UMLGraph facilitates the declarative specification and drawing of UML class and sequence diagrams. One can specify a class design using the Java syntax complemented by Javadoc tags. Running the UmlGraph doclet on the specification generates a Graphviz diagram specification that can be automatically processed to create Postscript, GIF, SVG, JPEG, fig, or Framemaker drawings. Similarly, sequence diagrams are specified using declarative pic macros and compiled with the GNU plotutils pic2plot program into a PNG, PNM, (pseudo) GIF, SVG, AI, Postscript, CGM, FIG, PCL, HPGL, Regis, or TEK drawing.
Verwandte ProjekteAmateras, SmillaEnlarger, DeSmuME, Separate+, SharpDevelop-jp |
Open ModelSphere is a powerful data, process, and UML modeling software tool. It covers conceptual and logical data modeling as well as physical design and forward and reverse engineering. Open ModelSphere also helps systems analysts to integrate the creation of data flow and business process diagrams and to elaborate an enterprise's workflow and logistics. It provides the functionality of a rich UML modeling tool. You can create Activity, Class, Collaboration, Component, Deployment, Package, Sequence, Statechart, and Use Case diagrams.
Verwandte ProjekteOpen Source QR Code Library, SmillaEnlarger, Amateras, TuxGuitar, TERASOLUNA Framework |
Umple can be used for pure UML modeling. Or it can be used to add UML constructs, such as associations and state machines to code written in Java, PHP, or Ruby. It generates code in these languages that can save a large amount of programming effort and result in higher quality. The UmpleOnline tool allows you to edit UML diagrams graphically, and watch the Umple textual code being written in real time. This works the other way too: you can write textual Umple and watch the corresponding UML diagram appear. Umple is being extended to support patterns, tracing, and a variety of other features. Umple is written in itself, which is central to maintaining its quality. Umple can be used today by any programmer or modeler.
Verwandte ProjekteAmateras, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Open Source QR Code Library, Win32 Disk Imager |
TOPCASED stands for Toolkit in OPen source for Critical Applications and SystEm Development. It is a system and software engineering workshop based on Eclipse. It aims to provide the tools required to go from requirements to the implementation stages. Focused on modeling development engineering, it includes several graphical editors (for ECORE, UML, SysML, SAM, AADL, and more), an OCL rules editor and checker, several code generators (SMUC, UML2C, UML2Java, UML2Python), a document generator, gPM (a ticket tracker), xHDL tools, Tramway (a requirements traceability framework), and more. External tools can be easily connected to the workshop through its API or models.
Verwandte ProjekteiReport-Designer for JasperReports, DeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger, Properties Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
Database Deployment Manager (DDM) is a desktop oriented multi-platform database design tool that allows database administrators and programmers to create database structures (using an object oriented methodology) and deploy them into an existing database. The tool allows creation of diagrams to identify basic relations between the defined structures. You can import tables from various databases, either by fully reversing a database or just picking tables from various databases and injecting them into your solution. You can browse the databases and execute SQL queries on them. There is a unique SELECT query builder that makes the building of queries very easy without having to write a single SQL statement; just using point and click with the mouse.
ERDesignerNG is a Java-based entity relationship design and database modeling tool. It has a powerful WYSIWYG interface for physical database design, supports 2D and 3D database modeling, browsing, and design, handles tables, relations, indexes, and comments, supports a central repository for all models (Model Repository), supports subject areas, supports domains, supports MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, PostgreSQL, and H2, creates the SQL DDL statements for schema creation, has an integrated schema version control system, can generate schema migration scripts for every change, stores the database definition as XML files for further processing, can export the database schema as GIF, BMP, JPEG, or SVG files, has an integrated reverse engineering module for existing schemas, has a build in schema compare feature, can generate schema documentation as PDF, HTML, RTF, and other formats, and supports schema conversion between different dialects.
Verwandte ProjekteiReport-Designer for JasperReports, pg_bigm, DeSmuME, CosmoDB, MalonNote |
Modelio モデリング (UML 2, BPMN 2,...) の最新の規格のサポートを提供する環境ツールはオープン ソースです。新しい機能を追加するモジュールを追加することによって拡張できます。コード管理 (生成/反転) をサポートする大規模な一連のモジュール (フリーでオープン ソース)、モデリング標準 (TOGAF、SysML, SoaML,...)、ドキュメントの生成、... Modelio 店 ( から入手可能です。必要がありますヘルプまたは Modelio コミュニティと経験を共有したいですか?私たちのフォーラムに行く:。
Verwandte ProjekteMPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, UMEditor, TMD-Maker(T-formed ER diagram Maker), Dumpper v.60.3 |
UMEditorは産業技術大学院大学の2011年度秋口PBLによって開発されました。 UMLクラス図を作成するためのGUIアプリケーションです。基本的なクラス図の設計機能に加えて、作成したクラス図からJavaのソースコードを生成し、Javaのソースコードからクラス図を生成することもできます。 チーム開発を目的としたプロジェクト(共同編集機能)のベースとしても利用しているアプリケーションです。 Javaで開発しているため、Windows,Linux,MacOS Xで動作します。
Register Date: 2012-01-17 00:12
Verwandte ProjekteMergeDoc, blanco Framework, Lazarus Code and Component Repository, 河童, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows |
Register Date: 2011-12-16 15:06
Verwandte ProjekteTcl, DMonkey, FreeMat, Rumix 2, Python Japanese Environment |
これはローカライズ/インターナショナライゼーション プロジェクト ワードプレスのテーマ、この CMS で使用される人気のあるテーマにこれらのオプションを追加するが目的です。
Verwandte ProjekteXOOPS, mod_uploader, Dumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager, Sledge |
Verwandte ProjekteMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, Dynamic Draw, Dumpper v.60.3, KiCad |
Pixel Ace は、コンピュータ上のピクセル定規です。 お使いのコンピューター上で、対象物の大きさ(水平方向および垂直方向)をピクセル単位で計測するためのツールです。 ボックスビューで定規を拡大して、その背後にある物体の高さと幅を計測します。
Verwandte ProjekteOneSQLiteAdmin, blingbling DSL, MeCab, MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3 |
Verwandte ProjekteAJD4JP 日本用カレンダー処理 Javaクラスライブラリ, MPC-BE, TMD-Maker(T-formed ER diagram Maker), UMEditor, MeCab |
DoUML にこのプロジェクトがフォークされています:に行く
Verwandte ProjekteMeCab, MergeDoc, 河童, blanco Framework, MPC-BE |
TreeDL (木記述言語) はターゲットのプログラミング言語、ドキュメント生成、等にツリーの説明の翻訳のため (のような構文木) プログラムおよびツールで使用するツリー構造の表記です。ツールの機能はプラグインによって拡張することができます。
Verwandte ProjekteMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, blanco Framework, MeCab, Win32 Disk Imager, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows |