distribute the mixing font with 'M+' and 'IPA font' for Japanese Users. Project homepage: http://mix-mplus-ipa.osdn.jp/
Register Date: 2006-04-26 21:03
Verwandte ProjekteComputer Modern Unicode fonts, Gutenberg Labo, Hanazono fonts, Ume-fonts, istok |
Register Date: 2008-10-21 14:31
Verwandte ProjekteM+ FONTS, BirdFont, Computer Modern Unicode fonts, terminus-font, istok |
"Gutenberg Labo" is Japanese font foundry, and provides open license fonts made from public domain printings and original designs. This Project also provides original-designed fonts by the open license.
Register Date: 2007-09-14 18:15
Verwandte Projektebarcode fonts and encoders, efont, VL Gothic Font Family, Scribus, Magic Set Editor Templates |
Free Kanji font including over 80,000 Unicode characters.
Register Date: 2012-02-24 13:16
Verwandte ProjekteGrammatika Font Family, BirdFont, Gutenberg Labo, terminus-font, M+ FONTS |
In using IPA fonts/IPAex fonts, please comply with the terms and conditions set out in "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0:http://ipafont.ipa.go.jp/ipa_font_license_v1.html" included in this package. Any use, reproduction or distribution of the IPA Font/IPAex font or any exercise of rights under "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0" by a Recipient constitutes the Recipient's acceptance of the License Agreement.
Register Date: 2010-02-24 15:03
Verwandte ProjekteVL Gothic Font Family, terminus-font, mixfont-mplus-ipa, BirdFont, Grammatika Font Family |
GNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content: text, mathematics, graphics, interactive content. TeXmacs can also be used as an interface to many external systems for computer algebra, numerical analysis, and statistics. New presentation styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using Scheme.
Verwandte Projektemixfont-mplus-ipa, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Amateras, Properties Editor |
M+ FONTS are a font family under the Free license. You can use, copy, and distribute it, with or without modification, either commercially and noncommercially.
Register Date: 2002-10-21 23:36
Verwandte ProjekteGutenberg Labo, Hanazono fonts, Computer Modern Unicode fonts, mixfont-mplus-ipa, BirdFont |
FreeType 2 is a high-quality and portable font engine that is capable of supporting several font formats (be they bitmapped or scalable) through a simple and uniform interface. Its design is modular and allows independent "font driver" modules to be added, even at runtime, to support additional formats. It also provides a high-quality anti-aliasing renderer, an innovative auto-hinting engine, and support for the following font formats: TrueType Type1, CID-Type 1, Multiple Masters Type 1 OpenType/CFF, pure CFF, and CEF Windows FNT/FON.
Verwandte ProjekteWin32 Disk Imager, M+ FONTS, Dumpper v.60.3, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Hanazono fonts |
The goal of the Pango project is to provide an Open Source framework for the layout and rendering of internationalized text. It uses Unicode for all of its encoding, and will eventually support output in all the world's major languages.
Verwandte ProjekteMPC-BE, Hanazono fonts, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3 |
BirdFont is a font editor which can create TTF, EOT, and SVG fonts.
Verwandte ProjekteGutenberg Labo, M+ FONTS, MPC-BE, Hanazono fonts, mixfont-mplus-ipa |
rxvt-unicode is a clone of the well known terminal emulator rxvt, modified to store text in Unicode and to use locale-correct input and output. It also supports mixing multiple fonts at the same time, including Xft fonts, real transparency, and an optional embedded Perl interpreter that allows you to extend your terminal easily.
Verwandte Projektemixfont-mplus-ipa, Tera Term, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, MeCab |
FontForge is an outline font editor that lets you create your own Postscript, TrueType, OpenType, CID-keyed, multi-master, CFF, SVG, and bitmap (BDF) fonts, or edit existing ones. It also lets you convert one format to another, and has support for many Macintosh font formats.
Verwandte ProjekteMeCab, M+ FONTS, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Hanazono fonts, VL Gothic Font Family |
DoubleType is an attempt to make a type designer (font editor) that builds TrueType font files. It is designed with collaborative creation in mind. Unlike other programs that work on a single binary file, DoubleType stores each glyph in a separate text file.
Verwandte ProjekteMPC-BE, Gutenberg Labo, M+ FONTS, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, mixfont-mplus-ipa |
Sawarabi fonts ist eine Gruppe von japanischen Schriftarten (Grotesk und Ming-Schriftart) unter der Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 (CC-BY) erhältlich.
Register Date: 2008-11-25 18:28
Verwandte ProjekteHanazono fonts, M+ FONTS, terminus-font, Gutenberg Labo, Computer Modern Unicode fonts |
Free Japanese Gothic/Mincho Font
Register Date: 2006-10-10 01:45
Verwandte Projektebarcode fonts and encoders, mixfont-mplus-ipa, HP Linux Imaging and Printing, Magic Set Editor Templates, M+ FONTS |