java
Letztes Update: 2007-06-07 14:43


SGCE is a skin care management system that manages
customers, treatment follow-up, product supply,
clinic history, and skin status. It is a Web-based
management system with Brazilian-Portuguese
language support.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2008-01-07 11:02


NmnNewsletter is a Web application designed to provide a simple but full featured newsletter and messaging manager for Web sites running on PHP 4.x or 5.x and MySQL. It implements lots of useful features including newsletter saving and editing, previewing and presending to test addresses, logs, and statistical data concerning newsletters and users alike. It also has some extra features like HTML to text auto conversion for sending multi-part messages, auto generation and insertion of an unsubscribe link, tracking of who reads your messages and when, and more.

Letztes Update: 2012-09-04 14:42


HelpDEZk is a powerful system for managing requests and incidents, and facilitates efficient workflow management of all processes involved in service execution. In addition to the ability to log all processes and maintain a request’s history, it can pass requests through many approval levels. Simple and intuitive screens make day-to-day use easy for your team.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2014-06-22 02:14

ADempiere ERP Business Suite

本プロジェクトは、ADempiere ERPのTranslation Packageおよび、COA (Chart Of Account)の日本語化および、フォーラムでの各種情報交換を行うためのものです。 ソースコードの最新版は、SourceForge.net ADempiereプロジェクト <http://sourceforge.net/projects/adempiere>から取得可能です。 ADempiereの詳細については、ADempiere Wiki <http://www.adempiere.com/JP/Top_Page>をご参照ください。

なお、日本商慣習への対応については、日本ADempiereの会 <http://adempiere-jp.net/redmine>のリポジトリにおいて実施されています。あわせてご参照ください。

Letztes Update: 2011-05-17 20:35


Kardia is Web-based CRM/ERP software aimed at the needs of non-profit charities and Christian missions. This project leverages open source technologies and is built on the Centrallix application platform.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2023-05-03 14:29


JPiere is “Japan + iDempiere”. JPiere is Plugins of iDempiere for Japan and JPiere is iDempiere Distribution(Distro) for Japan. JPiere provides not only Japanese business practice, but also various functions. So, Everyone in the world can use JPiere. JPiere can update latest iDempiere. So, JPiere don’t need fork from iDempiere. To fork from JPiere is Good idea! But not need fork from iDempiere!
Databank Umgebung: JDBC, PostgreSQL (pgsql)
Entwicklungsstatus: 5 - Produktion / stabil
Natürliche Sprache: English, Japanese
Betriebssystem: Linux, Windows
Programmiersprache: Java
Themen: CRM, ERP
Benutzerschnittstelle: Web Environment
Register Date: 2015-08-07 23:46
Letztes Update: 2007-08-30 20:19


青いオープンラボは完全 Web ERP の開発に使用されて現在 web 2.0.It に基づくポータル アプリケーションを構築するための迅速なアプリケーション開発フレームワークです。ウィジェットは、動的に住まれた (自動データ認識) データベースの相互作用のコーディングの無料。

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2012-11-27 19:30


一般的なオープン、CRM プロジェクトを生成するウェールズにおける当局間の共同開発。このプロジェクトは、クローズド ソースの Microsoft Dynamics のプラットフォームに基づいてが、それ自体は GPLv3 の下でライセンスされています

(Machine Translation)
Entwicklungsstatus: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Zielbenutzer: Government
Betriebssystem: Windows
Programmiersprache: C#, JavaScript
Themen: SourceForge.net, CRM
Letztes Update: 2010-06-02 06:56

Compiere ERP + CRM Business Solution

Compiere は ERP + CRM は、主要なオープン ソースの流通・小売、製造・ サービス業のための ERP ソリューションです。Compiere は会計、サプライ チェーン、在庫、販売注文を自動化します。Compiere の ERP は、Compiere 社 GPL V2 の下で配布されて

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2017-10-15 00:01

PHP Address Book

シンプルな web ベースのアドレス & 電話予約、連絡先マネージャー、オーガナイザー。グループ、アドレス、電子メール、電話番号 & 誕生日。Vcard、LDIF、Excel、iPhone、Gmail & Google マップをサポートします。PHP/MySQL ベースします。http://php-addressbook.sourceforge.net/demo

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2013-11-02 04:01

opentaps open source ERP+CRM
