Einfache Projektliste Software-Karte

MIT/X Consortium License
2381 Projekte im Ergebnis



Register Date: 2013-02-06 22:11

Mateusz' DOS Routines

MDR stands for "Mateusz' DOS Routines", it is a collection of *.C files (mostly OpenWatcom-targeted) that contain a variety of routines helpful during the development of DOS application.

I am not calling this a "library" because my feeling is that library ought to be strictly organized, have a consistent, uniform API, etc. Here, we really deal with sets of C files.

The general focus of my routines is on 8086-class machines (real mode). My compiler of choice is OpenWatcom.

Register Date: 2022-10-06 05:14



Register Date: 2016-02-10 14:35
Letztes Update: 2014-01-15 00:34



使い方の詳細は以下を参照 http://mantarou.hatenablog.com/

Register Date: 2014-01-13 04:04


Microsoft Wordの文書(.docファイル)を、画像に変換するアプリケーションの公開と、変換用ライブラリの公開

Register Date: 2009-03-09 14:00


r-AMAZONはRuby On Rails上に構築されたCMS Rubricks用のアマゾンアフェリエイト用コンポーネントです。Rubricksに組み込んで簡単にアフェリエイトサイトが立ち上げられます。

Entwicklungsstatus: 4 - Beta
Zielbenutzer: Entwickler, Other Viewers
Natürliche Sprache: Japanese
Betriebssystem: Linux, OS Unabhängig
Programmiersprache: Ruby
Themen: Email
Benutzerschnittstelle: Web Environment
Register Date: 2006-10-19 06:29


test playbooks for integration testing with AWX. I am only here because bitbucket is sunsetting Mercurial support

Register Date: 2019-08-20 21:24
Letztes Update: 2022-01-29 17:45


特許情報取得APIとは、日本国特許庁が提供するサービスであり、特許情報を取得するためのRest-API群です。これら12個のAPIをExcel上で取り扱えるようにした VBAクラスである JpoApiClass を作成しました。

JpoApiClassについては、以下の記事をご参照ください。 https://qiita.com/kenichiro_ayaki/items/12e6ef9ab1db0e513588

特許情報取得APIを使うには、特許庁に利用申請してアカウント(id,password)とトークンパスを取得してください。 https://www.jpo.go.jp/system/laws/sesaku/data/api-provision.html

JpoApiClass は、VBA-JSONの使用が前提となっています。なお、当該プロジェクトには VBA-JSON を組み込み済です。 https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-JSON

Register Date: 2022-01-29 14:57



Register Date: 2008-11-18 14:26


SvarDOS is an open-source project that is meant to integrate the best out of the currently available DOS tools, drivers and games.

DOS development has been abandoned by commercial players a very long time ago, mostly during early nineties. Nowadays, it survives solely through the efforts of hobyists and retro-enthusiasts, but this is a highly sparse and unorganized ecosystem. SvarDOS makes it easy to find and install applications using a network-enabled package manager.

When installed, SvarDOS is a minimalist DOS system that offers only the most basic tools for system administration. It is up to the user to install additional packages.

Care is taken so SvarDOS is 8086-compatible. This applies exclusively to the "base" operating system, though - extra packages may require a 386+ CPU.

SvarDOS files are published under the terms of the MIT license. This applies only to SvarDOS-specific files, though - the packages may be subject to different licenses (GPL, BSD, Public Domain, Freeware...).

Register Date: 2021-01-05 02:36

J Lite Lib


Entwicklungsstatus: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Zielbenutzer: Entwickler
Betriebssystem: OS Unabhängig
Programmiersprache: JavaScript
Benutzerschnittstelle: Web Environment
Register Date: 2015-11-03 16:23
Letztes Update: 2002-08-19 14:54


Emulator or emulation system for SHARP's old pocket computers (シャープの古いポケコンのエミュレータ)

Entwicklungsstatus: 3 - Alpha
Natürliche Sprache: English, Japanese
Programmiersprache: C, C++
Themen: Emulators
Benutzerschnittstelle: X11 Applications
Register Date: 2002-06-08 17:07
Letztes Update: 2011-05-07 00:49



Entwicklungsstatus: 4 - Beta
Zielbenutzer: Entwickler
Betriebssystem: Windows
Programmiersprache: C#
Themen: JSON
Benutzerschnittstelle: .NET/Mono
Register Date: 2011-04-16 00:23



Natürliche Sprache: English, Japanese
Programmiersprache: JavaScript
Themen: Mathematics
Benutzerschnittstelle: Web Environment
Register Date: 2006-04-19 19:02



Entwicklungsstatus: 1 - Planung
Zielbenutzer: Entwickler
Natürliche Sprache: Japanese
Betriebssystem: Linux, Windows 95/98/ME
Programmiersprache: C++, Java
Benutzerschnittstelle: No Input/Output (Daemon)
Register Date: 2002-05-17 00:26